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Talend Open Studio 4.X

User Guide


iiTalend Open Studio

Version 4.1_b

Adapted for Talend Open Studio v4.1.x. Supersedes previous User Guide releases.Copyleft

This documentation is provided under the terms of the Creative Commons Public License (CCPL).For more information about what you can and cannot do with this documentation in accordance with the CCPL, please read: Talend Open Studioiii

ivTalend Open Studio

Talend Open Studio

User Guide.................................. i

Preface .........................................................................ix

Purpose ...................................................................ix

Audience .................................................................ix

Typographical conventions ....................................ix

History of changes ......................................................ix

Feedback and Support ................................................x2.6.1 Palette Settings ..............................................312.6.2 Version management ....................................332.6.3 Status management .......................................342.6.4 Job Settings ...................................................362.6.5 Stats & Logs ..................................................362.6.6 Context settings .............................................372.6.7 Project Settings use .......................................382.6.8 Status settings ................................................392.6.9 Security settings ............................................41CHAPTER 3

Designing a Business Model ......................43

3.1 What is a Business Model ...................................44

3.2 Opening or creating a Business Model ..............44

3.2.1 How to open a Business Model ....................44

3.2.2 How to create a Business Model ...................45

3.3 Modeling a Business Model ................................46

3.3.1 Shapes ...........................................................46

3.3.2 Connecting shapes ........................................47

3.3.3 How to comment and arrange a model .........49

How to add a note or free text ............................49

How to arrange the model view ..........................49

3.3.4 Business Models ...........................................50

Appearance tab ...................................................50

Rulers and Grid tab .............................................51

Assignment tab ...................................................51

3.4 Assigning repository elements to a Business Model


3.5 Editing a Business Model ....................................53

3.5.1 How to rename a Business Model ................54

3.5.2 How to copy and paste a Business Model ....54

3.5.3 How to move a Business Model ...................54

3.5.4 How to delete a Business Model ...................54

3.6 Saving a Business Model .....................................54CHAPTER 1 Data integration and Talend Open Studio 11.1 Data analytics ........................................................21.2 Operational integration ........................................21.3 Execution monitoring ...........................................3CHAPTER 2 Getting started with Talend Open Studio ..52.1 Important concepts in Talend Open Studio .......62.2 Launching Talend Open Studio ...........................62.2.1 How to access one or multiple Repositories 10How to connect to a local repository .................102.2.2 How to set up a project in the repository ......112.3 Working with different workspace directories 112.3.1 How to create a new workspace directory ....122.3.2 How to connect to a different workspace direc-tory ..............................................................................122.4 Working with projects ........................................132.4.1 How to create a project .................................14

2.4.2 How to import the Demo project ..................16

2.4.3 How to import a project ................................17

2.4.4 How to open a project ..................................18

2.4.5 How to delete a project .................................18

2.4.6 How to export a project ................................19

2.4.7 Migration tasks .............................................20

2.5 Setting Talend Open Studio preferences ..........21

2.5.1 Perl/Java Interpreter path ..............................21

2.5.2 External or User components .......................22

2.5.3 Language preferences ...................................23

2.5.4 Debug and job execution preferences ..........23

2.5.5 Designer preferences ....................................25

2.5.6 Adding code by default ................................25

2.5.7 Performance preferences ..............................26

2.5.8 Documentation preferences ..........................27

2.5.9 Displaying special characters for schema col-

umns ............................................................................27

2.5.10 SQL Builder preferences ............................28

2.5.11 Schema preferences ....................................28

2.5.12 Libraries preferences ..................................29

2.5.13 Type conversion .........................................30

2.6 Customizing project settings ..............................31CHAPTER 4 Designing a data integration Job ...............574.1 What is a job design .............................................584.2 Getting started with a basic job design ..............584.2.1 How to create a Job ......................................584.2.2 How to drop components to the workspace ..61How to drop components from the Palette .........61How to drop components from the Metadata node 624.2.3 How to search components in the Palette .....634.2.4 How to connect components together ...........644.2.5 How to define component properties ............65Basic Settings tab ...............................................65Advanced settings tab .........................................68Dynamic settings tab ..........................................68View tab ..............................................................70Documentation tab ..............................................704.2.6 How to run a Job ...........................................71How to run a Job in normal mode ......................71

