
更新时间:2024-01-20 23:28:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



Alliance A.R.E.N.A is the largest alliance of independent DIY retailers in the world. It is an alliance of 10 independent home improvement chain stores from Europe and around the world. The head office of Alliance A.R.E.N.A is located in France and the company also has two Asian buying offices in Shanghai, China and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Alliance A.R.E.N.A has more than 6,500 stores worldwide and a yearly turnover of more than $3 billion in China.


American Greetings

American Greetings Corporation is a leading manufacturer of greeting cards and gift products. The company also has the largest collection of electronic greetings on the web. Founded in 1906 and headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, American Greetings generates annual revenue of approximately $1.7 billion and has over 18,000 employees.


Amscan Holdings

Founded in 1947, Amscan Inc is the largest designer, manufacturer, and distributor of decorated party goods and party accessories in the world and a leading supplier of gifts, home décor, and tabletop products as well as the primary source for gift wrap, gift bags, stationery, and licensed products. Headquartered in New York, Amscan Inc. has 7 state-of-the-art distribution centers throughout the world and 6 domestic manufacturing facilities

公司成立于1947年,AMSCAN是最大的设计师,制造商,分销商,装饰派对商品和派对物件在世界上的领先供应商,礼品,家居装饰,和桌面产品以及礼品包装,礼品袋的主要来源,文具和许可的产品。 AMSCAN公司总部设在纽约,有7个国家的最先进的配送中心,在世界各地和国内的生产设施。

