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1 3B M1 Unit 1 Seeing and hearing

I. 单元分析 一、基本要求:

1、能听说读写:can, can‘t, aeroplane, bus(buses), ship, car, hear, see词汇。

2、能听说读:listen(to), look at, There is…, What else…, children(chilled), they,them, an aeroplane, some等词汇。 3、能掌握ch-[t?]的发音规则:chick, chair。

4、能掌握并运用What can you hear/see? I can hear/see…

What colour can you see?表达相关信息。

5、能掌握并运用一般疑问句Can you…? Yes,I can/.No,I can‘t.询问并获得信息。 6、能掌握并运用… and…, … but…的句型。 7、熟悉作spinner的过程、顺序。 8、欣赏并学唱儿歌 I hear raindrops. 二、相关旧知: 1B:bicycle ride

what do you see?I see… 和what do you hear? I hear… 2B:train, bus, car, van , bicycle, ship.

What can you hear? I can hear…; ….can…, …can‘t… 三、发展性要求:(可以选择性运用)

1 、能选择性听说读下面的单词、词组和句子: circle 圆圈


spin旋转 spinner转盘 落下 pitter-patter雨滴声 by the window窗边


Charlie has…, Carlie and his chick are sitting on the chair.

2. 文本

(1)A song: I hear raindrops I hear raindrops I hear raindrops Falling down Falling down Pitter-patter, raindrops Pitter-patter, raindrops Falling down Falling down (2). A rhyme Charlie has a chick. Charlie has a chair. Charlie and his chick Are sitting on the chair. (3) Mini-dialogue

Peter: What can you see in the sky, Kitty? Kitty: I can see some… Peter: How many…are there? Kitty: There are… Peter: What colour are..?

use使用raindrop雨滴fall(ing) down

Kitty: They are… (4) A passage:

2 It is rainy today. Alice and her brother Tom can‘t go out and play. They can only stay at home. They are both standing by the window. They can hear raindrops. And they can see many cars and buses in the street. Alice likes listening to the raindrops, but Tom doesn‘t. He likes watching the busy cars. 四、情感与人文:

善于观察、聆听身边的事物,热爱生活。 五、教学建议

(一) 教材处理与教时分配

Period 1: 整合Look and learn,Look and say,学习并运用What can you hear/see? I can hear/see…What colour can you see? 学习词汇“can, can‘t, aeroplane, bus(buses), ship, car, hear, see‖能简单介绍自己的所见所闻。

Period 2: 在巩固前课的基础上,学习Play a game,师生共同make a spinner.给出相应的情景,让学生就制作的spinner进行对话。完成相应的配套练习

Period 3: 创设情境,学习Say and act.学习在一个情境中用一段较为具体的独立语段介绍自己看到听到的东西,完成相应配套练习。

Period 4: 学习歌曲I hear raindrops.以及字母ch在单词中的发音[t?]。拓展学习(阅读训练,小试卷)。 (二)教学方法 1、语音训练方式。

结合新旧单词的发音ch- [t?] Charlie chick chair 已学过或接触过含有字母音[t?]的单词有:

Peanch, branch, Chinese, chopsticks, child, children, chicken 2、单词教学。

建议新授单词在旧句型中结合图片、声音等进行引入和操练。 3、句型教学。

建议将新授句型置入段落、对话、故事中进行教学。 4、儿歌。

在教学儿歌时,可以配以相应的动作或者节奏进行表演。 5、语篇

建议创设情境教学,分角色进行表演。 II. Teaching plan

Period 1

Title Aims Module 1 Unit1 Look and learn & Look and say 1.Knowledge aims: Words:car ,bus ,aeroplane ,ship Sentences: What can you see? I can see a/some… What else`can you see? I can see… What can you hear? I can hear… 2.Ability aims: Identifying the key words. E.g. car ,bus ,aeroplane ,ship Using wh-questions to find out what is seeing and hearing . e.g. What can you see? I can see a/some… What else`can you see? I can see… What can you hear? I can hear… 3.Emotion aims: Let students learn to observe things around them. Main points Difficult points Teaching aids Step Pre-task preparation 2. Quick response. Ask and answer While-task procedure 1.car What can you see? I can see... What can you hear? I can hear… bus aeroplane 1. Identifying the key words. 3 2. Using wh-questions to find out what is seeing and hearing. 1. Using nouns to identify vehicle . 2. Using wh-questions to find out what is seeing and hearing. multimedia Procedures Contents 1. Sing a song Methods Say it together and do the action. What’s this ? What’s that ? Is that ..? T : Today is Sunny . Let’s go out . 1.T : We are on the road. What can you see? I can see a car. 2.read and spell 3.T:How is it? S: It’s... 4.What can you see? I can see some cars. Make phases:some… 5.Pair work A:What can you see? B:I can see… It’s/They’re… 1.T: Listen! What can you hear? Elicit : bus 2.Ss read one by one . Make phrases : a … bus T:How many buses? Let’s count. One bus,two buses… 3.Pair work A: Listen! ______. What can you hear? B: I can hear _______. A: Yes. There is/are ________. 1.T:Listen ,what can you hear? I can hear an aeroplane. 2.Read and spell 3.T: How is the aeroplane? S:The aeroplane is… Purpose 通过已学的歌曲,调动学生的积极性,创设英语课堂教学氛围。同时为新课的教授作铺垫。 复习旧句型,同时调节学习气氛,让学生自由问答。 由天气晴朗出去来到马路上引出小汽车,并由单数过度到some加复数的形式,同时自然引出句型。结合图片,用pair work的方式进行巩固和操练。 由声音的播放引出句型和单词。 根据问答进行count来巩固bus的单复数。 用pair work 的形式操练句型。 用声音形象引出新授单词。 通过让学生make sentences的形式来巩固新单词。 ship Ask and answer Post-task activity Listen and read . Make a new dialogue : 4 通过小诗进行巩固操练,同时区别音进单词。 通过问答来进行操练。对比已学句型。 1.T:Listen, what else can you hear? I can hear a ship. 2.Read and spell … 3.Read a rhyme I can see a shop. I can see the ships. One ,two, three, Four, five ,six. The six ships in the shop. 4. Do pair work A: Listen! ____. What can you hear? B: … A: ____. What else can you hear? B: … Read the sentences and do the ask and answer. 1.Ss listen to the tape and read the dialogue together . A:Look,What can you see? B:I can see a ______. A:What else can you see? B:I can see ______. A:What colour can you see? B:I can see a ______. A:What can you hear? B:I can hear a ______. 学生通过上面句型的学习和操练,以及录音的听,使他们对整个对话有所了解,再进行填空式的对话训练,培养学生的口语能力。 通过dialogue,对新授单词和句型进行一个整合。 Assignment Copy Talk Copy the new words:can, can’t, aeroplane, bus(buses), ship, car, hear, see Copy the sentences:What can you hear? I can hear an aeroplane. What can you see? I can see some ships. Talk to your parents about what you seeing and hearing. 板 书 设 计 教学反Module 1 Unit 1 Tasting and smelling car ,bus ,aeroplane ,ship What can you see? I can see a/some… What can you hear? I can hear… (建议从目标反思、过程反思、效果反思、改进意见等方面反思) 思 5 Period 2

