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1. edit v.编辑 ~ a collection of short stories

issue v.发布 ~ an order;颁布 ~ a regulation/ policy;发行 ~ newspaper/ ~ a new book deliver v.投送 ~ newspapers/ goods to door;交付 ~ the confidential files to the one on duty;分娩 ~ a baby shed v. 流出,散发出 ~ tears/ ~ light and warmth;脱落 ~ leaves

2. assure 向…保证,使放心 ~ you of the reliability of the news/ you that the news are reliable ensure 确保 ~ one’s safety/ success/ the supply of the necessities insure 保险 ~ house against fire/ life against accident

secure 使安全 ~ the coast areas from the food;安全的feel ~ with you beside me 3. liberty 自由 ~ of the choice of religion/ speech

relief 减轻 give a patient ~ from pain;救济 provide ~ for refugees relaxation (精神等的)放松

release 释放 ~ energy/ smell/ prisoner;发表(消息) ~ news 4. initiate 开始, 创始; 发动 ~ a reform

induce 引诱;诱导 ~ sb. to commit a mistake; 招致;引起 Too much food ~s sleepiness. designate标明;指明 ~ boundaries; (常与as连用)指派;任命 ~ sb. as his successor provoke煽动, 挑拨 ~ a strike/public anger; 引起 ~ one’s interest

5. coincide 与...一致[相同, 相符合](with) My opinion ~s with his. This story ~s with the facts. conform 遵守 ~ with the regulations; 符合(to, with)~ to the customs of society/ comply 遵从, 照做 ~ with the doctor’s order/ ~ with the library rules

collaborate (科学, 艺术方面)合作, 共同研究(with)~ on a book with sb. 6. discharge放出;流出;排出 ~ electricity/ water; dispose (of) 处理 ~ of wastes;

dump 倾倒;倾销 ~ products to other countries

7. transformation转变 ~ of everyday life; 转化 the ~ of heat into power transaction 交易 a big ~ with foreigners

transmission 传播,传送 ~ of disease/ signal/ news transition变迁; 过渡(时期) ~ of seasons/ weather 8. assume = presume假定, 设想 ~ this to be true consume 消费;吃掉 ~ fuel/three apples once

9. unity 团结 ~ of all the citizens 统一 ~ of color/ of the opposites entirety 完全; 全部, 全体 ~ of one’s life

integrity完整 ~ of a country/ territory; 正直, 诚实, unification 统一, 一致 ~ of language/ of law

10. resign 辞职,放弃 ~ one’s position/from the company

retire退休~ at the age of 60;离开 ~ from the world/business retain 保留~ the appearance of youth

11. paradox 似非而是的论点, 似乎矛盾的论点, the ~ that standing is more tiring than walking

dilemma 进退两难之境;困境 a ~ whether to do maths or English prejudice 成见, 偏见a ~ against all foreigners

conflict 冲突, 抵触 ~ of interest/ ~ between science and religion 12. invention发明,创作 the ~ of the telephone; 捏造

originality创新性, 新颖 a man of great ~


illusion幻觉, 幻想; 错觉

orientation 方向 the general ~ (大方向)

13. obscure暗的,朦胧的 an ~ view/ sound;模糊的,晦涩的 an ~ passage

intriguing引起兴趣的, 有魅力的 an ~ smile/ piece of news verbal 口头的 a ~ description

14. consciousness 意识 national ~/ ~ of serving for people;知觉 no ~ during the operation conscience 良心 according to one’s ~

consent 同意 Silence means ~. do sth. with mother’s ~

constitution 宪法 amend Constitution;构成 the ~ of water 15. transmit 传递,传播 ~ light/ sound/ disease/ signal / data

submit 呈交 ~ the report/ papers/ a plan to the board for approval permit 允许~ children to smoke;许可证 an entry ~

admit 承认;供认~ his crime/stealing;让…进入 ~ him into the university 16. infectious传染(性)的 an ~ disease; 感染性的 an ~ laugh

virtual实际[质]上的, 事实上的 the ~ president/ a ~ failure/ a ~ marriage tragic悲剧的 a ~ story/ a ~ writer/ a ~ play;悲惨的 a ~ accident prone 有...倾向的, 易于...的(to) a child ~ to disease

