秋期末九年级上册Unit 1 Topic1 复习学案

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Unit 1 Topic1 复习学案 主备人:张林涛 审核人:张林涛 2019-11-

复习目标:本话题的重点单词、短语及语法 复习模式:读-考-改-练



残废的________;曾经,________;关上,封闭_________,青少年_______;绳子_______;祖母______;描写,叙述__________;教育______;童年,儿童时代________;供养,抚养_______;体力劳动者_________;发展,开发_____________(名词);___________________(动词)通讯,交流________;快的,________;空闲,闲暇_________,亲属_______;主要地,总体地______;电报;电文______;种类,类别__________;传真;传真机______;快的,迅速的________;进步,进展_______;已经_________;成功 _____________遥远的____________;改革开放___________组织,机构________作文,作曲。_________便条,笔记;_______考虑________工具______

( 3分钟 默写2分钟测试检测,完成后在课本上找出下列词组记一记,5分钟后检测) 顺便说 ______详细地 _______ 跟-保持联系,_________改革开放_______ 取得进步,取得进展 ____ 拟定 ______ 幸亏,由于 _______ 过着艰难的生活 _____ (总结默写的情况,再给大家10分钟的时间记忆下列句子,4分钟检测)。

句子1. 那儿发生了大变化,我的家乡越来越漂亮.____________________________

2. ---你去哪儿,简?---我和父母去过黄山 _______________________________. 3.她去古巴做一名志愿者,她明天回来 ________________________________________ 4.我很长时间没有见到他 。___________________________________________ 5.虽然我没有时间旅行,我仍然感到非常高兴。_________________________________ 6.随着中国的发展,很多事情都变了,孩子们现在能受到良好教育


7.我认为记住过去,立足现在和展望未来是重要 __________________________________ 8. 是那样的吗? ____________________________________ 9.铃响了___________. 复习后检测试

( )1.----Have you ever been to the Summer Palace?

---Yes , we have

----When ____you ___there ? -- - Last month A. have ;gone B did; go C. will ; go D. is going ( )2. ----Where is your mother ? ----she _____the supermarket? A. has gone to B. has been C. has been to D has gone ( )3. --–Have you ever been to the Beijing Zoo? ---NO,____ I“ll go there this weekend

A. I’ve never been there B. I have C. I’ve been there D. I don’t ( )4.---I didn’t see you the whole summer holiday.

--I ______Yunnan on August 2nd ,I ____there for two weeks A. went to. have been B. have gone; have gone C went to ; was D. have gone have been

( )5.____it rains heavily, _____the farmers are still working in the fields.

A。 Though; but B 。Though; however C 。though ; / D Although; but ( )6 . ---What are you thinking about ?

--I'm considering _____a new car .A to buy B. buying C. bought D. buy ( ) 7. He’s never been to England,______?. A. isn’t he B. hasn’t he C. is he D. has he

( )22. -This is non-smoking area. Could you please______ your cigarette?

-Sorry, I’ll do it right now.

A. put out B. put on C. put up D. put off

( )23.Would you please buy some salt for me. Tony? There is left. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few 完开填空(10小题,每小题1分,共10分)

Many Chinese teachers complain (抱怨)that the students’ handwriting is becoming worse and worse. They think it’s necessary to take measures to improve it. Should Chinese calligraphy (书法) 1 at school?

We are in an information age, so most things can be found and done on a 2 .Still we should go back to handwriting by using a brush and ink . Some people think students should study calligraphy at school. Calligraphy is part of our 3 .It dates back to early times. Traditional calligraphy is well worth 4 .We Chinese need to carry on with it. 5 ,calligraphy is fine art , more than writing . Written Chinese is famous 6 its beauty .For example ,every stroke(笔画)of a character shows

richness, feeling, energy and so on .Even foreigners enjoy looking at it for its beauty, that’s 7 many of them come to China to learn calligraphy. If you are good at it ,it is certainly a way of self-cultivation(自我陶醉).

To be an artist in calligraphy, you have to practice word by would 8 the spirit of the practice gets into your mind . One has to 9 a lot of time and energy learning it .So it often helps 10 one’s personality (品格).Also, it is considered as an active way of keeping one fit and healthy. Are you going to learn it soon?

( )1.A. teach B. taught C. be taught D. are taught ( )2.A. plane B. computer C. radio D. farm ( )3.A.body B. clothes C. family D. learned ( )4。A studying B。to study C. seeing D. to see

( )5A.From now on B. What’s more C. As a result D. So far ( )6.A.for B. to C. as D. in ( )7.A.how B.不填 C. whether D. why ( )8.A. when B. until C. while D. after ( )9.A.spend B. take C. cost D. pa