Talend Open Studiov

How to run a Job in Java Debug mode ..............72

How to run a Job in Traces Debug mode ...........73

How to set advanced execution settings ............75

4.2.7 How to customize your workspace ..............77

How to change the Palette layout and settings ...77

How to change panels positions .........................80

How to display job configuration tabs/views .....81

4.3 Using connections ................................................81

4.3.1 Connection types ..........................................81

Row connection ..................................................82

Iterate connection ...............................................84

Trigger connections ............................................84

Link connection ..................................................85

4.3.2 How to define connection settings ...............86

Row connection settings ....................................86

Iterate connection settings ..................................87

Trigger connection settings ................................88

4.4 Using the Metadata Manager .............................88

4.4.1 How to centralize the Metadata items ..........88

4.4.2 How to centralize contexts and variables .....89

How to use variables in a Job .............................89

How to use variables in the Contexts view ........90

How to configure contexts .................................93

How to define variables from the Component view


How to store contexts in the repository .............96

How to apply context variables to a Job from the re-

pository ........................................................................98

How to run a Job in a selected context .............100

4.4.3 How to use the SQL Templates ..................101

4.5 Handling Jobs: advanced subjects ...................101

4.5.1 How to map data flows ...............................102

4.5.2 How to create queries using the SQLBuilder ...


How to compare database structures ................103

How to build a query ........................................104

How to store a query in the repository .............106

4.5.3 How to download external community compo-

nents ..........................................................................106

How to install community components from Talend

Exchange ...................................................................107

How to manage installed components .............107

4.5.4 How to install external modules .................108

4.5.5 How to launch a Job periodically ...............110

4.5.6 How to use the tPrejob and tPostjob components


4.6 Handling Jobs: miscellaneous subjects ...........113

4.6.1 How to share a database connection ...........113

4.6.2 How to define the Start component ............114

4.6.3 How to handle error icons on components or

Jobs ............................................................................115

Warnings and error icons on components ........115

Error icons on Jobs ...........................................115

4.6.4 How to add notes to a Job design ...............116

4.6.5 How to display the code or the outline of your

Job .............................................................................117

Outline ..............................................................117

viCode viewer ......................................................1184.6.6 How to manage the subjob display .............118How to format subjobs .....................................119How to collapse the subjobs .............................119How to remove the subjob background color ...1194.6.7 How to define options on the Job view .......120How to automate the use of statistics & logs ...120How to use the features in the Extra tab ...........1214.6.8 How to find components in Jobs .................122CHAPTER 5 Managing data integration Jobs .............1255.1 Activating/Deactivating a Job or a sub-job .....1265.1.1 How to disable a Start component ..............1265.1.2 How to disable a non-Start component .......1265.2 Importing/exporting items or Jobs ..................1275.2.1 How to import items ...................................1275.2.2 How to export Jobs in Java .........................129How to export Jobs as Autonomous Job ..........131How to export Jobs as Webservice ...................132An example of exporting a Job as a Web service ...132How to export Jobs as JBoss ESB ....................136How to export Jobs as Petals ESB ....................1375.2.3 How to export Jobs in Perl ..........................1405.2.4 How to export items ....................................1425.2.5 How to change context parameters in Jobs .1445.3 Managing repository items ...............................1455.3.1 How to handle updates in repository items .145How to modify a repository item ......................145How to update impacted Jobs automatically ....146How to update impacted Jobs manually ...........1475.4 Searching a Job in the repository .....................1475.5 Managing Job versions ......................................1495.6 Documenting a Job ............................................1505.6.1 How to generate HTML documentation .....1505.6.2 How to update the documentation on the spot ..1515.7 Handling job execution .....................................1515.7.1 How to deploy a Job on SpagoBI server .....151How to create a SpagoBI server entry ..............151How to edit or remove a SpagoBI server entry 153How to deploy your jobs on a SpagoBI server .153CHAPTER 6 Mapping data flows ..................................1556.1 tMap operation overview ..................................1566.2 tMap interface ....................................................1576.3 Setting the input flow in the Map Editor ........1596.3.1 How to fill in Input tables with a schema ...159Main and Lookup table content ........................159Variables ...........................................................1596.3.2 How to use Explicit Join .............................160Unique Match ...................................................162Talend Open Studio

