牛津英语7B Unit 2 neighbors教案(2012版)

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Unit 2 neighbors

Comic strip and welcome to the unit 教学目标

1、 能识别并掌握各种职业及工作场所的名称。 2、 能用简单的英语谈论自己所居住的社区。 教学内容 四会内容

词汇:neighbour will visitor like

句型:I’m going to visit our new neighbours. 三会内容

词汇:wow waiter neighbourhood 教学准备

1、 社区配套设施的图片。

2、 从事不同职业的人的图片。 3、 配套磁带或光盘。 教学步骤

Welcome to the unit Step I复习

1、 教师向学生呈现一篇日记,让他们用场所的名称填空。

Tomorrow is Saturday. My family are all free. My parents do not need to work in their and I have no lessons at . So we decide to go outside to enjoy the weekend.

In the morning, my father wants to visit the next to our building to have a look at some old things. My mother wants to buy clothes in some new near our home. I want to have a picnic with my friends in a .

In the afternoon, my family will watch a film in a and have a big meal in a famous . What a wonderful weekend! Now it is time to go to the to buy something for tomorrow.

(factories; school; museum; shops; park; cinema; restaurant; supermarket) 2、与学生就个子的居住状况进行交流。教师说:Where do you live? What kind of home do you have? What’s around your home? Is your home near a park/a school/a restaurant/a supermarket? Is there a shop/a factory/a cinema/a museum/a hospital near your home? 鼓励学生根据实际情况回答,对能力较强的学生还可以鼓励他们进行较详细的介绍。

Step II 呈现

1、教师与学生就居住环境进行进一步交流,呈现新知识。教师说: Who lives next to your flat/house? Who livestock above/below you? Who’s your neighbour? What’s your neighbour’s name? What does he/she do? 板书neighbour。

2、利用图片向学生呈现各种职业。教师可以说:Mr. Lin is my neighbour. He’s a waiter in a big restaurant. Miss Huang lives above me. She’s a teacher. Step III操练


2、指导学生两人一组进行对话,了解彼此邻居的职业情况。教师可以与一位学生进行示范。 Sample conversation T: who’s your neighbour? S: … is my neighbour.

T: what’s your neighbour?

S: he/she is …

T: where does he/she work? S: he/she works in ….


Step IV 呈现 1、导入课本B部分的话题背景,指导学生理解对话内容。教师说:Amy is asking Simon some questions. What are these questions about? Please listen to the tape and tell me.

2、鼓励学生听录音回答:The questions are about Simon’s home and different places around his flat. 教师适时呈现neighbourhood并板书。 Step V 操练


(1)Where’s Simon’s flat?(It’s in City Graden in Ninth Street.)

(2) How many buildings are there in his neighbourhood? (About 20 buildings.)

(3) How any floors do the buildings have? (Most of them have 14 floors.) 2、将全班分成两大组进行朗读训练。教师说:These two teams will read Amy’s part, please. And these two will read Simon’s part, please. Then exchange roles.

3、组织学生两人一组模仿B部分,根据自己的实际情况编对话。教师说:Work in pairs and make up your own conversation about your neighbourhood. 鼓励学生尽量详细地介绍自己的居住环境。


Comic strip Step I 呈现 1、教师通过与学生的交流,呈现更多的知识。教师说:Do you often talk with your neighbour? Do you often play with your neighbour? Do you like visiting them? Do they often visit your home? Do you think they’re good visitors? What do you think of your neighbour? 板书visitor。

2、教师通过语言呈现漫画部分,并指导学生听录音后回答教师的问题教师说:Look at hobo. He’s in a hurry. Where’s hobo going? Listen to the tape and find out the answer. 3、指导学生跟着录音朗读漫画里的对话并回答更多问题。 Step II 操练

1、指导学生朗读对话。教师可根据需要决定训练的次数,如西安集体朗读,再将班级分成两部分进行分角色朗读。鼓励学生揣摩Eddie 和Hobo 对话时的心理状态,运用适当的语音语调、面部表情及肢体语言,以求对话更生动更有感染力。

2、安排学生两人一组准备表演,教师巡视并给予语音语调和动作、神态方面的指导。之后选几组不同层次的学生上台,并在表演结束后给予鼓励和表扬。 Step III 展示

1、鼓励学生根据漫画和自己的理解思考问题并表达自己的观点。教师说:Do you think Eddie’s new neighbours welcome him? Why or why not? If you have a neighbour like Eddie, do you welcome him? 鼓励学生发表真实观点。


