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Vocabulary Exercises Part Two Section A Word Forms

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary. adjust represent inspire transform contribute

foundation supervise enthusiastic contemplate entrepreneur 1. The bald eagle the United States.

2. We’re looking for young people with and creativity. 3. Moving to the city has been a diffi cult for us.

4. Good eating habits and regular exercise are the for a healthy life.

5. The teacher’s duties that morning included the before-school reading program. 6. came to him as he started to write for the second time.

7. The company has had another successful year, thanks to the and energy of our workforce.

8. In the last 20 years, Korea has been into a major industrial nation.

9. He, too, made simplifi cations, but slowly, after studied refl ection and . 10. Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for his to Quantum Theory (量子论). Unit 1 Famous Universities

5 Section B Matching

Directions: Match the following words on the left with the defi nitions on the right. 1. grant a. make easy or less diffi cult 2. facilitate b. give, especially as a favor

3. transform c. keep within limits of size or number or to a certain limit 4. sustain d. very important because what happens in the future depends on it

5. critical e. keep in existence over a long period; maintain 6. tutorial f. more than what is ordinary

7. urge g. cause (especially feelings or ideas) to exist; produce 8. generate h. request earnestly; try to persuade

9. restrict i. change completely in form, arrangement, or nature

10. extraordinary j. a period of teaching and discussion with a tutor Section C Multiple Choice

Directions: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence, there are 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the best one of them to complete the sentence. 1. To be __________ to the House a person must be twenty-fi ve years old and must have been a

United States citizen for seven years.

A) elected B) appointed C) chosen D) picked

2. The government gave us a __________ to build another classroom. A) donation B) permission C) grant D) award

3. As soon as the tanks came within __________, the soldiers opened fi re. A) distance B) length C) extent D) range

4. If you have diffi culty __________ a particular book, please ask one of the librarians for assistance.

A) looking B) fi nding out C) locating D) limiting

5. That claim has been __________ and much debated, but it seems to hold up. A) challenged B) denied C) conceded D) refused

6. Bodybuilders use mental imaging to __________ their physical development. A) speed B) face C) elevate D) facilitate

7. Britain consistently fails to __________ the scientifi c discoveries made in its universities.

A) explode B) exploit C) extend D) explore

8. Can the school board __________ teachers’ rights to express their views? A) restrict B) limit C) confi ne D) restrain

9. Her privileged upbringing had not __________ her for hard work in the fi elds. A) provided B) made C) quit D) equipped

10. Later he __________ in war photography for magazines such as Life, Time, and Newsweek, winning a number of awards.

A) specialized B) majored C) realized D) localized 大学体验英语(第三版)一课一练 ?

6 Reading Comprehension Part Three Section A Close Reading

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions. For each of them, there are 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). Read the passages carefully and decide on the best choice. Passage One Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage. American research universities are the fi nest in the world. The breakthroughs in the natural sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities, and fields of technology that are the result of

university research are too many to consider. The impact of university research and university

partnership with business and industry on the American economy is profound. The American research university has contributed enormously to the wealth and productivity of the nation. American cultural landscape (景观), too, has in many ways been defi ned by the discovery and

scholarship that takes place in American research universities. Through the graduate programs

American research universities have been largely responsible for educating successive generations

of the nation’s leaders in government, business, and industry, the educators, scientists, engineers,

artists, and health care professionals.

But the American research university must not be static — it must be dynamic. In response to the demands and opportunities of a changing world, the American research university must evolve. In recent decades various possible models have been proposed for what many have termed ?the new American university.? While each of these models offers insight and ideas, none go far

enough to embrace the changes ahead.

1. What is the most appropriate title for this passage?(D) A) The World Research Universities

B) The Result of the University Research

C) American Universities

D) The American Research University

2. ?Partnership? in the sentence ?The impact of university research and university partnership with

business and industry on the American economy is profound.? means .(A) A) cooperation B) assistance C) relationship D) friendship

3. How can the research universities take the responsibility for educating the nation’s leaders in

different fi elds?(C)

A) Through undergraduate education. B) Through their brand-new facilities. C) Through graduate programs. D) Through teachers’ research.

4. Which of the following words has the opposite meaning to ?static??(B) A) Unsteady. B) Dynamic. C) Active. D) Positive.

5. In the sentence ?While each of these models offers insight and ideas, none go far enough to

embrace the changes ahead.?, ?while? means .(A) A) though B) when

C) at the moment D) if Passage Two Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage.

When you arrive in Oxford, stop first at the Tourist Information Center, located in The Broad near The Oxford Story.

