
更新时间:2024-02-28 00:23:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载













关键词: 孙中山;教育思想;三民主义;德育思想

A Study on Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s Education Ideas

Dr. Sun Yat-sen was a bourgeois revolutionist of modern China. His ideas on education were regarded as a great treasure of Chinese Democratic Revolution, which absorbed the essences of Chinese Confucius and the western democratic progressive thoughts. Characterized by keeping up with times, Dr. Sun’s thoughts were novel. Moreover, these ideas planned a new national education system, though there were some limits. His closely focusing on education reflected that, to some extent, education could service for politics. And he strongly hoped that education could save, develop and strengthen China. He created the new education and practiced it. Although the efficient is not obvious limited by the conditions of that time, it is still proved to throw light to today’s educational problems. Since the reform and opening up policy was adopted, China has paid more attention to the development of education and Chinese educational cause has met its boom. Dr. Sun’s thoughts on education have taken a great effect on Chinese Communist Party’s theories and practices, and modern education. In twenty-first century, his ideas are helpful to establish the education of all-around development and reform professional education and construct the harmonious society. The paper, with the instruction thoughts of historical materialism and dialectic materialism, adopted literature review and historical analysis methods to research the formation and source of Dr. Sun’s ideas on education, strengthening China by education, the construction of national education system and moral education. There are five parts in this paper. Firstly, it narrates the background and source of Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s education thoughts. Secondly, it talks about the contents of strengthening China by education and its influence on education during the Republic period and its function on foundation China. Thirdly, the study tells his education ideas fully including basic education, normal education, professional education etc. And it also comments its significance to the reform of today’s education. Besides, these thoughts are useful for the transition of higher education institutions.

Fourthly, the paper researches the contents of his moral education and its source, which the author hope to give some important suggestions on today’s college and university moral education. Fifthly, it comments the place of Dr. Sun’s education thoughts in history, its contributions in times, its limits and the influences on the educations of Republic period and now. There is no doubt that some of Dr. Sun’s opinions are not fit for today’s education because of his time. But it is still an important treasure for the researches in fields of history and education and worth of further studying and discovering.

Key words: Sun Yat-sen; education ideas; Three People’s Principles; moral

education thoughts