3、启发学生思考如何为他人服务,培养他们的责任感。 Step IV 家庭作业

1、 记忆本课时所学词汇和句型。

2、 能力较强的学生熟背漫画和B部分。

3、 完成教师不知的书面练习。 4、 预习reading。

Reading 教学目标

1、 能了解有关社区中心的知识。

2、 能用英语介绍社区中心的活动内容。 3、 能建立邻里间互相帮助的理念。 教学内容 四会内容

词汇:helpful community skill problem something engineer check broken someone fix anyone college lucky

词组: help sb with sth do some shopping 句型: They help us with all kinds of problems. There’s something wrong with my computer. I’m going to ask a computer engineer to check it. Some college students are already to help. 三会内容



1、 各种社区活动的图片、海报或通知。

2、 配套磁带或光盘。

3、 写有操练句型的纸条。 背景知识

社区在中国式舶来品。它是指集中在固定地域内的家庭间相互作用所形成的社会网络。社区一般要有一定的地域区域,要有一定数量的人口,而且居民之间往往有着较密切的社会交往。 一个较完善的社区系统包括管理和服务机构、活动场所和活动中心以及其他他能满足居民生活需求的设施和机构。 教学步骤

Reading 1 Step I 复习


2、与学生就邻居的情况进行交流。教师说: Who lives next to /above/below you? Who’s your neighbour? What does he/she do? Where does he/she work? What do you think of him/her? Do you welcome him/her to your home? Do you always help each other? 鼓励学生根据实际情况回答。 Step II 呈现

1、教师以自己为例,介绍自己所在的社区环境,呈现新知识。教师说: I’m very lucky to have many good neighbours. They have different skills and can do many different things. They’re also very helpful. When they’re free, they often go to the community centre to help other. 教师可以利用图片,英语释义和汉语提示呈现新知识,板书lucky、skill、helpful和community centre。 2、向学生展示社区活动的海报,呈现新知识,教师说: Look, here are some posters. They show some activities in my community centre this Sunday. I CAN HEIP??

* when your bicycle is broken.

* when your TV cannot work. * when your fridge is too noisy. STUDY HELP

* do not worry about your homework! We can help you with all kinds of problems in your study. COMPUTER DOCTOR

* If there is something wrong with your computer, do not worry! I can check it. JOIN US

Join us and be a volunteer ^ Do some shopping for old people. ^ Help parents take care of children. ^ Clean the park and streets.

Make our neighbourhood a better place!

利用海报向学生介绍社区活动并呈现新知识点,板书broken, engineer, fix, help sb with sth, college, check, volunteer, do some shopping。 Step III 操练

1、指导学生开展活动,巩固前面所学的新知识。教师将写有“there is something wrong with ”或“I cannot ”的纸条分别发给两组学生,让他们各自填写遇到的问题,教师再将写有“ I can help with ”,“ I am a(an) ”或“ I am good at ”的纸条分别发给另外两组学生,让他们填写自己能提供的帮助。鼓励一方学生寻求帮助,另一方学生提供帮助。

Step IV 呈现

1、结合上衣环节内同,向学生介绍课文话题背景,指导学生阅读对话后回答教师的问题。教师说: To make our neighbourhood a better place to live, we should help each other as possible as we can. Simon is talking about his neighbours with Amy. Please read their conversation and answer the question: what happens when Simon has problems? 给学生两分钟时间阅读课文对话,然后鼓励学生回答: He can get help from the community centre. 2、为学生播放录音,让他们听录音并完成表格。 Problem Computer doesn’t work. Bicycle is broken. Homework is difficult. Help Old people need help. 3、完成B2的判断题。教师说: Amy is writing something about Simon’s neighbours. Write a T if the sentence is true or an F if it is false. Step V 展示 1、为学生提供情境,指导学生进行角色扮演。教师说: Shall we do a role-play activity? Work in a group of four. Suppose one of you is Simon and the others are volunteers at Simon’s community centre. Tell use your skills and introduce what you can during to help your neighbours. 2、为了使学生了解活动形式,教师可以与三位学生进行示范,如 Sample conversation

T: Hello, I’m Simon. I live in a big community. There are some volunteers in it. They have different skills and they’re very helpful. Look, this is …, this is …. and this is ….. S1: Hi, I’m …I’m an engineer. I can … I’m good at …. I can help you with …..

