2015年新目标英语七年级下Unit10 导学案(共5课时)

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课时1(Section A 1a-2c)


1.掌握noodle,mutton,beef,cabbage,potato,special等单词 2.学会区分可数名词和不可数名词

3.学会用What would you like? I’d like.... 来展开有关点餐的话题 预习导学 英汉互译

1.noodle 2.mutton 3.beef 4.cabbage

5.potato 6.special 7.yet 8.鸡肉

7.What would you like ? I’d like the beef noodles,please

8.牛肉面里有蔬菜吗? in the beef noodles? 知识梳理

1.noodle,可数名词,常用复数形式;在noodle前加原料名词可表示面的种类 2.----What would you like? -----I’d like the beef noodles,please. would like 意为“想要,愿意”,相当于want,但比want 语气委婉,其中would 是情态动词,缩写为’d would的具体用法 (1)后面接名词或代词,表示具体要某样东西。 (2)后面接不定式,表示“想要做某事”

(3)would like sb to do sth 表示希望/想要某人做某事

(4)would you like 用于委婉地征求对方意见,肯定回答:Yes,please;Yes,I’d like/love to;Good idea!that sounds good;否定回答:No ,thanks;I’d like/love to,but.....

针对训练1.( )He has for breakfast.

A.noodle B.a noodle C.some noodles D.some noodle

2.我想要一碗鸡肉面。(完成句子)I a bowl of chicken noodles. 3.你想要一些鱼吗? some fish? 学习过程

1.学习本单元Section A的单词,并尝试记忆55页出现的单词 2.自学完成1a 听听力完成1b,2a,2b注意里边的单词 3.小组内看图片做对话练习 当堂检测


根据句意和首字母提示不全单词 1.We should eat more vegetables,like tomatoes and c 2.His family don’t like eating m . 3.The p is kind of vegetable,not a kind of fruit. 4.I like eating egg n for breakfast. 5.There are two kinds of s in the restaurant. 6.We all know English like eating b . 单项选择 ( )1.He doesn’t like beef,chicken or . A.muttons B.mutton C.the mutton D.the mutton ( )2.----What do we need for the salad? -----We need two apples and three . A.orange B.tomatoes C.broccoli ( )3.I’m going to the supermarket to buy some this afternoon. A.paper and pencil B.apples and banana C.milk and eggs D.bowl and spoons ( )4.Would you like swimming? A.go B.to go C.going D.goes ( )5.----Would you like some rice? ----- .I’d rather have a piece of bread. A.Yea,please B.No problem. C. That’s OK D.No,thanks ( )6.-----What noodles would you like? ------I’d like beef noodles. A.size bowl of B.kind of C.size D.kinds of ( )7.-----What would Lily like? ------ an egg. A.He likes B.She had C.She’d like D.She likes ( )8.We’d like and noodles. A.mutton;cabbages B.beef;tomato C.chicken;potatoes D.tomatoes;pork 按要求写出下列单词的相应形式 1.would (缩略词) 2.noodle (复数) 3.large(反义词) 4.he’d(完整形式) 5.tomato(复数) 6.would like(近义词) 用所给词的适当形式填空 2

1.There are a lot of (potato)in the supermarket. 2.He wants some (strawberry). 3.He would like - (tomato) noodles. 4.I’d like you (make)dumplings for us. Would you like (some ) pears?


课时2(Section A 2d-3c)


A.掌握order,bowl,size,tofu,large,meat等单词的用法 B.区分可数名词与不可数名词

C.学习用What kind of noodles would you like?等相关句型点餐并了解面条的种类 预习导学 汉译英

1.想,想要 2.何种 3.牛肉西红柿面条

4.一碗面条 5.两中碗面条 6.多大尺寸 知识梳理

1.large adj,大号的,大的 ,反义词,small,同义词,big.

Big“大的,巨大的”常指程度、范围、规模、容积、重量、数量等(还可表示“伟大、重要”之意),可与large 互换,其反义词为little/small.large “大的,巨大的”常指面积,其反义词为small.

2.Can we have two bowls of beef soup then?那么我们可以要两碗牛肉汤吗?

在英语中,不能用数词直接修饰不可数名词,要借助“数词+量词+of+不可数名词”来表示不可数名词的量,这些量词是可数名词;也可用much,some,a little ,any等词修饰不可数名词。 Eg :two glasses of milk两瓶牛奶

3.What size would you like? What size ......? “多大尺寸.....?”用来询问大小、尺寸、尺码,常用large,medium,small会答

4.Kind,种类,a kind of “一种” all kinds of 各种各样的,kind of 有几分;what kind of....?用来询问种类 针对训练

1.现在你可以点菜了吗?(完成句子) May I take your now? 2.This sweater is too small for me .Would you please give me a l one?(根据首字母提示补全单词) 3.三碗米饭 three of rice

