牛津译林版英语8A Unit3 Period1(Comic strip Welcome to the un

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8A Unit 3 A day out

Period1(Comic strip & Welcome to the unit)


1.需要锻炼_______ 2.白宫_______

3.玩得高兴_______ 4.乘船旅行_______ 5.著名的港湾大桥_______ 6.经过某地_______ 7.悉尼歌剧院_______ 8.保重_______

9.塞纳河旁的一个小咖啡馆 10.去埃菲尔铁塔_______ 11.美国总统_______ 12.金门大桥_______ 13. 90英尺宽_______ 14.钢铁的重量_______ 二、单词拼写

1.Would you 1ike some___________(咖啡)or tea? 2.The boys come from___________(澳大利亚). 3.What’s on the__________(顶部)of the building?

4.The bridge weighs about 10,000____________(吨). 5.Xi Jinping is the____________(国家主席)of China now. 6.Suzhou is beautiful________(城市)with a long history. 三、句型转换

1.This wooden bridge is only 20 metres long.(对画线部分提问) _______ _______ _______ this wooden bridge?

2.Let's climb the hill now,_______ _______ ?(完成反意问句) 3.We always have fun at the weekend.(改为同义句) We always_______ _______ at the weekend.

We always_______ _______ _______ _______ at the weekend. 4.This road is 8 metres wide.(对画线部分提问) _______ _______ is this road?

5.Tom said nothing just now, _______ _______ ?(完成反意问句) 6.That's a wooden bridge.(改为同义句) That bridge is_______ _______ _______ .

7.The weight of this box is 10 kilograms.(对画线部分提问) _______ _______ _______ _______ this box?

8.Last week l went on a trip by boat.(改为同义句) Last week I_______ a_______ _______ .

9.This hill is not as boring as a real one.(改为同义句) A real hill is_______ _______ _______ this one.

10. On his way to school, he walks past a cinema.(改为同义句) On his way to school, he_______ _______ a cinema. 四、单项选择

( )1.He is a handsome boy ________large bright eyes. A.have B.has C.with D.having ( )2.We enjoyed_______at the party last night.

A.us B.ours C.ourselves D.our selves ( )3.His aunt lives________105 Beijing street.


A.on B.at C.to D.of ( )4.一_______is the Eiffel Tower?

一It’s about 320.7 metres in height.

A.How long B.How highly C.How tall D.How wide ( )5.I walked the supermarket on my way home yesterday. A.passed B.past C.by D.on ( )6.Sydney is_______. A.a big city in America

B.the name of a big building C.a big city in Australia D.the capital of Australia

( )7.Which of the following is in the USA? A.The Eiffel Tower. B.The Great Wall. C.The Harbour Bridge. D.The Golden Gate Bridge.

( )8.The hill is as________as a real one.

A.high B.highly C.tall D.taller ( )9.一How long is the river? 一It’s about 1.9________.

A.wide B.miles C.long D.tons ( )10.一Could I have some milk?

一Certainly.There is________in the bottle.

A.1ittle B.a 1ittle C.few D.a few 五、完形填空

Do you live in a city? Do you know 1 cities began? Long long ago,the world had only 2 thousand people.These people 3 from place to place.They moved over the land(陆地)to hunt animals 4 .

5 knows how or where these people learned about growing food. 6 when they did,their lives changed.They didn’t have to 7 food any more.They could stay in one place and grow it.

People began to live near one another.And so the 8 villages(村庄)grew.Many people came to work.in the villages.These villages grew very big.

When 9 came along,life in the villages changed again.They built factories(工 厂).More and more people 1ived near the factories.The cities grew very big. Today some people are moving back to small towns.Can you tell 10 ? ( )1.A.when B.where C.how D.why ( )2.A.few B.a few C.two D.many ( )3.A.moved B.1ived C.stayed D.walked ( )4.A.hard B.easy C.to food D.for food ( )5.A.Someone B.Everybody C.No one D.It ( )6.A.But B.And C.Until D.So

( )7.A.plant B.grow C.eat D.look for ( )8.A.one B.first C.few D.many


( )9.A.computers B. cars C.machines(机器) D.villages ( )10.A.why B.how C.it D.somebody 六、阅读理解

(Mrs Jones, the headmaster, is telling the students some information about the trip.)

Now, here's some information about our school trip. As usual we will spend the first four days in Paris. We'll have a sightseeing(观光) tour of the city and we'll also visit some of the famous place like the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre. From Paris we'll travel down to the south of France near Marseilles by boat. We'll spend five days there.

Last year we went by coach, but we found that the journey was too long and we didn't have enough time to do everything. So this year we will go by train. I will provide(提供) more information about the schedule(日程安排) later.

There will be 80 students on the trip. We will travel in three groups and there will be three teachers with each group. I will go with Group One.

I hope that everyone on the trip will have a good time, but please remember that it is an educational(教育的) visit, not a holiday. There will be some time for swimming and other sports, but we are going to France to study French culture(文化) and use the French language as much as possible.

( )1. What are the students going to France for? A. To do some sports. B. To have an educational visit. C. To spend their holiday. D. Only to do sightseeing. ( )2. How many times have they been to France? A. Once. B. Twice. C. Three times. D. Never. ( )3. How long will they stay there?

A. Three days. B. Four days. C. Five days. D. Nine days. ( )4. Why don't they want to go by coach? A. It will take too much time. B. There are too many students.

C. They don't know how long it will take. D. They cannot have a sightseeing on the way. ( )5. Which team will Mrs Jones go with? A. Group One. B. Group Two. C. Group Three. D. Group One and Group Three. 七、句子翻译

1、你们在香港玩得开心吗? 2、这山没有真的山那样高。 3、你计划下周去那个城市参观?




一. 1. need to exercise 2. the White House 3. have a good time/ have fun/ enjoy oneself 4. take a boat trip 5. the famous Harbour Bridge 6. go past sp/ pass by sp 7. the Opera House 8. take care 9. a little coffee shop by the River Seine 10. go to the Eiffel Tower 11. the President of the USA 12. the Golden Gate Bridge 13. 90 feet wide 14. the weight of the steel

二. 1. coffee 2. Australia 3. top 4.tons 5. President 6.city

三. 1. How long is 2. shall we 3. enjoy ourselves; have a good time 4. How wide 5. did he 6. made of wood 7. What's the weight of 8. took; boat trip 10. passes by


七.1.Did you have a good time in Hong Kong? 2.The hill isn’t as high as the real one.

3.Which city are you going to visit next week?

4.The White House is building with a big garden and many trees.


9. more boring than