S2: Hi, I’m …

S3: Hi, I’m …

T: I’m very lucky to have a community centre like that. 3、安排学生以四人小组为单位,设计并编写对话。

4、随后选不同层次的几组学生进行表演,并给予鼓励和表扬。 Step VI 家庭作业 1、 熟读课文。

2、 能力较强的学生熟背。

3、 完成教师布置的书面练习。

Reading 2 Step I 复习

1、想学生展示社区内的各种活动的图片,帮助他们复习前一课时的内容。教师说:Look at these picturesque in Part B1. They’re from the community centre. Can you complete the sentences? 指导学生完成B1部分中的练习。

2、对能力较强的学生,教师可以稍加改变B1部分的句子,增加描述的语言,指导他们选择短语完成句子。 Step II 呈现


(1) What does Simon’s community centre have? (A ―helping hands‖ meeting.)

(2) What do volunteers do at the community centre? (They often meet and share their different skills.)

(3) When do they meet? (Usually at the weekend.) ??



anyone (line 12) porn. used instead of someone in negative sentences and in questions(任何人) broken (line 11) adj. has been damaged or injured, no longer whole or working correctly(哦那个坏了的,破碎的)

check (line 10) vt. to examine sth to see if it is correct, safe or satisfactory (检查)

college (line 13) n. a university where students can study for a degree after they have left high school (学院)

community (line 3) n. a group of people living in a particular local area (社区)

engineer (line 10) a person whose job is to design and build engines, machines, roads, bridges, etc (工程师;技师)

fix (line 11) vt. to repair or correct sth (修理) lucky (line 18) adj. having good luck (幸运的) skill (line 4) n. the ability to do sth well (技能,技巧)

someone (line 11) n. a person who is not known or mentioned by name (某人) something (line 9) n. a thing that is not known or mentioned by name (某物,某事) Step III 操练



3、指导学生完成B3部分的练习,巩固对课文的理解。 4、组织学生两人一组进行朗读。 Step IV 展示

1、指导学生两人一组。分别扮演Simon和Amy进行对话表演。教师说: Now, let’s do a role-play. Suppose one of you is Simon. The other is Amy. Try to act out the conversation.

2、指导学生开展角色扮演活动,并在小组内进行准备。教师要鼓励学生进行合理改变,然后选择不同层次的学生进行汇报。 Step V 家庭作业

1、 熟读课文,争取复述或背诵。 2、 记忆词汇、词组和句型。 3、 完成教师布置的书面练习。 4、 预习grammar。

Grammar 教学目标

1、 能用will、shall和be going to表示将来。

2、 能正确使用一般将来时的肯定、否定、疑问式和肯定、否定回答。 3、 能用正确的表达方式谈论将来的计划和打算。 教学内容 四会内容

词汇:shall fire

词组:the day after tomorrow make a fire 教学准备

实现写好的纸条。 教学步骤

A simple future tense with will and shall Step I 复习

1、指导学生回顾reading中有关Simon社区中的community centre的情况。教师说: Where does Simon live? What do you think of the community centre in his neighbourhood? Do you think Simon is lucky to live in such a neighbourhood? Why/ 2、通过创设语境,帮助学生复习课文,并为下面的学习做准备,教师说: Here are some people who lives in Simon’s neighbourhood. They have some problems. How can they get help from the community centre? 为学生提供几种情境: (1) Mr. Green’s computer doesn’t work well. (2) Lily’s bicycle is broken.

(3) Little Tom has problems with his homework. (4) Grandma chen is sick these days.


(1) He’s going to ask a comp engineer to check his computer. (2) She’s going to ask someone to fix it.

(3) Some college students will help him.

