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综合单元测试——Level 2 Unit 1

Spot Dictation

Directions:In this part of the test, you will listen to a passage and it will not be written out in full for you. You will hear the passage TWICE. While listening, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you hear.

A great difference between American social customs and those of other countries is the way in which names are used. Americans have little 31 for "rank", especially socially. Most Americans do not want to be treated in any especially respectful way because of their age or social rank; it makes them feel 32 . Many Americans even find the terms "Mr", "Mrs" or "Miss" too formal. People of all ages may 33 to be called by their first names. "Don't call me Mrs Smith, just call me Sally." Using only first names usually 34 friendliness and acceptance. However, if you do not feel comfortable using only first names, it is quite 35 to be more formal. Just smile and say that after a while you will use first names but you are 36 to being more formal when you first meet someone.

Very often, 37 are made using both first and last names: "Mary Smith, this is John Jones." In this 38 you are free to decide whether to call the lady "Mary" or "Miss Smith". Sometimes both of you will begin a 39 using last names, and after a while one or both of you may begin using first names instead. You have a choice: if you don't want to use first names so quickly, no one will think

it 40 if you continue according to your own custom.




















Reading Comprehension

Directions: There are two passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices. Click on the best choice.

Long bus rides are like television shows. They have a beginning, a middle, and an end — with commercials thrown in every three or four minutes. The commercials are unavoidable. They happen whether you want them or not. Every couple of minutes a billboard glides by outside the bus window. "Buy Super Clean Toothpaste." "Drink Good'n Wet Root Beer." "Fill up with Pacific Gas." Only if you sleep, which is equal to turning the television set off, are you spared the unending cry of "You Need It! Buy It Now!"

The beginning of the ride is comfortable and somewhat exciting, even if you've traveled that way before. Usually some things have changed — new houses, new buildings, sometimes even a new road. The bus driver has a style of driving and it's fun to try to figure it out the first hour or so. If the driver is particularly reckless or daring, the ride can be as thrilling as a suspense story. Will the driver pass the truck in time? Will the driver move into the right or the left-hand lane? After a while, of course, the excitement dies down. Sleeping for a while helps pass the middle hours of the ride. Food always makes bus rides more interesting. But you've got to be careful of what kind of food you eat. Too much salty food can make you very thirsty between stops.

The end of the ride is somewhat like the beginning. You know it will soon be over and there's a kind of expectation and excitement in that. The seat, of course, has become harder as the hours have passed. By now you've sat with your legs crossed, with your hands in your lap, with your hands on the armrests — even with your hands crossed behind your head. The end comes just at the right time. There are just no more ways to sit.

41. According to the passage, the passengers on a long bus trip usually see ____.

A. other buses on the road (14)

B. films on television (11)

C. advertisements on the board (218)

D. gas stations (1)

参考答案:advertisements on the board

42. The writer of this passage would probably favor _____.

A. bus drivers who weren't reckless (74)

B. driving alone (7)

C. a television set on the bus (14)

D. no billboards along the road (149)

参考答案:no billboards along the road

43. The writer feels long bus rides are like TV shows because _____.

A. the commercials both on TV shows and on billboards along the road are fun (6)

B. they both have a beginning, a middle, and an end, with commercials in between (232)

C. the drivers are always reckless on TV shows just as they are on buses (3)

D. both traveling and watching TV are not exciting (3)

参考答案:they both have a beginning, a middle, and an end, with commercials in between

44. From the passage, we can infer that _______.

A. at the beginning, traveling by bus is comfortable and a little exciting if you have not traveled

that way before (53)

B. the seats on the bus will become harder and harder because of the weight of the passengers


C. bus drivers are particularly reckless and daring, which made the ride as thrilling as a

suspense story (23)

D. to some extent, the end of the bus ride is similar to the beginning of the ride (159)

参考答案:to some extent, the end of the bus ride is similar to the beginning of the ride

45. The main purpose of this passage is ____.

A. to give the writer's opinion about long bus trips (231)

B. to persuade you to take a long bus trip (4)

C. to explain how bus trips and television shows differ (4)

D. to describe the billboards along the road (4)

参考答案:to give the writer's opinion about long bus trips

The ordinary family in colonial North America was primarily concerned with sheer physical survival and beyond that, its own economic prosperity. Thus, children were valued in terms of their productivity, and they assumed the role of producer quite early. Until they fulfilled this role, their position in the structure of the family was one of subordination, and their psychological needs and capacities received little consideration.

