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新视野大学英语听说教程2 (第二版)听力原文及答案1-10全

Unit 1

一.short con versati ons


W: lt1s time for international Ctock Talk"! Time to discuss hew you feel about Ume! M: Well, since we all come from the same country, I think our views will be similar Q: Why does the man believe the people will have similar views?



M: Australians are so relaxed about time! It drives me mad!

W: Thats the way they are. While youYe here d youll have to get used to it

Q: What advice does the woman give the man?


M: Have you nobced differences between our cultures?

W: Sure. -In my country, people don p t care about time very much. Here, you take it seriously. Q: How do people in the woman's country feel about time?


W: Can you explain why you're always five minutes late for conferences?

M: Oh. Tm sorry. In my country, people are often late.

Q: Why is the man Eate for conferences?


W: What do you apprecrate most about life in Germany?

M: German people are rarely late for meetings. I never have to deal with latecomers,

Q: What does the man tike best about life in Genriany?




W: What did Mom think about her trip to Russia? Cm so looking forward to hearing about it M: She didn't say much. When I picked her up at the airport this morning, she was just eager to get home to see Dad. She just said the food was great there.

Q: What is the relationship between the two speakers?


long con versati on

2. How long did the taxi dri ver wait for the woman?


三. passage





The biggest problem in my company has to do with culture, in particdar our different ways of looking at time. People from some countries think it is OK to show up late for a meeting and

some people even don't think they need to come at all! As president of the company, however, it is my responsibility to tell them that this is not acceptable* Whereas in some other countries attending meetings is not considered very important in this country, and especially in this

company meetings must be attended on time. Not being on time causes inefficiency. I spent all night thinking about the exact words that I would use to explain my feelings ? I even wrote my words down. I planned to discuss this problem at the meeting today and entitled my speech 'International Clock lalk'V Unfortunately, I have a problem - no one came to the me 巳ting!


.short con versati ons

W; What did your coach tell you about running in tomorrow's race?

M: He said, "All that glitters is Olympic gofd/' to remind me of the Olympic spirit. Q: What was the coach's advice to the man?


M: I watched a TV show last night d

calted ''All that Glitters Is Olympic Gold M .

W; I watched that too. It was about the training and sacrifice necessary for athletes to compete the OJympics.

Q: What was the TV show about?


W: Running the hundred-meter dash is nothing compared to the passion necessary to run longer races.

M: Are you kidding? Fve run both and I know they both require determinabon.

Q; Why does the man disagree with the woman?


M: Do you think drug taking is widespread among amateur athletes trying to get stronger? W: lt f s hard to say whether its true or not. So much of what we hear seems to be rumors. Q: Does the woman believe that there is a problem with amateur athletes taking drugs?



M: I heard that when the athlete accepted the gold medal, he thanked his mom

W; That's right He swore that she was responsible for him developing the strength to win the race.

Q: Why was the athlete able to win the race?


W: Come on, you can eat this cake. Vbu don't have to deny yourself sweet food just because youYe in the Olympics.

M: Yes I do! With the games coming so soon, I have to stay on a heafthy diet

Q: Why does the man refuse the womans offer?


M: Most people who watch the Olympics would like to be tike the athletes they see.

W: Maybe they would. But 1 don't think most of them have the determination to work so hard to get there.

Q: What does the woman think about people who watch the Olympic Games?


W: Are you noticing the frowns on the fzcES of the runners? Not one of them fooks happy

M: Ybu can be sure the two runners from our country are happy. Out of the five races, they've won four

Q: How many races have the runners from the speakers' country won?

二long conversation

2* How does the man feel about his own strength?




Unit 3

、short conversations




W: Has anyone criticized you for marrying someone of a different race?

M; I expected people to. But they haven't so far Besides, I don't care what people think. My wife and I hit it off AOK*

Q; What did the man expect?


W; Thats great ycuYe getting married1 but do you have a clue about your new wife's culture? M: Sure Learning about her people's way of doing things was the first thing I did when I decided to marry her.

Q: What did the man do first when he decided to get married?


W: I've beard that you canceled your wedding plans. What's the problem?

M: Money is very important to people from her culture. She left me when she discovered fm poor! Q: Why was the wedding canceled?


IVI: I can't believe how good your Chinese language skills are? How did you improve so quickly? W: I married a Chinese man. We talk everyday He d s helped me a lot

Q: What does the woman's husband help her with?



long con versati on

W: Grandpa, Mom told me that you have been married twice. Is that true?

M: Yes, tm afraid so.

W: That's a surprise. What happer^d to your first wife?

M: Your grandma was myfirst wife”

W: But...