(4) Some people will visit her and do some shopping for her. Step II 呈现

1、教师为学生创设情境,其噶他们用will和shall来表达自己的观点。教师说: What will you do if you have problems with your homework? 教师在黑板上写下句型 I will/shall ,启发学生根据实际情况来回答。

2、教师引导学生通过黑板上的例句来理解本课时语法项目。教师说:What do we use will or shall to talk about? 教师启发学生根据例句尝试自行总结,或者让学生看A部分中的说明并告知学生用法。教师说: We use will or shall to talk about things that will happen and plans that we’re making now. this is an example of the simple future tense. 并用汉语加以解释。

3、利用黑板上的例句,教师可以继续呈现。教师说: If someone has problems with his or her homework, he or she will ask the teacher for help. He or she won’t copy the others’ answers. What’ll you do? Will you ask your teacher for help? Will you r parents help you? 帮助学生回答Yes, I will/shall. No, I will/shall not. Yes , they will. No, they will not.将这些句子都写在黑板上并呈现will not 和 shall not的缩写形式。

4、指导学生认真阅读A部分,并介绍will和shall的用法。教师说:What do we use for ―I‖ or ―we‖? What do we use for ―he‖, ―she‖, ―it‖ and ―they‖? 指导学生发现will和shall的区别。 5、指导学生看A部分,鼓励他们自主探究并总结变化规则。教师说: How do you make negative sentences? Can you tell me how to ask and answer questions? Step III 操练

1、指导学生完成A部分中的练习,巩固所学知识。 2、安排学生朗读对话。

3、教师为学生提供更多情境,两人一组来问答,练习用will和shall来表达。教师说: If I cannot find the way, what shall I do? If your mother is tired, what’ll you do? If you’re ill, What’ll your best friend do?

B simple future tense with be going to Step I

1、教师通过语言描述学生创设情境,教师说:Do you think community centres are helpful? I think they are. The community centre in my neighbourhood is going to have a ―helping hands‖ meeting the day after tomorrow. I’m going to teacher children English songs. My daughter is going to dance for the old people. My parents are going to cook some delicious food. 将这些内容中的be going to句型写在黑板上,板书the day after tomorrow。

2、接着教师引导学生看黑板上的例句并引导他们理解be going to的用法。启发学生自我总结或看B部分的说明并告知学生用法。教师说:We use be going to talk about something we decide to do and things that will probably happen. 用汉语加以解释。

3、创设情境与学生交流,呈现be going to的疑问句和肯定、否定回答,教师说: Are you going to join the ―helping hands‖ meeting in your neighbourhood? Is your father going to do something for the old people? What’s he going to do? What’s your mother going to do? What are your neighbours going to do? 帮助学生用正确的方式回答以上问题,并将这些问题写在黑板上 4、指导学生看B部分,鼓励自主探究并总结变化规则。教师说:How do you make negative sentences? Can you tell me how to ask and answer questions? Step II 操练

1、指导学生完成B部分的练习,巩固所学知识。教师说:Simon is telling Amy about his plan for a day out with his uncle’s family. Please help him complete his plan.板书make a fire.

2、教师为学生提供更多的情景,让学生两人一组进行问答,练习be going to句型表达。如: What are you going to do for old people this Sunday?

What’s your father/mother going to do for neighbours tomorrow?

What are you going to do for poor child the day after tomorrow?

Step III 1、教师为学生提供更多练习,帮助学生理解与运用,教师说:Amy and her friendship are going to have some activities next Sunday. Read the table below and ask and answer questions in a group of four. Name All of them Daniel Sandy Activity Have a big dinner together Buy a computer magazine See a film Kitty and Millie Visit some old people near the school 2、指导学生模仿上一环节的表格开展小组活动,交流各自周末的活动。教师说:Are you going to have any activities this weekend? Please discuss this in a group of four and complete the table. Name S1 S2 S3 S4 Activity 3、学生讨论结束,贴好表格后,指导完成一份书面报告。教师说:Now you know your group members’ activities for this weekend. Please write a short report on them. Step IV 家庭作业

1、 记忆本课所学的一般将来时的用法和表达方式。、 2、 完成教师布置的相关练习。 3、 预习integrated skills。

Integrated skills 教学目标

1、 能掌握更多的职业和工作场所的名称。 2、 能从听力材料中获取信息并完成任务。 3、 能用所得信息将鱼片补充完整。

4、 能运用正确的语句谈论自己的理想。 教学内容 四会内容

词汇:manager office office worker policeman postman station

police station post post office person job elder future artist sound sick

词组:by train/bus/ship/bike

句型:What are you going to be in the future? I’m going to be a computer engineer. 三会内容 单词:company 教学准备

