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多功能ALU的设计和实现——附VHDL源码(中) 2010年01月20日 星期三 12:13 转载请注明出处:
http://hi.http://www.wodefanwen.com//ouwennuan/blog/item/79943c32afdcbc48ad4b5fed.html alu74181.vhd(74181ALU芯片) library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity alu74181 is
port( );
--m为控制端,cn为最低位的进位输入 m,cn : in std_logic;
--s0~s3为控制参数,a0~a3、b0~b3为输入信号 s,a,b : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
--g为进位发生输出,p为进位传送输出,co为本片的最后进位输出 g,p,co : out std_logic; --f0~f3为输出信号
f : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)
end alu74181;
architecture s_alu74181 of alu74181 is
--+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --fmp函数发生器定义 component fpm is
port(s,a,b : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
x,y : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0));
end component;
--+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --中间信号变量
--x0~x3,y0~y3为函数发生器输出信号 signal x,y: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
--notm为对控制信号m取反 signal sg,sp,notm: std_logic; begin
cmd : fpm port map(s,a,b,x,y); --求得输出信号f0~f3 notm <= not m;
f(0) <= x(0) xor y(0) xor ( not(notm and cn) ); f(1) <= x(1) xor y(1) xor
( not(
(notm and y(0))
or (notm and x(0) and cn)
) );
f(2) <= x(2) xor y(2) xor
( not(
(notm and y(1))
or (notm and x(1) and y(0)) or (notm and x(0) and x(1) and cn)
) );
f(3) <= x(3) xor y(3) xor
( not(
(notm and y(2))
or (notm and x(2) and y(1))
or (notm and x(0) and x(1) and x(2) and cn) or (notm and x(1) and x(2) and y(0))
) );
sg <= y(3) or (y(2) and x(3)) or (y(1) and x(2) and x(3))
or (y(0) and x(1) and x(2) and x(3));
g <= sg;
sp <= x(0) and x(1) and x(2) and x(3); p <= sp;
--求得本片的最后进位输出co co <= not (
(sg and sp) or (sg and (not cn))
end s_alu74181;
cla74182.vhd(74182CLA芯片) library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity cla74182 is
port( );
--cn为最低位的进位输入 cn : in std_logic;
--ALU74181产生的进位发生输出g0~g3和进位传送输出p0~p3 g,p : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); --cx,cy,cz存放输出的组与组间的进位输出
--gg,pp存放输出的成组进位输出和成组进位传送输出 cx,cy,cz,gg,pp : out std_logic
end cla74182;
architecture s_cla74182 of cla74182 is
--存放cx,cy的中间信号变量 signal cxt,cyt : std_logic; begin
cxt <= g(0) or (p(0) and cn); cx <= cxt;
cyt <= g(1) or (p(1) and cxt); cy <= cyt;
cz <= g(2) or (p(2) and cyt);
gg <= g(3) or (g(2) and p(3)) or (g(1) and p(2) and p(3))
or (g(0) and p(1) and p(2) and p(3));
pp <= p(0) and p(1) and p(2) and p(3);
end s_cla74182;
alu16.vhd(16位的全先行进位的ALU) library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity alu16 is
port( );
--m为控制端,cn为最低位的进位输入 m,cn : in std_logic; --s0~s3为控制参数
s : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); --a0~a15、b0~b15为输入信号
a,b : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); --co为最后进位输出 co : out std_logic; --f0~f15为输出信号
f : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0)
end alu16;
component alu74181 is
port( );
m,cn : in std_logic;
s,a,b : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); g,p,co : out std_logic;
f : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)
end component;
--+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --cla74182元件函数定义 component cla74182 is
port( );
cn : in std_logic;
g,p : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); cx,cy,cz,gg,pp : out std_logic
end component; --fmp函数发生器定义 component fpm is
port(s,a,b : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
x,y : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0));
end component;
--+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --中间信号变量 signal
sg,sp,sg1,sp1 : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
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