
更新时间:2023-12-25 03:23:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



1. this e-dog's master 2. my instruction book

3. look after your things / look at your things 4. make friends with sb. 5. introduce A to B

6. Good morning / afternoon / evening / night / day 7. live in a flat in Beijing / live on the floor 8. be (very) clever at Maths / be (very) good at Maths

9. in the school basketball team= a member of the school basketball team 10. We call him Xiao Ma / He is called Xiao Ma 11. come from England = be from England

12. be born in + 地点 / be born at / on / in + 时间 13. like playing football at school

14. have(=wear) long black hair in a ponytail / have(=wear) black hair in (two) bunches

15. love listening to music

16. look at the three profiles of my classmates 17. work hard / study hard

18. a funny girl / a funny e-pet

19. a 12-year-old boy = a boy of 12 years old 20. wear glasses / wear a pair of sunglasses 21. enjoy playing computer games 22. polite and helpful

23. make some notes about? / make some mistakes 24. How well do the students know each other? 25. know the boy / get to know the boy

26. It's time for sth. / It's time to do sth. / It's time for sb. to do sth. 27. I wear football boots when I play football. 28. play tennis with a tennis racket

29. take my dog for a walk every day / waik the dog every day 30. walk home = go home on foot

31. take a bus to school = go to school by bus 32. Here are some pictures of my family. 33. I hope you and your family are well.

34. My football team is the best in the world. 35. go running for half an hour every day 36. a teacher of English = an English teacher 37. light brown curly hair

38. talk with people in English

39. know some Chinese words such as \40. help him with his English 41. teach us English

42. can't speak any Chinese / Please say it in English

43. He is the newest member of the team

44. join the football team / join the Party / join the League 45. score two wonderful goals 46. a very good football player 47. look strong / look fine

48. play for the Changjiang Football Team

49. last year / last month / last week / last term

50. live in Baoying / live on Spring Road / live on Garden Road 51. The more English you speak in class, the faster you will learn. 52. How do you say something in English? 53. borrow sth. from? / lend sth. to ? 54. the answer to the question

55. at the beginning of every school year

56. My birthday is on 3rd October = October 3rd. 57. I'm 1.35 metres tall.

58. enjoy talking on the phone with my friends

59. I want to be a computer programmer when I grow up. 60. remember to do sth. / remember doing sth.

61. write (sth) down: write them down on a piece of paper 62. people in China / people from all over the world


1. wake up / wake sb. up

2. It is time for sth. / It is time to do sth. / It is time for sb. to do sth. 3. What are you going to do today? We are going to visit the museum. 4. go to bed / go to sleep

5. Some dogs just don't know how to have fun. / have fun (in) doing sth. 6. Millie has a new e-friend called Tommy.

7. tell sb. sth. / tell sb. about sth. / tell sb. to do sth. 8. write a diary / keep a diary

9. have an assembly / have a meeting

10. do some after-school activities / some daily activities 11. write (a letter) to sb. / write an e-mail to sb.

12. What can we call it? We can call it \ It is called \13. more than 1800 students

14. I like my classroom because I can see the playground. 15. Sometimes we buy snacks from the tuck shop.

16. the whole school / all the students / all the other students 17. My favourite lessons are Chinese and English. 18. I spend about an hour a day doing my homework.

spend (time / money) on sth. / spend (time / money) (in) doing sth.

19. Sometimes we practise playing volleyball after school. 20. There are lots of things to do at my school.

21. Please e-mail me soon.= Please write an e-mail to me soon. 22. improve your skills / improve your English

23. twice a week / three times a month / five times a year 24. make model planes

25. watch football matches on TV 26. Do you know where Mr Wu is? 27. She walks Eddie every day. 28. They live near each other.

29. I have some news. Is it good news? / a piece of news 30. win the first prize in the football match

31. both / all : We are both students. / We are all students. 32. all the time

33. meet up with sb.

34. on Monday / on Mondays 35. go to dancing lessons

36. be busy with sth. / be busy doing sth.

37. She doesn't have much time to chat with her friends. ( have time to do sth.) 38. go on a trip= have a trip / organize the class trip 39. get some information about?