17. distribute 分发,分配;分布 ~ books to students/ resources

contribute (to) 促成 ~ to heart disease/ the great change

attribute (to) 归因于~ success to diligence;归属于 ~ the music to Mozart combine 结合,组合 ~ technology with wealth/intelligence and diligence 18. condense压缩;精简 ~ the story into a few sentences

concentrate (on) 集中;专心;浓缩 ~ fire/ on your work

contract合同sign a ~; 签合同~ to build the bridge;收缩Brains do not ~ with age console v.安慰,抚慰 ~ a friend in grief

19. compulsory 强迫的, 强制的 ~ measures/ ~ executive; 义务的 ~ education; 必修的 ~ course

cardinal首要的; 主要的 ~ significance; 基本的 ~ rules/ ~ morality

conventional常规的,传统的 ~ weapons/ ~ practice; 受俗套束缚的, 陈旧的 ~ opinions constrained被强迫的, 勉强的 a ~ smile/ a ~ confession; 限定的, 受约束的 ~ movement 20. subordinate 部下,下属 hold a ~ position;服从的The minority is ~ to the majority.

stubborn 顽固的,倔强的 a ~ resistance/ a ~ illness/ one as ~ as a mule; 难对付的,难以克服的 a ~

problem/ ~ stain

substantial 实质的,真实的 ;坚固的,结实的;富裕的 subsequent 随后的;后来的 the time ~ to the war 21. intelligent 聪明的;智慧的

diligent 勤奋的

sufficient 充足的 ~ supply/evidence

efficient 高效的;能干的 ~ secretary/ manager proficient 熟练的,精通的 ~ in English/ skating 22. discourage阻止 ~ his son from joining the army dissuade劝阻sb. from doing sth. distract sb. from sth. 使…注意力转移

disturb 打扰, 妨碍 ~ my sleep;打乱 ~ the surface of the lake/ the balance

interfere in 干涉,干预 ~ in others’ personal life/ ~ in the election;~ (with)干扰 ~ the radio signal


23. conform (to) 符合~ to the demand of society;遵守 ~ to the school regulations

confirm 确证;证实 ~ the news/ guess/ suspicion affirm 断言 ~ one's loyalty to his country

reform 改良,改造 ~ the society/ the criminal

24. implicit 不言明的,含蓄的 an ~ answer/ an ~ consent;无疑问的 ~ obedience/ ~ trust conscious 意识到的 be ~ of his shortcomings; 神志清醒的 ~ after the operation cautious 小心的,谨慎的 be ~ while driving/ be ~ not to make mistake

indecisive优柔寡断的 an ~ manager; 非决定性的an ~ contest/an ~ battle. 25. incline 倾向; 趋于 ~ to your proposal/ ~ to(wards) tiredness after a day’s work

increase 增加; 上涨 decline 下降; 衰落

descend 下来 ~ from the top of the mountain; 传给; 遗传 be descended from ... 26. independently 独立地

irregularly 无规律地,不定期地 irrespectively无关地

individually 个别地,单独地

(形容词否定前缀: im- impossible/ impartial/ impatient; in- infeasible/ inconvenient/ incapable; il- illegal/ illiterate/ illogical; ir- irregular/ irrational/ irrelevant; un- unintelligent/ unstable/ unfair; )

27. direct 指向~ the traveler to the hotel;指导,管理 ~ one’s action;直接的 the ~ result

definite 明确的,确定的 ~ answer/ promise/ date infinite 无限的 ~ wisdom/ space

delete 删除 ~ one’s name from the list/ the record define 下定义 ~ define … as … 28. trivial 琐细的; 不重要的 ~ matters

moderate 适度的, 中等的 ~ price/ speed/ demand/ in drinking

slender (slim)纤细的, 细长的 a ~ rope; 苗条的 a ~ girl; 微小的 ~ income/ hope mild 温和的 ~ climate/ a ~ answer; 味淡的 ~ tobacco; 轻微的 run a ~ fever 29. rescue 营救,救援 ~ the files from the fire/ the child from the boy from the flood

recover 康复~ from illness/ shock;找回~ the lost umbrella

restore 恢复~the ruined picture/ law and order/ energy;归还 ~ the stolen property to the owner resume 重新开始,继续 ~ higher education/ what he was doing 30. additional 另外的 ~ 30 % of the readers; 附加的 ~ regulations

exceptional 格外的, 非凡的 ~ memory/ ~ly hot weather; 异常的 a man of ~ talent rational 理性的, 合理的 ~ behavior/ ~ suggestion

