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A–Z Directory of open access journals

Journal Name Description Achievements in the Life Sciences publishes articles within phenomenon studying under the name \Life \Articles Achievements in the considering \Life \from the point of view of biology, Life Sciencesphysics, chemistry, geology, mathematics, philosophy, medicine, philology and any… Acta Anaesthesiologica Taiwanica ( AAT ), launched in 1962, Acta is the official and peer-reviewed publication of the Taiwan Anaesthesiologica Society of Anaesthesiologists. It is published quarterly Taiwanica(March/June/September/December) by Elsevier and indexed in EMBASE, Medline,… La revista tiene como propósito central divulgar Acta de Investigación contribuciones originales de investigación empírica Psicológicafirmemente anclada en teoría y metodología rigurosa. Se alienta además la inclusión de artículos que… Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B (APSB) is a bimonthly journal, in English, which publishes significant original research Acta Pharmaceutica articles, rapid communications and high quality reviews of Sinica Brecent advances in all areas of pharmaceutical sciences — including… Acta Sociológica is a journal of sociology analysis of Acta Sociológicaresearch conducted at the Center for Sociological Studies of the Faculty of Political and Social Sciencie at UNAM. The Acta Urológica Portuguesa is the official journal of the Portuguese Association of Urology . Its main objective is the Acta Urológica disclosure of scientific papers concerning the field of PortuguesaUrology. Both Portuguese, and non-Portuguese speaking authors are… Addictive Behaviors Reports is an online only, open-access and peer reviewed journal offering an interdisciplinary forum Addictive Behaviors for the publication of research in addictive behaviors. The Reportsjournal accepts submissions that are scientifically sound on all forms of… Advances in Digestive Medicine (AIDM) is the official peer-reviewed and open access publication of The Advances in Digestive Gastroenterological Society of Taiwan (GEST), the Digestive MedicineEndoscopy Society of Taiwan (DEST) and Taiwan Association for the Study of the Liver (TASL).… The mission of Advances in Radiation Oncology is to provide original clinical research aimed at improving the lives of Advances in Radiation people living with cancer and other diseases treated with Oncologyradiation therapy. The purpose of Advances is to provide information for… The African Journal of Emergency Medicine (AfJEM) is the official journal of the African Federation for Emergency African Journal of Medicine . It is an Africa-centric, peer-reviewed journal Emergency Medicineaimed in particular at supporting emergency care across, you guessed it, Africa.… The African Journal of Urology (AFJU) was first published in 1995 and is the official journal of the Pan African Urological African Journal of Surgeons' Association (PAUSA), whose members represent a Urologytotal of 54 countries in the 6 regions of Africa- West, East, South, North, … Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia is not Agriculture and accepting new publication proposals. For more information on Agricultural Science above and questions related to Procedia, contact us: Neelima ProcediaDondapati ( n.dondapati@elsevier.com ) Agriculture and Agriculture and Natural Resources is a peer reviewed Natural Resourcesinternational scientific journal which publishes papers in the categories of review articles, research articles and short communications and technical notes from all areas related to agriculture… Agri Gene publishes papers that focus on the regulation, expression, function and evolution of genes in crop plants, Agri Genefarm animals, and agriculturally important insects and microorganisms . Agri Gene strives to be a diverse journal and topics… Ain Shams Engineering Journal is an international journal devoted to publication of peer reviewed original high-quality Ain Shams Engineering research papers and review papers in both traditional topics Journaland those of emerging science and technology. Areas of both theoretical and … AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics is AKCE International devoted to publication of standard original research papers Journal of Graphs and in Combinatorial Mathematics and related areas. The fields Combinatoricscovered by the journal include graphs and hypergraphs, network theory,… A quarterly journal aimed at scientists engaged in studies in psychoactive substances , at clinicians and all those Alcoholism and Drug interested in problems connected with alcohol and drug Addictionaddiction . The journal is interdisciplinary in its character - the papers… Alexandria Engineering Journal is an international journal devoted to publishing high quality papers in the field of Alexandria engineering and applied science. Alexandria Engineering Engineering JournalJournal is cited in the Engineering Information Services (EIS) and the Chemical … The \Journal of Medicine\is an official peer-reviewed periodical owned by the Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria Journal of Alexandria University and produced and hosed by Elsevier, on Medicinebehalf of the owner, since 2011. The journal was inaugurated in 1964 and the first… Allergology International is the official journal of the Japanese Society of Allergology and publishes original papers Allergology dealing with the