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English Practical Writing
?We have learned English for three years and major in Intensive reading, Extensive reading, Listening, Spoken English, Translation, Writing (narration, description and exposition). From this semester we should learn English Practical writing .For example ,we should write a letter of invitation, a letter of business , a letter of self-recommendation, a letter of application and so on.
? 商务信函(business letter)不同于社交书信,它是商务活动中不可缺少的内容,写好商
务信函,不仅有助于为本公司树立良好的形象,而且,对促成交易也有积极作用。 一、写好商务信函的基本原则
?写商务信函,没有必要以嘘寒问暖作为开始,而应该开门见山,简明扼要。在写商务信函时,力求简洁、朴实而又不失人情味。 1. 简洁
例2-1-1 力求简洁之一Original manuscript:
?Dear Sir or Madam:
? With the reference to your request for an extension on your note under date of March 20 we have considered the matter carefully and are pleased to tell you that we will be willing to allow you an additional ninety days to make payment on your note.
? Very cordially yours, (50) Revised pattern:
?Dear Sir or Madam:
? We are pleased to allow you an additional ninety days to pay your note dated March 20. ? Very cordially yours, 例2-1-2 力求简洁之二Original manuscript: ?Dear Sir or Madam:
? In looking at your current catalog, I notice that the emergency couch on page 50 (No. 273-1960) is show in the illustration in the colour of blue. However, in the description provided under the illustration, the colors listed as being available are black, ivory, green and red. Does this mean that the color of the couch in the illustration is not available at this time? ? If I could obtain the blue vinyl, which would match our décor, I would place an order in the near future for at the price of $ 118.50 each. But I do not wish to order any of the other colors that
you list in your description in the catalog.(116)
? Very cordially yours, Revised pattern:
?Dear Sir or Madam:
? Is the emergency couch on page 50 of your catalog available in the blue vinyl illustrated? The colors listed as available do not include blue.
? If the blue vinyl couch is available, I will place an order for four. (40 words) ? Very cordially yours,
例2-1-3 力求简洁之三 ?Original manuscript:
?Although it is our policy to accept returned merchandise that is in good condition, returned merchandise that is not salable cannot be accepted. ?Revised pattern:
? We accept only merchandise that can be resold. 例2-1-4 力求简洁之四 ?Original manuscript:
? When we print your form letters, your customers will not recognize them as form letters. The letters will appear to be individually typewritten. ?Revised pattern:
? When we print your form letters, your customers will think they were individually typewritten. 2. 朴实
?可是在商务书信中,我们主张摒弃华而不实、高深莫测的词语,选用那些平实、最为人们熟悉的词语。商务书信不同于其他书信,根本之处在于它的功利性,其主要目的是促成交易,而一封词语平实、意义清楚的信要比一封由华丽、高深的词语书写的信件更容易促成交易的成功。根本之处在于它的功利性,其主要目的是促成交易,而一封词语平实、意义清楚的信要比一封由华丽、高深的词语书写的信件更容易促成交易的成功。 写信,就是用书面的形式与对方交谈。 ?如果想把信息完整的传达给对方,那就不宜说:―My analytical evaluation of the incentive plan that has been instituted revealed myriad discrepancies and inconsistencies, with the inevitable result that serious inequities prevail among personnel.‖
?可以这样说:―I have studied our incentive plan carefully and I think some changes are in order. What bothers me most about it is that the plan is very fair to some, but not at all fair to others.‖
是因为收信人不能理解你的意思,而是因为平实的文体较之华丽的文体更加活泼、生动。 例 2-1-5 体现朴实之一 Original manuscript:
?The contract enclosed herewith requires your signature before it can be executed and should be directed to the undersigned. Revised pattern:
?Please sign the contract enclosed and return it to me.
