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Part I Listening Comprehension Section A

1. A) He will be at the office on Monday. B) He will be at the office On Tuesday.

C) He will not be at the office at all this week.

D) He will be there on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

2. A) She is a nurse. B) She is a writer. C) She is a guide. D) She is a teacher.

3. A) 21. B) 22. C) 24. D) 25.

4. A) In a post office B) She is a writer C) She is a guide D) She is a teacher 5. A) $60 B) $48 C) $32 D) $16

6. A) They are friends. B) They are classmates.

C) They are colleagues. D) They are twins.

7. A) The man agrees to take pictures for his son.

B) The man agrees to buy a camera for his son.

C) The man doesn’t agree to take pictures for his son. D) The man doesn’t agree to buy a camera for his son.

8. A) Traffic signs. B) Traffic jam. C) Traffic lights D) Traffic accidents. 9. A) The woman will have her blood tested before the first class.

B) The woman will miss the first class for her blood test. C) The woman will be late for the blood test. D) The woman won’t attend her classes.

10. A) He is the tallest boy in the class.

B) He is an easy-going boy in the class.

C) He is the most intelligent boy in the class. D) He is the most handsome boy in the class.

Section B

11. A) In 1994. B) In 1995. C) In 1996. D) In 2000.

12. A) In Shanghai. B) In Chengdu. C) In Beijing. D) In a foreign country.

Part II Vocabulary and Structure

13. Susan is not at the meeting. She has been absent ______ our meetings for several times.

A) at B) in C) of D) from

14. She is one of the newest film stars from America and has many fans, ______ in Europe.

A) specially B) patially C) specifically D) particularly

15. Three criminals escaped from prison yesterday afternoon. It was a long time ______ the guards discovered what had happened. A) When B) before C) since D) until

16. English is not the ______language for almost half of our overseas visitors. A) natural B) native C) domestic D) original

17. The government should take ______measures to prevent and control the flu outbreak.

A) expensive B) persuasive C) effective D) negative

18. In Britain today women ______ 44% of the workforce, and nearly half the mothers with children are in paid work.

A) make up B) build up C) stand for D) conform to

19. Many firms give away small quantities of their products as ______so that people can try them before buying.

A) examples B) samples C) models D) exhibits

20. He promised that he would take my proposal into ______. A) thought B) notice C) practice D) account

21. The policeman ______ the facts again and again, but couldn’t piece them together.

A) went over B) went after C) went on D) went with

22. It is said that the sudden change in weather ______ many people’s health. A) has effected B) has caused C) has affected D) has committed

23. After six months of non-stop work, a new medicine is reported to have been turned out to ______ the flu.

A) remove B) restore C) cure D) recover

24. I hadn’t seen him for years, but I ______ his voice on the telephone. A) realized B) detected C) discovered D) recognized

25. There is a risk in this method: the rope ______ break, causing the box to fall and be damaged.

A) might B) might not C) should D) should not

26. Lucy did not have time to go to the concert last night because she was busy ______ for her English test.

A) to be prepared B) being prepared C) preparing D) to prepare

27. If we ______ timely changes to the plan, a great deal of time and money would have been lost.

A) did not make B) had not make C) shall not make D) would not make 28. ______ she is expecting is to find someone to manage the restaurant because she is over sixty.

A) which B) what C) whatever D) that

29. A downtown hotel may charge ______ a hotel in the suburb.

A) twice as much as B) twice more than C) as twice as D) more than twice 30. The local government warned the citizens ______ water directly from the

tap unless it is boiled.

A) not to drink B) to not drink C) not drinking D) do not drink 31. ______ it or not, his discovery has created a stir in scientific circles. A) To believe B) Believing C) Believe D) Believed Part III Reading Comprehension Passage One

Milan has prohibited the consumption and sale of alcohol to young teenagers in an effort to curb binge-drinking(遏制狂欢饮酒).

