英文文法的基本概念-英文的八大词类 - 图文

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動詞、副詞、介系詞、連接詞、感嘆詞等。 一、名詞 Noun ( n ):表示人、地、事、物等名稱的字。

1. 名詞的種類及特點:

名 詞 的 種 類 特 點 可數名詞 1.普通名詞Common Noun 1.單數名詞: Countable 如boy, desk, country (只有一個) Nouns 2.集合名詞Collective Noun a/an + N 如family, people, class the + N 2.複數名詞: (二個或以上) N + s / N + es 不可數名詞 3.專有名詞Proper Noun 1.無複數 Uncountable 如China, Taiwan, John 2.不加a/an等等 Nouns 4.物質名詞Material Noun 3.指特定事物, 如water, air, iron 則須加the 5.抽象名詞Abstract Noun 如health, happiness, honesty *冠詞:

不定冠詞 a + 單數(子音字首) an + (單數母音字首) (一…) (一…) (這,那) 定冠詞 the + 單數名詞 My brother is a student. She eats an apple every day.

I bought a dozen eggs in the market. There are 5 families in this apartment. My family are all well. My family is a large one. Taiwan is an island. I need some water.

The water in the bottle is clean.

Health is more important than wealth.


2. 複數名詞的形成:

例字 + s books, pens buses, boxes, watches, 2.字尾s、x、 + es brushes, sexes ch、sh、z 例外stomachs heroes, potatoes 規則變化 3.子音+ o + es 例外pianos, photos 4.子音+ y 去y + ies baby→ babies, city→ cities leaf→ leaves, life→ lives 5.字尾f、fe 去f、fe + ves 例外roofs, chiefs, beliefs, handkerchiefs man men 例外Roman → Romans woman women German → Germans foot feet 規則變化book → books tooth teeth cook → cooks goose geese pool → pools mouse mice 不規則變化 ox oxen child children deer deer dish fish fishes多種魚 sheep sheep Chinese Chinese 3. 名詞的用法:

用 法 1.當作主詞 2.稱謂 3.主詞同位語 4.當作受詞 5.受詞同位語 6.當作補語

形 成 單 數 1. 複數 a.動詞的受詞 b.介系詞的受詞 a.主詞補語 b.受詞補語 2

例 句 John has a bicycle. Come here, John. Mr. Lin, our English teacher, is very kind. Mary likes John. She is fond of music. We like Mr. Chang, our new teacher. John is a good boy. We call the boy George. 4. 名詞的格:

種 類 主格 所有格 受格 用 法 1.當作主詞 2.當作主詞補語 例 句 Mary is a girl. The girl is Mary. 1. a bird’s nest 所有格當形容詞用,修飾名詞 2. a boys’ school 1.當作動詞的受詞 John likes Mary. 2.當作介系詞的受詞 She is fond of music. 5. 名詞所有格的形成: (1) 有生命的所有格:

種 類 1. 單數 例 句 Helen’s doctor _____’ s a dog’s tail the teacher’s dress ladies’ hats 1. _____ s’ a girls’ school women’s clubs 2. _____’ s children’s toys (複數名詞字尾沒有s時) men’s room my father-in-law’s car 最後一字 +﹝’ s﹞ somebody else’s pen Helen and Mary’s school Helen’s and Mary’s school 用 法 2. 複數 3. 複合字 1.共同所有: 以and連接最後一個名詞加﹝’ s﹞ 4. 兩個名詞 2.個別所有: 各加﹝’ s﹞ (2) 無生命的所有格: a. 無生命的所有格:

句型 the + 所有物 + of + the/that/my…+ 所有者 1.the door of this classroom 2. the leaves of that tree 3. the name of our school 例句 3

b. 表示價格、距離、時間、重量的名詞 +﹝__’ s﹞或﹝__s’﹞:

用 法 1. 擬人化 例 字 Nature’s law 自然律 Heaven’s will 天意 the earth’s surface today’s newspaper thirty minutes’ walk twenty miles’ journey three pounds’ weight ten dollars’ worth of sugar to one’s heart’s content 心滿意足 at one’s wit’s end 智窮才竭;不知所措 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 時間 距離 重量 價格 慣用語 (3) 所有格後面名詞的省略:

用 法 1. 避免重複 後面遇有store, shop, house, hospital, church 例 句 1. This truck is John’s (truck). 2. Tom’s (family) is a large family. 1. He is staying at his uncle’s (house). 2. I am going to the barber’s (shop). 2. (4) 雙重所有格:

句{a, an, this, that, these, those,}+ 名詞+of +{所有代名詞} 型 { some, any, no, many, } {名詞所有格}