Title Aims Play a game Learn the sound Basic aims 1.Knowledge objectives: Learn to say: What colour can you see? I can see… 2. Ability objectives: a. Using wh-questions to find out specific information. Eg: What colour can you see? b. Using the modal verb can to talk about what one can see and hear. Eg : I can see red. c. Pronouncing the sound ch- correctly in words such as chair and chick. 3. Emotional objectives: Increased students‘interest in learning English by play the game and build their self-confidence in English learning Main points Difficult points Teaching aids Step Pre-task preparation 1. Learn to say: What colour can you see? I can see… a. Using wh-questions to find out specific information. b. Using the modal verb can to talk about what one can see and hear. Multi-media Procedures Contents Daily talk 1. Greetings. 2. Ask and answer: a. c. What can you see in the classroom? What can you see on the farm? … b. What can you hear in the zoo? Methods Purpose 通过师生间的问候及问答让学生进入英语学习的状态并复习上节课的内容。 While-task procedure 1. Learn the sound ch- 2. What do we need to make a spinner? 1. Show the picture on Page 5. Ask what can you see? 2. Learn the sound ―ch-― 3. Listen and read the words and the rhyme. 4. Encourage them to think of more words. 5. Do some exercises. 1. T: What do you like to play? Elicit: spinner Read and make some phrases. 2. T: What do we need to make a spinner? Ps: We need a card, a pencil, some crayons and a toothpick. 通过单词的引出以及听录音来读准音,并让学生发散性思维寻找已学过的单词。

3. The steps of making a spinner. 4. What colour can you see? I can see… 6 Read and spell the word: toothpick Introduce: tooth- teeth 1. Teacher make it and pupils look. 2. Pupils talk how to make a spinner. 3. Elicit the steps. 4. Make it together. 1. T: What colour can you see? P1: I can see red. P2: I can see … 2. Pair work. 培养学生的说话能力及语言组织能力,增加他们的兴趣。 让学生通过说,看老师做,然后自己来说怎么做。锻炼他们的说话能力。然后再动手做增加记忆及增添他们对英语学习的兴趣。 通过师生间的对话及生生间的问答引出新授句型并操练。 学困生在老师辅导下尝试着说。 Post-task activity 1.A guessing game 2.Do some exercises Assignment Divide the pupils into groups of four. Ask the pupils to make some cards of things in different colours and play a guessing game. P1: What colour can you see? P2: I can see… P3: What can you see? P4: I can see a … It‘s … 1.Change the sentences 2. Workbook Page 2-3 1.Listen and follow the cassette 2.Spin the spinner and make the dialogue. 通过游戏的形式来操练所学知识,让学生更感兴趣。同时能掌握的更好。 板 Draw … 书 Cut … 设 Colour … What colour can you see? 计 Use … I can see + 颜色。 Spin… 7 教 (建议从目标反思、过程反思、效果反思、改进意见等方面反思) 学 反 思

Period 3

Title Aims Listen and enjoy Say and act 1.Knowledge objectives: a. Learn to sing the song . b. Learn to say: children- child. 2. Ability objectives: a. Using the modal verb can and its negative form can‘t to talk about what one can or can‘t see or hear.. b. Using wh-questions to find out specific information.. 3. Emotional objectives: Love to speak English and enjoy the life. Main points Difficult points Teaching aids Step Pre-task preparation Using the modal verb can and its negative form can‘t to talk about what one can or can‘t see or hear. Using the modal verb can and its negative form can‘t to talk about what one can or can‘t see or hear. Multi-media Procedures Contents A rhyme Daily talk 1. Greetings 2. Ask and answer: Eg: What can you see? What colour can you see? While-task procedure 1 a toy ____ … and … Show the pictures of some toys. 1) Elicit: a toy _____ 2) Make some sentences Eg: I can see a toy ship. It‘s big. 3) Elicit: I can see … and … 4) Make some sentences. Methods Say the rhyme together. 复习旧知的同时引出新授,过渡自然。 通过学生直观的感受来学习Purpose 2. children – child they – them 3. can‘t …, but … 4. Listen and read 5. Listen and enjoy 8 1. Show the pictures. T: What else can you see? Elicit: children 2.Pay attention to : child 4. Elicit : them 5. Compare them with they 1. Ask and answer. 2. Do pair work. P1: What can Ben see? P2: He can see… P1: Can he hear..? P2: No, he can‘t. 3. Use ― but‖ to make a new sentence. I can …, but I can‘t… 1. Listen and read the dialogue. 2. Role-play the dialogue. 1.Listen to the song. 2. Sing it together. 3. Ask and answer some questions according to the song. 掌握and的用法,比较简单。 强调单复数的转化。 注意提醒学生人称代词的转变。 由问答引出,并通过同桌合作来巩固,在此基础上学习but的句型,更容易掌握。 让 学生感受轻松愉快的气氛,并寻找歌曲中的信息。 Post-task activity Make a new dialogue. Group work: school. 创设情境,于观察身边的事物,从而热爱生活。并培养他们的说话能力和语言组织表达能力。 学困生尽量参与其中。 Assignment 1. Enjoy the song with your family. Talk about what can / can‘t you see or hear on your way to 让学生善 9 2. Make and act the dialogue with your friends.. 板 书 设 计 children – child them – they … and … … , but … 教 (建议从目标反思、过程反思、效果反思、改进意见等方面反思) 学 反 思

3B M1U2 Period 1

Title Aims Listen and enioy Learn the sound Language aims: Using the key words correctly in context e.g.,pineapple,cake,bread,glass,bag Using imperatives to give simple instructions e.g., Touch the glass. Using wh-questions to find out how things feel e.g., How does it feel? Using adjectives to describe how things feel e.g., It‘s rough and soft. Developing aims: To help the students make a simple rhyme. Main points Difficult points Teaching aids Step Pre-task preparation Revision Say a rhyme Using the words and sentences to talk about how things feel. Make a simple rhym. Power Point Procedures Contents Daily talk I can ---- with my ----- A bag, a doll. I can see. Soft and nice. For you and me. While-task procedure 1 How does it feel? 2.pineapple rough 1. 1.T:Touch the bag. It‘s _ Ss: It‘s soft. T: How does it feel? Ss read follow me show a picture to elicit pineapple 由It‘s----的简单复习让学生有所感知,为下面的拓展句型打下铺垫。 Methods 语的状态。 Purpose 营造英语氛围,引导学生进入学习英 2. Practise to say the scentence 3.do some exercise 4. bread it feel? B:It‘s_ 6. glass 7 glssses How do they feel? They are hard and smooth. 8.do some exercises Post-task activity 1. 2. comprehension do a survey Homework 1. 2. 板 书 设 计 1. 2. 5. 2. 3. 4. 10 T read and Ps follow P1,P2…..read and spell Talk about the pineapple to teach rough the same way to learn rough soft-hard smooth-hard 1.T reads and Ps read 2. read a rhyme about bread learn to read the word How does it feel? It‘s hard and smooth. 对于三年级的学生来讲,编儿歌难度较大,因此老师的指导、示范很重要,拓展句型要加强领读,让学生学会说并敢于说。 由单数句过渡到复数句,扩展学生的知识范围.互相比对,掌握同一句型的两种变化. Read then answer some questions Assignment Copy the words and sentences. Do a survey Module 1 Unit 2 Touching and feeling pineapple bread glass-glasses How does it feel? It‘s _ How do they feel? They‘re_ 通过几个简单的练习及时巩固新知,也通过练习反馈,及时作出调整。 5.A:Touch the_.How does Practise the dialogue in pairs Touch the _. How do they feel? They‘re _. 教议从目标反思、过程反思、效果反思、改进意见等方面反思) 学 反 思