First Match .......................................................162

All Matches ......................................................162

6.3.3 How to use Inner join .................................162

6.3.4 How to use the All Rows option ................164

6.3.5 How to filter an input flow .........................164

6.3.6 How to remove input entries from table .....164

6.4 Mapping variables .............................................165

6.4.1 How to access global or context variables .166

6.4.2 How to remove variables ............................166

6.5 Using the expression editor ..............................166

6.5.1 How to access the expression editor ...........166

6.5.2 How to write code using the Expression Builder


6.6 Mapping the Output setting ............................171

6.6.1 Building complex expressions ....................172

6.6.2 Filters ..........................................................172

6.6.3 Rejections ...................................................173

6.6.4 Inner Join Rejection ....................................173

6.6.5 Removing Output entries ............................174

6.6.6 Handling errors ...........................................174

6.7 Describing the schema editor ..........................175

6.8 Solving memory limitation issues in tMap use 176

6.9 Handling lookups ..............................................178


Managing Metadata .................................181

7.1 Objectives ...........................................................182

7.2 Setting up a DB connection ..............................182

7.2.1 Step 1: General properties ..........................182

7.2.2 Step 2: Connection .....................................183

7.2.3 Step 3: Table upload ...................................185

7.2.4 Step 4: Schema definition ...........................188

7.3 Setting up an FTP connection ..........................189

7.3.1 Step 1: General properties ..........................189

7.3.2 Step 2: Connection .....................................190

7.4 Setting up a JDBC schema ...............................191

7.4.1 Step 1: General properties ..........................191

7.4.2 Step 2: Connection .....................................191

7.4.3 Step 3: Table upload ...................................193

7.4.4 Step 4: Schema definition ...........................193

7.5 Setting up a SAS connection............................ 194

7.5.1 Prerequisites ...............................................194

7.5.2 Step 1: General properties ..........................194

7.5.3 Step 2: Connection .....................................194

7.6 Setting up a File Delimited schema .................196

7.6.1 Step 1: General properties ..........................196

7.6.2 Step 2: File upload ......................................196

7.6.3 Step 3: Schema definition ...........................197

7.6.4 Step 4: Final schema ...................................199

7.7 Setting up a File Positional schema .................200

7.7.1 Step 1: General properties ..........................201

7.7.2 Step 2: Connection and file upload ............201

7.7.3 Step 3: Schema refining .............................202

7.7.4 Step 4: Finalising the end schema ..............202

7.8 Setting up a File Regex schema ........................2037.8.1 Step 1: General properties ...........................2037.8.2 Step 2: File upload ......................................2037.8.3 Step 3: Schema definition ...........................2047.8.4 Step 4: Finalizing the end schema ..............2047.9 Setting up an XML file schema .......................2047.9.1 Setting up an XML schema for an input file .....205Step 1: General properties ................................205Step 2: Setting the type of schema (input) ........206Step 3: Uploading the input file ........................207Step 4: Defining the schema .............................208Step 5: Finalizing the end schema ....................2107.9.2 Setting up an XML schema for an output file ...211Step 1: General properties ................................211Step 2: Setting the type of schema (output) ......212Step 3: Defining the output file ........................213Step 4:Defining the schema ..............................215Step 5: Finalizing the end schema ...................2167.10 Setting up a File Excel schema .......................2177.10.1 Step 1: General properties .........................2187.10.2 Step 2: File upload ....................................2187.10.3 Step 3: Schema refining ............................2197.10.4 Step 4: Finalising the end schema .............2207.11 Setting up a File LDIF schema ......................2217.11.1 Step 1: General properties .........................2217.11.2 Step 2: File upload ....................................2217.11.3 Step 3: Schema definition .........................2227.11.4 Step 4: Finalising the end schema ............2237.12 Setting up an LDAP schema ...........................2237.12.1 Step 1: General properties .........................2247.12.2 Step 2: Server connection .........................2247.12.3 Step 3: Authentication and DN fetching ...2247.12.4 Step 4: Schema definition .........................2267.12.5 Step 5: Finalising the end schema .............2277.13 Setting up a Salesforce schema .......................2287.13.1 Step 1: General properties .........................2297.13.2 Step 2: Connection to a Salesforce account ....2297.13.3 Step 3: Schema refining ............................2297.13.4 Step 4: Finalising the end schema .............2307.14 Setting up a Generic schema ...........................2317.14.1 Step 1: General properties .........................2327.14.2 Step 2: Schema definition .........................2327.15 Setting up a Web Service schema ...................2327.15.1 Setting up a simple schema .......................232Step 1: General properties ................................232Step 2: URI and method definition. ..................233Step 3: Finalizing the end schema ....................2357.16 Setting up an MDM connection ......................2357.16.1 Step 1: Setting up the connection ..............2367.16.2 Step 2: Defining MDM schema ................238Defining Input MDM schema ..........................238Defining output MDM schema .........................243Defining Receive MDM schema ......................2487.17 Exporting Metadata as context ......................252