1. I met a friend of mine. (mine = my friends) 2. That watch of his has been stolen. (his = his watches) 例3. I met a friend of my brother’s. 句 (my brother’s = my brother’s friends) 4. Many clothes of my aunt’s were bought in Paris. (my aunt’s = my aunt’s clothes) (5) 與名詞有關的句型:


句型 1. 例句 句型 2. 例句 句型 3. 例句 句型 4. 例句 句型 5. 例句 of + no + 抽象名詞 = not + 形容詞 (沒有~) His suggestion was of no use. = His suggestion was not useful. of + 抽象名詞 = 形容詞 He is a man of learning. = He is a learned man. of + great +抽象名詞 = very + 形容詞 The book is of great use. = The book is very useful. all + 抽象名詞= very + 形容詞 抽象名詞 + itself = very + 形容詞 She is all beauty. = She is very beautiful. She is beauty itself. = She is very beautiful. with( in, by, on…) + 抽象名詞 = 副詞 You do everything with care. = You do everything carefully. 二、 代名詞 Pronoun ( pron.):代替名詞的字

種 類 1.人稱代名詞 Personal Pronoun 1.人稱代名詞 如I, you, he等 Personal Pronoun 2.所有代名詞 Possessive Pronoun 如mine, yours, 等 3.複合人稱代名詞/反身代名詞 Compound Personal Pronoun 如myself, yourself, himself等

2.指示代名詞 如this, that, these, those等 Demonstrative Pronoun 3.不定代名詞 Indefinite Pronoun 如one, some, all等 4.疑問代名詞 如who, what等 Interrogative Pronoun 5.關係代名詞 Relative Pronoun 如who, which, that, what等 1.人稱代名詞 (1) 人稱代名詞


4. 疑問代名詞

格 用法 人 (誰) 人、物(什麼) 人、物(哪一個) 疑問代名詞的分類 主格 所有格 who what which whose - - 受格 whom what which

疑問代名詞的用法 who 1.作主詞 1. Who took these pictures? 2.作主詞補語 My father did. *用於問「姓名、關係」 2. Who is he? He is Mr. Brown. whose 作疑問形容詞 1. Whose bag is this? 2. Whose shoes was he wearing? whom 1.作及物動詞的受詞 1. Whom did you see? 2.作介系詞的受詞 2. By whom was she caught? what 1.用於事、物,有「什麼」 1. What is your name? 之意 What are you doing? 2.用於人,表「職業、身 2. What are you? I’m a teacher. 分」 Cf. Who is He? 3.後接名詞時即成為「疑問 He is Mr. Wang. 形容詞」 He is my uncle. He is my English teacher. 3. What time is it? which 1.作「哪一個」,有選擇之1. Which do like better, summer 意 or winter? 2.後接名詞時即成為「疑問2. Which of these is yours? 形容詞」 注意事項:1.若為間接問句,順序為: 疑問詞+主詞+動詞 Do you know where he lives? (直接問句:Where does he live?) No one could understand what he was saying. 2. ﹛say/think﹜ 疑問詞 + do you +﹛believe/guess﹜ +主詞+動詞... ﹛imagine/suppose..﹜ What do you suppose he will give you? Who do you think came to see me? I think he is Mr. Smith.


三、 形容詞 Adjective (adj):用以修飾名詞或代名詞的字。


形 容 詞 的 種 類 1.代名形容詞 1.指示形容詞Personal Pronoun Pronominal Adjective 如this, these, that, those, such等 (1)有代名詞性質的形容詞。 2.不定形容詞Possessive Pronoun (2)代名形容詞後面須接名 如some, any, each, all, both等 詞,而代名詞則否。 3.所有形容詞 Compound Personal Pronoun 如my, your, his等 4.疑問形容詞 如what, which, whose等 5.關係形容詞 如whose等

2.數量形容詞 1.不定數量形容詞-表示不確定的數量 Quantitative adjectives 如many, few, much, little, some, any等 表數和量的形容詞 2.數詞-用以表示數目 如one, two, first, half等 3.性狀形容詞 1.敘述形容詞Descriptive Adjectives Qualifying Adjectives 如good, tall, young, beautiful等 表性質和狀態的形容詞 2.物質形容詞Descriptive Adjectives 如gold, golden, wooden等 3.專有形容詞 Proper Adjectives 如Chinese, English, American等 2.形容詞的用法:

1.限定用法: (1) 前位修飾 放在名詞的前面,修飾且限形容詞+名詞 定名詞的意義。 these two new students all the four English books a handsome young man *英文名詞的修飾語,如果是單詞的話,通 常出現在名詞的前面;如果是片語或子句的話,通常出現在名詞的後面。