Period 2

Title Aims 1. 2. 3. 4. On the Moon Language aims: 11 Using Wh-questions to find out how things feel e,g,., How does it feel? Using adjectives to describe things e.g., It‘s soft and nice. Using wh-questions to find out specific information e.g., What‘s that? Using formulaic expressions to express agreement with someone e.g., Me too. Developing aims: To help students create a new story Main points Difficult points Teaching aids Using the words and sentences to talk about how things feel. Make a simple rhym. Power Point Procedures Step Pre-task preparation Rhyme Revision Contents See ,see, Methods T and Ps say it together See with my eyes. I can see with my eyes. …….. 语的状态。 Purpose 营造英语氛围,引导学生进入学习英Look!What can you see? Touch the … How do they feel? They‘re… While-task procedure 1.learn the1 word:finger 2.learn the word:spaceship 3.learn the word:food 4.Learn the word:hungry too 5.revision:how much How does it feel?It‘s… 1. Ask and answer T: One day, Supergirl and 设置故事情景,吸引学生注意力. Superdog go to the Moon . (Watch the screen) T:How do they go to the Moon? Ss : by spaceship 1. show a picture to elicit the word:food 2. exercise: T or F food school ( ) good food ( ) too smooth( ) look Moon ( ) T:They are hungry.So they go to supermarket to buy some food.Look,how is the Moon bread? It‘s too hard. T:How much is the Moon pie ? 简单复习How does it feel?/How do they feel? 区分too 的两种意思及用法 too./ It‘s Yummy! 7.a short diagogue 8.exercise。 Post-task activity Assignment Homework 1. 2. 3. 学 反 思 1.Listen and complete 12 It is _____ ____ yuan 文章完整出示,短文教学加深学生对知识点的掌握。 通过几个简单的练习及时巩固新知,也通过练习反馈,及时作出调整。 6.learn the patterns: : Me One day, Supergirl and Superdog are on the ______. Superdog is hungry. They go to a ___________ and get some _____. They see some Moon bread. But it‘s ____ hard. They buy some Moon pies. They‘re _____ and nice. They are ten Moon yuan. They _____ the Moon pies. They are yummy.They have a good time. are on the Moon and soft. ( )3.Moon pies are Ten Sun yuan ( )4.Supergirl and Superdog like Moon bread Copy the words and sentences. Read the story Make a new story. 通过几个简单的练习及时巩固新知,也通过练习反馈,及时作出调整。 ( )1. Supergirl and Superdog ( )2.Moon bread is rough 教议从目标反思、过程反思、效果反思、改进意见等方面反思) 13

Period 3

Title Aims Listen and enioy Learn the sound Language aims: 1.Using the words and sentences to talk about how things feel. 2. Pronouncing the sounds ?sh-? correctly in words such as ship and shop. Ability aims: Through the teacher's guidance, let the students creat a rhyme. Emotional aims: Encouraging the students to like speaking English. Developing aims: To help the students make a simple rhyme. Main points Difficult points Teaching aids Step Pre-task preparation Rhyme Revision Using the words and sentences to talk about how things feel. Make a simple rhym. Power Point Procedures Contents See ,see, See with my eyes. I can see with my eyes. …….. 2. creat a new rhyme. 3. Change I to She While-task procedure 1learn the word:finger 1. T: I have two hands. Kitty has,too.Look Hello, I‘m Alice. . I have two hands. I have ten fingers. 2. (Watch the screen) T:How many fingers do you have? What can your fingers do? to elicit:I can touch and feel . With my hands and fingers. Watch and say: I have two eyes. I have two ears. I can see and hear With my eyes and ears. 由have,has 的简单复习让学生有所感知,为下面的拓展句型打下铺垫。 Methods T and Ps say it together 的状态。 Purpose 营造英语氛围,引导学生进入学习英语 2.make a rhyme. 3.Learn the sound:sh- 14 I have two hands. I have ten fingers. I can touch and feel With my hands and fingers. I have two eyes. I have two ears. I can see and hear With my eyes and ears. I have _________. I have __________. I can ____ and ____ With _____ and _______. 2..Imitate the sound:sh- Oh, I can see my friend in the shop. 3.Clap hands and say: [sh] ship [sh] shop 4.More words: she sheep shoe short shining … Post-task activity Assignment 板 书 设 计 sh- ship shop 教议从目标反思、过程反思、效果反思、改进意见等方面反思) 学 反 思 1.A rhyme 2.Exercises. Homework P9 Choose 1.Listen and read . 2.Copy the words and sentences. Module 1 Unit 2 Touching and feeling I have _________. I ha ve __________. I can____ and ____ With _____ and _______. 通过几个简单的练习及时巩固新知,也通过练习反馈,及时作出调整。 对于三年级的学生来讲,编儿歌难度较大,因此老师的指导、示范很重要,拓展句型要加强领读,让学生学会说并敢于说。 熟悉的单词引入字母组合发音的教学,有利于学生对字母-组合-发音建立起联系,便于记忆。 15 3BM1U3 Period 1

Title Aims Look and say Look and learn Basic aims 1.Knowledge objectives: a. Learn to read, spell and use the words: lemon, sour b. Learn to say: How does it smell? How does it taste? 2. Ability objectives: a. Using modeled sentences to ask the smell and taste. b. Can answer these two questions. 3. Emotional objectives: Help the students know different smell and tastes. Main points Pronouncing the key words correctly : lemon, sour Using modeled sentences to find out specific information How does it smell? How does it taste? Difficult points Pronouncing the key words correctly : lemon, sour Using modeled sentences to find out specific information How does it smell? How does it taste? Teaching aids Multi-media Procedures Step Pre-task preparation Contents Rhyme Methods Smell the egg. Smell the rice. Egg and rice, nice, nice, nice. Taste the soup. Taste the noodles. Soup and noodles, Yummy, yummy, yummy. Purpose 通过学过的儿歌朗诵,复习旧知进入学习状态并为新授课程打下基础铺垫。

While-task procedure Revision: Who…? How old…? Where…? Introduce Peter's friends. imagine to smell Sentence How does it smell? Pair work Good or bad? Word: Lemon, sour Information: Name: Peter Age: ten 16 让学生根据提供线索问题回答,巩固了日常对话。 巩固了人物介绍。 由答句引发问句,由简单的回答引出新授句型,使学生更容易接受。 男女同学之间儿歌似的对话问答,让学生在朗朗上口的对话中巩固了新授句型。 在单词教学中注重音标教学和字母发音归类的整理。 在单词教学中将新授单词渗透进已经学过的儿歌里去,这样学生更容易接受。 Place: in his room Let Ps ask questions using : who, how old, where Bobby is a boy. He‘s _____. He‘s _____. His ___is\\are ___. He‘s a lovely boy. Millie is a girl. She‘s _____. She‘s _____. Her ___is\\are ___. She‘s a lovely girl. Smell the peach. It‘s nice. Smell the apple. It‘s good. Elicit: How does it smell? Boys: Smell the apple, girls. How does it smell? Girls: It‘s very nice. Girls: Smell the peach, boys. How does it smell? Boys: It‘s very good. Boys: Smell the strawberry, girls. How does it smell? Girls: Nice, nice, nice. Girls: Smell the plum, boys. How does it smell? Boys: Good, good, good. How does it smell? It‘s ____. Egg, eleven, ten, hen Elicit: lemon Rhyme: Word: taste Let‘s imitate. Post-task activity Exercise: Talk and tick: T or F Assignment Taste the ____. 17 One little, two little, three little lemons. Four little, five little, six little lemons. Seven little, eight little, nine little lemons. They are all very sour. Elicit: sour Taste the lemon. How does it taste? ___, ___, how does it taste? It‘s ___.(nice, good, yummy) 让学生模仿动物的声音练习新句型,提高他们学习的兴趣。 通过小练习,培养了学生的听、读能力。 How does it taste? It‘s ____. 1. Write down the dialogue between Peter and his friends. 2. Try to find some information about our diet in China. 注意作业的听说与写的结合 板 M3U1 Tasting and smelling 书 Lemon, sour 设 How does it smell? 计 How does it taste? 教议从目标反思、过程反思、效果反思、改进意见等方面反思) 学 反 思