31. alien与…不同的 ideas ~ to ours; 外国的 ~ corporations client 委托人;(律师的)当事人; 客户

counterpart 副本; 极相似的人[物]The foreign minister is the counterpart of the secretary of state. fraud 欺骗;欺诈; 骗子

32. formally 正式地 wear ~;形式上地resemble each other ~

formerly 以前地 He ~ worked in a university, but now he's a lawyer. preliminarily预备地, 初步地 take an exam ~ presumably推测起来, 大概

33. embody (convey, express) 表达 ~ his own opinions on the matter; 包含 a new model ~ing many



cherish 珍爱 (treasure, value) ~ one’s family/ friendship; 怀有, 抱有

fascinate 迷住;使神魂颠倒 be ~ed with Buddhist ceremonies/ the beautiful city illuminate 照亮, 照明 ~ the streets/ the river; 启迪, 启发

34. review 回顾~ the past;复习 ~ last week’s lessons;评论 ~ a new novel

revive 振兴,重振 ~ the traditional industry/ an old custom revise 修订,修改 ~ a composition/ a book renovate 翻新 ~ a tyer

35. authorize 授权,委托 ~ her partner to negotiate in her behalf; 批准 ~ construction projects justify证明…有道理 ~ his aggressive actions/ ~ their interference in other nations’ affairs identify 认出;识别 (recognize) ~ the stolen car; 认为同一 ~ beauty with goodness

36. claim声称~ him to be the authority; 要求 ~ the protection of law; 索赔 ~ on the insurance against


37. reserve 预定 ~ a ticket/ a room;储量 the ~ of energy underground recover 康复~ from illness/ shock;找回 ~ the lost umbrella

restore 恢复 ~the ruined picture/ law and order/ energy; 归还 ~ the stolen property to the owner deserve值得 ~ attention/ praise

preserve保护 ~ the old castle 保存;淹制 ~ the meat/ dead body conserve保护; 节约 ~ forest/ mineral recourses

38. reconcile使和解;使和好 ~ sb. with [to]another person; 使一致 ~ their words with their actions 使顺从 be ~ed to the reality

associate由...联想到..., 把...联系起来 ~ China with the Greet Wall; 交往, 结交 ~ with dishonest boys accommodate容纳,留宿

39. substantial 结实的 a man of ~ build; 相当大的 a ~ meal/ victory (丰盛的一餐/ 巨大的胜利) spacious 宽敞的 a ~ dinning room spatial 空间的,太空的

sophisticated 先进的、尖端的 ~ modern weapons/ equipment;世故的,老练的 a ~ statesman steady 固定的,不变的 a ~ job/ a ~ increase stable 稳固的 ~ situation/ relation/ peace/ market

40. dissolve 溶解 Water ~s salt.; 解散;解除 ~ the business partnership dissolution n. 分解, 解散

dispose 处置,干掉 ~ of the used books; 安排;安放 ~ of the old furniture disposal n. 处理; 处置

consume 吃完 ~ three apples at once; 消耗 ~ gasoline/ ~ time consumption n 消费, 消费量

expend 耗费掉, 耗尽 (consume) ~ her spirit force; 用钱, 花费 ~ tax revenues on sth. expenditure n. 支出, 花费

41. intervene 干涉 (interfere) ~ in the internal affairs of other countries; 调解 insult 侮辱, 凌辱 ~ the intelligence of the audience

consult 请教咨询 ~ a specialist 查阅 ~ a reference book; 商议 ~ with parents hamper 妨碍,阻碍 (hinder/ block)a heavy snow ~ing the construction work

hoist 升起; 吊起 (elevate/ lift) ~ a flag to the top of the pole/ ~ the merchandise onto the ship 42. compatible 相容的, 与...不矛盾的 Health and hard work are ~./ ~ family relationships incompatible 不相容的; 矛盾的

feasible 切实可行的; 行得通的 a ~ plan/ project; 符合逻辑的 a ~ explanation


infeasible 不可行的; 不符合逻辑的

eligible 有被选资格的; 合格的be ~ for retirement/ for the position; ineligible 没有资格的, 不合格的