As the society became more complex, the status of children in the family and in the society became more important. In the complex, technological society that the United States has become, each member must fulfill a number of personal and occupational roles and be in constant contact with a great many other members. Consequently, viewing children as potentially acceptable and necessarily multifaceted members of society means that they are regarded more as people in their own right than as utilitarian organisms. This acceptance of children as equal participants in the contemporary family is reflected in the variety of statutes protecting the rights of children and in the social and public welfare programs devoted exclusively to their well-being.

This new view of children and the increasing contact between the members of society has also resulted in a surge of interest in child-rearing techniques. People today spend a considerable portion of their time conferring on the proper way to bring up children. It is now possible to influence the details of the socialization of another person's child by spreading the gospel of current and fashionable theories

and methods of child rearing.

The socialization of the contemporary child in the United States is a two-way transaction between parent and child rather than a one-way, parent-to-child training program. As a consequence, socializing children and living with them over a long period of time is for parents a mixture of pleasure, satisfaction, and problems.

46. According to the author, children in colonial North America were mainly valued for their


A. academic achievements (8)

B. survival instincts (14)

C. physical characteristics (8)

D. productive roles (179)

参考答案:productive roles

47. What can be inferred from the passage about formal schooling in colonial North America?

A. It was generally required by law. (17)

B. It was considered relatively unimportant. (106)

C. It was improperly administered. (39)

D. It was highly disciplined. (44)

参考答案:It was considered relatively unimportant.

48. Which of the following does the author mention as a cause of changes in the role of the child in the

United States?

A. An increase in technology. (17)

B. The growing complexity of the society. (175)

C. A decrease in the child's intellectual capacities. (6)

D. The growing number of single parent families. (8)

参考答案:The growing complexity of the society.

49. According to the passage parents have become increasingly interested in .

A. their children's future occupations (31)

B. having smaller families (5)

C. adoptions programs for childless couples (9)

D. child-rearing techniques (163)

参考答案:child-rearing techniques

50. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A. The Place of Children in the American Society. (103)

B. The Children of Colonial North America. (46)

C. The Development of Cultural Values. (27)

D. The Child as a Utilitarian Organism. (31)

参考答案:The Place of Children in the American Society.

It costs a lot every time a manager loses his secretary. There are visible costs, like advertising for a new one, training her, etc. And there are invisible costs, such as the effect of disturbed work and communications, and other things like lower efficiency. Eve Macpherson, Editor of Top Secretary and Woman in Management, has advice for managers who want to avoid all this.

First of all, be specific about what you intend to set to her — non-technical letter-communication, supervising the office and so on. She will have heard such phrases before as "satisfying and rewarding job", "duties depend largely on you", and so on. In any case, roughly translated, all that means just another "boring shorthand, typing and filing job". Secondly, give her not just the responsibility but the authority as well to get on with the job. That includes telling your colleagues plainly that she has that authority. Job specifications in writing are essential. Once they are there for her and you to see, there can be no arguments about overstepping her authority or failing to achieve her objectives.

Regular Job evaluation is an obvious follow-up. A golden rule here is: do not evaluate in secret. She has a right to know the results of the evaluation. Besides the evaluation, do not check up on her. If you have set her a task, then tell her when you want it done — do not ask her daily if she has done it or if she has forgotten.

A manager's secretary is a member of his executive staff and should be treated like one whether you call her a "private", "executive" or "personal" secretary. Show that you have confidence in her; do not cover up those "top secret" papers every time she walks into the room. Let her know you value her opinion. You will know within a few weeks of hiring her whether she can be fully trusted. If she cannot be, fire her.

51. When a manager loses his secretary, __________.

A. training a new secretary needs a lot of time. (108)

B. Work and communications might break up. (94)

C. The efficiency of work remains the same. (1)

D. Advertising for a new secretary seems to be a problem. (20)

参考答案:Work and communications might break up.

