杨亚娟英语说课稿 - 图文

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Module 10 There are fifty children in my class.


本课是新标准英语第六册《Module 10 Unit 1 There are fifty children in my class.》本课的语言功能是认读100以内整十数的单词;描述在一定范围内的事物个数;能够用英语听懂简单的加法并用英语表述答案。本课的重点句型是 How many children are there in your class? There are fifty.使学生了解学习生活、热爱同学。 一、 教学目标: 1.


(1)学会在实际生活中运用句型 “How many…are there? There are…

(2)四会单词:thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, different. 2.


通过学生之间的合作、交流,培养学生之间的合作精神和友爱的意识。 3.




二、 教学重、难点分析: 1. 2.

掌握句型:How many…are there? There are…

四会单词: thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety,

different. 三、 学情分析:


活动感兴趣,能迅速熟悉新活动。因此本课以小游戏,小组竞赛等活动,培养了学生提问的意识,激发学生学习的兴趣。 四、 前置性作业:

(1) 听课文录音,自学新单词.

(2) 制作数字卡片,正面写英文单词,反面写数字.

【教学方法】 多媒体教学、游戏教学 【教学过程及分析】

一、 导入 1.

Draw 10 happy faces on the hands.

T: Good morning boys and girls. Look at my fingers. There are 5 happy faces. Do you like them? Well, Help each other and draw 10 happy faces on your fingers.

(这个活动的目的在与帮助学生放松心情,拉近教师与学生、学生与学生之间的距离。) 2.

Sang a song----Ten Little fingers

T: Now show me your happy faces and let’s sing a song.



(唱歌是学生非常喜欢的教学方式之一,通过这项活动能够使学生在兴趣中开始学习。) 二、 学习新单词

T: Your voices are so nice. Well, can you tell me how many fingers on your hands? S1: There are 10 fingers.

T: How many toes are there on your feet? S2: There are 10 toes. T: What’s ten plus ten? S3: Twenty.

T: Who can spell this word? S4: T-w-e-n-t-y.

T: Great. Look at this screen. Can you read these numbers? 30---thirty 40--- forty 50 --- fifty 60--- sixty

70 --- seventy 80 --- eighty 90---ninety 100--- one hundred 让会读的学生读出这些单词并领读。


T: I think you are good at English. Now let me check your Maths. ___ and ___ is ___(学生巩固数字) 三、 对话学习


1. 人机对话,学习句型

T: Good,you can answer my question. Can you answer Amy’s questions?

Tape: Hello, I’m Amy, I’m an English girl. What’s your name? (通过点击,实现人机对话,使学生有身临其境的感觉。) S1: My name is … Tape: Glad to meet you. S2: Glad to meet you.

Tape: How many children are there in your class? S3: There are…

Tape: How many girls are there in your class? S4: There are…

Tape: How many boys are there in your class? S5: There are…

Tape: It is different from my class.

T: (write “different” on the board) It’s different. Ss: Read after the teacher.

T: I’m a teacher, you are students. We are different. Ss: Read after the teacher.

T: He is a boy. She is a girl. They are _________.(学生用新词different填空练习) 2.小组对话巩固句型



T: Amy’s class is different from ours. Now let’s see how many children in Amy’s class?

(引入课文,听课文录音,回答问题) How many boys are there in Amy’s class? How many boys are there? How many girls are there?

T:Listen it again and circle true or false

(1) There are fifty children in Amy’s class. T F (2) There are twenty boys. T F (3) There are thirty girls. T F (4) It was different in Amy’s class in England. T F (5) Sam and Amy have got more friends in China. T F


T: Read after the CD-Rom. Try to imitate. Ss: Read after the CD-Rom.


T: Sam is happy. Because he’s got more friends in China. And I’m very happy now. I’ve got more friends in your class. More friends more happiness. Do you think so? Face to your friends and say the sentence.

PPT: I’ve got more friends. I’m very happy. (突破难点的同时,对学生进行情感教育) 5、小组活动,表演对话

T: OK, work in groups. First, read in roles. One is Amy, One is Sam


and one is father. Ss: Work in group. (分角色表演对话) 四、趣味应用

T: You are very clever. You have a very high IQ. This is an IQ test. Let’s read it. PPT:

There are two monkeys in front of (在前面) one monkey. There are two monkeys behind(在后面) one monkey. There are two monkeys on the left of (在左边)one monkey. There are two monkeys on the right of (在右边)one monkey. How many monkeys are there?

(这道趣味题即是对所学知识的拓展,又很具有挑战性) 五、情景对话

T: You did a good job. Look at the picture. Talk about it in pairs,. A: How many … are there? B: There are …

(在学生掌握了句型的基础上,适当拓展,将句型运用于实际情景当中, 培养学生的实际交际能力。教师确定目标,学生以小组为单位完成任务,使学生真正成为活动的主体。)



Homework----School bag show 书包秀

This is my school bag. There is a… There are … 板书:

Module 10 There are fifty children in my class. How many students are there in your class? There are….

How many boys/ girls are there? There are….