Staff at the center are happy to answer your queries and offer the following services: ? Information on attractions, theaters, concerts and other events and entertainment. ? Bed and breakfast reservations in Oxford and elsewhere (for personal callers). ? A comprehensive range of maps, printed guides, postcards and souvenirs (纪念品). ? Bureau de Change (a shop where you can change foreign money). ? Information on bus tours and excursions (游览;短途旅行).

Opening times: During the summer months, 9:30 a.m. — 5 p.m. (Monday to Saturday), 10 a.m. — 1p.m. and 1:30 p.m. — 4:30 p.m. (Sundays & Public Holidays). Closed 25 December —

1 January (inclusive). Tel: +44 1865 726871 Views of the town

To get an overview before you begin walking, try climbing up Carfax Tower in the city center. Other views over the city are available from the University Church of St Mary the Virgin in the

High Street, and St Michael Northgate, in Cornmarket. All of these vantage points (有利位置)

have small admission charges. The University

Oxford is home to a world famous university, and most of the colleges and university

buildings are located in the center of Oxford, within easy walking distance of each other. Don’t miss the Bodleian Library, which has its own shop, and the nearby Radcliffe Camera, which is not open to the public, but is well worth a view from the outside.

Nearby, in Broad Street, is the Sheldonian Theater, a venue (聚会地点) for offi cial university

functions as well as a variety of concerts (tickets available from The Oxford Playhouse in Beaumont Street).

The University also owns the Ashmolean Museum on Beaumont Street (opposite The Playhouse), Britain’s oldest public museum. 6. What is the passage mainly about?(B) A) A brief introduction to Oxford University. B) A brief introduction to Oxford city. C) A brief introduction to Oxford Tourism.

D) A brief introduction to Oxford Tourist Information Center.

7. Staff at the center can answer your queries and offer the services except .(C) A) different kinds of maps, printed guides, postcards and souvenirs B) information on attractions, theaters, concerts and other events C) a face-to-face talk with some famous scholars D) bed and breakfast reservation

8. Which of the following statements is false?(B)

A) During the summer months, the center will be open from 9:30 a.m. — 5 p.m. over the weekdays.

B) If it is Christmas Day, the center will have a rest of 30 minutes at noon. C) If it is Christmas time, the center will have 8 days off. D) The center is closed at 5 p.m. most of the time. 9. On the top of Carfax Tower, you can .(A) A) get an overview of the city

B) get an overview of the university C) get the tickets to some concerts

D) get an overview of the University Church of St Mary the Virgin 10. The Sheldonian Theater can be used as .(C) A) a meeting place for universities B) a place for concert C) both A and B

D) a meeting place for the government Section B Fast Reading

Directions: In this section, there is a short passage. Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions with no more than 10 words. What you do not say in response to criticism often is as important as what you do say. Destructive responses serve to cut off criticism, and you may miss the point, because initial criticism

is seldom right on target. Here are some responses to avoid:

Do not overgeneralize. If someone says your shoes do not go with your outfi t, react only to that.

Resist saying to yourself, ?That means I have poor taste in everything, and I’m a clod (笨蛋,傻瓜) and an awful person.? When your superior asks you to be on time for morning planning sessions,

this does not mean he or she is about to fi re you. Stay with the specifi c criticism. Do not counterattack. This ?topper? technique fosters nothing but ill feelings. Verble explains,

?If I arrive home late and my husband greets me with ‘You’re late again,’ it does no good for me to

counter, ‘What about you? You’re never on time.’ It’s hard for some of us to resist, but it’s worth the effort.?

Do not offer excuses or retreat into silence. Defensiveness leads no-where, and silence in this

context is far from passive. Both of these responses cut off further discussion.

Do not use dishonest ?agreement.? If you appear to agree with the criticism but honestly do

not, your critic will look for evidence of change. When nothing happens, it will seem to the critic as

though you have been lying.

Behavior experts say we should avoid destructive responses like those above, and we should also

Unit 1 Famous Universities

9 help our critics. Here’s how:

1. Be quiet and listen. Rein in (放慢;控制) your emotions and try to hear what your critic is

actually saying.

2. Ask for more information, if needed. A simple ?Can you be more specifi c?? is a good way to start.

3. Ask for a solution, or for help in fi nding one. ?What specifi cally would you like me to do??

often clears the air.

1. What is the passage mainly about? The passage is mainly about and when we are facing criticism.

2. According to the fi rst paragraph, what is the previous paragraph mainly about? The previous paragraph is mainly about

3. How do you understand ?Do not overgeneralize?? It means

4. What does ?cut off? mean in the sentence ?Both of these responses cut off further discussion??

5. How can we help our critics? Section C Passage Completion

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from the list of choices given in the word bank. Each choice in the bank is identifi ed by a letter. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. Americans always have different opinions in their 1 toward education. On the one hand, free and universal public education was seen as necessary in a democracy, for how else would citizens

learn how to govern themselves in a responsible way? On the other hand, America was always a country that 2 financial opportunities for which education was not needed on the road from 3 to riches. Schooling — beyond the basics of reading, writing, and arithmetic — was an 4 detour.