M: And your grandma is my second wife, You see, I met her while I was in Germany during the



war We knew we loved each other from the mament we met so we got married right away.

But we weren't ready for the resistance we received from her family. Her mother in sisted that Amen cans and Germans were n't compatible. So d she divorced me.


me. A person, after 已II, should change during his or her lifetime. 2 3 4 5 6

Unit 4

short con versatio ns

W: Excuse me. You've been here for six hours. Are you waiting for someone?

M: rm afraid so. Tm supposed to meet my new girlfriend. I canl believe how late she is! Q: What surprises the man?

2 According to the speaker, which circumstances cause the greater change in people after they're married?

3 How did the woman feel when she first got married?

4 What joke did the womans brother make about her?

5 How has the woman's husband changed?

6Why does the woman feel good about her recent changes?





M: I heard a song on the radio by Elvis, called "A Big Hunk o'Love".

W: I know that song, ft's realty happy though, which is why I don't iike it. Love songs should be

sad, like love*

Q: Why does the woman NOT like the song?


W: Vbu found love in India? How romantic! It's my dream to fall in love in a foreign ccuntryl M: It was really exciting at first After 1 got used to it though, rt was kind of boring ? Q: How did the marts feeling of love change?


W: You look so happy! Whats going on to make you smile like that?

M: For the first time in years, my sister has found love. Tm going to meet the guy today, Q: Why is the man happy?


W: I can help you find your otd girlfriend if you can give me more information about her

M: Name t okl address... that's all I can tell you. But maybe it doesn't matter. I probably should try

to forget her

Q: Why can the man^s old girlfriend NOT be found?


M: Heyl Ybu look great! Am I wrong, or has something changed about you?

W: Something t>ig! ! found a nnan who really makes me happy. He's brightened up my life. Q: What do we know about the womans new boyfriend?


M: Vbu^ve been writing me letters for years. When are you going to admit your love for me? W: What? Love? No, I'm just being friendly. Vbu think everyone loves you!

Q: According to the woman, what mistake has the man made?


W: So, what makes you think that your marriage will last when 50 percent fail?

M: Fifty? Nah. That number ES more like 30 or 40 percent. And in my family, there are no


Q: What is the divorce rate tn the man's family?

10 M: Honey don't you have any objections to our daughter having a boyfriend?

W: None whatsoever! Having a boyfriend will teach her how to become a loving wife someday. Q: What is the relationship between the man and the woman?

二 long conversation

W: Another letter

M: For me?

W: Who else? It h s from...

M: Hey p don't look at that! ifs private! Give it here!

W: OK! Sorry! I was just a bit curious. \bu 1ve been getting a lot of these letters lately. And they*re


always in these pink envelopes. It makes me wonder if you've got a girlfriend. That's all M: tf you must know T yeah, I have a girlfriend.

W: I thought so! So. what does she look like?

3. According to the man H what doesn't he know?

三 passage

7What did Thomson enjoy about the war?



Unit 5

一short conversations


M: I have just found out that my teenage daughter is pregnant! I don't know what to do!

W: It's too late for tears. Sounds like all you can do now is to comfort her and 怕II her you'll support her,

Q: What is the woman's advice to the man?


Wi I'ITI very impressed by your daughter! She has such goad manners and seems so well* behaved!

M: She's a good girl, We^ve always had a good relationship. We're able to talk about things that worry us as well.


M: Thank you for meeting with me. Can you tell me how my daughter is doing in class?

W: Since our last meeting, (here has been a great improvement in her work,

Q: What has taken place since the man 日nd the woman met the last time?




long con versati on

songs have very violent messages.

M: Does the article say that violence in pop music leads to violent behavior?

W: ft isn't quite clear The article reports on two studies. One report says teenagers who listen to pop music are almost twice as likely to become violent, while the other one says there's no significant connection between the two factors.




teenagers, and they have a tendency to ignore the damage they are really doing.

4. What might teenagers do as a result of being spoiled?

5, What are parents likely to ignore?

Unit 6

short con versatio ns


M: That was really something! What do you remember most about the play we watched?

W: I remember an actor asking "Whafs in a name?"1

It made me think about my own name and its meaning .

Q; What does the woman remember about the play?


W: What do you think the writer of the play meant when he asked “Whafs in a name?"

M: I think that he was questioning the importance of names r that is, how they affect our lives. Q: Why did the writer ask the question?






M: Your name is very impressive! It sounds beautilun Lucky you!

W: Not really. 1 never thought that my name correctly expressed who 1 realfy am as a person. Q ; What is the woman's impression of iher name?