43. expire 终止;截止 My passport will ~ in a month./ His term of office as president will expire next year. extract 拔[抽]出, 取出 ~ a tooth/ ~ a bullet from the wound; 提炼出, 分离出 ~ oil from the seeds exhale 呼(气); 发出(气味) ---- inhale 吸气; 吸入

expel 赶走, 驱逐 ~ the invaders from the country; 开除 ~ a student from school 44. subjective 主观的, 个人的 ~ initiative/ art

objective 客观的;无偏见的 ~ view/ description; N. 目标 ejective 驱逐的, 喷出的

conjunctive 联合的;连接的 ~ effort 45. ignore 不理睬;忽视

ignorant adj. 无知的,愚昧的 ~ person; be ~ of that country ignorance n. 无知 offend 冒犯; 得罪; 犯罪

offensive adj. 无礼的, 冒犯的,唐突的; ~ manner/ words offense n. 进攻

modest 谦虚的 ~ about his success;适度的 ~ price/ demand;小量的 a ~ increase/ decline innocent 无辜的,无罪的~ of a crime;天真的 a ~ child

46. threshold 起点;开端 at the ~ of …门槛, 入口 (entrance) stand at the ~

warrant 担保 a ~ of authenticity/ a ~ for success; 授权状 a ~ for [of] arrest/ search criterion (批判, 批评, 判断)标准, 规范 ~ of judgment/ assessment 47. exceedingly 极其地,非常地 drive ~ fast/ ~ beautiful excessively 过度地,过分地 ~ large amount of rainfall extensively 广泛地,广阔地 exclusively 独家地,排他地

grant 准予,准许; 授予, 给予 ~ sb. permission/ ~ the right to vote to all citizens/ ~ the company a

free-interest loan

entitle 给...题名, 给…称号[尊称] ~ an article/ ~ sb. “Master”; 给...权利(或资格) a ticket ~ing you to a

free meal Sb. be ~d to sth. (to do sth. )

present 赠予;颁予 ~ flowers to the star singer/ ~ the gold medal to the winner; 呈递 ~ a report; 呈现 ~

his research findings to the conference

presentation N. 介绍; 表达; 陈述

promise 预示;给予…希望 The clear sky ~s fine weather. 有指望, 有前途 a project that ~s well promising adj. 有希望的, 有前途的

48. obedient 服从的, 孝顺的 ~ students/ soldiers/ ~ to one’s parents skeptical 怀疑性的,好怀疑的 a ~ attitude/ ~ of his promise overwhelming 压倒的an ~ majority; 势不可挡的 an ~ victory 49. relay 使接替, 转播

remit 宽恕; 赦免 ~ his misdoings/ ~ his punishment; 延期 (postpone/ delay); 汇、寄(款等) revolt 反抗[叛]; 造反 ~ against the authority/ ~ the high taxes; 厌恶; 反感(disgust) retreat 撤退 force the enemy to ~; 隐退 ~ from the noisy city the quite country

50. prohibit, ban 禁止/ prevent, discourage 阻止/ dissuade劝阻 /restrain 克制sb. from doing sth.

forbid 禁止sb. to do sth.


133. excite使激动be ~d by the news of victory; 激起(感情) ~ interest/jealousy

induce 引诱~ me to commit mistakes;导致Too much food ~s sleepiness. inspire 使…产生灵感 ~ people to invent;鼓励,鼓舞 ~ the poor with the courage to eliminate the poverty attract 吸引 ~ others’ attention/ a large number of oversea visitors activate使...活动, 对...起作用

134. sign 征兆,迹象 ~ of illness/ ~ of a heavy storm/ ~ of the lost book

symbol 象征 ~ of purity

label 标签 ~ of the owners’ names stain 污渍 ~ on the carpet signal 信号 ~ of start

mark 标记,符号 ~ of the key words

cancel 取消

conceal 隐藏 ~ his feelings; 隐瞒 ~ the truth/ ~ his real name disguise 伪装 ~ himself as a woman; 掩饰, 掩盖 ~ the fact discard 丢弃, 抛弃