52. In order to avoid the loss of secretary, a manager should __________.

A. deal with all the internal affairs by himself (0)

B. get involved in the secretary's work (10)

C. offer both the responsibility and the authority (210)

D. intend to set the work to the secretary at an earlier time (3)

参考答案:offer both the responsibility and the authority

53. If a task is assigned to the secretary, the manager should __________.

A. evaluate the job when it is fulfilled (148)

B. inspect the job when it is being carried out (54)

C. observe the process when the secretary is dong the job (17)

D. remind the secretary daily of the job (4)

参考答案:evaluate the job when it is fulfilled

54. According to the passage, a secretary should be treated like __________.

A. one of the manager's friends (34)

B. one of the personal secretaries (49)

C. one of the private clerks (4)

D. one of the executive members (135)

参考答案:one of the executive members

55. A secretary's daties usually exclude __________.

A. supervising the office (73)

B. making job specifications (86)

C. typing and filing (48)

D. keeping letter communication (15)

参考答案:making job specifications

No poem should ever be discussed or "analyzed", until it has been read aloud by someone, teacher or student. Better still, perhaps, is the practice of reading it twice, once at the beginning of the discussion and once at the end, so the sound of the poem is the last thing one hears of it.

All discussions of poetry are, in fact, preparations for reading it aloud, and the reading of the poem is, finally, the most telling "interpretation" of it, suggesting tone, rhythm, and meaning all at once. Hearing a poet read the work in his or her own voice, on records or on film, is obviously a special reward. But even those aids to teaching cannot replace the student and teacher reading it or, best of all, reciting it.

I have come to think, in fact, that time spent reading a poem aloud is much more important than "analyzing" it, if there isn't time for both. I think one of our goals as teachers of English is to have students love poetry. Poetry is "a criticism of life", "a heightening of life, enjoyment with others". It is "an approach to the truth of feeling", and it "can save your life". It also deserves a place in the teaching of language and literature more central than it presently occupies.

I am not saying that every English teacher must teach poetry. Those who don't like it should not be forced to put that dislike on anyone else. But those who do teach poetry must keep in mind a few things about its essential nature, about its sound as well as its sense, and they must make room in the classroom for hearing poetry as well as thinking about it.

56. According to the passage, to have a better understanding of a poem, the best way is ______.

A. to discuss it with others (5)

B. to analyze it by oneself (1)

C. to hear it read out (17)

D. to practice reading it aloud (194)

参考答案:to practice reading it aloud

57. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

A. In teaching poetry, it is indispensable for the teacher or student to read aloud or recite the

poem. (140)

B. The reading of the poem is in fact preparations for some discussion among the students. (66)

C. Much more time should be spent analyzing the poem. (4)

D. Many teachers don't like to teach poetry because they are forced to do so. (7)

参考答案:In teaching poetry, it is indispensable for the teacher or student to read aloud or recite the poem.

58. According to the author, one of the purposes of teaching English is to get students ______.

A. to criticize life (6)

B. to like poetry (114)

C. to enjoy life (93)

D. to teach poetry (3)

参考答案:to like poetry

59. From the last sentence in the third paragraph, we know that ______.

A. the teaching of poetry should have been much more stressed (117)

B. the teaching of poetry is more important than the teaching of any other subject (6)

C. one cannot enjoy life fully without an understanding of poetry (28)

D. poetry is the foundation of all languages and literature courses (66)

参考答案:the teaching of poetry should have been much more stressed

60. The phrase "make room" in the last paragraph can be best replaced by "______."

A. build a booth (1)

B. provide equipment (1)

C. leave a certain amount of time (195)

D. set aside enough space (19)

参考答案:leave a certain amount of time

Vocabulary and Structure

Directions: Each of the following sentences is provided with four choices. Choose the one that best completes the sentence.

61. Having done the job at hand, the clerks _________ to the next business, hoping to fulfill the tasks

ahead of schedule.