W: If our child is a boy, I think we shoukJ give him your name. What do you think?

M : Let's not I don 8t agree with parents doing that. Naming a child after a parent seems


Q: Why wouldn't the man like to name his son after himself?


M ; I always thought my name was unique, but this book says 17% of babies born in the same

year as me had the same first name.

W: But it also says only 50 of those 600

000 babies also had the same middle name.

二 long conversation

8 How does the woman feel about Chinese taking foreign names?


5. What does the woman decide in the 巳nd?


fm going to change my name tomorrow. Does this sound odd? Let me explain. Since I was a baby, my name has been a label that has identifiEd me as I grew. However I have changed a lot. Most of all, my ideas on ii柜havE developed. By the time I became an adult I was clearty not the same person 1 was as a baby. So why should my name be the same? rve decided to change it to reflect my changes as a person. Some people tell me they don't approve of this plan. They think 1 am disrespecbng my parents, who named me. But I've spoken with my parents, and they agree with me. K巳E ping the same name throughout life is nonsense. The only real problem for me is that it will take people a long time to get used to my new name.

4. What do her parents think of her plan?

Unit 7

一.short conversations


M: Vbu've been working so hard. I know you don't want to rest because you love your job. But remember what people say Relax or die-

W: Thanks for caring so much, really, I'm feeling fine* J don't need time off.

Q: Why does the woman say she doesn't need any rest?


M; Aren't you taking on too much work? Life is meant for fun. you know?

W: If I had less ambition, I could relax more. But I want to get a better job.

Q: Why does the woman work so much?


Q; Whe口did the man realize the company president was working too hard?







W; From my viewpoint, stress is best hand ted by taktng regular vacations from work* M: Are you kidding? tf I did that, my work wouldn't get done, a rd I'd have even more stress. Q: What would give the man more stress?



Q :

According to the man, what should the woman do?


W: I'm giad you came. Maybe I can suggest some ways to help you reduce your stress.

M: Thanks a lot, doctor I didn't know where else to go. I r ve just been feeling so stressed out


Q: Where is this conversation taking place?

二 long conversation

M: OK. So what do you recommend?

W: Giving him a vacation might be a good idea.

M: But then we have another p 「oblem. He's the onty person in this office who can do that work. W: Well, then what do you think should be done?


M: How about we give him a vacation but give him some work to do while he's away?


Unit 8

一.short conversations


M: Ybu seem to be in the office alt of the time? Don't you have a life outstde of work?

W: Sure f do! 1 involve myself in many different fun activities. What I don't do much of r however is looking after my husband and kids.

Q: What doesn't the woman make much time for?


W: How is your life outside of work? Are things going all right at home?

M: No complaints. My wife has just had a baby h and I'm enjoying life as a new father with all its responsibilities.

Q: What has recentlvhaDoened in the man's life?


Mi I have a friend who earns a high salary but works mil the time, fm not like that, am I?

W: No. you don't need to worry. You do the most important thing in life: Ybu atways have time for



your family. Maybe your friend misses out on that?

Q: What does the woman think about the man's friend?


W: M y father is a man who knows whafs important in life he has a demanding job’ but he still makes time for his children.

M: Thats really very special Most people with important jobs aren't able to do that.

Qi Why is the girFs father special?


M: My work has forced me to eliminate all fun activities from my life. 1 can't even see my friends on the weekend.

W: That doesnl seem so bad. Ybu have a good job, and you seem to be really happy with it. Who needs friends?

V ■■ V W 9-^^ -4^* W a 9 ¥I- +

Q: What does the woman think about having friends?


W: Heyl Tve heard that you've built your own house in your spare time. Is that right?

M: fm still working on it Every day I do a little bit more. Its a way to show 1 love my family.

Q: How does the man feel about his activity outside of work?


Mi My life feels so empty, i have a good job with a good saEary, but it doesnl make me as happy as it did in the old days.

W: I think you've come to discover that having a good job is not enough to create happiness. There's more to life than having a good job.

Q: According to the woman, why isn't the man happy?


W: What happened to that friend of yours who lived only for hts job?

M: He's had a change of heart. He's become a very active volunteer in his community. He says it feefs great to be contributing to our society.

Q: What makes his friend feel great?


W: A recent poll said 70-80 percent of all coltege students are studying what they enjoy rather than what wilf get them work.

M: That's surprising. When I was young, only 25 percent of college students were studying what they enjoyed.

Q: What percentage of college students studied what they enjoyed when the man was young?


