
更新时间:2023-12-15 18:09:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



Ⅰ. prefer …to/rather than/instead of…: 表示取前者舍后者。


1. prefer sth. to sth.

The heroine preferred death to surrender.

Our English teacher prefers American English to British English.

2. prefer doing sth.to doing sth. I prefer swimming to skating. She prefers walking to cycling.

3 . prefer to do sth.rather than do sth.

Amy preferred to go to the zoo rather than stay at home on Sunday. My father prefers to start early rather than take a crowded bus.

4. prefer to do sth.instead of doing sth. She prefers to walk there instead of going there by bus.

Ⅱ. rather than… 表示取前者舍后者。常用句型有:

1. would do sth. rather than do sth.用于不同动词之间的取舍。 Liu Hulan would rather die than give in .

2. would do +n. rather than +n.用于同一动词不同宾语之间的取舍。 I would rather have a cup of tea than coffee.

3. would do +prep. rather than +prep. 用于同一动词不同状语之间的取舍。

I would talk with my mother rather than with my father. 以上三种句型均译为:宁愿…也不…;另还可表示为:would rather …than …

4. rather than作连词,前后连接同类词或词组,表示两并列成分之间的取舍。常译为:与其…不如… He is a worker rather than a cadre.

She did this for others rather than for himself

Ⅲnot… but… 表示取后者舍前者。常译为:不是…而是…。常用句型有:

1. not A but B

She is not a doctor but a nurse .

2. nothing but… 更多时候被译为:只是,仅仅…

Last night ,I did nothing but watch TV.

3 . not+ that clause but +that clause

Not that she forgot to her homework , but that she was attending a sick classmate.

Ⅳeither…or… 或者…或者…\\要么…要么…,表示从两者中任取其一 。