Parents of children under the age of 16 caught drinking wine or spirits will be liable to heavy fines of up to 500 Euros($700).

A third of 11-year-olds in the city have alcohol related problems.

In a country where for centuries wine has been part of local culture the prohibition has come as a shock.

But the authorities are deeply concerned about the increase in consumption of alcohol by children as young as 11 in the country’s industrial and financial capital. So as an experiment, supplying alcohol-either wine or spirits-to youths under the age of 16 in bars, restaurants and liquor stores will be prohibited.

Heavy fines will be imposed on the parents of offending children and on shopkeepers or bar owners who serve them.

A national law prohibiting the sale of alcohol to under-16s is only loosely enforced(执行), as Italian families are used to sometimes giving young children a teaspoon of wine as a family party treat.

In the past centuries, Italian children would sometimes even be given wine to drink in preference to water which was often polluted.

There has been a storm of protest by bar owners who refuse to act as alcohol police for young people.

But more Italian have realized that their old easy-going attitudes towards consumption of alcohol will have to change.

33. Which of the following is prohibited in Milan?

A) Selling wine and spirits to Italian people. B) Drinking wine or spirits. C) Drinking of alcohol by young teenagers. D) Binge-drinking in Milan 34. Who will be liable to heavy fines of up to 500 Euros?

A) Parents of young teenagers caught drinking wine or spirits. B) Children under the age of 16 drinking wine or spirits. C) 11-year olds who have alcohol related problems D) Parents of 11-year-olds having alcohol related problems.

35. The word “authorities” in paragraph 5 most probably means ______.

A) the government B) alcohol police C) local reporter D) alcohol experts

36. According to the passage, Milan______.

A) is the only city trying to curb binge-drinking. B) is the country’s industrial and financial capital. C) prohibits the sale of alcohol in bars or restaurants. D) prohibits the sale of alcohol, either wine or spirits.

37. The difficulty in enforcing a national law to prohibit the sale of alcohol to young teenagers mainly comes from ______.

A) young teenagers B) Italian tradition

C) protests of bar owners D) parents of teenagers

Passage Two

Although you may think that bottled water is a safer option than tap, two new reports show that the store-bought stuff is actually less regulated(监管) than the water you get out of your tap almost for free.

The food and Drug Administration(FDA) has little authority to regulate bottled brands, according to a U.S. Congressional report released recently.

While municipal water utilities are required to provide public reports of test results, bottled-water makers are not. So although you may pay a pretty penny for bottled water, that doen’t mean it’s any better than come out of your tap. In fact, it could be worse and you’d never know it.

The new research is backed by a report from the Environmental Working Group. The nonprofit organization surveyed the labels and Web sites of nearly 200 popular bottled-water brands and found that less than 2 percent disclosed thee important facts that can affect safety: the water’s source, purification methods, and chemical pullutants in each bottle.

Reaching for the most popular bottled brands isn’t necessarily a solution. In fact, the EWG report says that some of the best-known brand are the least likely to report where the water comes from and what it contains.

38. Compared with bottled water, tap water ______.

A) contains more pollutants B) has safer water source C) is more strictly regulated D) is actually less regulated 39. Which of the following is true about bottled water? A) Bottled brands provide test results publicly.

B) Most brands of bottled water are regularly tested. C) Purification methods are reliable and adequate.

D) Bottled water might contain more pollutants.

40. The focus of the survey by the EWG is on ______.

A) The labels and Web sites of bottled-water brands B) the environment of the source of bottled water C) the important facts related to the safety of water D) the purification methods to process water

41. It may be concluded from this passage that ______. A) the FDA has no right to regulate bottled water

B) people spend much money on bottled water only for safer water C) most popular bottled brands are found better than less-known ones. D) Bottled water from stores is not necessarily cleaner than tap water 42. The author’s attitude towards bottled water tends to be ______. A) positive B) negative C) unclear D) particular

Passage Three

China will pay dearly if it does not act now to build up an old-age social security system(社保体系),as its population aged 80 or above will hit 83 million by 2050, a population expert, Ma Li, has warned.