Even today, it is still possible for people to 5 fi nancial success without much education, but the number of 6 in which this is possible is decreasing. In today’s more complex world, the opportunities for fi nancial success are closely related to the need for education, 7 higher education.

Our society is rapidly becoming one whose 8 product is information, and dealing with this information requires more and more 9 education. In other words, we grow up learning more and more about fewer and fewer subjects.

In the future, this trend is likely to continue. Tomorrow’s world will be even more complex than

today’s world, and, to 10 this complexity, even more specialized education will be needed. 大学体验英语(第三版)一课一练 ?

10 A) realize B) rags C) chief

D) unnecessary E) altitudes F) especially G) specialized H) attitudes I) offered J) achieve K) situations L) manage M) strictly N) positions O) form

Integrated Exercises Part Four Section A Chinese to English Translation

Directions: Translate the following sentences from Chinese into English using the words or phrases given in the brackets. 1. 这么重要的考试,你怎么会没准备呢?(how come) 2. 我们要使孩子们受到良好的教育。(equip ... with)

3. 学校主要负责学生的教育与健康。(take responsibility for)

4. 因为他一直坚持失败主义的态度,所以失败了一次又一次。(maintain)

5. 为了感谢他对化学领域的贡献,学校授予了他一笔奖金。(in recognition of) Section B English to Chinese Translation

Directions: Translate the following sentences from English into Chinese. 1. The university provides the students an ideal place for contemplation and inspiration. 2. On behalf of my fellow students, I will venture this: I am sure that our sense of mission, personal

and public, deepened if not changed this September.

3. Personally, I intend to take advantage of it in my approaching old age.

4. At a press conference on April 4, 2001, MIT announced its commitment to make the materials from virtually all of its courses freely available in the World Wide Web for non-commercial use.

5. Yale students, while here and after, have helped fight a war on poverty and a war on discrimination. Section C Cloze

Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank, there are 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should choose the one that best fi ts into the passage. More and more students want to study in ?hot? majors. 1 a result, many students want to give up their interests and study in these 2 such as foreign languages, international business Unit 1 Famous Universities

11 and law, etc.

Fewer and fewer students choose scientifi c majors, 3 maths, physics and biology, and art majors, like history, Chinese and philosophy.

4 students can study in these ?hot? majors, because the number of these ?hot? majors is


If one has no interest in his work or study, 5 can he do well? I learned this from one of my classmates. He is 6 the countryside. His parents are farmers. Though he was interested in

biology, he chose ?international business.? He 7 to live a life which is different from that of

his parents.

In the end, he found he 8 in doing business. He found all the subjects to be tiresome. Maybe this wouldn’t have happened if he had chosen his major according to his own interests. Choosing a major in the university 9 decide one’s whole life. Majors which are not ?hot? today may become the ?hot? major of tomorrow.

Choosing your major according to your own 10 is the best way to succeed. 1. A) Being B) For C) Having D) As 2. A) place B) room C) areas D) space

3. A) for example B) such as C) and so on D) as a result 4. A) Only a few B) Quite a few C) Perhaps D) Many 5. A) why B) and what C) how D) and how 6. A) out of B) off C) in D) from

7. A) wants B) doesn’t want C) enjoys D) doesn’t like

8. A) was interested B) was clever C) was not interested D) was not clever 9. A) can B) does not C) probably D) perhaps not to 10. A) interests B) experience C) mind D) heart

Writing Part Five Section A Error Correction

Directions: This section consists of a short passage. In this passage, there are altogether 10 mistakes, one in each numbered line. You may have to change a word, add a word or delete a word. Mark out the mistakes and put the corrections in the blanks provided. If you change a word, cross it out and write the correct word in the corresponding blank. If you add a word, put an insertion mark ( ) in the right place and write the missing word in the blank. If you delete a word, cross it out and put a slash ( / ) in the blank. One major decision which faces the American student ready to

begin higher education is the choice of attending a large university 大学体验英语(第三版)一课一练 ?