Talend Open Studiovii


Managing routines ...................................253

8.1 What are routines ..............................................254

8.2 Accessing the System Routines ........................254

8.3 Customizing the system routines .....................255

8.4 Managing user routines ....................................256

8.4.1 How to create user routines ........................257

8.4.2 How to edit user routines ............................259

8.4.3 How to edit user routine libraries ...............259

8.5 Calling a routine from a Job ............................260

8.6 Use case: Creating a file for the current date .261B.2.2 Step 2: Mapping and transformations ........292B.2.3 Step 3: Reference file definition, re-mapping, inner join mode selection ...........................................294B.2.4 Step 4: Output to a MySQL table ...............296APPENDIX C SQL template writing rules .....................299C.1 SQL statements .................................................300C.2 Comment lines ...................................................300C.3 The <%...%> syntax ......................................300

C.4 The <%=...%> syntax ...................................301

C.5 The </.../> syntax ......................................301

C.6 Code to access the component schema elements ..


C.7 Code to access the component matrix properties

302CHAPTER 9 Using SQL templates ...............................2639.1 What is ELT ......................................................264

9.2 Introducing Talend SQL templates .................264

9.3 Managing Talend SQL templates ....................265

9.3.1 Types of system SQL templates .................265

9.3.2 How to access a system SQL template .......266

9.3.3 How to create user-defined SQL templates 268

9.3.4 A use case of system SQL Templates ........269APPENDIX D System routines .........................................305D.1 Numeric Routines .............................................306

D.1.1 How to create a Sequence ..........................306

D.1.2 How to convert an Implied Decimal ..........306

D.2 Relational Routines ...........................................307

D.3 StringHandling Routines ..................................307

D.3.1 How to store a string in alphabetical order 309

D.3.2 How to check whether a string is alphabetical .


D.3.3 How to replace an element in a string ........309

D.3.4 How to check the position of a specific charac-

ter or substring, within a string ..................................309

D.3.5 How to calculate the length of a string ......310

D.3.6 How to delete blank characters ..................310

D.4 TalendDataGenerator Routines ......................310

D.4.1 How to generate fictitious data ..................311

D.5 TalendDate Routines ........................................312

D.5.1 How to format a date ..................................313

D.5.2 How to check a Date ..................................313

D.5.3 How to compare Dates ...............................314

D.5.4 How to configure a date .............................314

D.5.5 How to parse a Date ...................................314

D.5.6 How to format the Current Date ................315

D.6 TalendString Routines ......................................315

D.6.1 How to format an XML string ...................316

D.6.2 How to trim a string ...................................316

D.6.3 How to remove accents from a string ........316APPENDIX A Talend Open Studio GUI ........................275A.1 Main window ....................................................276A.2 Menu bar and Toolbar .....................................277A.2.1 Menu bar of Talend Open Studio ............277A.2.2 Toolbar of Talend Open Studio ...............279A.3 Repository tree view .........................................279A.4 Design workspace ..........................................281A.5 Palette ................................................................281A.6 Configuration tabs ...........................................282A.7 Outline and code summary panel ..................284A.8 Shortcuts and aliases ........................................284APPENDIX B Theory into practice: Job example .........287B.1 Introducing the scenario ..................................288B.1.1 Input data ...................................................288B.1.2 Output data .................................................288B.1.3 Reference data ...........................................289B.2 Translating the scenario into a Job .................289B.2.1 Step 1: Job creation, input definition, file read-

ing ..............................................................................289

viiiTalend Open Studio



This User Guide explains how to manage Talend Open Studio functions in a normal operational context.