China formally became an aged society in 2000, when the population aged 60 or above accounted for 10 percent of its 1.3 billion people.

With an annual growth rate of 3.7 percent, china’s population aged 80 or above will reach 22 million by 2020, and 83 million by 2050, according to Ma, a deputy(代表) to the 11th National People’s Congress(NPC).

In contrast to developed countries, China entered the aged society while it is still a developing country.

“China is not yet ready for the aged society. It does not havea complete old-age social security system. There are not enough resources. Fiscal support is scarce. And the risk is ever rising,” said Ma.

The lawmaker said China must act now to set up an old-age social security system that covers both rural and urban population.

Such a system should be based on the care of the old people by their families, backed-up by community-level services networks and with old folks homes as a supplement, he said.

Ma also stressed that China has the capacity to do that, as its economic structures and level of urbanization are well beyond the stage at which developed countries began to establish old-age social security systems for their rural populations.

43. According to the population expert, it is the time for China to ______. A) pay the price for its 83 million aged people B) keep its aged population from growing too fast C) look at its own problems as an aged society

D) begin building an old-age social security system

44. The phrase “accounted for” in paragraph 2 can be replaced by ______. A) constituted B) explained C) caused D) produced

45. According to Ma, China has entered the aged society but has not ______. A) investigated the situation of the ageing population B) built a complete old-age social security system C) noticed the risk of its growing population D) set up any social organization for the issue

46. In Paragraph 6 Ma is mentioned as a “lawmaker” because he ______. A) is a member of NPC B) is a population expert C) works for a law office D) cares about social security

47. Which of the following should play the main role in the old-age social security system? A) The community-level services networks. B) The rural and urban old folks homes. C) The family members of the aged people. D) The rural and urban communities.

Passage Four

Paul Newman was not only a movie star. He was also politically active, and fought for liberal causes. In 1968, he helped the Democratic Party presidential candidate in election. Newman protested the Vietnam War in front of the American Embassy in London. He expressed great pride that he was named on President Ricard Nixon’s list of enemies.

Paul Newman also worked on social issues important to him. In 1978, his twenty-eight year old son Scott died after taking too much drugs and alcohol. In response, Newman created the Scott Newman Center to help educate children and families on preventing drug abuse(吸毒).

In the 1980s, Newman decided to start selling a salad dressing(沙拉酱) he had created and given to many friends as gifts. The “Newman’s Own” company he started with his friends A.E. Hotchner became a huge success selling different food products. Over the years, more than two hundred fifty million dollars in company profits have been donated to social causes and organizations.

One of these is the Wall Gang Camp, started by Paul Newman in 1988. Its aim is to provide a free summer camp experience to children with cancer and other serious diseases. There are now camps in the United States and several other countries. Newman said that he started the organization as a way to honor the role that luck has played in his life. He said that the camps are a way to help children who are unfairly affected by luck’s cruelly. 48. Most of this passage is about Paul Newman’s ______. A) movie caeer B) business success C) political activities D) social work

49. Paul Newman created the Scott Newman Center to ______. A) promote his new products B) help prevent drug abuse

C) assist young people financially D) provide drugs to poor families 50. Newman’s Own was a company that ______.

A) did business in various food products B) was founded by a friend of Newman’s C) was started by Paul Newman alone D) passed out salad dressing as gifts 51. The Wall Gang Camp was supported with______.

A) profits from the summer camps B) donation from social organizations C) donation from Newman’s Own D) profits obtained from the movies 52. Newman started the Wall Gang Camp for children who _______. A) suffered from family violence B) were not treated in hospitals C) were visiting in the U.S. D) suffered from serious diseases

Part IV Translation from English into Chinese (10%)

T1. (Lines 1-2, Paragraph 9, Passage 1)

In the past centuries, Italian children would sometimes even be given wine to drink in preference to water which was often polluted.