12 or a small college. The large university provides a wide range of specialized departments, as well numerous courses within such

departments. The small college, therefore, generally provides a limited number of courses and specializations but offer a better student faculty ratio, thus permit individualized attention to students. Because of its large student body (often exceeding 20,000) consisting in many people from different countries the university exposes its students to many different culture, social and out-of-class programs. On the other hand, the smaller, more homogeneous (同性质的) student body of the big

college affords greater opportunities in such activities. Finally, the university closely approximates the real world and which provides a relaxed, impersonal, and sometimes anonymous existence. On the contrast, the intimate atmosphere of the small college allows the

student four years of structural living in which to expect and preparing for the real world. In making his choice among educational institutions the student must, therefore, consider a great many factors. Section B General Writing

Directions: Write a composition with no less than 120 words to describe your university, including the following parts: 1. The location and history of your university. 2. What is your university famous for? 3. Your expectations.

The following words may help you:

higher learning establish locate consist of govern tutor professor lecture property elect admit

undergraduate students take responsibility for facilities be assigned to supervise grant degree diploma certifi cate apply for

be eligible for innovation enterprise world-class enrich rigorous interaction exploit facilitate My University 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Unit 1 Famous Universities

13 Section C Practical Writing

Directions: Write a letter in the name of Charles to a friend called John, who lives in Paris, to introduce another friend named Mark, who is going to Paris to study comparative literature. In the letter you are supposed to introduce Mark to John and ask John to help Mark. The following sentence structures are often used in letters of introduction: 1. I take the liberty of introducing to you ...

2. I have the honor to introduce to you ...

3. I have the pleasure of (I take a pleasure in) introducing to you ... 4. It is with a great pleasure that I introduce to you ... July 30, 2013 Dear John, Sincerely, Charles

2.Vocabulary Exercises Part Two Section A Word Forms

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary. incredible criteria guide doubt fi nance mature invest available reside bankrupt

1. Academic ability is not the sole for admission to the college.

2. Such techniques are not to middle-class families with modest savings, or to small Unit 2 Jobs and Careers

17 business owners holding long-term capital gains.

3. A Certifi cate of Deposit remains one of the safest .

4. I was too emotionally to ask myself what my own expectations might be. 5. He developed computer software to handle complicated transactions.

6. If they do, juries should be told of the circumstances in order to assess the of a witness. 7. of Glacier Bay are complaining about the pollution caused by cruise ships. 8. , public interest in folk music has declined. 9. In 1999 it was revealed that he was close to .

10. Your teacher can give you on choosing a career and writing a job application. Section B Matching

Directions: Match the following words on the left with the defi nitions on the right. 1. access a. unmarried man 2. elevate b. relationship

3. classifi ed c. fi nd information, especially on a computer 4. bachelor d. of or relating to economy

5. identity e. the fact of being who or what a person or thing is 6. connection f. characteristics of a person seen as a whole 7. personality g. represent something in a right way 8. economic h. raise, especially to a higher position 9. spot i. a position in a system of ranks 10. refl ect j. divided or arranged in classes Section C Multiple Choice

Directions: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence, there are 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the best one of them to complete the sentence. 1. We have seven days for the Spring Break in May. A) of B) off C) out D) away

2. It is pointless with him about this matter. A) talk B) to talking C) talking D) talked

3. The government has promised to do lies in its power to ease the hardship of the homeless.

A) what B) wherever C) that D) which

4. Now Tom has obtained from his boss to extend the fi eld of his investigation. A) comment B) insurance C) determination D) permission

5. I had calmed down, my brain was also beginning to work much better. A) For B) Now that C) Instead D) Despite

6. Harry is anxious to obtain information the results of election. A) concerned B) being concerned C) concerning D) having concerned 大学体验英语(第三版)一课一练 ?

18 7. Mrs. Smith in working on the problems again though she had failed more than a dozen times.

A) consisted B) insisted C) persisted D) assisted 8. Suddenly Ben a yell and jumped up.

A) let alone B) let drop C) let out D) let off 9. She may forget to come — she’s not very .

A) readable B) remarkable C) reasonable D) reliable 10. They arrived together but left yesterday.

A) individually B) separately C) dividedly D) lonely

Reading Comprehension Part Three Section A Close Reading

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfi nished statements. For each of them, there are 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). Read the passages carefully and decide on the best choice. Passage One Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.

A strong résumé and cover letter combination is your only chance to land an interview. The average hiring manager will review over 1 000 résumés to fi ll a single position listed on popular

job sites like Monster or in the classifi ed sections of major newspapers. Faced with this daunting

(使人畏缩的) task, the hiring manager looks for reasons not to interview you and may even use a

computerized résumé tracking system to screen out 90% of the résumés. A RésuméEdge résumé can ...

? Enhance your lifetime earning potential. We have helped clients add $40 000 to their annual income and over $1 million to their lifetime earning potential. Undermarketing yourself

can be the biggest mistake you ever make.