4.---What would you like? -------

A.Two cup teas B.Two cup of teas C. Two cups of tea D.Two cups tea


2.She’d like a large bowl of dumplings(对划线部分提问) bowl of dumplings would she like? 3.I’d like mutton and carrot noodles.(对划线部分提问) noodles would you like? 学习过程 1.学习2d,理解大意,并分较色表演对话 2.小组合作完成3a,3b,3c,并注意知识点 3.总结本课所学内容 当堂检测 根据汉语意思完成句子 1.让我们打电话订一份大碗的面条 Let’s make a phone to order . 2.我想吃羊肉和土豆面条。 I?d like and noodles. 3.请递给我一些土豆和一些牛肉。 Please pass me and . 4.你想要多大号的鞋子? Shoes would you like? 5.请问您可以点菜了吗? May I ? 句型转换 A.I would like to go to the park.(改为同义句) ? B.She would like some beef noodles. (对划线部分提问) would she like? C.He would like beef and tomato noodles(对划线部分提问) noodles would he like? D.I’d like a large bowl of noodles.(对划线部分提问) bowl of noodles would you like? E.I’d like some green tea.(改为一般疑问句) ? 6.There are some carrots in the mutton noodles.(改为一般疑问句) there carrots in the mutton noodles? 用所给词的适当形式填空 5

1.There are a lot of (potato) in the supermarket. 2.Would you like (take) a walk in the park with me? 3.She’d like egg and (tomato)noodles. 4.We have many (kind) of foods in our store. 5.Tony eats two large (bowl) of noodles. 6.These (strawberry) are very good. 7.I’d like (buy) a dictionary.

8.A large bowl of noodles (be) on the table.


课时3(Section B 1a-1c)


1.掌握dumpling,porridge,onion,fish,pancake的单词 2.学会区分可数名词与不可数名词 3.学会打电话订购食物并表达自己的喜恶。 预习导学


A.There are many kinds of (饺子)in the restaurant. B.I’d like orange j .

C.I’d like to eat some (粥)for breakfast.

D.We should eat more vegetables,such as o ,carrots and tomatoes.

E.Eating (鱼肉) can make you clever. F.Our classroom is (大的) and bright. 知识点梳理

4.fish,n.鱼;鱼肉 fish 用做可数名词时指“鱼的条数”,此时单数和复述形式相同



fish用作动词时,它的含义又与“钓鱼”有关;go fishing 去钓鱼 学习过程

3.学习本单元剩余单词并尝试记忆Section B 1a的单词,完成1a 4.小组合作完成1b并展示 5.听听力,完成1c,1d 当堂检测


A.There is a glass of apple j on the table. B.I have f and rice for linch. C.She’d like some d and orange. D.The children like eating p . E.I’d like beef and o noodles. 单项选择

1.( )I’d like some .

5.egg B.potatoes C.tomato D.onion


A.( ) There is some on the table.

A.strawberries B.mutton C.oranges D.apples 2.( ) ----- size would you like? -----Large.

1.Why B.When C.What D.How 1.( ) Would you like this afternoon?

A.go swimming B.going swimming C.to go swimming D.to go swim 1.( ) His sister dosen’t like mutton rice. A.or B.and C.with D.but 单句改错

5.What kind of noodles would you likes? 6.I don’t like porridge and dumplings. 7.Black tea are a kind of healthy drink.

8.My sister has many milk every day. 9.Would you like to have any rice? 任务型阅读

Noodle House

The Noodle House has really good noodles.They are cheap(廉价的) ,and they’re great!You can get small,medium,or large bowl of noodles. The Noodle House has some great specials. Special A has beef and tomato and is only 5 RMB.And Special B has mutton and cabbage. It is 6 RMB. And Special C comes with chicken and carrot .It’s 7 RMB. Special C is my favorite.

You san get some other great food at the Noodle House . For example,you can get 16 dumplings for 10 RMB. You can get great desserts! You can get strawberries,bananas and chocolate ice-cream.

They’er all nice!Try the Noodle House soon.I know you’ll like it.


1.The noodles here are and . 2.There are size bowls of noodles.

3.Special B has and .It’s RMB. 4.You can get 16 for 10 RMB.


5.You can get some fruits. For example, and . 句型转换

A.There are some carrots in the mutton noodles.(改为一般疑问句) there carrots in the mutton noodles? 2.I’d like a medium bowl of noodles.(对划线部分提问) bowl of noodles would you like ?

1.The girl would like cabbage and onion noodles.(对划线部分提问) of noodles would the girl like?

新版新目标英语七年级下Unit10 Section B 2a-2c导学案


课时4(Section B 2a----2c)


知识目标:重点掌握answer,different,if ,will,popular,idea,cut up 等单词


情感目标:了解各地人们过生日时所吃的不同东西,以及所代表的意义,丰富自己的文化知识。 预习导学


4.The number of birthday candles is the person’s in many countries.

5.The wish will come true if the birthday person blows out all the candles .

6.In some places of China,people also eat on their birthday,because they are a symbol of life and .

7.Although birthday foods may be ,they all bring good luck to birthday person. 知识点梳理

1.different adj,不同的

(1)different 的名词形式是difference,副词形式是differently,反义词是same.

(2)different 后接名词的复数形式。

(3) be different from 与.......不同 Eg:Their school is different from ours.他们的学校与我们的不同。

1.popular adj,受欢迎的,普遍的 be popular with 受某人欢迎 Eg: Cindy is very popular with everyone because she is friendly.辛迪很受大家欢迎,因为她很友好。

2.cut up 意为“切碎”,同义词组为 cut into pieces. ,cut up 后跟代词作宾语时,应放在cut和up 之间;接名词作宾语时,放在cut和up 之间或之后都可以。

3.Idea n.想法;注意 ;idea当“想法;注意”讲是,是一个可数名词 I have no idea 我不知道

4.The number of candles is the person’s age.蜡烛的数量是这个人的年龄。