40. the China space museum / the China science and technology museum 41. Each student can spend ¥10. 42. every day except Monday

43. Thank you for sth. / Thank you for doing sth. 44. the price for each student / The price is too high. 45. The zoo is open from 7:30 a.m to 5:00 p.m.

46. We are all looking forward to a great day out. / look forward to seeing you soon. 47. ask your friends and teacher for help 48. forget to do sth. / forget doing sth.

49. Can I borrow some money from you? Sorry, you can't! I don't have any. 50. turn on the lights / turn off the radio 51. I am not tall enough to reach the basket.

52. I love reading because I want to learn more about the world. 53. It is fun to look at the pictures when I finish drawing them. 54. I like some parts of the days and I dislike others.

55. I dislike playing the piano and doing homework because they are boring and they take long.

56. Do you know the answer to Number Two? 57. hear from sb.= get a letter from sb.

58. Watching TV too much is not good for our eyes. 59. an adult ticket / a child's ticket 60. be free = have time

61. Thank you for inviting me to a film with you.

62. Anything is OK with me.

63. pass me some apples = pass some apples to me (pass sb. sth. = pass sth. to sb.)


1.Let’s celebrate Halloween in a new way. 2.dress up as a ghost / dress up as Monkey King

3.Which is your favourite festival? = Which festival do you like best? 4.some special days (festivals)

5.Chinese New Year / the Dragon Boat Festival / the Mid-Autumn Festival / Easter / Christmas / Halloween / New Year’s Day / Women’s Day / Tree Planting Day / Fool Day / May Day / Children’s Day / the Army Day / Teachers’ Day / National Day / 6.get ready for

7.Thank you for telling me about the Mid-Autumn Festival. 8.have (= hold ) a special party on October 31st

They often have (= hold ) a party on the evening of October 31st 9.play a game called “trick or treat” 10.knock on / at people’s doors 11.give sb. candies as a treat 12.play a trick / joke on sb.

13.wear special costumes with masks / wear a tiger costume 14.paint one’s face

15.People don’t know who we are.

16.make pumpkin lanterns for Halloween You can make a lantern out of a pumpkin.

17.cut out some shapes for (= to make ) the eyes,the nose and the sharp teeth 18.try to remember sth.

19.have some hot food and hot drinks 20.look like?

21.We eat rice dumplings at the Dragon Boat Festival. 22.He started learning French at 14= at the age of 14

23.have a long holiday / on holidays / during the summer holidays 24.during the first week of November

25.in the kitchen / in the pencil case= in the pencil box

26.Our meeting starts at 4 o’clock and finishes at 5:30 o’clock 27.take him for a long walk

28.celebrate it by giving presents

29.My father likes fishing on Sundays

30.We will go to Hainan Island for a holiday this year. 31.at the Chinese Community Centre 32.traditional Chinese food

33.Lion dance / Dragon dance / music and dance

34.I want to see the Chinese New Year celebrations here.

35.Lots of things are happening here. (happen = take place ) 36.I am very excited to see the exciting game for the first time. 37.At night, there will be fireworks in Chinatown. 38.Please tell us how to make flash cards

39.draw a picture on the other side of the flash card

40.during your 10-minute study time / study sth for 10 minutes 41.celebrate it in many ways

42.Her birthday is on 6th October = on October 6th. 43.take a dog for a walk / walk a dog in the evening 44.How do you go to school? I go to school by bike. 45.Children often get red packets at Chinese New Year. There is always some money in the red packets.

46.The light shines through the eyes, the nose and the teeth. 47.Do you have any stamps? / Would you like some tea? 48.Why do you like National Day so much?

Because on National Day we don’t need to go to school


1. It’s lunchtime. = It’s ______ _______ lunch. 2. Let’s have a humburger. 3. be (always) hungry and thirsty

4. need a lot of energy ( a lot of = )

5. You never exercise.= Don’t you often exercise? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t 6. walk to my bowl many times a day

7. Are you a healthy person? / Do you have a healthy lifestyle? 8. different kinds of food

9. What is your favourite food?= What food do you like best? 10. My favourite food is noodles and meat. 11. an article about Kitty’s diet and lifestyle

12. I want to be a dancer and I dance for two hours every day. 13. get tired ( I get tired when I finish running.)

14. It’s important for sb. to do sth. (It’s important for a dancer to be healthy.) 15. be (not) good for. (I know that sweet snacks are not good for our health.) 16. They give me energy but they are not healthy.