A. continued (105)

B. modified (4)

C. proceeded (80)

D. confronted (20)


62. How could we __________ all that the company had suffered from the improper investment?

A. put up on (7)

B. make up for (156)

C. keep up with (18)

D. live up to (16)

参考答案:make up for

63. Once the _____ contradiction is grasped, all problems will be readily solved.

A. proper (9)

B. regular (4)

C. principal (179)

D. principle (29)


64. I will ______a special label to my luggage lest I should make a mistake when collecting it at the end

of my trip.

A. attach (197)

B. add (12)

C. attend (3)

D. assist (2)


65. The destruction of these treasures was a loss for mankind that no amount of money could _____.

A. stand up to (9)

B. make up for (189)

C. come up with (15)

D. put up with (7)

参考答案:make up for

66. He spends so much time fooling around that he never _____ anything.

A. accomplishes (153)

B. obtains (62)

C. gets (13)

D. absorbs (9)


67. Because of their slight __________, those genuine leather handbags are sold at half the original


A. deposits (68)

B. defects (70)

C. allowances (35)

D. weak points (42)


68. The manager promised her that their company would provide perfect after-sale services _____.

A. on account (44)

B. on demand (158)

C. in deliver (8)

D. on need (15)

参考答案:on demand

69. To save as much resources as possible, the government called on the whole nation to _____ ways

to reduce waste.

A. revise (22)

B. define (18)

C. devise (161)

D. deceive (13)


70. There are over eighty members of _____ at the college set up 3 months ago.

A. staffs (35)

B. staff (163)

C. employee (38)

D. employees (31)


71. Lacking in capital __________, the company got involved in a serious financial problem.

A. situation (13)

B. phenomenon (24)

C. performance (17)

D. resources (161)


72. The workers _____ about the bad working condition in the factory and went on strike.

A. protect (12)

B. prohibit (15)

C. protest (155)

D. proclaim (32)


73. __________ consuming is what we should encourage during an economic crisis, especially when a

country is in high debt.

A. Annual (28)

B. Enormous (64)

C. Continual (60)

D. Rational (57)


74. The experiment was at its __________ stage when orders came that we should stop immediately.

A. additional (14)

B. constant (19)

C. favorable (10)

D. critical (177)


75. Have the police been able to throw any _____ on the mystery of the stolen jewels yet?

A. evidence (64)

B. proof (30)

C. ray (6)

D. light (128)


76. Don't press me for more information. You'll know all the secrets _____.

A. at due term (1)

B. in due course (175)

C. on proper time (21)

D. in right occasion (8)

参考答案:in due course

77. If you _____ 10,000 yuan annually, you will be able to afford a small flat in ten years.

A. plus (9)

B. draw (13)

C. dispose (10)

D. deposit (182)


78. With their income considerably increased, most families in Shanghai have obtained ______ to the


A. permission (15)

B. consent (2)

C. admission (26)

D. access (168)


79. The __________ cost of the decoration of the museum reached as high as 250,000 dollars.

A. effective (3)

B. initial (93)

C. principal (29)

D. relevant (73)


80. __________ studies show that the project of the company is incomplete and needs revising.

A. Elementary (112)

B. Slight (5)

C. Effective (39)

D. Critical (66)


81. The plan of taking over the target company has failed and there is no point in __________ an


A. attempting (47)

B. mediating (30)

C. performing (60)

D. exploring (68)


82. The expression of the audience was __________ with curiosity and excitement when the magician

was giving his performance on the stage.

A. complimented (28)

B. comprised (39)

C. compounded (73)

D. composed (59)


83. The imported research _________ did not reach the desired standard and they decided to claim for


A. account (67)

B. attitude (5)

C. facility (144)

D. faculty (12)


84. His self-invented approach does not __________ my way of resolving this complicated problem.

A. apply to (142)

B. stick to (38)

C. keep to (12)

D. take to (8)

参考答案:apply to

85. The book has listed all predictable astronomical _____ for the coming year, such as planetary,

lunar, and eclipse data.

A. phenomena (201)

B. appearance (22)

C. evidence (10)

D. witness (3)


86. Mr. Johnson emphasized that college students should __________ great importance to the practice

of spoken English.