? Dramatically increase your résumé success rate and secure you more interviews than you ever thought possible. We will make your résumé stand out from the six-inch stack of homemade résumés on a busy hiring manager’s desk.

? Shorten your time spent searching for a job. According to the US Dept. of Labor, the average job search time is longer than three months. The time saved searching for a job translates

into tens of thousands of dollars in salary for many of our unemployed clients.

? Eliminate the screen-out factors that relegate (丢弃) many résumés to the trash. Do you have a typo (印刷错误)? Do you use the word ?I?? Do you sound like a boss’s nightmare? You

would be surprised how many screen-out factors the average résumé contains. Unit 2 Jobs and Careers

? Ensure you rank highly in a computerized résumé tracking system like Resumix or Monster. Currently, half of all mid-sized and almost all large companies scan résumés into a

computerized tracking system, which is searched for keywords by hiring managers. ? Put you in control of your interview by steering your interviewer away from potential weaknesses. Interviewers love to focus on résumé liabilities (不利条件, 缺点) like extended time off, frequent job changing, etc. We write your résumé to minimize potential liabilities and

showcase (陈列) your strengths.

1. What question is the fi rst paragraph intended to answer?(B) A) How does the interviewer screen out the résumés? B) Why is a résumé and cover letter important?

C) How many résumés will the hiring manager review in order to fi nd one person appropriate for the position?

D) How do the bosses employ a worker? 2. A RésuméEdge résumé is probably a .(C) A) school B) city

C) website D) non-profi t organization

3. Which of the following is not the screen-out factor?(D) A) Use the word ?I.? B) Have a typing mistake.

C) Sound like a boss’s nightmare.

D) Avoid mentioning shortcomings in the résumé.

4. How does a computerized tracking system work for the hiring manager?(A)

A) Résumés are scanned into the system and then the hiring manager will search for the key words.

B) A computerized tracking system can locate the best résumé as soon as possible.

C) A computerized tracking system can remove unqualifi ed résumés as soon as possible. D) A computerized tracking system can fi nd out which résumé is best written. 5. What is the passage mainly about?(B)

A) The importance of résumés and cover letters. B) What A RésuméEdge résumé can do for you.

C) How to put yourself in control of the interview. D) How to avoid your shortcomings. Passage Two Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage.

Patricia Cook wanted a raise early in her career at a Massachusetts think tank. ?My boss didn’t want to give me a raise, but I pushed the issue,? she recalled.

Cook broke the cardinal rule (基本准则) of dealing with your boss: Don’t start a fi ght you

can’t win. Does this mean you should avoid all conflicts with superiors? Absolutely not. Your

effectiveness in disagreeing with your boss can be critical to your career. Who hasn’t had a battle with his boss at one time or another?

Avoiding disagreements can be helpful in the short term, but not over the years. The employee loses sleep and self-image, and the employer is deprived of information that might help

him do his own job better. Here are the rules to remember when it’s time to lock horns with the boss.

Watch your timing. Before a confrontation, check with the boss’s secretary to determine his

mood. If he ate nails for breakfast, it’s not a good idea to ask him for something. Don’t go in angry. If you are mad, that will only make your boss mad. Calm down first. Clarify the issues. Terrible disputes can result when neither the employer nor his subordinate

knows what is on the other’s mind. Sometimes the fight will go away when the issues are made clear.

Propose solutions. Your boss has enough on his mind without your adding more. If you can’t

propose an immediate solution, at least suggest how to approach the problem. Put yourself in the boss’s shoes. To deal effectively with a boss, it’s important to consider his

goals and pressures. If you can put yourself in the position of being a partner to the boss, then he

will be naturally more inclined to work with you to achieve your goals. 6. What is the best title for this passage?(A) A) How to Argue with Your Boss

B) What to Avoid When Arguing with Your Boss C) How to Communicate with Your Boss D) How to Raise Your Salary

7. What is not the rule when you lock horns with your boss?(A) A) Don’t initiate an argument you can’t win. B) Put yourself in the boss’s shoes. C) Propose solutions. D) Clarify the issues.

8. What does the writer imply by saying: ?Your effectiveness in disagreeing with your boss can be

critical to your career.??(B)

A) Your disagreement with your boss can ruin your career.

B) Your disagreement with your boss can be important to your career if you do it effectively. C) Your working efficiency is very important to your career.

D) Whether you can succeed or not depends on how you disagree with your boss. 9. What are the disadvantages of avoiding disagreements?(D) A) The employee loses sleep and self-image.

B) The employer is deprived of information that might help him do his own job better. C) You don’t have chance to show off. D) Both A and B.

