译林英语五年级2014年义务教育学业质量监测 模 拟6

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2014年义务教育学业质量监测 模 拟 五 年 级 英 语





( ) 1. A. subject B. Science C. subjects ( ) 2. A. really B. bread C. ready ( ) 3. A. swing B. soft C. sing ( ) 4. A. hobby B. heavy C. hard ( ) 5. A. fine B. find C. finger ( ) 6. A. play table tennis B. play basketball C. play the piano ( ) 7. A. soup B. stop

C. story

( ) 8. A. arm B. ice C. idea ( ) 9. A. floor B. dance C. door ( ) 10. A. drawing B. watching C. dancing


( ) 11.

( ) 12.

( ) 13. A. There are three. B. There are two. C. They have two.

A. A. B. C. B. C. ( ) 14. A .No, there aren’t. B. Yes, there is.

C. It’s on the third floor.

C. Yes, there are.

( ) 15. A. It’s on the first floor. B. It’s on the second floor.