A. accomplish (21)

B. proceed (48)

C. explore (15)

D. attach (148)


87. It was a great _____; there were flags everywhere, the band was playing, and everybody was most


A. opportunity (6)

B. occasion (198)

C. chance (5)

D. possibility (2)


88. Sharp ______ between the two cultures can also be seen in terms of teaching and learning styles.

A. comparison (16)

B. conflict (42)

C. contradiction (14)

D. contrast (154)



正确/ 错误: 154 / 130

正确率: 54%

89. The students tried many approaches to __________ the final result of the experiment but failed.

A. figure out (191)

B. stand for (7)

C. make up (41)

D. give away (2)

参考答案:figure out


正确/ 错误: 191 / 99

正确率: 65%

90. In order to ______ of the international market, the company conducts a market survey every


A. keep contact (57)

B. keep track (130)

C. take account (24)

D. take notice (15)

参考答案:keep track


正确/ 错误: 130 / 144

正确率: 47%

91. The children in the orphanage were all thin and ill because of being _____ by virtually everyone.

A. omitted (11)

B. missed (4)

C. neglected (176)

D. discarded (19)



正确/ 错误: 176 / 90

正确率: 66%

92. The police thought that the suspect was deliberately getting off the __________ when he was asked

to explain the accident.

A. track (120)

B. exception (44)

C. deposit (23)

D. phenomenon (37)



正确/ 错误: 120 / 152

正确率: 44%

93. It is no easy job to educate the young to adopt the right _____ when meeting with a crisis.

A. prospect (34)

B. perception (51)

C. perspective (109)

D. property (21)



正确/ 错误: 109 / 153

正确率: 41%

94. A new technique was _____ to cut down on the cost of production.

A. adopted (167)

B. adapted (24)

C. adjusted (18)

D. appointed (13)



正确/ 错误: 167 / 111

正确率: 60%

95. Miss Edward's __________ goal as an engineer is to build the most magnificent bridge in the world.

A. exact (13)

B. modest (25)

C. ultimate (183)

D. delightful (20)



正确/ 错误: 183 / 115

正确率: 61%

96. The highest ______ of the government has been given to the education problem in the western


A. priority (163)

B. prestige (14)

C. majority (16)

D. facility (30)



正确/ 错误: 163 / 120

正确率: 57%

97. The system has been designed to give quick __________ to the required information.

A. occasion (11)

B. contrast (26)

C. access (144)

D. priority (35)



正确/ 错误: 144 / 122

正确率: 54%

98. The college students were collecting money for the people in remote areas and the total amount

was __________ 300,000 dollars.

A. approaching (155)

B. accumulating (35)

C. assisting (7)

D. achieving (21)



正确/ 错误: 155 / 115

正确率: 57%

99. The __________ of Christmas preparations made the school cafeteria crowded with exciting


A. blend (47)

B. block (29)

C. bustle (131)

D. buzz (11)



正确/ 错误: 131 / 136

正确率: 49%

100. I am not surprised ______ at his enormous achievement, for he is extremely creative and diligent.

A. at the least (53)

B. at the most (5)

C. in the least (154)

D. in the most (5)

参考答案:in the least


正确/ 错误: 154 / 120

正确率: 56%

101. A(n) __________ of 2% is granted upon purchase of individual items of more than 100 dollars.

A. deposit (65)

B. allowance (52)

C. account (70)

D. fund (33)



正确/ 错误: 52 / 223

正确率: 18%

102. They kept on investigating the matter until ______ findings were obtained.

A. effective (41)

B. desirable (91)

C. elementary (34)

D. decisive (35)



正确/ 错误: 91 / 169

正确率: 35%

103. Our journey was slow because the train stopped _____ at different villages.

A. unceasingly (6)

B. gradually (3)

C. continuously (70)

D. continually (128)



正确/ 错误: 128 / 138

正确率: 48%

104. His analysis __________ the puzzling case and the suspect was finally caught 500 miles from the spot.

A. took shelter in (7)

B. cast shadow on (8)

C. caught sight of (33)

D. threw light on (168)

参考答案:threw light on


正确/ 错误: 168 / 108

正确率: 60%

105. While admitting that this forecast was _____ uncertain, the scientists warned against treating it as

a cry wolf.