1、 各种职业的任务图片 2、 配套磁带或光盘 教学步骤

A different job Step I 复习

提供一些小谜语让学生根据描述猜出职业名称,复习就只是,为本课时学习做准备。教师说: Now let’s play a game. Here are some riddles for you. Can you tell me the name of the job? 如: They work in a school to help children learn.(teachers)

They have special skills, such as making ships, planes and other machines. (engineers)

They make delicious food for people in restaurants. (cooks) Step II 呈现

教师与学生就周围不同人的职业进行交流,呈现新知识。教师说:What’s your father’s/mother’s job? What does your father /mother do? 启发学生回答:My father /mother is??根据学生的实际情况,教师适时向他们展示各种职业的名称。 Step III 操练

1、 指导学生完成A1部分的练习。

2、 为学生播放录音,指导他们捕捉信息完成A2部分的表格。如需要可多播放几次。 3、 通过问答形式,与学生核对答案。 Step IV 呈现

1、再次为学生播放录音,指导他们回答问题。教师说: let’s listen to the tape once more and answer my questions about Wendy. Where’s her father’s police station? Where’s her mother’s restaurant? Is her mother very busy?

How does her elder brother go to work? How does her elder sister go to work? 2、当教师发现学生理解有障碍时,可适时呈现其中的新知识。教师板书:elder\\by bike\\ by train Step V 操练


2、指导学生两人一组交流短文内容,核对答案。组织集体朗读。 Step VI 展示

1、指导学生两人一组问答,互相询问各自父母的职业和工作场所。如 What does your father/mother/mother/elder brother/ elder sister/uncle/aunt do? Where does he/she work? Where’s his/her …?

How does he/she go to work?


B speak up: what are you going to be in the future? Step I 呈现

1、向学生展示各种职业的图片,讨论并导入本部分的话题。Look at these jobs. Are they interesting? Which is your favourite? 请同学回答,并在黑板上上写下future与句型??is going to be ?? in the future.

2、再次交流,教师说:Which is your favourite job? Are you going to be …. In the future? What are you going to be in the future? Why? 如果有人回答一声,教师可以说:Oh, that soundst like a good idea. It’s a good job because you can help sick people. I think you’ll be very helpful.板书sound和sick。 Step II 操练

1、介绍B部分的话题被容。教师说:Millie is talking with her classmates about their future jobs. Listen to their conversation and do the ―true or false‖ exercises. 听录音完成判断题。 Daniel likes computers.(T)

Millie is going to be a computer engineer. (F) Sandy is going to be an art teacher. (F)

Simon is going to be a basketball star. (F)

2、跟读录音内容。教师说: Now please open your books. Report after the tape sentence by sentence. 如需必要可多几次。 3、组织学生分角色朗读。 Step III 展示

1、将学生分为五组,鼓励他们用学过的知识谈谈各自的理想工作。教师说:Now it’s your turn. Work in a group of five and make up a new conversation about your dream jobs.


3、给学生充分准备时间,然后选择能力不同的学生上台展示。 Step IV 家庭作业

1、 记忆本科所学词汇、词组和句型。 2、 背诵B部分的对话。

3、 能力较强的学生模仿B部分编写一段对话。 4、 完成教师不知的书面练习。 5、 预习study skills。

Study skills 教学目标

1、 能了解朗读时常见的连读方式。 2、 能使用正确的连读方式朗读句子。 教学内容


如何在朗读中正确时候用连读 教学准备

1、 配套磁带或光盘

2、 图片、视频或音频片段 教学步骤 Step I 呈现


2、学生反复辨听后,给学生提供文本,让他们朗读。启发学生发现两种朗读方式的不同,从而引导出英美人士说话时的连读现象。教师说:We often link sounds together when we speak English. Can you find out the wayside of linking sounds together? 3、教师呈现图片,引入本课内容。教师说:Look at this picture. What can you see? 学生回答:I can see an apple. 板书:an apple

一家三口的图片:Look at the little boy. He’s tom. Who are these two people? They are tom’s father and mother. 板书father and mother.

几只狗和一条鱼的图片:Look at the dogs. Do they like eating fish? Of course not. They don’t like eating fish. So they go away.板书go away