Period 2

Title Aims Look and learn Do a survey Listen and enjoy 1.Knowledge objectives: a. Learn to read, spell and use the words: salt, salty, coffee, bitter, sometimes. b. Learn to say: How does it smell? How does it taste? 2. Ability objectives: a. Using modeled sentences to ask the smell and taste. b. Can answer these two questions. 3. Emotional objectives: 18 Help the students know different place, different taste. Main points Using modeled sentences to find out specific information How does it smell? How does it taste? Difficult points Using modeled sentences to find out specific information How does it smell? How does it taste? Developing points Words: hot, sugar Sentence: It smells… It tastes… Teaching aids Multi-media Procedures Step Pre-task preparation Contents Revision Ask and answer Revision: Smell and taste the fruits. While-task procedure Word: salt Elicit: salty Word: hot Sentence: It smells… It tastes… Methods What do you like? I like the ____. How does it smell? It‘s _____. (good, bad…) How does it taste? It‘s _____. (good, yummy…) How does the ___ taste? It‘s ________. (sweet, sour) Mama is making dinner for them. What‘s the dinner? Elicit: salt Rhyme: Put some salt. Put some salt. Put some salt in the soup. Elicit: Salty Guess: Salty or yummy? How does the soup taste? It‘s _____. Mama is making dinner for them. What‘s the dinner? The fish is too hot. Sichuan child: I like the fish. It smells good. And it tastes good. Shanghai child: 创设情景,引出新单词。 创编儿歌,运用儿歌进行新授单词操练,增加机械训练的有趣性。 在新授单词的学习中加入已学句型的巩固,新授复习两不误。 情景继续,引出另授单词和句型,并在学习中带入日常知识,大大提高学生学习兴趣。 地图的出现,引起学生的注意,在日常生活知识的学习中操练和巩固了2个另授句型。 Purpose 复习句型为新授做好铺垫。 Different place, different taste. Do a survey Word: coffee Elicit: sugar Listen and enjoy Sometimes Elicit: bitter Post-task activity Do a survey I don‘t like it. It smells good. 19 让学生之间做个小调查,不仅仅操练了句型,还大大提高了他们学习的兴趣。 让学生读一读,猜一猜. But it tastes hot. Children in Shenyang like eating it. It smells nice. It tastes salty. Children in Sichuan like eating it. It smells ____. It tastes ____. Children in Shanghai like eating it. It smells ____. It tastes ____. What do you like? I like the _____. How does it smell? It smells _____. How does it taste? It tastes______. black coffee put some milk Put some sugar. It can be bitter. It can be sweet. Sometimes it‘s black. Sometimes it‘s white. Don‘t drink it at night. Or you can‘t sleep right. How does the coffee taste? It's bitter. How do they taste? Taste or ask your father and mother after class. 可作为课后作业。 Assignment 1. Try to find some information about the diet in other countries. 2. Write down the dialogue on page 12 of PPT. 20 3. Do some exercises. 板 书 设 计 教 (建议从目标反思、过程反思、效果反思、改进意见等方面反思) 学 反 思 Period 3

Title Aims Say and act 1.Knowledge objectives: a. Learn to read, spell and use the new words b. Can use the sentences: How does it smell? How does it taste? 2. Ability objectives: a. Using modeled sentences to make a dialogue in the shop. 3. Emotional objectives: Let pupils be good to their mothers. Main points Difficult points Teaching aids Step Pre-task preparation Using modeled sentences to make a dialogue in the shop. Using modeled sentences to make a dialogue in the shop. Multi-media Procedures Contents Daily talk Methods Touch the___. How does it feel? Smell the___. How does it smell? Taste the___. How does it taste? … While-task procedure Foreshadowing then fill in the blanks. At the fruit shop Say and act Mother: Peter, there‘s no fruit at home now. Buy some fruit, please. --Good morning. --Good morning. --Can I help you? --May I have some apples, please? --Sure . --Taste the green apple. --How does it taste? --It‘s sour. --Taste the red apple. Is it sweet? 运用日常生活中的平凡对话引出课程的场景。 商店的对话学生相对比较熟练,可以让学生在巩固了对话后角色扮演,甚至脱稿表演。 句型。 Purpose 在日常问候与对话中,复习所学

Pair work Post-task activity In the sweet shop 21 --Yes, it is. --How many apples? --Six, please. --How much are they? --Ten yuan. --Here you are. --Thanks. Do pair work Costomer and shop assistant. Make a dialogue. Be good to your mother! 创设实际情景,将语言放在真实情景中操练。 Assignment 1. Try to find some information about the diet in other ountries. 2. Write down the dialogue on page 12 of PPT. 3. Do some exercises. 板 书 设 计 教 学 反 思 (建议从目标反思、过程反思、效果反思、改进意见等方面反思)

Period 4

Title Aims Say and act Learn the sound 1.Knowledge objectives: a. Learn to read, spell and use the new words b. Can use the sentences: How does it smell? How does it taste? 2. Ability objectives: 22 a. Using modeled sentences to make a dialogue in the shop. Main points Difficult points Teaching aids Step Pre-task preparation Using modeled sentences to make a dialogue in the shop. U Using modeled sentences to make a dialogue in the shop. Multi-media Procedures Contents Daily talk Methods Touch the___. How does it feel? Smell the___. How does it smell? Taste the___. How does it taste? … While-task procedure At the fruit shop Do and does Quick response: Do some exercise: --Good morning. --Good morning. --Can I help you? --May I have some apples, please? --Sure . --Taste the green apple. --How does it taste? --It‘s sour. --Taste the red apple. Is it sweet? --Yes, it is. --How many apples? --Six, please. --How much are they? --Ten yuan. --Here you are. --Thanks. How does the ____ smell? It‘s _____. How does it taste? It‘s______. How___the ___ smell? It‘s _____. How does it taste? It‘s______. How does it \\do they smell? 复习句型为下环节做好铺垫. 和学生区分do 和does的区别,并用小练习来巩固。 句型。 Purpose 在日常问候与对话中,复习所学 Post-task activity Learn the sound: /w/ whale white what where 23 用对鲸鱼外形的提问来练习wh的发音。 进行音标发音归类,通过辩音训练加深学生辩音你能力。 Mr White What colour is its head? It‘s blue. What colour are its eyes? They‘re white. What colour are its tail? They‘re white. Who has the toy whale? What can you see In the photograph? I can see Mr White. I can see his toy whale And its white tale. Assignment 1. Try to find the pronunciation ―wh-‖ of the words learned before 2. 板 书 设 计 教 学 反 思 (建议从目标反思、过程反思、效果反思、改进意见等方面反思) 练习:

1. Taste the soup. How ___ ___taste? 2. Smell the pears. How ___ ____ smell? 3. How ___ ____smell? It‘s sour. 4. How ___ ____ taste? They are yummy. 5. How do the peaches smell? ___ ____ nice. 6. How does the fish taste? ____ ___ yummy.