135. advance 前进,进展~ of knowledge/ make a great ~ in science and technology;预付~ on my salary

development 发展the rapid ~ of industry;开发 ~ of the new pollution-free engine promotion促进~ of friendship; 提拔, 晋升get (obtain) a ~

altitude 海拔高度;高处 a ~ of 10,000 meters; at the high ~ of Tibet latitude 纬度; 范围

136. influential 有影响力的 an ~ politician/ writer

productive 生产的~ force;多产的a very ~ writer effective 起作用的,有效果的 ~ method/ measures

fruitful 硕果累累的;有成效的 a ~ tree; a ~ meeting/ negotiation/ campaign; 137. prescribe 开处方 ~ a patient in fever

order 订货,点菜

advertise 做广告,登广告 ~ for a new secretary/ for a new house deliver 投送~ newspaper;发表(演说)~ a speech 138. judge 审判~ a case;裁判 ~ the race;评判 ~ between right and wrong/ ~ people according to their taste in


evaluate 评价~ a teacher’s performance;估价 ~ the merchandise

appreciate 鉴赏,欣赏~ modern pictures/ good wines; 感激 ~ your timely help assume 假定,设想 ~ your complaint to be fair/ ~ the story to be true

assess估定(财产, 价值等) ~ an apartment on the amount for which it is likely to be rented/ to be taxed; 评

估(人物、工作等) (estimate/ evaluate/ appraise )

139. make a fortune/ a profit/ money 发财,赢利,赚钱

fund基金;(复)资金 public welfare ~/ a scholarship ~; lack of ~s;

140. introduce 介绍~ the speaker to the audience;引进 ~ new assembly line;采用 ~ new techniques

recommend 推荐,举荐~ some books for students to read/ an efficient assistant to the boss;建议 ~

canceling the contest

suggest 建议 ~ doing something instead of waiting;使想到 Summers ~ swimming propose 建议,提议~ renting an office at the beginning;求婚 ~ marriage to the lady

expel 驱逐~ the invaders out of the country;开除 ~ a student for stealing;排出 ~ air from one's lungs


141. surroundings 环境;周围的事物 a house in a beautiful ~

situation 局势,形势;a new ~ / a difficult ~

environment 周围环境 protect ~/ a happy ~ at school

occasion 场合; 时机 ~ great ~/ on social ~; seize ~ to do sth. 142. money 金钱

currency 货币 cash 现金 pay in ~

cheque/check 支票 a ~ of 10 thousand dollars 143. absorb 吸收~ moisture in the ai;引起…注意 be absorbed in writing;吞并,兼并 ~ some small private


inhale 吸入~ fresh air;吸气 take deep ~s exhale 呼出

interact 相互作用,相互影响 Two chemicals ~, causing explosion. ~ with a computer transit变迁, 过渡 the ~ of autumn to winter

144. modify 改进,修改 ~ a product/ the terms of the contract/ Constitution

alter 改制~ clothes;改变 ~ the structure of

transform 转化~ heat into power;转变 ~ our social and economic life revise 修改,修订 ~ the last paragraph of the composition; ~ a dictionary

145. separate 分开~ the right from the wrong;单独的 ~ bed for the children above 12

spread 伸开~ wings;铺开 ~ the world map out flat on the floor/ the wet clothe on the grass;散布 ~

news/ rumor;蔓延 The fire/ news/ rumor ~ very fast.

scatter,驱散,分散Winds ~ the leaves./ The flock of birds ~ed when a shot was fired. 散播 ~ seeds on

the field

flare 闪光,闪亮

147. eliminate 消灭,消除 ~ the false and retain the true/ the possibility/ mistakes/ misunderstanding

deny 否认~ telling a lie to me/ stealing anything;拒绝给予某人某物 ~ him the chance to defend

dismiss 解雇~ all the employee involved in the demonstration;解散 ~ the meeting;不考虑 ~ any

possibility;不受理 ~ the case for lack of evidence

discharge 放出;排出 ~ electricity/ dark smoke

148. summon 召集, 召唤 ~ all the students to the hall;传讯,传唤 ~ the witness to the court

assemble 集合,聚集All the people ~ed at the city square;装配 ~ a machine/ a watch collect 收集,搜集 ~ stamps

segregate 隔离 ~ boys from girls/ ~ minority from the mass

149. strike 打,击,袭击~ a heavy blow at the aggressors/ ~ match;敲响 Clocks ~ hours.

beat 敲打~ a drum;打败 ~ the enemy;(心脏) 跳动 Heart ~s at regular intervals ring 鸣,响 Telephone ~s;敲钟 The bell ~s. 按铃 ~ the bell

roar 吼叫, 怒吼 Tigers/lions ~; Engines ~; The captain ~ to the soldiers. 150. illustrate 图解a book ~ed with pictures;例证 The story ~s his honesty.

