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小升初英语测试题(共 80 分)姓名____________ 年级____________ 日期__________ 分数_________

一、语音题(每题 1 分 共 5 分) ( )1.A excuse ( )2.A.house ( )3.A. Share ( )4.A.throw ( )5.A.helped B.exciting B.four B.hair B.town B.closed C. exercise C.shout C.fear D.expect D.out D.bear

C.Halloween D.follow C.asked D.washed

二、词汇题(每题 1 分 共 10 分) 1.warm 反义词_________ 3.fast 反义词___________ 5.dirty 反义词___________ 7.sheep 复数_____________ 9.she 宾格____________ 三、单行选择(每题 1 分 共 20 分) ( ) 1. -----May I put my bike here ? A.needn’t B.don’t -----No ,you ______. D.aren’t able 2.inside 反义词____________ 4.up 反义词_______________ 6.close 反义词_____________ 8. potato 复数____________ 10.him 物主代词___________


( ) 2.I’m sorry I _______my music book. Can I share it with you ? A.forget bringing C.forget to bring B.forgot to bring D. forgot to bring

( )3.Look !Those three ______are talking with the three ______. A.Englishmen , Germen C.Englishmen , Germen ( )4.----How do you like the dinner? A.Fine ,thank you B.English mans , Germans D.English mans , Germen ----__________. C.Yes ,please D.Thanks a lot

B.It’s great

( )5. Either of them can take this job , but what I’m interested in is who is ______. A.the most careful B.more careful C.carefully D.carefuller

( )6.-----You have ______my books for two months . -----Sorry .I’ll return it tomorrow . A.got B.lent C.borrowed D. kept

( )7.There _______a desk and four chairs in the room. -1-


B. is

C. have D. has

( )8.Have ______time today ,but I shall come back in _____days . A.a little ,a few B. little, a few C.few ,little D.a few ,a little

( )9.What’s the weather like today ? A.I like it very much C.It’s well


B.It looks like it D.It’s rather windy .

( )10.There are so many cars and bikes on the ______street . A. heavy B.crowed C. busy D. low

( )11.This book isn’t ______and it’s not ______,either . A.her ,his B. hers ,his C. her ,mine D. her, your

( )12.We can’t see _____sun at _____night . A.a, / B.a , the C. the , / D. the ,the

( )st night she made us ______for a long time . A. work B.worked C. to work D. working

( )14.Do you know ______this time yesterday? A.what she is cooking C.what she was cooking B.what is she cooking D. What was she cooking -----I got it for 120 yuan .

( )15.----How much did this yo-yo_____you,Brian ? e B.spend C.take D.cost

( )16. There are some apples _____the tree and there are also some balloons _____the tree. A.in, in B. on ,on C.in , on D. on, in

( )17. ----What’s your plan for the winter vacation ? -----I’m going to spend most of time ______camping with my best friend . A.going B.to go C. Doing D. To do

( )18.______birthday is in October? A. Who B.Whose C. Who’s D. Whom

( )19.----Are you going swimming with your friends ? -----Yes ,but if ________,I’ll have t

o go alone . A.he comes B.he won’t come C. he’ll come D. He doesn’t come

( )20.-----________have you been to London ? A.How long B.How often

------Only once . D. How soon

C.How many times

四、根据题意,在空格中填入单词的正确形式(每题 1.5 分 共 15 分) -2-

watch , she, work

fish ,

swim ,


be ,

we ,

speak ,

read , study

1.Jim_______TV every evening with his parents. 2.Miss Li is a good teacher ,we all love _______. 3.---Is your father good at ______? 4.--I think he is ______. He can also swim in winter . 5.I don’t have any brothers ______sisters . 6.----What color _____your shoes ? -----Black and white .

7.She is new here ,but she knows_____names . 8.The Englishman can _____a little Chinese . He can understand us . 9.The two little sisters often ______English in the morning . 10. He is very clever and very hard .

五、从Ⅱ 栏中能与Ⅰ 栏中句子相对应的答语。 (10 分) Ⅰ ( ) 1. Do you have any problems with your homework? ( ) 2. What time do you get up? ( ) 3. How about going out for a walk around the lake? ( ) 4. Can you jump higher than Ben? ( ) 5. What’s the matter? D: Yes, there are. E: Yes, she is. B: I’m sorry. The traffic was heavy. C: I’m good at Chinese. Ⅱ A: I get up at six thirty.

( ) 6. Is your mother good at driving a car? F: That’s a good idea. ( ) 7. Are these any butterflies? ( ) 8. You’re late. ( ) 9. What are you good at? ( ) 10. Whose schoolbag is heavier? 六、句型转换 (10 分) 1. She is catching insects now.(改为一般现在时) Sometimes she ________ ________ in the park. 2. What time is it? It's time to have dinner.(改为近义句) ________ the time? It's time ________ dinner. -3G: I have some problems with English. H: Liu Tao’s. I: Yes, I can. J: No, I don’t.

3. Wash the clothes.(改为否定句) ________ wash the clothes! 4. The boy runs faster than the girl.(改为一般疑问句) ________ the boy ______ faster than the girl? 5. Ann and Lily watched a film last night.(改为现在进行时) Ann and Lily ________ ________ a film now. 6. The man in blue is Su Yang's uncle.(对划线部分提问) ________ man is Su Yang's uncle? 七、阅读理解(每题 2 分 共 10 分) Mrs. Green was eighty, but she had a small car, and she always drove to the shops on Saturday and bought her food.She didn’t drive fast because she was old,but she drove well and never hit(撞)anything. Sometimes her grandchildren said to her, “Please don’t drive your car, grandmother. We can take you to the shops.” But she always said,“No,I like driving.I've been driving it for fifty years,and I'm not going to stop driving.” Last Saturday she stopped her car at some traffic lights because they were red and then it did not start again.The lights were green,then yellow,then red, 。then green again,but her car didn’t start. “What am I going to do now? ”she said. At this time a policeman ca

me and said to her kindly,“Good morning.Don’t you like any of our colours today? ” ( )1.Mrs.Green drove her small car to the shops to get something__________a week. A.to eat once C.to read once ( B.to wear twice D.to use six times

)2.She drove_______well_______she never hit anything. A.much;so B.very;and C.not;but D.more;then


)3.She was old,so she didn’t drive___________. A.well B.slow C.fast D.badly


)4.It was_______years since she drove her small car. A.80 B.30 C.50 D.10


)5.Which of the following is right? A.Mrs.Green stopped her car at the red light。 -4-

B.Her grandchildren wanted to buy some food for her. C.Mrs.Green stopped her car on the street because she enjoyed the lights. D.The policeman wanted to know if Mrs.Green liked any of the colours.

参考答案: 一、 CBCBB 10. His 三.1--5 CDCBB 四.1.watches

二、 1.cool

2.outside 3.slow 4.down 5.clean 6.open 7.sheep 8.potatoes 9.her

6--10 DBADC 11--15 BCACD 16--20 DABDC 2. her 3. fishing 4.swimming 5.or 6.are 7.our 8.speak 9.read 10.worker

五.J A F I G E D B C H 六.1. catches insects 2. What's for 3. Don't 4. Does run 5. are watching 6. Which

七.1--5 ABCCB