Do some exercises. 24 3B Module 2 Unit 1 Animals

Ⅰ.教材单元分析 1. 学生情况分析



本单元是3B教材Module2 My favourite things中围绕Animals这一主题展开的多种学习活动。主要要求学生在1B 2B的基础上掌握四会单词tiger,lion,panda,monkey等词和运用已经接触过的句型Do you like…? Yes, I do./No, I don‘t.进行表述自己的喜好。根据一、二年级已有经验,学生已经能运用已学句型表述自己的喜好,因此在本单元整合旧知进行教学,通过迁移比较,复习巩固旧知,并能有效记忆新句型,同时培养学生阅读短故事的能力。 3. 单元教学目标分析

1、能听说读写:tiger, lion, panda, monkey等词汇

2、能听说读:animals, wild animals, clever, strong, ride bicycles, season, hat, take a rest, jump into, angry, get…back,finally等词汇,词组

3、能掌握并运用Do you like …? Yes, I do. / No, I don‘t.表达相关信息。

4、能掌握并运用① Look at +单数. It‘s … It can… / Look at+复数. They‘re… They can …来描述动物。 ②能理解行为动词第三人称单数的运用及一般疑问句的运用, 并获得信息。 Eg: He sees… He likes… He gets… Does he get his hats back? Yes/No. 5、能初步了解like …这一形式,表达自己的喜好。 6、P16页的故事能够朗读、复述或看图讲。 7、能朗诵P17页的儿歌,并改编。


9、能运用简单的语言写话,描述一种或者一只动物。Eg:Look at the … They‘re… They can… They like… They have… I like them. 4. 教学策略分析






Period 1

Title Aims Basic aims 1.Knowledge objectives: a. Learn to read, spell and use the words: tiger,lion,panda,monkey b. Le arn to say: Do you like…? Yes, I do./No, I don‘t. 2. Ability objectives: a. Using modelled sentences to make a short dialogue Look and learn Look and say 25 Do you like…? Yes, I do./No, I don‘t.They‘re… They can… They like… b. Using the suitable adjectives to describe the others Look at … Do you like…? Yes, I do./No, I don‘t.They‘re… They can… They like… 3. Emotional objectives: Know animals are our friends and love animals. Main points Pronouncing the key words correctly : tiger,lion,panda,monkey Using modelled sentences to make a short dialogue Do you like…? Yes, I do./No, I don‘t.They‘re… They can… They like… Difficult points 1. Pronouncing, judging and spelling the words correctly 2..Using the suitable adjectives to describe the animals Look at … Do you like…? Yes, I do./No, I don‘t.They‘re… They can… They like… Teaching aids Multi-media Procedures Step Pre-task preparation Contents Daily talk 1.What can you see/hear? 2.How does …feel? 3.What animals do you like? Review Show picyures T: What are they? To elicit: farm animals wild animals While-task procedure 2.Do you lile…? Yes, I do./ No, I don‘t. 1.ride bicycles climb the tree swim very well clever 1.show pictures and ask T What can the monkeys do? To elicit the phrases and ―clever‖ 2.Read and spell 3.Introduce the monkeys Look at the monkeys. They can ______. They are clever. 1.Ask and answer monkeys? To elicit the answers. 2.Pair work A: Do you like the _____? B: Yes, I do./No, I don‘t. They‘re _____.(colour) They‘re_____.(size) They can _____. 3.To elicit: strong Read and spell 4.Make a sentence The ____is/are strong. 复习旧知,进入今天的学习主题animals,并帮助学生归纳。 利用生动的图片学习词组并引出 clever的学习,过度自然。 利用简短的句子来介绍,同时巩固clever一词的掌握。 两两对话,巩固新句型,同时由各类形象的动物图片引出新词strong的学习,在情景中加深了解。 利用新词造句,进一步巩固所学。 介绍动物的另一些Methods Purpose 通过问答复习旧知,进入学习状态。 T:Look at the monkeys. They can ___. Do you like the

31 They like ______ While-task procedure 1.To retail the story 2.Listen and enjoy 3. all kinds of 1.To show the pictures. S retails the story. Ss do pair work. To show a picture of a zoo --What can you see in the zoo? --I can see ... We can see all kinds of animals. all kinds of _____. -What can you see ? --I can see all kinds of ___. 看图片,复述故事。培养能力。 从词组练习过渡到句型。 单词教学紧扣本课基本句型。 改编儿歌,不仅理解了内容,也培养了学生的能力。 3. bull 4. A new rhyme. 1. 2. to show bull --Do you like the bull? --Yes, I do. It‘s ___. --No, I don‘t. It‘s ___. 3. Look at the bulls. They‘re____. They can ____. They have____. They like ____. 1. 2. to show the rhyme. To make a new rhyme. Pair works Listen to the tape . Post-task activity Assignment 板 书 设 计 Listen the the tape 1. Listen and read. 2.Make a new rhyme. 教 (建议从目标反思、过程反思、效果反思、改进意见等方面反思) 学 反 思

Period 5

Title Aims Learn the sound 1.Knowledge objectives: 32 a: Identifying the pronunciation of ?ck‘in words. b:Using nouns to describe different objects. c: Try to describe time. 2. Ability objectives: a. Learn to write the phonetic symbol /k/ b. try to describe time 3. Emotional objectives: Love to speak English and enjoy the animals. Main points Difficult points Teaching aids Identifying the pronunciation of ?ck‘ in words. Try to discribe time Multi-media Procedures Step Pre-task preparation Contents 1.Daily talk 1.How are you? 2.What season is it? Methods Purpose 复习旧知,尽快进入学习状态。 介绍自己喜欢的动物,激发兴趣,同时综合利用本单元所学内容。 3.What can you see in the zoo? 4.What animals do you like? Show your new rhyme. Introduce your favouriye animals. 2.A new rhyme. 3.Introducation While-task procedure 1. clock rock 2.-ck /k/ 3.The rhyme 4.o‘clock 5.A dialogue 1.Show pictures To elicit: clock rock 2.Read and spell 1.-ck /k/ 2.Read the sound 3.Find other words Chick stick pick black 1.Read the rhyme by themselves 2. Read it together 1.clock→o‘clock 2. Read it 3.Make phrases _______ o‘clock 1.Show some clocks 2.Ask and answer A: What time is it? 由图片引出新单词的学习,让学生更容易理解词义。 找出更多学过单词中相同发音的,学会归纳总结。 由clock自然过渡到o‘clock时间法的表达,拓宽学生的知识面。 33 B: It‘s_____ o‘clock. A: What can you do at_____ o‘clock? B: I can ____ now. 3.Pair work. Post-task activity 1.The passage 1.Show a passage 2.Fill in the write words. 3.Read it together 习题操练,注意作业的指导。 Assignment 板 书 设 计 1.Listen and follow the cassette 2.Read and copy the new words. 教 (建议从目标反思、过程反思、效果反思、改进意见等方面反思) 学 反 思

3B Module2 Unit 2 Toys I like

Language focus:

1 .Wh-questions: What do you like? 2. demonstratives: these, this 3. pronoun: we Skills: Speaking

1.Use modelled phrases and senyences to communicate with a teacher and other learns 2.Open an interaction by eliciting a response

3. Maintain an interaction by providing information to factual /yes/no questions

4.Pronounce correctly a series of words in a sentence with the vowel sound ―i‖ in its closed syllable form Listening

1 Identify key words by recognizing the stress

2. Locate specific information in response to simple questions

3. Identify a series of words in a sentence with the vowel sound‖i‖ in its closed syllable from.


34 Develop written text by reproducing sentences from teacher‘s writing. Diffcult points

1.Wh-questions: : What do you like? 2. demonstratives: these, this

3.Pronounce correctly a series of words in a sentence with the vowel sound ―l‖ in its closed syllable form Teaching aids: Pictures,tape Teaching times four