Information presented in this document applies to Talend Open Studio releases beginning with



This guide is for users and administrators of Talend Open Studio.

The layout of GUI screens provided in this document may vary slightly from your actual GUI.

Typographical conventions

This guide uses the following typographical conventions:

text in bold: window and dialog box buttons and fields, keyboard keys, menus, and menu and options,

text in [bold]: window, wizard, and dialog box titles,

text in courier: system parameters typed in by the user,

text in italics: file, schema, column, row, and variable names,


icon indicates an item that provides additional information about an important point. It is also used to add comments related to a table or a figure,

The icon indicates a message that gives information about the execution requirements or recommendation type. It is also used to refer to situations or information the end-user need to be aware of or pay special attention to.

History of changes

The below table lists the changes made in the 4.x release of the Talend Open Studio User Guide.


v4.0_aDate02/04/2010History of ChangesUpdates in Talend Open Studio User Guide include:

-New chapter about routines.

-New section about autogenerated documentation.

-Modification in the CDC sections

-Modifications in the default join in tMap.

-Modifications in the language preferences section.

Talend Open Studioix


v4.0_bDate28/05/2010History of ChangesUpdates in Talend Open Studio User Guide include:

-New chapter: SQL Template.

-New Appendix for SQL.

-New section about exporting jobs as petals ESB.

Updates in Talend Open Studio User Guide include:

-Update of the Traces feature.

-Update of the Run view.

-New login window.

-Renewed MDM wizard.

-New FTP wizard.

-Updated content regarding tMap component changes.

Updates in Talend Open Studio User Guide include:

-Reorganized Chapter 4 and added a new section to document

connection settings

-Added Appendix D: System routinesv4.1_a12/10/2010v4.1_b10/12/2010

Feedback and Support

Your feedback is valuable. Do not hesitate to give your input, make suggestions or requests regarding this documentation or product and find support from the Talend team, on Talend’s Forum website at: xTalend Open Studio


Data integration and Talend Open Studio

There is nothing new about the fact that organizations’ information systems tend to grow in complexity. The reasons for this include the “layer stackup trend” (a new solution is deployed although old systems are still maintained) and the fact that information systems need to be more and more connected to those of vendors, partners and customers.

A third reason is the multiplication of data storage formats (XML files, positional flat files, delimited flat files, multi-valued files and so on), protocols (FTP, HTTP, SOAP, SCP and so on) and database technologies.

A question arises from these statements: How to manage a proper integration of this data scattered throughout the company’s information systems? Various functions lay behind the data integration principle: business intelligence or analytics integration (data warehousing) and operational integration (data capture and migration, database synchronization, inter-application data exchange and so on).

Both ETL for analytics and ETL for operational integration needs are addressed by Talend Open Studio.

Data integration and Talend Open StudioData analytics

1.1Data analytics

While mostly invisible to users of the BI platform, ETL processes retrieve the data from all operational systems and pre-process it for the analysis and reporting tools.

Talend Open Studio offers nearly comprehensive connectivity to:

Packaged applications (ERP, CRM, etc.), databases, mainframes, files, Web Services, and so on to address the growing disparity of sources.

Data warehouses, data marts, OLAP applications - for analysis, reporting, dashboarding, scorecarding, and so on.

Built-in advanced components for ETL, including string manipulations, Slowly Changing Dimensions, automatic lookup handling, bulk loads support, and so on.

Most connectors addressing each of the above needs are detailed in the Talend Open Studio

Components Reference Guide. For information about their orchestration in Talend Open Studio, see Designing a data integration Job on page 57. For high-level business-oriented modeling, see Designing a Business Model on page 43.

1.2Operational integration

Operational data integration is often addressed by implementing custom programs or routines, completed on-demand for a specific need.