A) 在过去几个世纪,意大利人有时甚至宁愿给孩子们喝葡萄酒而不是喝常受污染的水。 B) 过了几个世纪,意大利的孩子们有时甚至以喝葡萄酒代替常常是受过污染了的水。

C) 过了几个世纪,常常是因为污染的原因,意大利孩子有时会饮用加了葡萄酒的水。 D) 在过去几个世纪,意大利人有时甚至给孩子们葡萄酒喝以代替常常是被污染了的水。 E)过了几个世纪,在水经常被污染的情况下,意大利孩子有时会喝加了葡萄酒的水。 T2. (Lines 1-3, Paragraph 5, Passage 2)

In fact, the EWG report says that some of the best-known brands are the least likely to report where the water comes from and what it contains.

A) EWG的报告发现,一些最知名的品牌瓶装水其实无法说明水的出处和水的含量。 B) EWG的报告人阵述的事实仅仅来自于那些销量最佳的品牌瓶装水的的产品说明书。 C) 事实上,EWG的报告说一些最知名的品牌瓶装水最不可能表明其水源和水中所含物质。 D) 实际上,EWG的报告认为,某些最知名的品牌瓶装水也有某种可能表明水源和水质。 E)EWG报告的事实表明一些最知名的品牌瓶装水最不可能表明其水源和水中所含物质。

T3. (Lines 1-2, Paragraph 3, Passage 3)

With an annual growth rate of 3.7 percent, China’s population aged 80 or above will reach 22 million by 2020.

A) 3.7%中国人口已达80高龄,每年还有2020多人加入到这支二千二百万的高龄队伍中。 B) 按其3.7%的年增长率,中国80岁以上(含80岁)的人口在2020年将达到二千二百万。

C) 因中国人口增长率达到了3.7%,其中年龄达到80岁的人在2020年将超过二千二百万。

D) 按其3.7%的年增长率计算,80岁或80岁以上的中国人口即将在2020年超过二千二百万。


T4. (Lines 3-5, Paragraph 3, Passage 4)

Over the years, more than two hundred fifty million dollars in company profits have been donated to social causes and organizations.

A) 长期以来,超过两亿五千万美元的公司利润被捐给了公益事业和组织。 B) 数年以来,公司的两亿五千万美元收入被捐给了社会的团体以及个人。

C) 很久以来,公司的两亿五千万美元收入都投入到了公共慈善事业上面。 D) 年夏一年,公司把多达两千五百万的收入全都投入到社会福利事业。 E)多年以来,公司将超过两亿五千万美元的盈利捐给了公共事业和组织。

T5. The bus driver has a style of driving and it’s fun to try to figure it out the first hour or so. A) 公共汽车司机有一种独特的方法,人们只要乘车一小时左右就能感到快乐。 B) 公共汽车司机有自己的驾驶风格,在乘车的头一个小时左右去发现它倒也有趣。 C) 公共汽车司机有一种特殊的方法,开车后一小时左右就开始与乘客开玩笑。 D) 公共汽车司机有自己的开车风格,有趣的是乘车一小时左右就能够表现出来。 E)公共汽车司机各自有各自的高招,能够在开车的第一时间就让人感到愉快。

Key to SCET3-A (0806)

Part I Listening Comprehension (15%)

1 - 5 D A A C A 6 - 10 D D C B B 11 - 12 B D S1. sitting S2. replied S3. costs S4. offered S5. grave S6. cancelled Part II Vocabulary and Structure (20%)

13 -- 17 C B A A D 18 -- 22 A C B A C 23 -- 27 C C B D D 28 -- 32 A C A A B Part III Reading Comprehension (40%)

33 -- 37 B A A C D 38 -- 42 A C A B D 43 -- 47 C D D B D 48 -- 52 B B C A D Part IV. Translation from English into Chinese (10%) T1. D T2. D T3. A T4. B T5. B


