八年级英语下册 Lesson 11 Amazing Plants导学案(新版)冀教版

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八年级英语下册 Lesson 11 Amazing Plants




2、掌握下列句子1)Is not it beautiful?、2)When people first hear it laughing,they are usually quite surprised and begin to laugh along with the tree、3)So people call it a living fossil、4)Its two leaves continue to grow for its whole life、5)But how can a plant be shy?

(一)课前预习—导学 (常规口语表达3分钟)I 预习课文完成下列各题

1、Write true (T)

or false (F)1)

The plan can be shy、 ( )2)

Do not have tree can laugh、 ( )3)

The plant can live as long as1500 years、 ( )


第 1 页共 1 页

看起来…像__2)东亚____3)close up_______4)张开

___5)当提到___6)in the middle of_______7)一个活化石

_______ 二)自主学习7分钟(播放录音) Listen and read

the text、


(四)自我展示5分钟 How many plants can you name?

Have you ever heard about any special plants?(五)拓

展创新10分What plants live in China?(六)当堂达标检测。10分钟一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

1、These flowers look like_______ (fly)

egrets、2、 This kind of plant lives in_______ (east) Asia

3、 What makes a tree_______ (laugh)?

4、 The story is ______ (real)

funny、5、 People call it a _______ (live)



1、Plants can be shy、(改为一般疑问句) _______

plants ______ shy?

2、 It is a lovely day today、 (改为否定疑问

句)_______ _______ a lovely day today?

3、 It grows in the southwest of Africa、 (改为否定句)

第 1 页共 1 页

It _______ _______ in the southwest of Africa、


1、Seeing their teacher _______ into the

classroom ,they stopped _______ at once、

A、 walk; telling

B、 entering;to speak

C、 enter;to tell

D、 walking;talking

2、 Some Chinese singers sing English songs just as _______ as native speakers do、

A、 good

B、 better

C、 well

3、 Sally used to be _______, but now she enjoys meeting and talking to new friends、

A、 active

B、 shy

C、 honest

D、 outgoing

4、 Linda ,I have to go shopping now、 Please _______ your little sister at home、

A、 look for

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B、 look like

C、 look after

D、 look up

5、 The fans were _______ to know the death of their favourite singing star Whitney Huston、

A、 glad

B、 angry

C、 excited

D、 surprised


1、flowers , like , its , look , egrets

___________________________________、2、 funny , really , tree , is , this ___________________________________、3、a , fossil , can , alive , be


4、 this , is ,for ,children ,play , plant ,fun , small ,to ,with____________________________、

5、 in , middle , Africa , it ,the ,grows ,of


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