10. ?Put yourself in the boss’s shoes.? means .(A) A) consider the boss’s goals and pressures B) try to be the boss’s friend C) show pity to your boss

D) give yourself the chance to get familiar with your boss Unit 2 Jobs and Careers

21 Section B Fast Reading

Directions: In this section, there is a short passage. Read the passage carefully and then decide on the best choice. Nowadays many adults have full-time jobs and the proportion of their lives spent doing such jobs is very high. So feelings about one’s job must refl ect how an individual feels about his or her life as a

whole, and because of this, job satisfaction is indeed very important for the wellbeing of that person.

Employees get job satisfaction in a number of ways. Firstly, a person needs to feel that they

are doing valued and valuable work, so positive feedback from superiors is very important in this

respect. A sense of fulfi llment is also encouraged if a worker feels the job is worth doing because

it contributes to the society or the economy as a whole. Secondly, when someone feels they are

improving or developing their skills through training opportunities, for example, then there is a

sense of progression and purpose that rewards a worker. The sense of belonging to a team or a

working community also contributes to job satisfaction because colleagues help each other to enjoy

their working lives. Satisfaction is also increased by a sense of responsibility for and loyalty to a team.

Of course not everyone enjoys their work. Hard economic realities mean that many people have little choice in the kind of job they can get. In some cases an employee is working in a job that suits

neither their skills nor their personality. Some jobs are repetitive and boring, and labor relations may

be poor and lead to resentment and insecurity rather than to job satisfaction. 1. Why does the job refl ect one’s life satisfaction? A) Because it decides how much one earns.

B) Because one spends a lot of energy and time in his job. C) Because one must have a job to survive.

D) Because one’s live is less important than his job. 2. What kind of job can offer one satisfaction? A) With high salary. B) With high values. C) With high reputation.

D) With high economic rewards.

3. What is the usual way to improve one’s skills?

A) By traveling around. B) By asking questions. C) By doing project. D) By training programs.

4. What makes it diffi cult for people to get a satisfi ed job? A) Bad economy. B) Financial crisis. C) Peaceful life. D) Worldwide war.

5. What can be caused by dissatisfaction of one’s job? A) Short life.

B) Unharmonious relationship. C) Loss of one’s confi dence. D) Hatred and insecurity.

大学体验英语(第三版)一课一练 ?

22 Section C Passage Completion

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from the list of choices given in the word bank. Each choice in the bank is identifi ed by a letter. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. What sorts of qualities have enabled Margaret Thatcher not only to raise her own nation from weakness and despondency (意气消沉,失望) but also to play a world role? She is, in many respects,

an ordinary person — the strong-minded child of a strong-minded Lincolnshire storekeeper and

his wife who taught their daughters to work hard, fear 1 and make themselves useful to society. She was a prize-winning chemistry student at Oxford University and later became a lawyer

2 in taxation law. Getting into Parliament was another test, which she triumphantly passed in

1959. Then came the goal of a cabinet position, achieved in 1970 with her appointment as education secretary, a post traditionally regarded as the ceiling (最高的能力) for women in government. Three attributes carried her through that ceiling and into the political stratosphere (最上层):

her 3 energy, her simple sense of rectitude and, above all, her courage.

Her capacity for work is perhaps the most striking thing about Margaret Thatcher. She seems able to 4 for prolonged periods on as little as fi ve hours’ sleep a night, and spends virtually

all the time she’s awake engaged in work. When not working, she has a habit of 5 up cupboards — a symptom of her passion for order.

Margaret Thatcher’s second great asset is a 6 sense of the difference between right and wrong. She derives these traits from her Christianity and from her father. An active local 7 ,

he taught her to bring to public 8 the same principles of probity and truthfulness that a good

Christian observes in private conduct.

Once Margaret Thatcher has made a decision and is convinced it is the right 9 , no

power on earth can make her alter it. This is the product of her third great virtue: courage. It was courage that brought her the leadership of the Conservative Party and made her meet challenges


all 10 .

A) survive B) specializing C) service D) one E) mock F) boundless

G) tidying H) strong I) politician J) God K) same L) kinds

M) loudly N) Physics O) well Unit 2 Jobs and Careers

23 Integrated Exercises Part Four Section A Chinese to English Translation

Directions: Translate the following sentences from Chinese into English using the words or phrases given in the brackets. 1. 登录CareerBuilder, 有可能发现令你满意的工作。(log on to) 2. 当你遇到重要的事情时,应该把它记下来。(come across) 3. 店主们希望改善商业街的形象,这样生意会好做。(elevate) 4. 王教授让他的学生到图书馆找关于毕加索的信息。(refer … to)

5. 如果愿意继续工作,他们将不得不接受薪水有可能上升也有可能下降。(as well as) Section B English to Chinese Translation

Directions: Translate the following sentences from English into Chinese. 1. Try to estimate how many steps it will take to get to a close object.

