
更新时间:2024-01-24 19:51:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



一、单项选择(每小题1分,共20分) 1.---The bell is ringing. Who is it?

---It _____be Jimmy. He just phoned me he was coming. A. can’t B. must C. could D. would 2. ---Why does he look so ___ outside the house? --- He did too badly in the test to see his parents.

A. scared B. surprised C. worried D. confused 3.---I think Lucy is a ____ dancer.

---Yes. Nobody taught her how to dance, she just knew by herself. A. great B. hard-working C. born D. skilled 4.---How come you got back so late alone?

--- I ___my husband to drive me home, but he had been away on business. A. made B. told C. got D. expected 5. ---Has Jack’s team succeeded in the league match?

---I’m not sure, but his smile ___that they did quite well. A. tells B. says C. advises D. suggests 6. ---How many of your class will go to the park? ---_______.

A. Nobody B. None C. No one D. Neither

7. Her words were not___ on Chris. He has turned over a new leaf from then on. A. accepted B. wasted C. used D. received 8.--- Can you explain the cost clearly, please? --- Sure. The cost ___ all the fees. A. paid B. took C. spent D. covered 9.--- How often do you write e-mails to your brother? --- Only once a month. ___ of us has little time.

A. Both B. Neither C. Either D. None 10.--- Everyone seems excited about tonight’s football game. --- But Sally doesn’t ___ at all interested in the game. A. feel B. turn C. remain D. appear 11. ---How is Miss Zhang Lili now?

---Although she was badly hurt in the accident, she luckily stays_____. A. living B. alive C. healthy D. well 12. ---What happened to Tom in the accident? ---Carelessness ___ him his left leg.

A. spent B. took C. paid D. cost 13. ---Could you please pass me the book on the shelf? --- Sorry, I can’t ___ the top.

A. get B. arrive C. grow D. reach

14.--- Will you join me in seeing our class teacher in primary school tomorrow? --- Tomorrow? I can’t afford time. But please ___ me to him. A. remind B. remember C. send D. pass


15.--- Generally speaking, light ___ faster than sound. --- Yes, it is a rule. A. flies B. walks C. spreads D. travels 16. ---Why did David leave that company? --- His talents are not fully ___ there.

A. shown B. thanked C. received D. appreciated 17.--- We’ve kept in ___ contact with the police after the robbery. ---But the robber hasn’t been searched out yet. A. familiar B. near C. close D. similar 18.--- I can’t ___ the fact that I’m too overweight.

--- You really should do some exercise every day. Being fat is bad for your health. A. expect B. suppose C. escape D. admit 19.--- Can I get a ticket for tomorrow’s exhibition? --- There are only two left. You can take ___. A. either B. each C. both D.all

20. --- I think the white shirt and the dark blue trousers should ___ very well. --- Really? Let me have a try.

A. match B. meet C. fit D. suit 二、完形填空(每空1分,共20分):


When I was a ___1___ baby crying all night, my mom sang to me and stayed by my side. When I was tired and hungry, she gave me food and warm arms to sleep in. When I was two running ___2___ the field, she made sure I was safe and kept me from danger. When I fell and hurt myself, she gave me a hug and __3___ me up. When I was seven coughing __4___, she said no ice-cream for me. But I talked back loudly. When I was nine watching scary movies, she said it’d give me awful dreams. But I shouted back ______ .

21.A.tiny B.big C.light D.fat 22.A.across B.past C.through D.by 23.A.put B.lifted C.took D.pushed 24.A.badly B.easily C.quickly D.loudly 25.A.alone B.along C.again D.aloud


One day a mother brought home a small jar and gave it to her little girl on her birthday. She told her little girl that the jar was 26 , and she could write to her mommy about anything in the world, put it in the jar. And later, in its place, there would be a note for her. Soon the jar became a special part of their lives.

The little girl loved to get 27 from her mother. They always told her how 28 she was. Sometimes, too, there would be a little 29 in the jar and a note telling her how 30 her mommy was of her. She 31 all the letters from her mommy in a pretty box by her bed.

The mother treasured each of her little girl’s letters, too. As the years went by, that little girl 32 into a young lady and then got married and started a 33 of her own. For the first time, the jar sat 34 . The mother dusted the jar every day and sometimes looked inside, 35 sadly that the magic jar years had ended.

One day the young lady came to 36 her mother. She went straight to her mother’s room, opened the chest(柜子) at the end of her bed, and found what she was looking for. She


37 on a piece of paper and put it in the jar, and 38 the jar to her mother. The mother opened the magic jar and there was that note from so long ago, “You’re going to be a 39 !”

And when that baby boy was born months later, the jar was sitting in his nursery(婴儿室) with a blue bow tied around it, and a note that read, “Magic jar years never 40 . They are always just beginning.”

