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通常以特殊疑问词开头,对句中某一成分提问的句子叫特殊疑问句。常用的疑问词有:what 、who 、whose 、which、when 、where 、how、why等。



例: This is a bag. ---What is this

We often play football on Sundays . ---What do you often do on Sundays


例:She is my sister. ---Who is she


例:The apple is on the is the apple

4、划线部分是“时间”,特殊疑问词用what time或when

例:It's six thirty . ---What time is it

I usually get up at six forty . --- When do you usually get up

5、划线部分是“年龄”,特殊疑问词用how old

例:I am twelve . ---How old are you

My mother is thirty- two . ---How old is your mother


例:Tom is a worker. ---What is Tom/What does Tom do

7、划线部分是“颜色”,特殊疑问词用what color

例:My hat is blue . ---What color is your hat

8、划线部分是“数量”,特殊疑问词用how many或how much

例:I can see five birds in the many birds can you see

There is some tea in the cup. ---How much tea is there in the cup

9、划线部分是“多少钱”,特殊疑问词用how much

例:This book is ten yuan . ---How much is this book

10、划线部分是“形容词性物主代词或名词性物主代词”,特殊疑问词用whose 例:That is my shirt . ---Whose shirt is that




三找(找is , are ,can,would)抄在疑问词后,没有则用do,does(用于主语是第三人称),出现I am 则直接改为Are you),


五改(出现some,要考虑是否改为any。出现I 改为you, 出现we 改为you ,出现my 改为your,出现our改为your。最后是加问号)



例:who is singing in the room﹖whose bike is broken﹖

2、如疑问词作其他成分,即对其他成分提问,其语序是:疑问词+一般疑问句语序例:what class are you in﹖


1、回答特殊疑问句时,不能用yes /no,即问什么答什么,尤其是简略回答。例:Who is from Canada﹖Helen (is).




A: What is the weather like today B: It is hot today.


1.问几点: A: What’s the time now 或What time is it now B: It is + 时间点.

2.问星期: A: What day is it today B: It is + 星期.

3.问日期: A: What is the date today B: It is + 日期.

三、问年龄: A: How old + be动词+人B: 人+ be动词+ 年龄.

例:How old is your mother She is 35 (years old)(year-old).

四、问价格多少: A: How much + be动词+ 物/代词(it,they等)B: 物/代词(it,they等)+ be动词+ 价格.

例:How much are the apples They are 15 yuan.

How much is it It is 15$.

五、问数量多少: A: How many + 物+ be动词+ there + 地点B: There + be动词+ 数量(+物+地点).

例:How many books are there in the library There are 1000.

六、问是谁:A: Who + be动词+ 人或代词(she,he,they…)

B: 人或代词(He,She,They…)+ be动词+ ……

例:Who is the young lady She is my English teacher.

七、问颜色:A: What color + be动词+ 物

B: 物/代词(It , They ) + be动词+ 颜色.

例:What color is your dress It is pink.

八、问职业:A: What + 助动词+人或代词(she,he,they…)+ do

或:What +be动词+ 人或代词(she,he,they…)

B: 人或代词(He,She,They…)+ be动词+ 职业.

(特别提醒:如果回答是一个人,那么“职业”要回答“a …”,如果是两个人以上,直接用复数形式,如:She is a teacher. They are students.)

例:What do you do I am a teacher. What is your father He is a doctor.


A: Where + be动词+ 地方B: 地方/代词(It,They)+ be动词+ 方位.

十、问怎样去某个地方:A: How can/助动词+ 人+ get/go to the …B: 人或代词(He,She,They…)can go there by…

例:How can I get to the cinema You can get there by bus.

How does John go to the cinema He can go there on foot.


A: What + be动词+ 代词(it,they…)B: 代词(it,they…)+ be动词+ ….

例:What is it It is a book. What are they They are books.


A: What + be动词+人或代词(she,he,they…)+ like

B: 人或代词(He,She,They…)+ be动词+ 外貌、性格形容词. 或:人或代词(He,She,They…)+ look或looks+ 外貌、性格形容词.

例:What is your mother She is pretty and young.

十三、问为什么:A: Why …. B: Because….

例:Why are you so happy Because I don’t go to school.

Why do you like summer Because I can swim in the river.

Why do you like apples Because they’re sweet and healthy.

(特别提醒:最后接的名词是可数的要用复数形式,答句用“they are”)


A: How +助动词+人+feel

或:How+ be动词+人或代词(she,he,they…)’s+ feeling

B: 人或代词(He,She,They…)+be动词+感觉形容词.

或:人+ feel/feels/felt+感觉形容词.

例:How do you feel 或How is your feeling I am happy. 或I feel happy.


A: What’s the matter with +人或代词(用宾格:her,him,them,me)

B: 人或代词(He,She,They…)+be动词+症状.

例:What’s the matter with you I have a headache.

What’s the matter with her She has a fever.


A: What +助动词+人+have +时间B: 人+have/has+…(+时间).

例:What do you have on Mondays I have Chinese, math and English.

What does Mike have for lunch He has rice and potatoes for lunch.


问选择:Which one +助动词+人+like, A or B


A: What is your/his/her/our favorite+东西(food,fruit,season…)

或:Which +东西(food,fruit,season…)+助动词+人+like best

B: My/His/Her/Our favorite +东西+ be动词+…

或:人或代词(He,She,They…)like/likes +….+best.


例: How are you I am fine.

How do you do How do you do


about 后多加动词现在分词,What about 后多跟名词

例: How about going out for a walk

What about another cake


例: What /How about a drink

3.表征求意见或打听消息,用What about

例:What about the university

4.有多种事物供选择时,只能用How about

例:Here are three jackets .How about the gray one


例: What place is it It is a school .

二十一、问多长时间或某物有多长用How long

表示多长时间,主要用来对一段时间(如three days, four weeks 等)提问。

例:A:How long did he stay here 他在这儿呆了多久

B:About two weeks. 大约两个星期。

A:How long does it take to get to London from here 从这里到伦敦要多长时间B:At least ten hours. 至少要10个小时。

2. 表示某东西有多长。

例:A:How long is the river 这条河有多长

B:About 500 km. 大约500千米。


How far 用于提问从某一地点到另一地点的距离

例:A: How far is it from here to the zoo 从这儿到公园有多远

B: It’s 6 kilometers.六千米。


how often 指每隔多久,主要用来对频度副词或状语(如:once a week, three times a month 等)提问。

例:A:How often does he come here 他(每隔)多久来一次

B:Once a month. 每月一次。

A:How often do you visit your mother 你多长时间看你妈妈一次

B:Once a week. 一周一次。


how soon 指再过多久,主要用来对表示将来的一段时间(如:in an hour, in two weeks 等)提问。

例:A:How soon will he be back 他要多久才回来

B:In an hour. 1 小时以后。

A:How soon shall we know the results 我们多久能知道结果

B:I don’t know. 我不知道。