2. A recruiter is more interested in what you can give to the company than what you hope to get from it.

3. They will move into a rental apartment next month.

4. If you’ll be working with an executive, you can ask him some specifi cs about the job. 5. Name tags are frequently serviceable in proving the identity of clerks. Section C Error Correction

Directions: There is one mistake in each of the following statements. Mark out the mistakes and correct them. 1. These art works on show are well worthy being bought. A B C D

2. I fi nd this a pity he should refuse my advice. A B C D

3. My advice is that the source of all water supplies will be examined. A B C D

4. They agreed to our request that we voted for who would be chosen as monitor. A B C D

5. It is because he gets ill he won’t take a trip there. A B C D

6. As far as pollution is concerning, we are taking measures to deal with it. A B C D

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24 7. We should look into the murder case in no time and fi nd the people concerned about the case


as soon as possible.

8. On one hand, we are to work hard in our studies. On the other hand, we are to mind our health A B C D and rest.

9. I feel as if I am in a dream at hearing the news of my winning the fi rst prize. A B C D

10. These woman workers gathering here appeal to have the same pay as men do. A B C D

Writing Part Five Section A Error Correction

Directions: This section consists of a short passage. In this passage, there are altogether 10 mistakes, one in each numbered line. You may have to change a word, add a word or delete a word. Mark out the mistakes and put the corrections in the blanks provided. If you change a word, cross it out and write the correct word in the corresponding blank. If you add a word, put an insertion mark ( ) in the right place and write the missing word in the blank. If you delete a word, cross it out and put a slash ( / ) in the blank. International careers tend to follow world economics cycles. When the world economy contracts, so do jobs, and when worldwide economy expands international jobs tend to increase. 1999 was a very good year for the World economy, and many companies were

expanding its world presence with the use of expatriate international job assignments. By the end of 2000 a slowing world economy put the brakes on growth at many global companies. By 2001 an economic

contraction is occurring, followed by the Terrorist attack on 9/11. These events had a big impact on both inner and international employment opportunities.

There are a number different paths to international jobs. For

example, the English language uses worldwide, so there is always need for high proficient English teachers in foreign countries, especially those who are fl uent in the teaching country’s language. Technology companies, whether electronics, oil and gas, or

utilities with a global presence, send their engineers forward to foreign countries to either set up the initial facilities and to oversee and manage the manufacturing plants. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


Unit 2 Jobs and Careers

25 Section B General Writing

Directions: Write a composition with no less than 120 words. Your composition is entitled My Ideal Job, including the following parts: 1. What is your ideal job? 2. Why is it your ideal job?

3. What do you plan to do in order to get it?

Please refer to the following paragraphs which are from Refl ections of a Young Man on the Choice of a Profession written by Karl Marks when he studied in high school.

? The chief guide which must direct us in the choice of a profession is the welfare of mankind and

our own perfection. It should not be thought that these two interests could be in confl ict, which

one would have to destroy the other; on the contrary, man nature is so constituted that he can

attain his own perfection only by working for the perfection, for the good, of his fellow men.

? If he works only for himself, he may perhaps become a famous man of learning, a great sage, an

excellent poet, but he can never be a perfect, truly great man.

? If we have chosen the position in life in which we can most of all work for mankind, no burdens can bow us down, because they are sacrifi ces for the benefi t of all; then we shall experience no

petty, limited, selfi sh joy, but our happiness will belong to millions, our deeds will live on quietly

but perpetually at work, and over our ashes will be shed the hot tears of noble people. My Ideal Job

Section C Practical Writing

Directions: Study the following passage carefully and then write an application letter and a résumé. Applying for a Job

Your written job application is a brief introduction of yourself to potential employers. It is often

the fi rst contact you will have with them. An employer will use the application to help them decide if

they will interview you for the job. 大学体验英语(第三版)一课一练 ?

26 There are two parts to a job application. The first part is a short letter, called the application

letter. This letter says that you would like to apply for the job and the reasons why. The second part

of a job application is a summary of your personal details called a Résumé or a Curriculum Vitae.

It is important to take time and care with your application to make it look good and to make sure that all the information is clear and easy to read.

Your address, phone number and the date must be on the letter. Always address the letter to the person named in the advertisement. If no name has been mentioned, write ?Dear Sir / Madam.? You

then need to include the following information:

? Refer to the job and where and when you saw it advertised;

? Put in any information about work you have done before. If you have worked in a job like the one

advertised, put that in;

? When you describe the sort of work you have done, don’t use vague words like ?fairly,? ?reasonably? and ?slightly;?