17. not?any more ( I do not eat sweet snacks between meals any more.) 18. a top student

19. like studying / like school

20. like chatting with friends on the Internet 21. I exercise every day for about 30 minutes = I exercise for about 30 minutes every day. 22. I always have a healthy meal for lunch.

23. 部分动词过去式:change---changed; want---wanted; eat---ate; like---liked;

love---loved; have (has)---had; 24. How often / How long / How many times How often do they eat these kinds of food?

How many times do they eat these kinds food in a week? How long do they exercise every day? 25. How much do you know about food?

26. How does it taste? Mooncakes taste sweet, and vinegar tastes sour. 27. 频率副词(由强到弱):always----usually----often----sometimes----seldom----never 28. give some advise on exercise

29. the difference between the girls’ and the boys’eating habits 30. 可数名词与不可数名词;

可数名词复数构成:book--- ; story--- ; watch--- ; piano--- ; shelf--- ; knife--- ; mango--- ; potato--- ; 31. make a shopping list

32. come for dinner = come to have dinner

33. It takes sb.some time to do sth. (It often takes her mother half an hour to cook.) 34. Would you like some glasses of milk? Yes, please.

35. How much TV do you watch every day? More than 3 hours / Less than 4 hours / 2—4 hours 36. How healthy are you and Hu Wen? 37. You are a very healthy person.

You ar not very healthy. You should eat healthier food and exercise more.

You are not fit at all. You need to exercise more, watch less TV, and eat healthier food. 38. I love hamburgers but I don’t eat them any more.

39. Do you feel better? Yes. I eat lots of fruit now and I feel healthier. 40. What is your favourite fruit? Bananas. Good luck with your new diet! 41. Why are you buying so many bananas? Because I like them very much. 42. Why is it important to keep fit and stay healthy? 43. healthy eating / fit and healthy

44. I like vegetables because they are good for me. 45. That means I take in about 2000 calories every day. 46. People need vitamins to stay healthy.

It is also important to drink lots of water every day.

There are no calories in water, so you can drink it without getting fat. Eating good food and doing exercise help you stay healthy. People need water to live

47. There are a lot of apples on the apple trees. There are some birds in the apple trees.


1. want sb. to do sth.= would like sb. to do sth.

2. go shopping with sb. ( go shopping = do some shopping )

3. I don't have any money.= I have no money. (no= not any; no= not a/an ) 4. need sb. to do sth. ( I need you to carry all the bags.) 5. There is a new shopping mall called Sunnyside Shopping Mall. 6. the right presents for Simon and Sandy

7. What is she doing? Amy is shopping at Sunnyside Shopping Mall. 8. She is looking for birthday presents for Simon and Sandy. 9. Can I help you? = May I help you? = What can I do for you ? 10. just a minute = wait a moment 11. take a look = have a look = look

12. How much do the cards cost? = How much are the cards? 13. There's a discount on last year's cards.

14. prefer sth. / prefer to do sth. / prefer A to B ( prefer = like? better )

15. She'll be 13 years old. 16. spend / cost / take / pay

17. I'd also like to buy a CD for her.

18. They match her favourite T-shirt.= They go well with her favourite T-shirt.

19. I don't have enough money to buy her a CD. 20. ---Thank you very much.

--- Never mind. / Not at all. / That's all right./ You're welcome. 21. Match the words on the left with the meanings on the right. 22. Do you want to have a football as a present?

23. Kitty doesn't want to buy the same things as Amy did.

24. show sb. around? (Kitty showed Millie around their school. ) 25. an electrical shop / a clothes shop for girls / a sports shop / a shoe shop

26. There is a big new shopping mall near our school. 27. There are lots of new shops in this mall.

28. There are also some restaurants on the top floors of the mall. You can eat different kinds of food from different countries. 29. The mall opens from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.

30. Amy is telling her parents something about the mall over the phone. 31. Millie is paying for her new shoes.

32. ----What is he doing now?

----He is playing a new computer game.