demonstrate 证明~ the earth is round;演示,示范 ~ the operation of the new machine

suspend 悬挂 the lamp ~ed from the ceiling;推迟;暂停 ~ paying the debts; ~ the building work

because of the heavy rain

display 展示,陈列 ~ the children’s handwriting/ commodities ~ed in the windows 151. stability 稳定,稳定性~ of society/ ~ of marriage;安定 ~ of politic situation

capacity 能力work to one’s full ~;容量 the ~ of the bottle


throne 王权;宝座

authority 权威;权威人士

152. spread 伸开~ wings;铺开 ~ the world map out flat on the floor/ the wet clothe on the grass;散布 ~

news/ rumor;蔓延 The fire/ news/ rumor ~ very fast.

extend 延伸~ railway/ flight;扩展 ~ business scope

expand 扩张~ the company from 20 branches to 45 branches;扩大 ~ production from 1000 to 1500 per

week;膨胀 ~ with heat

stretch 伸展~ arms and legs to relax;拉长 ~ the shrunk trousers prolong 延长(时间) ~ my stay here

153. proceed 继续进行 ~ with your story/ ~ to consult with each other about the issue

raise 提升~ salaries/ prices/ the rent;提出 ~ a question;种,养 ~ flower/ fish/ child;募集 ~ money promote 促进~ mutual understanding/ sleep; 提拔, 晋升 ~ the former assistant to department manager;

推销 ~ the new products on TV


prevail 流行,盛行The old customs still ~ in this area;胜过 Truth/justice is bound to ~. 154. compensation 赔偿金 premium 奖金; 保险费

pension养老金, 退休金 subsidy补助金, 津贴 reward 酬金,奖金

commission 佣金,手续费 grant补助金, 拨款 refund 退款 alms救济金

155. sponsor 发起,主办;赞助 an exhibition ~ed by the association

grant 同意,准许, 授与(权利) ~ the company permission to explore the undermines/ ~

larger enterprises some privileges; 补助金 ~ to rebuild the teaching building finance 资助 ~ an enterprise

allocate 拨款~ funds for the highway;(机构按计划)分配 ~ medicine supplies to the victim 156. hostile 敌意的~ feeling/ look/ attitude; 敌对的 ~ to reform

betray出卖, 背叛 ~ one’s country to enemy

opposite 相反的,对面的 ~ direction/ the opinion ~ to mine/ the ~ side of the road rebel造反; 反抗; 叛变 ~ against exploitation 157. safety 安全,平安 public ~

caution 小心,谨慎;告诫 drive with ~/ ~ the prisoners not to play any tricks/ ~ students not to cheat on

the exams

security 安全 (感) ~ of the country/ an environment of peace and ~

precaution 预防,预防措施 take ~ against disease/fire; noise/fire precautions

158. artificial 人造的,人工的~ satellite/ lake/ rain/ ice/ flower/ heart/ hair;做作的 ~ manners

false 假的 ~ teeth/ impression/ witness

counterfeit伪造的, 假冒的 ~ coin/ banknotes/ official document/ certificate fake赝品, 冒充 a piece of ~ antique

faulty 有缺点的,不完善的 a ~ design/ a ~ product manual 手工的,用手操作的 ~ work/ ~ operation


overwhelm制服; 压倒 an ~ing majority/ be ~ed by grief; 打翻 the boat ~ed by the wave overtake 追上,赶上

overturn/ overthrow 推翻, 打倒 overestimate 过高估计

overprice/overcharge 索价过高 overvalue 定价过高; 过高估计 overflow 溢出; 充满

159. mild 温和的 ~ weather/ leader/ answer;轻微的 ~ fever

modest 谦虚的~ about her success;适度的,适中的a ~ demand/ ~ price;小量的 ~ increase faint 微弱的~ resistance/ voice/ light/ hope/ idea;晕倒 ~ away on hearing the news quiet不出声的keep ~ in the course of discussion; 平静的 ~ life dim 昏暗的,模糊的 a ~ room/ a ~ memory