Module2 Unit 2 Toys I like

Content Aims Basic aims 1.Learn the words: toy train, doll, skateboard, robot . 2. Using nouns to identify things. e.g. boxes, foil. 2. Using imperatives to give instructions. e.g: Stick the foil. Developing aims Education aims Language focus Teaching aids Ability of using our hands Raise group cooperation ability M 2 U2 Look and learn Make a robot First Period Using imperatives to give instructions SB P22, cassette, picture and word cards, Boxes, foil, glue, buttons procedures Steps Pre-task Preparation Contents 1. Sing a song 2.Guess Show a robot Methods Ps sing together Guess an animal. Purpose 让学生感受机器人,直接引出Do you like this robot? Yes,…/No,…的复习 以词卡和图片说明所需的材料 While-task Procedure 1. 2. Learn : toy train 1. Read: 2. say a chant Toy train, toy train. Look at my toy train. I like toy trains. learn: doll, 1. T: Do you like the toy? P: No, I like the doll. 2: Read 3 Read and say Doll, doll. Look at her lovely doll. She likes dolls Skateboard, skateboard. Look at your super skateboard. You like skateboards skateboard 2. 3. What make Pair-work: Show materials Demonstrate the robot Give their robot a name Conduct a survey a robot Imitate a need Learn : robot 1. 35 Do you like robots? P: Yes, I do. 2: Read Robot, robot. Look at his strong robot. He likes robots. to Ask: Do you like this robot ? to elicit: Yes, I like this robot. / No, I don‘t like this robot. B. Use the Picture Cards and the Word Cards to show the students what they need to make the robot. Stick the into groups. Ask them to put all the things they need on the group‘s desk. 2. Demonstrate how to make the robot. Ask students to refer back to the Student‘s Book whenever necessary. 3. Walk around the class to give guidance and help. 4. Ask students to find out the name of the robot in their book. 5. Ask each group to give their robot a name. 6. Groups take turns to walk around robots. For more able students encourage them to find out the robots‘ names. Say: What‘s his name? to He‘s…the robot. 7. Put all the robots on my desk. Write the names of the robots on the board and conduct a survey. Pick up a robot each time. Ask: Do you like this robot ? Students raise their robot A. Show my robot to the class. 分组活动制做机器人,培养小组活动精神,边做边用英语表达 兴趣 以What‘s his name?询问他人的机器人的名字 用Do you like this robot ?复习句型 对子活动,感受语境,运用句型,学会如何与他人交谈 介绍自己的机器人,口头作文 Find out the name of cards on the board.1. Divide students 给机器人取名,增强学生的Demonstrate talking as and see others‘

36 hands if they like a certain robot. 8. Demonstrate talking as a robot, e.g: I am… the robot. I am tall / short. I am six. 9. Invite more able students to speak like a robot. The rest of the class listen carefully. Assignment 板 书 设 计 M2U2 robot boxes foil glue buttons Stick the foil. Stick the boxes. Stick the buttons. Make a robot Copy the Check words 教 反 思 Toy train doll skateboard 学

Period 2

Content Aims Basic aims Using simple present tense to express likes and dislikes. eg: I like … I don‘t like … What do you like? Developing aims Education aims Language focus Teaching aids Steps Pre-task Preparation Expresses own with the plural number liking To love beautiful things M 2 U2 Look and say Second Period Using simple present tense to express interests and preferences. SB P20, cassette, picture and word cards, WB P12, Procedures Contents 1. Sing a song 2.Revision Methods Ps sing together Do you like…? Yes, I do./No, I don‘t. What do yuou like? 2.Read: What do you like? What do you like? I like robots. I like cars. I like robots and cars. The robots are super. The cars are fast. I like the robots and the cars. Purpose 猜猜所喜欢的动物中,导入新词,激发学生兴趣 While-task Procedure 1.Introduce: like … I don‘t like… What do you like? I 1. Look at the picture 2, Learn : these, this These pencils are long. This pencil is short. Listen and repeat. Explain: these / this Practise Ask & answer Pair-work: Do you like…? Yes, I like... No, I don‘t like… Survey: The most popular toy 37 感受实物,直接引入教学,直截了当,易于理解 听录音,让学生复述内容,熟悉句型,模仿读音 通过实物比较感受单复的用法,生动形象,便于学生理解. 让个别学生示范,老师提问引导,让学生感受语境理解句型 对子活动,感受语境,运用句型,学会如何与他人交谈 做活动资料,交换比较答案,培养合作精神 classroom objects. Say: These pencils are long. This pencil is short.etc. 2. Play the cassette. Students listen and follow in their books. 3. Play the cassette again. Students listen and repeat. 4. Stick the picture cards on the board. Draw some more toys on the board. Demonstrate this / these using the display of toys. Say: I like this car, I don‘t like these dolls, etc. 5. Get individuals to come out and continue making statements. 6. Invite students to name the toys in ask and answer. Introduce: a robot Write the word on the board. Fore more able students, ask them to add robot on the book. 7. Ask: Do you like these toys ? to elicit: Yes, I like these toys. / No, I don‘t like these toys. 8. Divide students into pairs. They take turns to find out whether their partner likes the toys or not. 9. Students use a pencil to tick the toys their partner likes. 10. Use photocopiable P15. Students ask any five classmates to find out the most popular toy among them. Post-task activities Do exercises Exercises steps: 1. Workbook P12 a. Ask students to name the toys on the page. b. Students match the sentences 练习巩固句型、对话内容 1. Introduce: ―these,this‖ with Photocopiable Complete the dialogue 38 with the illustrations. c. Students fill in the blanks. d. Students work in pairs to check answers. They write the correct letter in the box. e. Invite individual students to read out the sentences. 2. Photocopiable P16 a. Divide students into groups of three. Use photocopiable P16. Students complete the dialogue orally. b. Students fill the missing words in the blank. c. Invite groups to read out the dialogue to check the answers.

Period 3

Content Aims M2U2 Toys I like 1. To use simple present tense to express likes and dislikes. 2. To know some toys, e.g. skateboard, robot. 3. To act out the story. 4. To share toys and love each other. Language focus Teaching aids Procedures Step Pre-task preparation Teacher‘s activities Show the flash. Ask some questions. Show some toys. Students‘ activities Sing a song. Answer the questions. Look and say. Purpose 从复习动物的讨论引入,使学生投入到学习的氛围中来。 To be able to use simple present tense to express likes and dislikes. Multimedia, toys, etc While-task procedure 1. Learn: skateboard Ask: What does Sam like best? (1) Read and spell. (2) Show the pictures. (3) Play a video. sentences. 2. Learn: robot Ask: What does Susie like best? (1) Listen and guess. (2) Read and spell. (3) Show the chant. 1.T-S (1) Read. (2) Look and say. (4) Listen and say. 在听一听中感知单词。 通过图片使学生在句型中巩固新词。 猜一猜激发学生兴趣。 有层次的学习、掌握难点。 (4) Show a picture of Sam and some (3) Watch a video. (4) Show some pictures. 3. Talk about the toys. T: I like … . I don‘t like… . How about you? Learn the story. Are they good friends? Listen. (1) Play the record. story. (3) Role play. 39 (1) T-S (2) Read and spell. (3) Say the chant. (4) Look and say. Say: I like … .I don‘t like… . (1) Listen. (2) Answer the questions. (3) Role play. Post-task activity 1. A new story (1) Show the text of the story. (2) Show the dialogue. (1) Read and discuss. (2) Act out the story. 看一看,想一想。培养阅读能力。 创编故事,运用语言。 整合知识,巩固新知。 设置悬念,吸引注意力。 感知故事,锻练听力。 T: Sam and Susie like different toys. (2) Ask some questions about the Homework (1) Read the story on P21. (2) Make a new story. (3) Write about your favourite toys.(4 sentences) 读、写结合,使学习更有目的性。 板 书 设 计 Read a story 教 学 反 思 skateboard robot