----Are you playing the game with him now? ----No, I'm not. I am waiting for my turn.

33. It's one's turn to do sth. ( It's my turn to make a duty report. ) 34. My little cousin is too young. I cannot take him shopping.

35. Mr. Wu asked Simon and me to help him. He wants us to stay late today.

36. Sorry, Daniel. I can't hear you well. Can you say it again? 37. How do Millie and her friends spend their pocket money?

38. Millie and Simon want to help the children from poor areas in China. 39. They would also like to raise some money for them.

40. If you would like to donate some money, please call us on 5551 3871. 41. There isn't anything new in today's newspaper. 42. Simon is choosing a new pair of football boots.

43. What size are your feet? = What size shoes do you wear?

44. This pair of shoes fit me very well. Could I try them on, please? 45. That's too expensive. Do you have a cheaper one / pair? 46. They want to buy some other things, too. 47. near the bus stop and the taxi rank

48. It's very easy to find the new shopping mall. 49. I think the mall needs some more sports shops.

50. I like watching a film before going shopping.= before I go shopping. 51. When I am playing a game, there are always lots of people waiting for me to finish.

52. The mall is a really fun place to go. It's a good place to meet friends. 53. outside a toy shop / inside the shop next door 54. She is crying with her hands on her stomach.

55. When you are in trouble, you can call 110 for help. 56. be free = have time

57. at present / at the moment / right now

58. study in the classroom / stay at home / visit his old friends / 59. some writing paper / an advertisement / bank cards / a police car 60. 三项语法:

1)There be 结构;2人称代词(主格、宾格)3)现在进行时态


1.I don't know what to wear today. (疑问词 + 动词不定式) 2.wear / put on

3.That's right. / That's all right. 4.ten minutes / ten more minutes 5.in bed / on the bed

6.be lazy / a lazy boy / a hard-working man / an old shoemaker

7.last短语:last Friday / last week / last year / last month / last term / last night

8.give a fashion show to raise money for Project Hope 9.join in the fashion show / be at the fashion show 10.They did a good job. = They did it very well.

11.a woolen sweater / a blue silk scarf / a cotton jacket / a yellow and red


12.wear the clothes from different times in the 20th century wear the clothes from the 1960s / young people in the 1990s 13.look cool / look smart and modern

14.blue and yellow sports clothes / a pair of colourful trainers 15.give a talk on? / have a talk on? 16.a very comfortable trainers

17.I wore a black skirt, long red boots and a red blouse. Amy wore a yellow silk blouse with a blue silk scarf and a pair of blue jeans. 18.wear hair in a 1990s style = wear a 1990s hairstyle

19.have fun = have a good time = enjoy oneself = play happily 20.make some notes 21.fashionable clothes

22.write an article about the fashion show

23.ago短语:a moment ago / half an hour ago / three years ago / 100years ago 24.yesterday短语:yesterday morning / yesterday afternoon / yesterday evening 25.give Eddie a bath / ask Grandma about 1960s dress / do the Maths project / listen to new CDs

26.First-----Then ---- Next ----- Afterwards ----- Finally 27.talk about her morning activities

28.put the sentences in the correct order

29.do the show on the catwalk / dress up in white trousers / choose what to wear 30.a talk on \

31.explain the different parts of a trainer (shoelace, sole, stripes, tongue ) 32.cut me into the shape of a shoe / sew me onto a sole / put a shoelace into me

33.need a pair of leather / go to assembly / take (sth). home 34.send sth. to a shop / send sth. to the market

35.What is this bag made of? It's made of leather. ( \由?制成)

36.walk around the shopping mall for a long time / watch a film 37.Each student has to design some clothes and make a poster 38.They look really good together.

39.It has a V-neck. It is white and it is made of silk. 40.The pair of white boots match the clothes very well. 41.People in the 1980s wore clothes like these. 42.I want to become a model of the fashion show. 43.These styles were popular in the late 1970s. 44.I saw so many beautiful clothes.

45.I also thought the boots (you tried on )were nice. 46.语法:动词的一般过去时态


47.What kinds of clothes do you like to buy? 48.How much money do you spend on clothes?

49.How much pocket money do teenagers usually get every week? 50.What do they buy with their money?

