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(动态洛文斯顿作业疗法认知评定LOTCA 套装)

? LOTCA作业疗法认知评定套装标准版 ? LOTCA作业疗法认知评定套装老年版 ? LOTCA作业疗法认知评定套装儿童版


动态洛文斯顿作业疗法认知评定(LOTCA )套装


同时包含曾用于开发原始洛文斯顿作业疗法认知评定系列的研究结果和一个动态组件通过对其使用来提供衡量学习潜能和识别思考策略的能力。使治疗师能够确认客户对他/她的环境和认知障碍的认知水平。 动态洛文斯顿作业疗法认知评定(DLOTCA?)是为18 - 69周岁的客户所设计。它由7个认知领域:定向、意识、视知觉、空间知觉、动作运用、视运动组织和思维操作的28项子测验组成。


动态洛文斯顿作业疗法认知评定儿童版(DLOTCA-CH?)可以对6 - 12岁有特殊需要的儿童的认知评估和学习潜力进行测试。它由5个认知领域:定向、空间知觉、动作运用、视运动组织和思维操作的22项子测验组成。每个子测验有一个结构化的5步调解选项。对短期记忆和动作运动的评估包括在视运动组织领域之内。



(DLOCTA-G?)的说明书作者:Noomi Katz, PhD, OTR, Liat Livni, MSc, OT, Asnat Bar-Haim Erez, PhD, OT, and Sarah Averbuch, MSc, OT.

外包装尺寸:16-1/2\厘米). NC34560 NC34560-G NC34560-CH

Dynamic LOTCA Battery

Use to Obtain a detailed cognitive profile to effectively plan for intervention management and maintenance.

Incorporates both the research used to develop the original LOTCA? series and a dynamic component providing the ability to measure learning potential and recognize thinking strategies through the use of mediation. Enables therapists to identify the level of awareness the client has to his/her condition and cognitive disability.

DLOTCA? is designed to be used with clients aged 18-69 years old. It consists of 28 subtests in 7 cognitive areas: Orientation, Awareness, Visual Perception, Spatial Perception, Praxis, Visuomotor Construction and Thinking Operations.

DLOTCA-G? is designed to be used with clients aged 70 and over and specifically addresses physical and mental factors that can accompany aging by offering larger components, reduced pictorial detail, multiple choice questions, and shorter administration time. Consists of 24 subtests in 8 cognitive areas: Orientation, Awareness, Visual Perception, Spatial Perception, Praxis, Visuomotor Construction, Thinking Operations and Memory.

动态洛文斯顿作业疗法认知评定套装 动态洛文斯顿作业疗法认知评定套装老年版 动态洛文斯顿作业疗法认知评定套装儿童版

电邮询价 电邮询价 电邮询价

DLOTCA-CH? provides a measure of cognitive assessment and learning potential for children ages 6-12 with special needs. It consists of 22 sub-tests in 5 cognitive areas: Orientation, Spatial Perception, Praxis, Visuomotor Construction and thinking operations. For each sub-test there is an option of a structured 5-step mediation. Measures of short-term memory and time of performance are included in the Visuomotor organization area. Each version was designed to provide standardized testing procedures and

established norms for systematic data collection in cognitive assessment. Published studies are available upon request.

DLOTCA?/DLOCTA-G? Manual Authors: Noomi Katz, PhD, OTR, Liat Livni, MSc, OT, Asnat Bar-Haim Erez, PhD, OT, and Sarah Averbuch, MSc, OT.

Storage case measures 16-1/2\ NC34560 NC34560-G NC34560-CH


DLOTCA Geriatric DLOTCA Children

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