( ) 26. A. dangerous B. magic C. beautiful D. mysterious ( ) 27. A. letters B. sweets C. flowers D. gifts ( ) 28. A. fat B. special C. ordinary D. bad ( ) 29. A. air B. love C. present D. money ( ) 30. A. ashamed B. afraid C. tried D. proud ( ) 31. A. received B. hid C. buried D. forgot ( ) 32. A. developed B. became C. grew D. fell ( ) 33. A. business B. factory C. shop D. home ( ) 34. A. empty B. upright C. full D. whole ( ) 35. A. judging B. remembering C. realizing D. understanding ( ) 36. A. treat B. award C. visit D. notice ( ) 37. A. designed B. cut C. prepared D. wrote ( ) 38. A. handed B. fell C. posted D. brought ( ) 39. A. hero B. grandma C. actress D. mother ( ) 40. A. disappear B. sell C. break D. end



41. We can read the above material mostly .

A. on a poster B. in the newspaper C. in a magazine D. on the internet 42. From the reading, we know the shop sells .


A. boxes B. chocolate C. books D. fruit 43. If we buy 2 brookside chocolate berries, how much can we save? A. 1 $ B. 2 $ C. 3 $ D. 4 $

44. If we want to get more information about this product, what should we do?

A. click on “see more from Hershey’s” B. click on “ select quantity” C. click on “save to your list” D.click on“ add to bag” 45. From the reading, we can not know . A. the price of this product B. the weight of this product C. the special offers of this product D.the place where this product was made


A few years ago, when my mother was visiting the city where I worked, she asked me to go shopping with her because she needed a new dress. I don’t like to go shopping with other people because I’m not a patient person, but we set off for the mall together at last.

We visited nearly every store that sold ladies’ dresses, and my mother tried on one after another, rejecting them all. As the day went on, I grew tired of it and my mother grew frustrated.

Finally at our last stop, my mother tried on a lovely blue three-piece dress. The dress had a bow at the neckline, and as I stood in the dressing room with her, I watched as she tried, with much difficulty, to tie the bow. Her hands were so badly disabled from a serious disease that she couldn’t do it. Immediately, my impatience gave in to an overwhelming wave of sympathy for her. I turned away, trying to hide the tears that I couldn’t keep back.

After a while, I turned back to tie the bow for her. The dress was beautiful, and she bought it. Our shopping trip was over, but the event was impressed on my memory. For the rest of the day, my mind kept returning to that moment in the dressing room and to the vision of my mother’s hands trying to tie that bow. Those loving hands that had fed me, bathed me, dressed me, caressed and comforted me, and, most of all, prayed for me, were now touching me in a most remarkable manner.

Later in the evening, I went to my mother’s room, took her hands in mine, kissed them and much to her surprise, told that to me they were the most beautiful hands in world.

46. We can know from the reading that____. A. the writer was still living with her mother

B. the writer was living in a different place from her mother’s C. the writer was still a college student

D. shopping was one of the writer’s hobbies 47. We can infer from the reading that____.

A. it was difficult to find a suitable dress for the mother B. almost all the dresses were too large for the mother

C. the writer’s mother’s hands were disabled from an accident D. the writer’s mother just liked blue dress

48. The word “rejecting” in the reading means____. A. refusing to accept B. hating C. throwing away D. buying 49. Why couldn’t the writer keep back her tears?


A. She was too disappointed to see her mother’s hands B. She was too excited to see her mother’s hands

C. The pair of disabled hands once did many things for her D. Her mother was going to leave her 50. The best title for the passage is____. A. Mother’s love B. Mother and I C. Mother’s Visit to Me D. The Most Beautiful Hands in the World


One day a friend of mine found his cat had a little “gift” in its mouth — a dead animal of some. Taking a closer look, he found the dead animal was a rabbit that belonged to a little girl, Bonny, who lived next door. My friend felt terrible, believing his cat had killed Bonny’s rabbit.

My quick-thinking friend came up with a plan. Taking the rabbit out from the cat’s mouth and put it in the kitchen sink(水槽). With a little warm water, he tried to clean up the dead rabbit as well as he could. Then he took a hair dryer and blew the rabbit dry until it looked pretty good.

Finally, he took the dead rabbit out to his neighbor’s rabbit hutch(兔舍)and placed it back in the cage. The rabbit looked very natural there in its little cage.

The next morning, my friend looked out of the window and noticed a crowd of people gathering around the rabbit hutch. Everyone seemed to be talking and pointing. My friend decided to go over and act like any normal neighbor and find out what was going on.

When he got there, Bonny’s mother said to my friend, “It’s strange enough! You won’t believe what has happened. Bonny’s rabbit died a few days ago, and we buried it right over there. . . ”

Have you ever tried to cover up one wrongdoing with another? Covering up mistakes only makes matters worse.

When we get caught doing something wrong, for example, we may attempt to cover it up with a lie. But just like Bonny’s rabbit, the result is never what we expected. We end up looking foolish. We should have admitted(承认) we had done wrong and accepted the result. What do you think of it?

51.Which of the following is true?