Data migration/loading and data synchronization/replication are the most common applications of operational data integration, and often require:

Complex mappings and transformations with aggregations, calculations, and so on due to

variation in data structure,

2Talend Open Studio

Data integration and Talend Open Studio

Execution monitoring

Conflicts of data to be managed and resolved taking into account record update precedence or “record owner”,

Data synchronization in nearly real time as systems involve low latency.

Most connectors addressing each of the above needs are detailed in the Talend Open Studio

Components Reference Guide. For information about their orchestration in Talend Open Studio, see Designing a data integration Job on page 57. For high-level business-oriented modeling, see Designing a Business Model on page 43.

1.3Execution monitoring

One of the greatest challenges faced by developers of integration processes and IT Operations staff in charge of controlling their execution is to be able to control and monitor the execution of these critical processes. Indeed, failure handling and error notification can - and should - be included in data integration processes.

Furthermore, beyond on-error notification, it is often critical to monitor the overall health of the integration processes and to watch for any degradation in their performance.

The Talend Activity Monitoring Console monitors job events (successes, failures, warnings, etc.), execution times and data volumes through a single consoleavailable as a standalone environment.

For more information regarding Talend Activity Monitoring Console operation, check out the Talend Activity Monitoring Console User Guide.

Talend Open Studio3

Data integration and Talend Open Studio

Execution monitoring

4Talend Open Studio


Getting started with Talend Open Studio

This chapter introduces Talend Open Studio. It provides basic configuration information required to get started with Talend Open Studio.

The chapter guides you through the basic steps in creating local projects. It also describes how to set preferences and customize the workspace in Talend Open Studio.

Before starting any data integration processes, you need to be familiar with Talend Open StudioGraphical User Interface (GUI). For more information, see Talend Open Studio GUI on page 275.

Getting started with Talend Open StudioImportant concepts in Talend Open Studio

2.1Important concepts in Talend Open Studio

When working with Talend Open Studio, you will often come across words such as repository, project, workspace, job, component and item.

Understanding the concept behind each of these words is crucial to grasping the functionality of Talend Open Studio.

What is a repository? A repository is the storage location Talend Open Studio uses to gather data related to all of the technical items that you use either to describe business models or to design Jobs. Talend Open Studio can connect to as many local repositories as needed. For more information, see How to access one or multiple Repositories on page 10.

What is a project? Projects are structured collections of technical items and their associated metadata. All of the Jobs and business models you design are organized in Projects.

You can create as many projects as you need in a repository. For more information about projects, see Working with projects on page 13.

What is a workspace? A workspace is the directory where you store all your project folders. You need to have one workspace directory per connection (repository connection). Talend Open Studio enables you to connect to different workspace directories, if you do not want to use the default one. For more information about workspaces, see Working with different workspace directories on page 11.What is a job: A job is a graphical design, of one or more components connected together, that allows you to set up and run dataflow management processes. It translates business needs into code, routines and programs. Jobs address all of the different sources and targets that you need for data integration processes and all other related processes.

For detailed information about how to design data integration processes in Talend Open Studio, see Designing a data integration Job on page 57.

What is a component: A component is a preconfigured connector used to perform a specific data integration operation, no matter what data sources you are integrating: databases, applications, flat files, Web services, etc. A component can minimize the amount of hand-coding required to work on data from multiple, heterogeneous sources.

Components are grouped in families according to their usage and displayed in the Palette of the Talend Open Studio main window.

For detailed information about components types and what they can be used for, see the Talend Open Studio Reference Guide.

What is an item: An item is the fundamental technical unit in a project. Items are grouped, according to their types, as: Job Design, Business model, Context, Code, Metadata, etc. One item can include other items. For example, the business models and the Jobs you design are items, metadata and routines you use inside your Jobs are items as well.

2.2Launching Talend Open Studio

To open Talend Open Studio, complete the following:

Unzip the Talend Open Studio zip file and, in the folder, double-click the executable file corresponding to your operating system.

A [License] window displays.

6Talend Open Studio

Getting started with Talend Open Studio

Launching Talend Open Studio

Read and accept the terms of the license agreement to continue.

A registration window displays.

If required, follow the instructions provided to join Talend community or click Register later to proceed to the next step.

If you are working behind a proxy, click Network setting and fill in the Proxy Host and Proxy Port fields of the Network setting dialog box.