? Use ?I? words, and positive words and phrases such as: I have — I can — I am experienced

I have completed — I am capable of — I am able to ? List your telephone number to close your letter;

? Close your letter by saying how suitable you are for the job;

? If you start your letter with ?Dear Sir / Madam? always end the letter with ?Yours faithfully.?

If you start with a person’s name end with ?Yours sincerely.? Then sign your name and print it

underneath your signature.

What Usually Goes into a Résumé

? Name, address, e-mail address, and telephone number;

? Employment objective. State the type of work or specific job you are seeking;

? Education, including school name and address, dates of attendance, curriculum, and highest grade

completed or degree awarded. Consider including any courses or areas of focus that might be

relevant to the position;

? Experience, paid and volunteer. For each job, include the job title, name and location of employer,

and dates of employment. Briefly describe your job duties;

? Special skills, computer skills, proficiency in foreign languages, achievements, and membership in


? References, only when requested. Besides, you have to:

? Keep it short; only one page for less experienced applicants;

? Avoid long paragraphs; use bullets to highlight key skills and accomplishments; ? Have a friend review your résumé for any spelling or grammatical errors; ? Print it on high quality paper.

3.Vocabulary Exercises Part Two Section A Word Forms

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary. concern participation expose measure commit minimize identity inspiring rally impact

1. In middle school, I became more with my appearance. 2. Long in the sun will be harmful to your skin.

3. Students in grade two are required to in the activity.

4. Since the disaster had occurred, what we can do now is to the loss.

5. The development of advertisements over the past decade has made change in our life.

6. The supermarket’s to quality turned out to be false. 7. The policemen’s task now is to who is the real murderer.

8. This slogan is designed to all people to take actively part in the conference. 9. Though this organization has been established for a couple of years, it now still members around the world.

10. The decline of Japan’s business is an (a) on the Asian economy. Section B Matching

Directions: Match the following words on the left with the defi nitions on the right. 1. abuse a. someone who supports or champions something

2. bargain b. an agreement between parties setting what each party shall give and take or perform and receive in a transaction 3. committed c. an area of countryside or land

4. reveal d. remove (especially something that is not wanted) 5. sponsor e. wrong use

6. approximately f. devoted

7. discard g. encourage someone by making them feel confi dent and eager to do something

8. eliminate h. throw out or away

9. inspire i. very near to; very nearly 10. landscape j. cause or allow to be seen Unit 3 Advertising

31 Section C Multiple Choice

Directions: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence, there are 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the best one of them to complete the sentence. 1. The girl was uncertain what to do, or what tone of voice to . A) abuse B) adopt C) adjust D) adore

2. He said the government remained to peace.

A) concerned B) committed C) contented D) connected

3. Hamlet is usually played as a sorrowful person who cannot make decisions or . A) take action B) take care C) take effect D) take place

4. Our challenge is to motivate those voters and them to join our cause. A) inform B) indicate C) improve D) inspire

5. Try to how many steps it will take to get to a close object. A) motivate B) discard C) eliminate D) estimate

6. He on coffee and cigarettes, and ate a balanced diet. A) calmed down B) broke down C) cut down D) slowed down 7. He’s the champion of the singing contest.

A) irresolvable B) undisputed C) inaccurate D) unreliable

8. She herself as a man so she could fi ght on the battlefi eld. A) discouraged B) dislocated C) disguised D) dismissed

9. I understand Coca-Cola is to be named as the new of the League Cup later this week.

A) sponsor B) slogan C) pledge D) symbol

10. To his position in Parliament, he held talks with leaders of the Peasant Party. A) threaten B) strengthen C) distribute D) reveal

Reading Comprehension Part Three Section A Close Reading

Directions: There are 2 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them, there are 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). Read the passages carefully and decide on the best choice. Passage One Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.

There was one shop in the town of Mufulia which was notorious for its ?color bar.? It was a drugstore. While Europeans were served at the counter, a long line of Africans queued at the

window and often not only were kept waiting but, when their turn to be served, were rudely treated by the shop assistants. One day I was determined to make a public protest against this

kind of thing, and many of the schoolboys in my class followed me to the store and waited outside

to see what would happen when I went in.

I simply went into the shop and asked the manager politely for some medicine. As soon as he

saw me standing in the place where only European customers were allowed to stand he shouted at me in a bastard (怪声怪气的) language which is only used by an employer when speaking to his servants. I stood at the counter and politely requested in English that I should be served. The

manager became exasperated and said to me in English, ?If you stand there till Christmas