Period 4

Content Aims Basic aims 1.Asking ―yes / no‖ questions to obtain simple responses. 2. Asking ―Wh-‖questions to find out various kinds of specific information about a person. 3. Using simple present tense to express likes and dislikes. 4.Learn the sound: l Developing aims Education aims Language focus Teaching aids Steps Pre-task Free talk To love our life Module 2 unit 2 Look and say Fourth Period . Using simple present tense to express likes and dislikes. SB P23, cassette, WB P13, Photocopiable P15 procedures Contents Introduce: Methods A. Divide students into pairs. Purpose 对子活动交流喜欢的玩具,激发兴 Preparation Do you like…? Yes, we like… No, we don‘t like… 40 Ask them to draw the toys they like on a sheet of paper. Then they look at their partner‘s drawing and circle the toys they both like on their own drawing. B. Ask pairs of students: Do you like…? to elicit: Yes, we like… / No, we don‘t like… While-task procedure Listen and repeat Groupwork:conduct a survey Practise: What do you like? 1. Play the cassette. Students listen and follow in their books. 2. Play the cassette again. Students repeat. 3.Invite students t act out the dialogue. 4. In groups, students use the completed survey task sheets of photocopiable P15 summarize what toys the group likes, by comparing the ticks and crosses. 5. Ask a group leader to report back to the class. What do you like ? to elicit: We like…and we don‘t like… Learn sound the Listen and repeat 1. Play the cassette. Students listen and follow in their books. 2. Play the cassette again. Students repeat. 3. Invite individual students to read the sentence. Post-task activity Do the exercises a. b. c. d. Consolidation Grammar exercises Workbook P13 Give the students a few minutes to prepare the exercise. Students complete the exercise orally. Students write in the missing words. Ask individuals and pairs to read the completed sentences. 1. Grammar Practise Book P22 2. Practice and Assessment Series M3 Unit2. 语法练习 练习巩固句型 听录音熟悉模仿,鼓励学生积极张嘴,认真听读元音,发准音标 听录音熟悉句型,模仿语音语调,复述内容,增强对句型的理解 分角色表演,鼓励学生大胆说 做活动资料,做一调查比较,培养合作精神 根据结果操练对话 趣 让个别学生示范,老师提问引导,让学生感受语境理解句型

Assignment 板 书 设 计 Read: ―Look and say‖ Check 教 学 思 41 M2U2 Look and say Do you like _______? like________. What do you like? We like __________. i The big pig is in the bin Yes, we like____./No, we don‘t 反

3BM2U3 Clothes

Period 1

Title Aims 2. 3. 1. Look and say Use nouns and noun phrases to identify different clothes hat scarf a pair of trousers \\ clothes… Use wh-question to find out specific information. What are these\\those? They are …. Use modelled sentences to give specific information eg: It‘s his hat. They are gloves. Main points 1. 2. Difficult points 1. 2. Teaching aids Step Pre-task preparation Use nouns and noun phrases to identify different clothes hat scarf a pair of trousers \\ clothes… Use wh-question to find out specific information. What are these\\those? They are …. understanding wh-question asking for specific information indentify the key words and phrases. Multi-media, Pictures, computer ,a tape, Procedures Contents 1.Warming-up 1.read a rhyme 2.daily talk a. what‘s this /that? b. What have you got? c. What has he got? Methods Purpose 儿歌营造课堂氛围,使学生渐进英语学习的状态。为新授埋下伏笔。 42 d. What can you do ? While-task 1. procedure 3.What are these? They are_____ 4.what are those? They are____ trousers 5.guessing game 6. gloves a pair of 4..Show some pictures Review :trousers Ask and answer What are those? They are____ 5.show small and big things Guess: what are these? . 6.a.show gloves How many gloves? Two Yes .we can call them a pair of gloves b.Make the phrase c.Make the sentence They are gloves. It‘s a pair of gloves. hat funny 2.It is _____ They are ___ review clothes 1.A:T: what can you draw? S: I can draw ______ Show a hat B:T:yes,we can draw a hat . c. show another clothes and make the sentence.. Show a funny picture T: How is the hat? S: Funny. 2.:a. show one clothe Ask and answer T:what,s this? It‘s______ b. Show two clothes T:how many? S: Two T:Yes,they are___. c. read and make the sentence 3..A:What are these? (clothes) They are _____ Elicit: these Pair work(clothes and others) 使用旧句型复习以学习过的衣服 从单数过渡到复数,减少学习难度。 用猜的游戏让学生能明白these/those之间的区别 通过句型的转换让学生更好的对不同句型的使用 听录音,熟悉课文,掌握语音,语调。 Post-task activities Assignment answer 2.read and act 1. a. ………. 43 Listen to the tape and answer What is it? How is the picture 2. Read some times 1.Listen to the tape and b. 1. Read the book P22 follow the tape. 2. try to draw a picture with some clothes. 要求学生模仿磁带中的语音语调朗读。 板 书 设 M3U3 clothes What‘s this/that? It‘s __________. hat. shirt. dress, A pair of trousers/gloves What are they? They are _______. gloves, trousers

Period 2

Title Aims 3. Look and learn Use nouns and noun phrases to identify different clothes scarf, jacket, a pair of socks, a pair of shoes 2. using wh-questions to find out specific information. e.g. What are these/those? 3. using modeled sentences to give specific information e.g. They are gloves. 4. Try to describe the clothes with the sizes/colours… Main points 1. 2. Difficult points 3. 4. Teaching aids Use nouns and noun phrases to identify different clothes scarf, jacket, a pair of socks, a pair of shoes Try to describe the clothes with the sizes/colours… understanding wh-question asking for specific information Try to describe the clothes with the sizes/colours… Multi-media, Pictures, computer ,a tape, Procedures Step Pre-task preparation Contents 1.Warming-up 1. Read a rhyme 2. Guessing games: Methods Purpose 儿歌营造课堂氛围,使学生渐进英语学习的状态。为新授埋下伏笔。 Show some parts of the clothes they‘ve learnt, and ask the students to guess with 通过猜谜游戏,复习句型和单词 the key patterns: What‘s this/that? What are these/those? While-task procedure 1. scarf--scarves 2.jacket describe the jacket with the key pattern: It‘s… 3.socks a pair of socks pairs of socks describe the socks with the key pattern: They‘re… 6. shoes a pair of shoes pairs of shoes. describe your shoes. 1. 44 1. Continue the guessing game and elicit the new word: scarf P1: What‘s this? P2: It‘s a scarf. 2. Read the word 3. Show more scarves and elicit the plural form: scarves P1: What are these? P2: They are scarves. 4. Read scarf—scarves. 1. Show the picture and elicit the new word: jacket 2. Ask some questions to get specific information about the scarf. e.g. What colour is the jacket? How is the jacket? Do you like the jacket? 4. Show the whole passage. 5. Try to say something about one‘s jacket. 1. Show a pair of socks and elicit the new word and phrases socks, a pair of socks 2. Have the students say like this: I have a pair of blue(…) socks. 3. How many pairs of socks have you? Say the sentence one by one: I have … pairs of socks. 4. Show a pair of socks and describe them: Look. I have a pair of socks. They‘re pink. They‘re small. They‘re new. They‘re soft. I like them. 5. Have the students say something about their socks. 1. Show a pair of shoes and have the students say something about their shoes. 2.Have the students choose one of the classmates and try to say something about his/her clothes. Look. …has a pair of shoes. They‘re … He/She likes them. Show some clothes and have the 从旧句型引入新单词,降低难度 单数过渡到复数,减少学习难度。 通过一系列的问题,让学生知道可以从哪些方面进行服装的描述。 抓住难点,运用实物帮助学生理解pair 的使用情境。 从单数进入到运用复数进行服饰的描述,逐步过度。 从第一人称过渡到第三人称的叙述,提高学生综合运用语言的能力。 鼓励学生自己选择同学的服装进行描述,激发学生的兴趣。 Post-task activities Assignment Describe the clothes with the key patterns 2. 45 students say something about the clothes. Try to describe one‘s clothes 1. Read the book P23 follow the tape. 2. Try to write a short passage about one of your clothes. 要求学生模仿磁带中的语音语调朗读。 从口头到笔头的实践。 板 书 设 计 M3U3 clothes scarf—scarves, jacket, a pair of socks, two pairs of socks a pair of shoes, three pairs of socks I have… It‘s/They‘re… I like … He/She has … It‘s/They‘re… He/She likes…