You can click the You want to know more? link in the registration window to open a page

that explains the benefits of joining Talend community.

Be ensured that any personal information you may provide to Talend will never be

transmitted to third parties nor used for any other purpose other than to inform you about

Talend and Talend’s products.


Talend Open Studio

main login window opens prompting you to set a connection.

Click the three-dot button and set a connection to a local repository.

This repository will store all the data and metadata associated with the projects and items of the project you create in Talend Open Studio. It will also store different versions of project items. For further information about connecting to a repository, see How to access one or multiple Repositories on page 10 in Talend Open Studio User Guide.

Talend Open Studio7

Getting started with Talend Open Studio

Launching Talend Open Studio

From the Action field, select:

OptionImport demo project To...

import Demo project including numerous samples of

ready-to-use Jobs. This Demo project can help you understand

the functionnalities of different Talend components.

For more information, see How to import the Demo project on

page 16.

create a new local project that will hold all Jobs and Business

models designed in the Studio.

For more information, see How to create a project on page 14.

import any project stored locally.

For more information, see How to import a project on page 17.

open a dialog box in which you can delete any created or

imported project that you don’t need anymore.

For more information, see How to delete a project on page 18.Create a new local projectImport existing project(s) as localDelete local projects

Click Go! to proceed to the next step that varies according to the option you select. The purpose of this procedure is to create a new local project.

In the [New project] dialog box, enter a name for your project, select a generation language (Perl or Java), and click Finish to close the dialog box. The name of the new project displays in the Project list.8Talend Open Studio

Getting started with Talend Open Studio

Launching Talend Open Studio

Click Open.

A progress information bar and a welcome window display consecutively. From this page you have direct links to user documentation, tutorials, Talend forum, Talend Exchange and Talend latest news. Click Start now! to open Talend Open Studio main window.

For more information on how to open a project, see How to open a project on page 18


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Getting started with Talend Open StudioLaunching Talend Open Studio

2.2.1How to access one or multiple Repositories

On Talend Open Studio login window, you can connect to one or several local repositories where you store the data for all your projects, including Jobs and business models, metadata, routines, etc. How to connect to a local repository

To connect to a local repository, do the following:

On the login window of Talend Open Studio, click the three-dot button to proceed to

the next step and set the connection information.

if you have already set your user name and connection details, you can directly

select the relevant entry from the Repository list.

If needed, type in a name and a description for your connection in the relevant fields.

In the User E-mail field, type in the email address that will be used as your user login.

This field is compulsory to be able to use Talend Open Studio.

Be aware that the email entered is never used for another purpose other than logging in.

If needed, click the plus [+] button in the lower left corner and set the connection

information to add as many connections as needed.

By default, the Workspace field shows the path to the current workspace directory

which contains all of the folders belonging to the project created.

You can still modify this path or indicate the access path to another workspace by

clicking the three-dot button next to the field.

10Talend Open Studio

Getting started with Talend Open Studio

Working with different workspace directories

If you modify the path to the workspace directory, a message on the login window

will prompt you to restart the Studio. Click the Restart button on the login

window to restart the Studio and access the project(s) of the indicated workspace.

For more information about how to connect to a different worspace, see Working with

different workspace directories on page 11


OK to validate your changes and close the new view.

The login window displays prompting you to select a project-related option from the Action list. Usually, when you connect to the Studio for the first time, you need to create a new project. For more information about how to create a project, see How to create a project on page 14.

For information about all other possible operations on projects, see Managing data integration Jobs on page 125.

2.2.2How to set up a project in the repository

To open the Talend Open Studio main window, you must first set up a project in the repository you connected to earlier.

You can set up a project in the repository by:

creating a new project. For more information, see How to create a project on page 14.

importing one or more local projects you already created in other sessions of Talend Open Studio. For more information, see How to import a project on page 17.

importing the Demo project. For more information, see How to import the Demo project on page 16.

2.3Working with different workspace directories

Talend Open Studio makes it possible to create many workspace directories and connect to a workspace different from the one you are currently working on, if necessary.

This flexibility enables you to store these directories wherever you want and give the same project name to two or more different projects as long as you store the projects in different directories.

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