A. The writer’s friend’s cat killed the rabbit B. The writer lived next door to Bonny

C. The writer’s friend lived next door to Bonny D. The writer lived next door to his friend

52. Some people were gathering around the rabbit hutch ________. A. because they wanted to know who killed the rabbit B. because they wanted to decide something important

C. because they wanted to find out where the dead rabbit came from

D. because they wondered why the dead rabbit came back to the hutch again 53. According to the reading, it is clear that __________.

A. the writer’s friend didn’t know why some people were gathering there B. the writer’s friend felt very nervous when he came to the hutch


C. Bonny’s mother felt very surprised at seeing the dead rabbit D. Bonny knew why the dead rabbit was there

54. From the reading, we can infer that __________. A. the rabbit might die of some illness B. the rabbit died some days ago

C. we might look foolish when we try to cover up our mistakes D. The dead rabbit looked very natural in the cage 55. What’s the best title of this reading?

A. A Dead Rabbit B. Never Cover up the Mistakes We’ve Made C. Bonny’s Rabbit D. A Terrible Mistake

四、词与短语选择填空(本题共10分,每小题2分) prefers smooth come up look up painful recall 56. Giving up smoking is a slow and ___ process for him. 57. Though she is over forty, her skin is as ___ as silk.

58. My daddy ___ me not to swim in that river because it’s too dangerous. 59. --- I want to call Aunt Yang, but I don’t have her number.

--- You can____ the telephone book on the shelf. I wrote it down the other day. 60. --- Do you remember the girl wearing glasses over there? --- I remember her face but I cannot ____ where I met her. 五、根据首字母填词或者括号里的词的适当形式填空。(每空1分,共10分。) 61. He s__________ that something had happened to his family. 62. He felt p__________ for that homeless man.

63. His teacher p__________him for doing a good job.

64. The man has to s__________a large family, so he works very hard. 65. The box was heavy but he m__________ to carry it. 66. He finds great p__________ in reading.

67. The end of the vacation is drawing c__________.

68. The book d__________ with the ancient history of China. 69. He is one of the most a__________ public figures. 70. I had no c__________but to accept his demand. 六、阅读理解填词

Les Brown, a famous speaker, tells the story of one of his friends, a salesman. His friend was in t 71 with money because sales dropped by 60%. Les asked him, \many phone c 72 are you making a day?\

Les kept s 73 for a while. And then he gave him his a 74 . \\ 75 .\The salesman answered, \ 76 and see.\

\ 77 Les. \it's too much. You know, one way for you to get back is to p 78 first, then your sales will increase. How can you say anything is too much when you l 79 everything?\

Today, much people say they have t 80 , but in fact they haven't touched the surface of their potential(潜力). Then, why not make a promise to achieve your personal best ?


C. Bonny’s mother felt very surprised at seeing the dead rabbit D. Bonny knew why the dead rabbit was there

54. From the reading, we can infer that __________. A. the rabbit might die of some illness B. the rabbit died some days ago

C. we might look foolish when we try to cover up our mistakes D. The dead rabbit looked very natural in the cage 55. What’s the best title of this reading?

A. A Dead Rabbit B. Never Cover up the Mistakes We’ve Made C. Bonny’s Rabbit D. A Terrible Mistake

四、词与短语选择填空(本题共10分,每小题2分) prefers smooth come up look up painful recall 56. Giving up smoking is a slow and ___ process for him. 57. Though she is over forty, her skin is as ___ as silk.

58. My daddy ___ me not to swim in that river because it’s too dangerous. 59. --- I want to call Aunt Yang, but I don’t have her number.

--- You can____ the telephone book on the shelf. I wrote it down the other day. 60. --- Do you remember the girl wearing glasses over there? --- I remember her face but I cannot ____ where I met her. 五、根据首字母填词或者括号里的词的适当形式填空。(每空1分,共10分。) 61. He s__________ that something had happened to his family. 62. He felt p__________ for that homeless man.

63. His teacher p__________him for doing a good job.

64. The man has to s__________a large family, so he works very hard. 65. The box was heavy but he m__________ to carry it. 66. He finds great p__________ in reading.

67. The end of the vacation is drawing c__________.

68. The book d__________ with the ancient history of China. 69. He is one of the most a__________ public figures. 70. I had no c__________but to accept his demand. 六、阅读理解填词

Les Brown, a famous speaker, tells the story of one of his friends, a salesman. His friend was in t 71 with money because sales dropped by 60%. Les asked him, \many phone c 72 are you making a day?\

Les kept s 73 for a while. And then he gave him his a 74 . \\ 75 .\The salesman answered, \ 76 and see.\

\ 77 Les. \it's too much. You know, one way for you to get back is to p 78 first, then your sales will increase. How can you say anything is too much when you l 79 everything?\

Today, much people say they have t 80 , but in fact they haven't touched the surface of their potential(潜力). Then, why not make a promise to achieve your personal best ?