Period 4

Content Language focus 1. Using the key words and sentences to talk and write about differernt clothes 2. Pronouncing the sounds ?-ss‘ correctly in words such as classroom and glass e.g., classroom, glass Teaching aids Cassette Procedures Steps Pre-task Preparation While-task procedure Warming up Listen and enjoy Contents Say a chant. 1.Show a photo. T: Look at this photo. It‘s winter. It‘s cold. I am in the park. I have a red scarf. I have a pair of gloves. They are purple. I like them. 2. Ask and answer Methods 通过chant轻松进入课堂。 先从照片着手介绍,让学生喜欢,激发交流兴趣。 学生与老师的提问引导,让学生在感受语境中学习巩固句型。 Purpose Module 2 unit 3 Listen and enjoy Fourth Period

Learn the sound Groupwork Post-task activity . g. h. Do the exercises e. 46 What are these/those? They are… What is this/that? It‘s … 3. Listen and enjoy Play the cassette. Students listen and follow in their books. Play the cassette again. Students repeat. Show the flashcards. T: -ss ,classroom Ss: -ss ,classroom T: -ss ,glass Ss: -ss ,glass In groups, students use /-ss/ to find the other words. Give the students a few minutes 练习巩固句型 to prepare the exercise. Students complete the exercise orally. Students write in the missing words. Ask individuals and pairs to read the completed sentences. 听录音,模仿语音语调,复述内容,增强对句型的理解 让学生合作找发音相同的单词,培养合作精神。 Assignment Read: ―Listen and enjoy‖ ―rn the sound‖ 教 学 反 思


Module3 Things around us

Unit 1 Shapes

School: Touqiao Primary School Teacher: Chen Juan Time: March 14, 2010 Book: Oxford English 3B Language focus:

Using nouns to identify shapes e.g. rectangle circle square Using verbs to indicate shapes e.g. It is …

Asking wh-questions to find out shapes e.g. What shape is it? Language skills Listening

Identify the key words in an utterance by hearing the pronunciation e.g. rectangle, square understand the key pattern e.g. What shape is it? It is … Speaking

Use modeled sentences to communicate with other students Pronounce the key words correctly e.g. rectangle circle square Use verbs to indicate shapes e.g. It is …

Ask wh-questions to find out shapes e.g. What shape is it? Mian points

Using nouns to identify shapes e.g. rectangle circle square Difficult points

1.Pronounce the key words correctly eg rectangle square

2.understand the key pattern. e.g. What shape is it? It is … Materials: multimedia

48 Procedure Pre-task Contents Methods Purpose Review Read the letter and the phonetic symbol. While-task 1. run new word 1.Giude 2.reviw the word : circle. 3. Know the traffic regulations 1. Show the picture of Japan Pavilion . 2.Elicit :rectangle 3.Read the rhyme. 4. Teach the new sentence :What shape is it ? 5. Read the rhyme. 6. Make a new rhyme. 以学过的单词进入今天的学习,传达文明世博,从我做起的精神。 以走错展馆为起因,海宝在路上想喜洋洋介绍了几个国家的国旗。 2.new words: rectangle flag 3.New word square 1. Look at the flag of Switzerland . 2. Elicit :square 3. Say a rhyme 1. Introduce our flag. 2. Read the dialogue. 3. Make a dialogue. What shape is it ? It is ___ . 用是不是所有的国旗都是长方形引出正方形的教学,水到渠成。 在介绍自己国家的国旗的时候培养学生的爱国情操。 4.New sentence What shape is it ? It is ___ . 5.Review Use the shapes make a flag . 用制作国旗是方式再一次复习新授单词。 Post-task Let the students watch the introduce 最后听写结合,更进一步of the Exhibition Center of World Expo2010 Shanghai China. 2. Do a exercise. Listen and write. 的巩固了新授。

Period 2

Contents: Shapes (a triangle)

What shape is this? It‘s ____.

How many ____s? ____ _____s. Language Focus: Using nouns to identify things Using nouns to describe shapes

49 Asking Wh-questions to find out about a specific thing Main Point: Using nouns to describe shapes Difficult Point: Pronounce the words correctly

Teaching aids: material objects , the pictures of the shapes, ect. Procedures 一、Pre-task Preparation Contents Warming-up Methods picture. T- What shape is the sun? Ps- It‘s a circle. T- What shape is the star? Ps- It‘s a star. 二、While-task Procedure 1.triangle It‘s a triangle. (the mouse and the dog) Look at the mouse. mice and dogs. He has a house. Watch the screen and listen. Read: triangle 故事展开,老鼠和狗,教师提醒学生老鼠吃过的和碰过的东而狗身上也依附着细菌,被狗咬伤了应该及时就医,从而渗透健康教育。 点击小老鼠的家(是一个三角Purpose 单词. Say something about the 做做热身,复习circle, star等T- Say something about the 西是有很多细菌的,需要消毒,Draw an object in the hand 形的洞), 遵循学生的认知规and let the other students ask : 律,注重学生自然地学习过程,What shape is __?. 通过教师的神态、动作,学生加以想象,让单词和句型的意义充分展现。 2.Play a game. Read and guess. It‘s a _. It‘s _____. What is it? It‘s a_____. 2. 1. T- Look at the dog. He has a house too. Watch the screen and ask : It‘s a _. It‘s _____. What is it? It‘s a_____ Guess: It‘s a ____. (ruler, bag, book, biscuit.) Watch the screen.Work in pairs. 3.Ask and answer. T- Look at the picture. How many stars/ dircles/squares/ triangles/rectangles? Ps- ______ ______s. 三、Post-task Ativities Exercise Exercise Count and colour the shapes. The circles are blue. 遵循学生的认知规律,注重学生自然地学习过程,通过教师的神态、动作,学生加以想象,让单词和句型的意义充分展现。 利用简单的生活用品进行对话加上拼图游戏,又一次启发学活的距离。 点击小狗的家(是一个小房子),两次利用此幻灯进行操练,对学生进行观察力和说话能力的培养。利用guess游戏自然引入问句,更符合学生的认知规律。 e.g. 13 circles 生的思维,并且更拉近了与生 50 The triangles are red. The stars are yellow. The squares are green. The rectangle is green. Assignment Listen and read Find out the more shapes of the things

Peirod 3

Title Aims Look and learn Look and say Listen and enjoy Language aims: Using wh-questions to find out specific information. E.g. What shape is it? Using modelled sentenses to give specific information,e.g. It‘s a circle. I have some cakes for you. Using formulaic expressions to greet others,e.g. How are you today? Ability aims: 1. Using modelled sentenses to give specific information,e.g. It‘s a circle. I have some cakes for you. 2.Using modelled sentences to ask about the shapes of different things. Emotional aims: Help the students build their self- confidence in English learning Main points Difficult points Using modelled sentences to ask about the shapes of different things. 1. Using modelled sentenses to give specific information,e.g. It‘s a circle. I have some cakes for you. 2.Using modelled sentences to ask about the shapes of different things. Teaching aids Step Pre-task preparation 2 Ask and answer While-task procedure 1 Ask and answer What is it? What shape is it? 2 Say and act. T: Asks Ss: Answer. 1 Watch the flash and repeat after it. 2 Ask and answer. Power Point Procedures Contents 1 Quick reading Methods 1 Read the words Look and say: What shape is it? It‘s… 2 Ask in pairs. What do you have? I have… 复习句型. Purpose 复习单词和句型, 为新授做准备.

