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Unit 1 What should I do ? ( Section A)
Step 1. Pre-task:Free Talk
Topic: What will Haikou be like in 10 years ?
T: In Unit 1,we have learned to make preditions. Who can tell us ? What will Haikou be like in 10 years ?
S1:There will be more trees,more factories,more people and fewer cars,and people will be richer and healthier…
T: What’s your opinion ?
S2: I think Haikou will be more beautiful , but there will be more cars,more factories and people ,so there will be more pollution.
T: Do you agree with her ideas ?
S3: Yes, I agree.Because people will be richer , they will buy more cars.Many tourists will come to Haikou ,the city will be bigger and crowded…So there will be more pollution.
T: OK. Some of you think there will be more pollution in Haikou in 10 years.Do you like pollution ?
Ss:No, we don’t.
T: What should we do ?Can you give me some advice ? (Help students to answer )
S4: Maybe you should plant more trees and flowers.
S5:You shouldn’t throw the rubbish on the ground.
S6: You could call on people to protect the environment .
S7:You shouldn’t cut down the trees.
S8: (Different students different advice .)
【点评】只有通过师生、生生间大量的语言交流,才能培养学生用英语交际的能力。课堂上的Free Talk是培养学生听说能力的有效方式。通过谈话自然地引入本课的主题―― What should I do ?
Step 2. while-task:
1.T: Now, in this unit ,we are going to talk about problems,and learn how to give advice. I have a problem now, I need your help. Do you know what it is?
Ss: No, we don’t.
T: Do you want to know? Please ask me.
S9: What’s wrong ?
S10: What’s the matter?
T: What else ?
S11: What’s wrong with you ?
S12: Is there anything wrong with you ?
T: I want to buy an MP4,but I don’t have enough money. What should I do ?
S13: You should borrow one.
S14: You could find a part-time job.
S15: You could ask some money from your parents.
(…a lot of advice )
T: Great ! All of you did good jobs .Thanks for your advice.
2. Task cycle
Task1. 词汇、目标语学习
T: You know in our daily lives or your study. There are many problems. Let’s look at these pictures. What problems do they have ? What should they do ?
(利用CAI分别展示书中四幅图片,介绍本课重点词汇out of style, argue, play, loud, keep out )
T: Look at Picture1. What’s she doing ?
Ss: She is looking at the mirror .
T: Is she happy ?
Ss: No, she isn’t .
T: What’s wrong with her ? Can you guess?
S16 :Maybe she wants some new clothes.
S17: Maybe she thinks her clothes are too old.
T: Yes, quite right. She thinks her clothes are not popular or fashionable.They are out of style.
T: What’s wrong with her ?
S18:Her clothes are out of style.
T: What should she do ?
S19: She should buy some new clothes.
S20:She shouldn’t care,because she is only a student.
(…students give some advice .)
( 然后用同样的方法介绍 argue, play, loud, keep out 等词)
Task2. 模仿运用
T: Look! Here are some problems.Perhaps some are serious, some are not serious.What’s your opinion ? Please write them in the appropriate box.Then give a report.
S21-23: I think…are serious,but …are not serious.
T: Now listen and circle the problems you hear in activity 1a. Then check the answers.
【点评】此环节教师设计的活动,让学生将刚学过的词汇和句型进行模仿运用,既帮助学生掌握了关键词语和信息,为之后是灵活运用作好了准备。 Task3.Let’s help each other.
T: Probably in your lives,you have different problems .Some are a little serious.Let’s help you .OK ?
T: Do you have any problems ?
S24: Yes, I do.
T : What’s the matter with you ?
S25: I’m often late for class .
T: Maybe you should get up earlier from now on, and do everything quickly .
S26: I think so . Thank you .
T: What’s the matter with him ?(老师指着S26问S27)
S27: He’s often late for class.
T: What should he do ?
S27:He should get up earlier from now .
T:Now do it like this,and work in group of three.(自由结合三人小组开始合作。)
T:Please act it out .(学生热情高,合作效果好。)
Task 4. Discussion
T: OK, just now,we talked about your lives,but I know ,in your study,you still have some problems.For example, some of you think English is difficult. But I know all of you want to learn English well. What should you do ? Please work in groups. Try to find some ideas and advice. Maybe it’s good for your study. Then give a report .See which group has more ideas, they will be winners.(每组发一张纸,共同探讨,并做好记录,然后各组选一人做汇报。)
【点评】此环节是本课是重点。在这个环节中,教师为学生搭建了小组合作学习的平台。学生在小组学习的过程中生生互助,合作学习,既提高了学生的学习兴趣,又通过互帮互助提高了学习的效率,给学生留出了很大的运用语言的空间。 Post-task: Summary
Task 1.Sum up what we learned today.
S28:We learned :What’s the matter ?/ What’s wrong ? What should I do ? / What could I do?
T: How about you ?
S29: we learned : When we meet problems,we can ask for help. S30: …
T: Well done ! Today we learned to talk about problems and give advice .(利用CAI总结今天所学内容。)
T: In our lives ,we will meet all kinds of problems. We should learn to ask for help,and we also should learn to help others. If we learn to help each other. Our world will be more friendly and beautiful . Do you agree?
Ss: Yes.
T:Let’s read it together .And go for it !
Ss: (学生一起朗读。)
Task 3. Homework: Writing
Xiao Ming argued with his mother .What should he do ?Make a conversation.Please give Xiao Ming advice as much as possible.

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