例 2-1-6 体现朴实之二 ?Original manuscript:
? The expedition manner in which you executed our high-priority order for maple seedling is hereby gratefully acknowledged. ?Revised pattern:
? The maple seedling arrived this morning and I can’t thank you enough for this fast service. 3. 人情味
?文章是写给他人看的,商务书信自然也不例外。人是有感情的。如果写信时能将对方看作是一个活生生的人,而不是一个不具感情和生命的东西,那就会自然的流露出一种人情味(human touch), 而这会有助于商务活动的顺利展开。我们难以想象下面这封由一名经销经理写给一位新结交的顾客的信件会打动顾客,从而促成一笔交易。 例 2-1-7 缺乏人情味的一封商业信函 ?Dear Sir or Madam:
? This will acknowledge your order for sixteen Multi-Craft sanders and eight disc grinders. This order will be shipped promptly. Thank you for your business. Version :
谢惠顾。 Explanation:
?纯粹从买卖交易角度来看,这封信尚属不错。所有必要的三个内容(收到订单,立即发货,致谢)都说到了。遗憾的是这封信缺了一点个人感情色彩。下面例2-1-8这封信虽然所涉及的事情与上例一样,但由于增加了几分人情味,语气顿时变得亲切、友好了。 例2-1-8 有人情味的一封信函 ?Dear Mr. Rosetti:
? Just last month Hal Milsap and I were talking about how we might persuade you to carry our Multi-Craft line of power tool at Four Comers Building Supplies. Then this morning Hal Strode in and handed me your order for sixteen belt sanders and eight disc grinders. I didn’t get to keep it very long because Hal grabbed it, saying something about ―getting these items on the truck this afternoon.‖
?We’re might happy, Mr. Rosetti, that a reputable store like yours has chosen Multi-Craft tools. I admit prejudice when I say that they’re in a class by themselves, but I’m predicting that you’ll have such success with them that you’ll think I’ve been modest!
? Hal will be in touch with you soon to see how he can help you with your display and promotion. And if I can do anything, just pick up the phone and call me.
Thank you--- and good luck! ? Explanation:
Sincerely yours,
作 。
二、商务信函种种 ?1. 询价信与回函
?询价信(a letter of inquiry)一般包括希望购买商品的名称、价格、交货日期、品质以及其它交易条件。
例2-2-1 询价信之一
?Please quote best prices and earliest delivery for your SL212 and SL212-X slicers. Kindly include any other information you feel would be pertinent.
相关资料,也请附寄。 例2-2-2 询价信之二 ?Dear Sir,
? A purchasing organization in this city has asked us to purchase a large quantity of soy beans in your place. How is the present market of soy beans there? We would appreciate it if you would let us know the quotation of each grade, available quantity, freight and other related information. Version:
能告知每种黄豆等级的价格、可供数量、运输方式和其它有关的信息,我们将不胜感谢。 询价信的回函(reply to inquiry)
?对询价信的回函(reply to inquiry)一般应包括下述内容:说明收到询函,致谢和答复。
例 2-2-3对询价信的回函之一 ?Dear Sir or Madam:
?Thank you for your inquiry of June 8 regarding our line of fully automatic probers. The information you requested is as follows: ?·Prices:
? Model IFP-140A: $9870.00 f.o.b. Tokyo. ?·Delivery:
? Sixty (60) days from receipt of firm order. ?·Payment:
? Within 90 days of shipment. Please note that a 10% volume discount is granted for orders of five or more units.
?Enclosed is some additional technical information on the probers. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any further information.
? Sincerely yours, Version:
?非常感谢贵公司6月8日来函询问敝公司全自动探测器的情况,现答复如下: ?·价格:IEP-140A型东京离岸价为$9870.00
?·交货日期:收到订单60日后 ?·付款日期:出货后90日内
?另附上探测器技术方面的附加资料。若还需其他信息,请随时与我们联系。 例2-2-4对询价信的回函之二 ?Dear Sir or Madam:
? We thank you for your letter of 11th June, requesting details of our new range of Queen Anne reproduction furniture.
? We have pleasure in enclosing a copy of our illustrated brochure, together with our latest price list. Version :
? 感谢您于6月11日来信要求了解新的安妮皇后牌系列仿古家具。 ? 我们很高兴能为您寄去产品图例手册和最新的价格表。 2. 订购信及订单的确认和取消
期,物品品质。 例 2-2-5订购信
? We are pleased to place an order as per the order sheet enclosed. We are in urgent need of the goods, therefore we ask you to arrange shipment so that they may arrive here by the 20th next month. We shall appreciate your attending to our instructions on the quality. Version :
下月20日前运到,并保证货物质量。 例 2-2-6 发订单
? We are in receipt of your letter of August 16 enclosing patterns and price list. ? We enclose our order sheet. Your attention will be appreciated. Version :
?8月16日尊函附来的样本和价目单均已收悉。随信附上我们的订单,敬祈查收为荷。 ?确认订单是对订购信(单)的答复,一般包括收到订单,致谢,对交货日期及货物品质等要求做出保证等内容。 例 2-2-7 确认订单之一
?Your order of the 10th has been received today. We thank you for your favour. We assure you that we will proceed with the execution so that we may deliver it by the date indicated. Version:
例 2-2-8 确认订单之二
? We accept your order as you propose. We enclose the contract. Please sign and return it to us at your earliest convenience. Version :
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