160. effect 效果,作用,影响 the ~ of the rewards on students performance/ the ~ of heat on metals

affection 爱,感情 have an ~ for his son

influence 影响; 感化(力) a teacher’s ~ on students; 势力, 权力 a man of great ~ regulation 控制, 管制~ of the assembly line/ traffic/ the operation of the project;调整 the ~ of the watch/

the temperature of the classroom;规定keep to the rules and ~s

161. amend 修正 ~ a document;改善 ~ his way of life

refrain 忍住~ from saying too much/ ~ from losing temper;抑制 ~ from crime presume 设想, 推测 ~ that you are tired

rectify 纠正~ a mistake;校正 ~ the schedule

162. origin 起源,由来~ of human/ of civilization;血统 Spanish ~

root 根the ~ of a tooth/ hair/ tongue; 根源 the ~ of evil source 出处,源头 ~ of news/ information/ a river/ water

stem 茎,干;起源(动词 stem from = arise from = originate from = derive from) 163. renewal 续订

reminder提醒的人, 暗示 refund偿还额, 退款

receipt .收条, 收据, 收到 164. storage贮藏,储存 ~ of data

sale卖,销售 for sale/ on sale

stock存货 in stock/ out of stock/ a large ~ of toys

reserve 储备the ~ of underground energy;储备金 large foreign exchange ~ 165. elite 精英; 净化

staple 主要产品 client 客户; 委托人 alien外国的, 相异的

166. spare 备用的a ~ tire/ ~ parts;空闲的 a ~ bed/ ~ time

extra 不在计划之内的,额外的 ~ work/ ~ train/ ~ charge additional 附加的,补充的 ~ conditions/ regulations surplus过剩的, 剩余的; 盈余 ~ labor/ funds

167. declare 宣布, 声明 ~ a war to another nation/ the result of the election/ sb. to be innocent

announce 通知,通告The government ~ ed that they would build a new highway. 宣布 ~ dinner/



reveal泄露,揭示 ~ the secrecy/ mystery/ the end of a story inform 通知,告知 ~ sb. of sth./ ~ sb. that …

168. reflect 反映Education ~s culture. ~ the opinion of the minority;反射 Mirror ~s image.

shade遮住(光线), 挡住(热量)~ eyes from the sun with hand; 阴影,阴凉处 in [under] the ~ of

a tree;

shadow 影子

shield躲避 ~ himself from the rain/ cold

169. tender 温柔的a ~ mother/ expression/ heart;脆嫩的 ~ meat

delicate 精细的,精致的 ~ silk/ operation

mild 温和的 ~ weather/ leader/ answer;轻微的 ~ fever gentle 温和的 ~ nature;文雅的, 轻柔的 ~ wind moderate 中等的,适度的 a ~ speed/ ~ drinking 170. respond (to) 反应 ~ to the news

correspond (with/to)符合Actions do not ~ with his words;(to) 相当于 The American Congress ~

to the British Parliament.

agree (to) 同意某事~ to your departure/ canceling the match;(with) 同意某人;一致~ with sb; Result ~s

with my prediction;(on) 达成共识~ the contract

match相配, 相称 ~ in knowledge/ in color/ The curtains do not match with the decoration. 171. purchasing/ speding power 购买力

172. occasion 场合; 时机 ~ great ~/ on social ~; seize ~ to do sth

situation 局势,形势 a new ~ / a difficult ~

environment 周围环境 protect ~/ a happy ~ at school

condition 状态weather/ economy/ health ~;条件 ~ of success/ of my giving way 173. superior较高的, 上级的, 上好的, 高人一等的 A is superior/inferior to B

prior更重要的, 优先的;在先的 a task ~ to others;sign a contract ~ to the ceremony advantageous有利的, 有益的 conditions highly ~ to the expansion of production prestigious 有威信的;有名望的

174. scatter驱散,分散~ the crowd/ Birds ~ on hearing the explosion/ Winds ~ the leaves. 散布 farmhouses

~ing on the hills

display 展示,陈列 ~ the children’s handwriting/ commodities ~ed in the windows

spread 伸开~ wings;铺开 ~ the world map out flat on the floor/ the wet clothe on the grass;散布;蔓延

~ news/ rumor

demonstrate 证明;演示,示范;~ the earth is round; ~ the operation of the new machine 175. compress 压缩~ two months' work into one;镇压 ~ the rebelling

condense缩短, 精简 ~ the story into a few sentences

press 压,按~ the door bell/ button;榨取 ~ juice from fruits fold 折叠,折起 ~ letter/ quilt/ chair/ arms/ wings

176. issue 发行,发布 ~ medical journals at monthly intervals/ ~ an order

notify (信件,通告)通知,通告

signify 表示,象征 ~ agreement by smiling

verify 核实,验证 ~ your certificate/ ~ the figures 177. retail 零售

turnover 销售量,营业额