etiology, diagnosis and treatment of Internationalallergic and related diseases. Papers may include the study of methods of… Alzheimer's & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Alzheimer's & Monitoring (DADM) is an open access, peer-reviewed, journal Dementia: Diagnosis, from the Alzheimer's Association? that will publish new Assessment & Disease research that reports the discovery, development and Monitoringvalidation of… Alzheimer's & Alzheimer's & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Dementia: Interventions (TRCI) is an open access, peer-reviewed, Translational journal from the Alzheimer's Association? that covers Research & Clinical translational research and clinical therapeutics for InterventionsAlzheimer's disease,… The American Journal of Ophthalmology Case Reports is a American Journal of peer-reviewed, scientific publication that welcomes the Ophthalmology Case submission of original, previously unpublished case report Reportsmanuscripts directed to ophthalmologists and visual science specialists. The cases… Serving the breadth of the general and applied linguistics communities; Ampersand offers a highly–visible, open access Ampersandhome for authors. An international, peer–reviewed journal; Ampersand welcomes submissions originating in applied and… Anales de Antropología es una de las publicaciones Anales de antropológicas contemporáneas más importantes en el ámbito Antropologíaacad?mico hispanohablante. Su objetivo principal es la difusión del conocimiento… This journal welcomes the submission of research papers which report studies concerning the development of analytical Analytical Chemistry methodologies. Scrutiny will be placed on the significance Researchof the research and the extent to which it adds, or supports, existing knowledge… Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular is the official journal of Angiologia e Cirurgia SPACV, the Sociedade Portuguesa de Angiologia e Cirurgia VascularVascular. It publishes peer reviewed articles related to research, diagnosis, and treatment of vascular diseases. Annals of Agricultural Science, is published by Faculty of Annals of Agriculture, Ain-Shams University. It aims at increasing Agricultural scientific relationships between Arab Researchers. It is Sciencestargeted towards the publication of authentic researches, in the sphere of… ANNALS OF GLOBAL HEALTH , published formerly as The Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine , is an open-access, peer-reviewed Annals of Global Journal focused on global health. The Journal’s mission is Healthto advance and disseminate knowledge of global health, promote research… Now published by Elsevier, Annals of Medicine and Surgery is an online-only, peer-reviewed open access journal with a Annals of Medicine global outlook and focus on those training in medicine and and Surgerysurgery (postgraduate and undergraduate). AMS contains a mix of original… El Anuario de Letras. Lingüística y Filología es una Anuario de Letraspublicación semestral del Centro de Lingüística Hispánica que se propone impulsar y presentar trabajos de investigación lingüística… El Anuario de Psicología Jurídica es una revista Anuario de Psicología científico-profesional, de carácter multidisciplinar, que Jurídicaacepta manuscritos originales in?ditos en espa?ol e ingl?s, relacionados con temas del área… El Anuario Mexicano de Derecho Internacional (AMDI) surgió Anuario Mexicano de en el a?o 2000 como publicación acad?mica del Instituto de Derecho Investigaciones Jurídicas (IIJ) de la UNAM. El objetivo del InternacionalAnuario es crear un foro adecuado para… Applied & Translational Genomics is a new open access Applied & biomedical journal providing a forum for publication and Translational discussion of cutting edge research and new developments in Genomicsapplied and translational genomics, including information technologies that… Applied Computing and Informatics aims to be timely in disseminating leading-edge knowledge to researchers, Applied Computing and practitioners and academics whose interest is in the latest Informaticsdevelopments in applied computing and information systems concepts, strategies,… Aquaculture Reports will publish original research papers and reviews documenting outstanding science with a regional Aquaculture Reportscontext and focus, answering the need for high quality information on novel species, systems and regions in emerging areas of aquaculture… Aquatic Data is an open access journal that publishes peer-reviewed articles describing scientific digital Aquatic Datamaterials from fundamental and applied research, as well as citizen involvement in the field of aquatic sciences. Digital materials include text… Aquatic Procedia is not accepting new publication proposals. For more information on above and questions related to Aquatic ProcediaProcedia, contact us: Neelima Dondapati n.dondapati@elsevier.com The Arab Economic and Business Journal results from common and tireless efforts that were undertaken by the Holy Spirit Arab Economic and University of Kaslik (USEK), the Arab Society of Faculties Business Journalof Business, Economic and Political Sciences (BEPS) and our Arab and… The Arabian Journal of Chemistry is an English language, peer-reviewed scholarly publication in the area of chemistry. Arabian Journal of The Arabian Journal of Chemistry publishes original papers, Chemistryreviews and short reports on, but not limited to: inorganic, physical,…

