更新时间:2023-07-26 08:00:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载




Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Fan Chang. Today I’m going to talk about the topic ”Pollution has caused too many problems ”. I will divide the instruction into four parts: they are Teaching Material Analysis, Teaching Method Analysis, Learning Method Analysis, and Teaching procedures.

Part 1 Teaching Material Analysis

1. Teaching aims

This section is from Topic 1 of Unit 2. According to the textbook, I determine the teaching aims are as follows:

(1) Knowledge objects

a. Let the students know how to use simple past and present perfect.

b. Enable the students to remember the new words & phrases.

c. Make the students learn by themselves.

(2) Ability objects

a. Make the students understand the passage about pollution.

b. Ask the Students to make dialogues using the new words and phrases.

b. Stimulate students' interest in learning English.

(3) Moral objects

a. Let the students know something about pollution.

b. Guide the students understand the importance of environmental protection, and do what they can to protect the environment.

2. Teaching important points

a. New words and phrases

b. improve their reading skills.

3. Teaching difficult points

a. Act out students’ own dialogue using new words and phrases.

b. Grasp the transformation of synonymous sentences.

Part 2 Teaching Method Analysis

1. Use pictures to create scenarios for students to learn new knowledge, and inspire students to learn.

2. Use discussion and conversation practice to let the students improve the ability of using language in order to achieve the purpose of communication, so that students can apply their knowledge to the knowledge.

Part 3 Learning Method Analysis

1. Autonomous learning. It is to cultivate the independent exploration ability of students, to make them learn to study.

2. Collaborative learning. It is to cultivate the cooperation and communication ability, and team consciousness of students.

Part 4 Teaching procedures

Step 1 Review

First of all, review and consolidate Section A-C through the Grammar and Functions practice. And then introduce the new lesson: Let 's talk about some kinds of pollution.

Step 2 Present

By the use of pictures show the different kinds of pollution and teach the important new words, presenting 1a. Learn and master "coal", "create", "blood", "pressure" and "planet".

Step 3 Learn by themselves


Read 1a, fill in the blanks according to the contents of the article. Then the teacher and students discuss the answers together.

Step 4 Consolidate

Read 1a again, find out the harm of each kind of pollution. Let the students discuss by groups: what harms does the pollution around us do to our environment? How can we solve them?

Step 5 Practice

Completed 1b. Explain the synonymous sentences.

Step 6 Afterschool activities

Through group activities, make Blackboard newspaper about "protect the environment and be green angels" after class. Finish Project.

Step 7 Homework

Ask the students to write an article entitled "My Ideal School", imagining their ideal campus.

That’s all. Thank you!