A. anyhow (8)

B. somewhere (7)

C. somewhat (193)

D. anyway (2)



正确/ 错误: 193 / 75

正确率: 72%

106. All evidence __________ to the traffic accident has been reported to the local police.

A. critical (11)

B. relevant (200)

C. gradual (1)

D. internal (1)



正确/ 错误: 200 / 74

正确率: 72%

107. I didn't _____ to buy the camera, but my wife insisted that I buy her younger brother something special.

A. tend (233)

B. intend (178)

C. contend (2)

D. attend (5)



正确/ 错误: 178 / 110

正确率: 61%

108. The investigation group __________ a report on young people's favorable response to advertising.

A. turned in (158)

B. turned on (57)

C. turned down (24)

D. turned off (5)

参考答案:turned in


正确/ 错误: 158 / 135

正确率: 53%

109. With these years' hard experiences, he resolved to be __________ and considerate towards his family.

A. clumsy (4)

B. principal (86)

C. tender (116)

D. initial (18)



正确/ 错误: 116 / 163

正确率: 41%

110. A lot of applicants applied for the __________ of marketing manager of the western district.

A. attitude (5)

B. approach (37)

C. post (8)

D. position (165)



正确/ 错误: 165 / 107

正确率: 60%

111. Can you come up with __________ example of the same kind to support your argument?

A. any (20)

B. the other (6)

C. other (200)

D. another (182)



正确/ 错误: 182 / 93

正确率: 66%

112. To ensure quality, we must have a person _____ them_____ the house.

A. see … build (154)

B. to see … build (84)

C. see … to build (33)

D. to see … to build (9)

参考答案:see … build


正确/ 错误: 70 / 190

正确率: 26%

113. _______ along the river in the evening, he suddenly heard somebody crying for help in a weak voice.

A. While he walking (4)

B. His walking (2)

C. While walking (198)

D. Having walked (4)

参考答案:While walking


正确/ 错误: 198 / 70

正确率: 73%

114. __________ was usual with him, John revealed all the facts of the experiment to the public.

A. As (165)

B. When (4)

C. What (35)

D. So (11)



正确/ 错误: 165 / 106

正确率: 60%

115. Some of the toys made in this company are often _____ in workmanship and precision _____ those made in that company.

A. more superior … to (13)

B. more superior … than (34)

C. superior … to (140)

D. superior … than (57)

参考答案:superior … to


正确/ 错误: 127 / 139

正确率: 47%

116. Undoubtedly, the principle of diligence and frugality still applies _____ all undertakings.

A. on (20)

B. to (195)

C. into (9)

D. with (9)



正确/ 错误: 186 / 101

正确率: 64%

117. But for the police arriving at the critical moment, the girl kidnapped __________.

A. should have ended up dead (100)

B. must have ended up dead (72)

C. will have ended up dead (21)

D. has ended up dead (20)

参考答案:must have ended up dead


正确/ 错误: 72 / 211

正确率: 25%

118. __________, I was getting all the more nervous and couldn't sleep soundly.

A. To approach the day of the interview (8)

B. Having the approaching of the day of the interview (17)

C. With the day of the interview approaching (124)

D. Having approached the day of the interview (50)

参考答案:With the day of the interview approaching


正确/ 错误: 124 / 140

正确率: 46%

119. Mr. Smith, the executive manager of the company, had more dictionaries in his office than __________ for his work.

A. it was needed (89)

B. they were needed (60)

C. were necessary (56)

D. they were necessary (29)

参考答案:were necessary


正确/ 错误: 27 / 243

正确率: 10%

120. What you've just said isn't relevant _____ the problem under discussion.

A. for (1)

B. with (9)

C. to (202)

D. of (0)



正确/ 错误: 202 / 74

正确率: 73%

综合单元测试——Level 2 Unit 2

Listening Comprehension

True Or False

Directions: In this part, you will hear ten statements. Each statement is based on the texts you have just learned in this unit. Statements one to six are about Text A, and statements seven to ten are about Text B. Each statement will be read ONLY ONCE.After you hear each statement, decide whether it is True or False.





正确/ 错误: 77 / 11

正确率: 87%