(2) 後位修飾 some~/ any~/ no~/ every~+形容詞 ~body/ ~one/ ~thing+形容詞 Let me tell you something interesting. I saw nobody else in the room. Is there anything new in today’s paper? 名詞+present / else等 no one else Charles the Great George the Fifth all the people present 表「長、寬、高、深」 deep, high, long, old, thick, wide…等形容詞與「數詞」連用時: He is fifteen years old. The box is 20 inches long, 18 inches wide, and 16 inches high. 名詞+一連串的形容詞 a man poor but honest She is a lady beautiful, kind and rich. He seems to be a man, wise and just. 名詞+形容詞片語 He looked at the notebook on the table. Tainan is a city famous for its historic spots. 名詞+形容詞子句 This is the house where he lived. 2.非限定用法: (1)當主詞補語用 He is kind. 放在動詞後面,說明主詞的(2)當受詞補語用 I found her absent. 性質、狀態。或放在受詞後面,說明受詞的性質、狀態。



用法 1.冠詞、指示形容詞、所有格置於all, both, double, such, what, many後面。 2. 序數和基數共同修飾一名詞時,序數要放在基數前面。 例 句 1. Both his parents are here. 2. What a fine day! 3. All my love is for you alone. 1. Our first three lessons are not difficult. 2. The last two seasons of the year are fall and winter. 3. 兩個以上的「描寫」形容詞共1. She is a lovely fat little girl. 同修飾一名詞時,關係愈密切2. I live in a Japanese wooden house. 者,愈要靠近該名詞。 3. This is an expensive gold watch. 4. 數量形容詞: 用法 1. 許多 修飾可數名詞 修飾不可數名詞 1. many + 複數可數名詞 1.much +單數不可數名詞 = many a +單數可數名詞 2. a number of 2.an amount of a great number of a great deal of a good number of a good deal of a large number of 3. a lot of / lots of 3. a lot of / lots of 4. plenty of 4. plenty of 1. I have visited many countries. =I have visited many a country. 2. Do you have much money? There hasn’t been much good weather recently. 3. He spent a great deal of money o his books. 4. He has a large number of books. cf. A number of students were absent yesterday. The number of students is increasing few + 複數可數名詞 little + 單數不可數名詞 1. I have few books with me. 2. The girl is so ill that little hope is left. 1.a few + 複數可數名詞 1.a little+單數不可數名詞 2. some 2. some 1. He has a few friends. 2. I had a little time for reading. 14

2. 很少 (含否定意味) 3.一些 (含肯定意味)

分數的表示法 1. 分子用基數,分母用序數。 2. 分子大於1時,分母須加 “ s ” 以形成複數。 3. 基數:one, two, three… 序數:first, second, third...

「數詞+名詞」:複合形容詞 例 句 1/2 = a half / one half 1/3 = a third / one-third 1/4 = a quarter / one-fourth 2/3 = two-thirds 3/4 = three quarters / three-fourths 3/5 = three-fifths 例 句 a two-month vacation 1. 數字-單N + N a ten-story building He is ten years old. 2. 數字-單N + 形容詞 = he is a ten-year-old boy. a one-eyed man 3. 形容詞-Ned + N high-priced goods *數詞( hundred, thousand, million…)之前有明確的數字: two hundred books three thousand students four million people *數詞之前沒有明確的數字:數詞s + of hundreds of books thousands of students millions of people tens of thousands of cards 4.形容詞的比較:

分類 用 法 例 句 1.單獨表示性質或數量。 1. John is tall. 1.原級 2. This is a beautiful flower. 2.比較級 1.為兩者之間的比較。 1. John is taller than Greg. 2. This flower is more beautiful than that. 1.為三者之間的比較。 1. John is the tallest of the 2.最高級形容詞在其前面three. 加定冠詞“the”。 2. This is the most beautiful flower in the garden. 3.最高級


(1) 形容詞比較級和最高級的形成 a.規則變化 原 級 比 較 級 最高級 1.單音節形容(1) + er + est 詞 (2) ~e + r + st (3)子音+ y 去y +ier 去y +iest (4)短母音子音字尾 重複字尾 + er 重複字尾 + est 2.多音節形容(1)字尾是ful、ble、 詞 less、ous、ing等二more ~ most ~ 音節形容詞 (2)三音節形容詞 6. 3.字尾是~y, ~er, 變化同單音節變化同單音節~le, ~ow 等 形容詞 形容詞 二音節形容詞 例字:1. (1) long-longer-longest, fast-faster-fastest (2) wise-wiser-wisest, large-larger-largest (3) dry-drier-driest (4) hot-hotter-hottest, big-bigger-biggest 2. (1) useful-more useful-most useful, (2) valuable-more valuable-most valuable 3. easy-easier-easiest, happy-happier-happiest clever-cleverer-cleverest narrow-narrower-narrowest able-abler-ablest simple-simpler-simplest simple-more simple-most simple b.不規則變化