W: For years, rve tried to teach you that the most important thing in life is lave, not mor»ey M; I doift think I've ever listened to you or Dad very much. I only cared about what my friends thought. Q: What is the relationship between the two speakers?

long con versati on

W: 1 had a dream that you wouldn't believe.

M: What was it about?

W: Get this 一in my dream, I was at work.

M: OK, was there anything more to it?

W: No. I was just at work, doing the things I usually do 一paperwork, typing, and so on.




M: That sounds boring.

W: It was boring! But don't you see what this means? All I think about is work. It h s all I dot And,

now, Im even dreaming about work! The dream really motivated me to develop outside


M: Like what?

W ; W«ll, like my love life. I havenl had a date in years. And (think its high time I went out and

found someone

M: You aren't thinking about asking me h are you?

W: No! Of course not! Ybur life is almost as boring as mine! I want to find someone really

exciting, someone with whom I can leam more about love and everything that's important in life.


I made a big mistake. Ybu see, ever since my junior middle school I dreamed of becoming a businessman, working for a company, maybe even becoming the president of a corporation, tt

was all 3 thought about. And so I was never interested in studying classical music, art or literature in school. I was more interesled in things like accounting, subjects that would help me make big money Well, after making my way through high school and university, I accomplished my dream. I became a businessman. In time. I

may run my own company But fm not happy. Life is about more than work. I know this because my life is empty, and I have no understanding of the

beautiful things in the world as I would have if I had studied art in school (wish someone would've told me when I was young that there is more to life than just work,

2. Which of the foilowing is a subject the man enjoyed studying in school?

Unit 9

一.short con versati ons

M: Come on! Keep it up! You need to keep going until you've finished! Quitting is for losers! W: Vfeah, you're right. Ill try not to quit But keeping going is really hard.

Q; What does the woman consider difficult?



M: My mother always told me never to give up - quitting is for losers and winners never give up. W:刚学怕acher always told me the same thing. And fve always tried to follow his advice.

Q: What has the woman tried to do?

W: It has been six months since the official promised to end corruption in the city. M; He hasn't been successful so far; but I hope he keeps trying, h's very serious* Q: What does the man hope the official will do?

M: I give up! I hate to admit this ( but getting a job at a newspaper is just impossible* W: No, it isn't! You 1

ve wanted this your whole life. You can be a journalist if you just keep tryingl

Q: What has the man always wanted to do?

M: You are one of those abnormal people who refuse to give up when life gels difficult

W: Thank you. But I think that most people are like me in not quitting. So I'm not really abnormal Q: What is common in people according to the woman?

W: I've never seen anyone as ambitious as your brothe 匚 He has big dreams and works so hard

to accomplish them.

M: He p s a special person. He's been like that ever since he was in kindergarten.

Q: How long has his brother been ambitious?

M: Immigrants coming into the city spend about $500 a month. They start with nothing, and often

they become successful

W: Twenty percent of the 150 richest people in the city are immigrants. They become rich by net

resting until they reach their goals.

Q: How many of the richest people in the city are immigrants?

long con versati on

W: You should have confidence im yourself. You can leam English OK so long as you persist

Believe me.


M; Perhaps1 you're right. Anyway thanks a lot for the advice.

W: YbuYe welcome, Good luck.


Unit 10

一.short con versati ons

W; fve heard you are going to teach students about World War II in class next week.

M: That's right -1 am. Above everything, I'm going to tell them never to forget the tragic effects of war, War is such a terrible and sad thing.

Q: What is the man going to tell his students to remember most of all?

M: World War II brought so much good to the world 一freedom, technology, and more.

W: But at what cost? The two atomic bombs alone killed more than 200,000 people. Altogether, the war killed about 35 million people who weren't soldiers.

Q: Who were the 35 million people killed?

M: The heroes of World War II fought through the greatest nightmare the world has ever seen. W: Thats true. And even though those great heroes are growing old h we shouldn't forget them

Q: What shouldn't we forget?



W: Did you see the war film on television Iasi night? It was so exciting I couldn't sleep afterwards. M: II saw it. tt was on Work! War II, and it reminded me of how important the war was in bringing peace to the world.

Q: What was the man reminded oP

W: I've learned about World War II in my classes, How could Germany and Japan have been so terrible?

M: Many people think the peoples of those countries were deceived by their leaders. I don't think it will happen agai n though.

Mi Could you clarify your statement? What did you mean when you said history could repeat itself?

W: I meant that if we did not learn from the lesson of World War IL we might repeat the mistakes that led to it.

M: Part of the public has a positive perception of war. Some even think it is a game of some sort. W: Thats because they have never seen war for themselves* Having lived through World War It ll know that war is a terrible thing.

二 long conversation