原 級 比 較 級 最 高 級 good (好的) better(較好的) best(最好的) well (健康的) bad (壞的) worse(更壞的) worst(最壞的) ill( 生病的) many / much (很多) more(更多的) most(最多的) little (少;小) less(較少/小的) least(最少/小的) older oldest「表年齡或新舊」 old (老;舊) elder eldest「表示長幼順序」 farther(更遠的) farthest「表距離」 far further(更近一步的) furthest「表程度」


late later(較遲的) latter(較後的) latest(最新的)「表時間」 last (最後的)「表次序」 (2) 形容詞原級、比較級和最高級的用法: A. 原級的用法:

I、A和B一樣 「肯定」

A ◎ Joe is the same age as I (am).

am/is/are as 原級形容詞 as B (am/is/are). 他和我一樣重。

He is ________ _______ _______ I (am).

Your shirt is the same as mine. A和B不同

B. A am/is/are not the same as A am/is/are different from B. ◎ Your shirt is not the same as mine. Your shirt is different from mine. II、A不如/不及B 「否定」

A am/is/are not so 原級形容詞 as A am/is/are less A am/is/are 比較級形容詞 than B (am/is/are). 原級形容詞 than B (am/is/are). B (am/is/are). ◎

◎ This question is not so difficult as that one.

◎ This question is less difficult than that one. ◎ This question is easier than that one. ◎ 木材不如鋼鐵堅固。

Wood is ________ _______ _______ _______ steel. Wood is ________ _______ _______ steel. ◎ 約翰不如我高。

John is ________ _______ _______ _______ I am. John is ________ _______ _______ I am.


John is ________ _______ I am.



A V as 原級形容詞 a/ an 單數可數名詞 as B V as 原級形容詞 不可數名詞/複數名詞 as B ◎ I have as many books as Tom.

◎ Bob drank as much coffee as Mary. ◎ You are as good a student as she.


A V as 原級形容詞/ 副詞 as one can as possible can/could be A非常~ A V as 原級形容詞/ 副詞 as ◎ Come here as soon as possible.

= Come here as soon as you can. ◎ She was as happy as could be.

= She was very happy. B. 比較級的用法:


A主格 am/is/are 形容詞比較級 than B主格 (am/is/are). ◎ I am taller than he (is). ◎ This book is more expensive than that one. ◎ 你的手錶比我的快。

Your watch is _______ _______ _______.

◎ 時間比金錢還有價值。

Time is _______ _______ _______ money.

II、A是兩者之中比較~者 A

am/is/are the 18

比較級 of the two…. ◎ I am the taller of the two. ◎ This is the more expensive of the two books. ◎ 他是兩兄弟中比較高的。

He is _______ _______ _______ the two brothers.

◎ 台北是兩城市中比較大的。

Taipei is _______ _______ _______ the two cities. * 兩主詞的比較均用主格 * than前面須接比較級


am/is/are A 連綴動詞 比較級and比較級 more and more 比較級 A愈…, B就愈… The …. 比較級 S (A) V…, the 比較級 S (B) V ◎ It was 33°C yesterday, and it is 35°C today.

→It is getting hotter and hotter. ◎

She becomes more and more beautiful.

◎ When the food is good, a restaurant gets very popular. →The better the food is, the more popular a restaurant gets.

The higher you go, the colder you feel.

The more careful you are, the fewer mistakes you’ll make. IV、A比B年長 A (主格) am/is/are old than B (主格) ◎ He is senior to me.

=He is older than I.



A (主格) A (主格) am/is/are am/is/are junior younger to than B (受格) B (主格) ◎ I am junior to him.

=I am younger than he.

A 比B大幾歲

A (主格) am/is/are senior A (主格) am/is/are older than B (主格) by …years. to B (受格) by …years. ◎ I am older than she by three years. = I am senior to her by three years.

= I am her senior by three years.

= I am three years older than she. ◎

I am senior to him by two years. I am older than he by two years. I am two years older than he.

A 比B小幾歲

A (主格) am/is/are junior A (主格) am/is/are younger than B (主格) by …years. to B (受格) by …years. ◎ I am younger than she by three years. = I am junior to her by three years.

= I am her junior by three years.

= I am three years younger than she. ◎

I am junior to him by two years. I am younger than he by two years. I am two years younger than he.



