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上海交通大学 媒体与设计学院




依据当前中国国内文化产业的发展状况,结合社会热点问题,每期暑期学校均设定有不同的主题。师生将就文化项目相关问题与政府决策部门和有关专家进行讨论,走访不同的文化场馆,在国际知名专家的指导下进行深入考察。 上海交通大学媒体与设计学院简介

上海交通大学媒体与设计学院成立于2002年9月,下设新闻与传播系、电影电视系、设计系、文化产业管理系。学院发展战略强调理论基础扎实;专业技术过硬;学科特色鲜明。 项目内容及形式


所采取的项目形式有:专家讲座、研讨会、工作坊、企业调研和文化采风。 时间与地点

时间:2018年7月2日-2018年7月13日 地点:上海交通大学徐汇校区 拟聘教授

Justin O’Connor(澳大利亚蒙纳士大学) 单世联(上海交通大学) Xin Gu(澳大利亚蒙纳士大学) Mark Andrejevic(美国波莫纳学院) Kari Kallioniemi(芬兰图尔库大学) 张谦(中国传媒大学) 李康化(上海交通大学)




计划招收学员共45-50名。 费用 学费:全免


文化场馆参观门票:自理(项目组将安排巴士接送) 食宿、交通:自理 报名方式:

国际学生:须通过在线系统报名http://apply.sjtu.edu.cn 中国学生:请填写学员申请表,并电邮至ywen@sjtu.edu.cn 即日起开始报名

报名截止日期:2018年4月30日5pm 联系人 闻媛

ywen@sjtu.edu.cn 2018第五届文化产业/文化经济国际暑期学校教学计划 课程安排上午9:00 开始;下午1:30 开始;外出考察出发时间另行通知 日程 日期 内容 上午 讲座:文化经济、文化产业与创意城市 ? 系列一:夏令营简介(Xin Gu) 7月2日1 ? 系列二:文化经济、文化产业及创意城市(Justin O’connor) (星期一) ? 系列三:中国文化创意产业的当前动向(单世联) 下午 参观考察(外滩,老城厢,浦东) 7月3日2 参观考察:上海文化创意产业园区(M50、1933、田子坊等) (星期二) 讲座:文化经济-理论与实践 ? 系列一:城市文化经济学与文化经济理论(Justin O’Connor) 7月4日3 ? 系列二:上海文化创意产业政策(李康化) (星期三) ? 系列三:城市地下音乐:北京模式(张谦) ? 系列四:全球化与城市空间 (Kari Kallioniemi) 7月5日参观考察:城市文化空间(龙美术馆、上海当代艺术博物馆、Basement 6社4 (星期四) 区艺术空间等) 2

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 上午 讲座: 城市亚文化 7月6日? 系列一:城市中的亚文化 (Justin O’Connor) (星期五) ? 系列二:音乐工作和上海的流行音乐产业文化环境(Xin Gu) 下午 对话:学者vs.城市地下音乐人 7月7日参观:独立制作人工作室 (星期六) 7月8日 周日 上午 讲座:公共空间与城市文化 7月9日? 系列一:公共空间与文化产业(Justin O’Connor) (星期一) ? 系列二:大数据与城市重建(Mark Andrejevic) 下午 参观考察:共享经济(裸心社等) 7月10日企业调研(分众传媒、百视通、蘑菇云创客空间) (星期二) 7月11日小组汇报准备:导师和各小组讨论 (星期三) 7月12日学员分组活动 (星期四) 7月13日分组简报和考评 (星期五) 3

2018 The 5th International Summer School on Cultural Economy


Cultural Economy International Summer School is a creative graduate education project organized by Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Monash University. It aims at upgrading graduate teaching and training quality, enhancing students’ academic know-how and research competence, promoting international collaboration among students and faculties, and expanding international vision of postgraduate programs. This project is founded in 2014. It is well recognized home and overseas.

The international summer school has a different theme each year, this years’ being Cultural Space and City. Our core focus is on the shaping of urban brands in the context of globalization. Revaluating and analyzing the current situation of the cultural space in China’s metropolises, we will be exploring the consumerism in urban culture and its influence on the urban renewal strategy and historical preservation, to ensure the realization of iteration between the city space and the city function in the urban renewal process, promoting the integration of the economic space, cultural space, living space and ecological space.

The students will speak to local policy makers and experts about the issues above, as well as actually visiting cultural sites involved.

Alongside a comprehensive program of lectures we will guest presenters from the local cultural sector and guided field trips and supervised field work in the cultural economy of Shanghai.

About School of Media and Design, SJTU

The School of Media and Design (SMD), Shanghai Jiao Tong University, was founded in September 2002. It consists of four departments, i.e., Journalism and Communication, Film and Television, Design, and Cultural Industry and Management. A series of undergraduate, master, and doctoral programs are provided in these fields. The school boasts solid foundation in theoretical research, high competitiveness in professional skills and distinctive features in discipline construction, making it one of the top media and design schools in China. Date and Venue

Date: 2nd - 13rd July 2018 Venue: Xuhui Campus, SJTU

Lecturers involved

Justin O’Connor (Monash University) Xin Gu (Monash University)

Mark Andrejevic (Monash University) Kari Kallioniemi (University of Turku)

Zhang Qian (Communication University of China) Shan Shilian (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) Li Kanghua (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)


This summer school is open to the master and doctoral students in Cultural


Economy or other related majors. We will take in 45-50 students, including Chinese students and overseas students.


Tuition: Waived

Travel and accommodations:

Participants are expected to arrange their own travel and hotel accommodations. Application

Overseas students: Complete and submit an online application at Study@SJTU (http://apply.sjtu.edu.cn).

Local students: Fill the application form and send it to ywen@sjtu.edu.cn. Applications open: as from today Applications close: 5pm 30 April 2018 Coordinator

Wen Yuan (ywen@sjtu.edu.cn) Cultural Economy International Summer School Syllabus AM 9:00; PM 1:30 (site visits starting time may vary.) Date Syllabus AM Seminars:Cultural Economy, Cultural Policy and Creative City ? No.1: Brief introduction of the summer school. (Xin Gu) ? No. 2: Cultural Economy, Cultural Industries and Creative City (Justin 2nd July(Mon) O’connor) ? No. 3: The tendency of cultural/creative industries in China (Shan Shilian) PM Site Visit: Shanghai: old and new 3rd July(Tue) Site Visit: Cultural/creative industries clusters Seminars: Cultural Economy – theories and practices ? No. 1: Cultural Economy – theories and practices (Justin O’Connor) th4 July(Wed) ? No. 2: Chinese cultural industries policies (Li Kanghua) ? No. 3: Underground city music: a Beijing Model (Zhang Qian) ? No. 4: Urban space in the globalization (Kari Kallioniemi) 5th July(Thur) Site Visits: Urban cultural space AM Seminars: Urban subculture ? No. 1: Sub-cultures in the city (Justin O’Connor) 6th July(Fri) ? No. 2: The cultural environment of the pop music industry in Shanghai (Xin Gu) PM Dialogue:Scholars vs. Undergound music maker 7th July(Sat) Site visits: Independent producers’ workshop 5

8th July(Sun) AM Seminars: Public Sphere and Urban Culture ? No. 1: Public sphere and cultural industries (Justin O’Connor) 9th July(Mon) ? No. 2: Big data, digital surveillance and city (Mark Andrejevic) PM Site visits: Solidarity economy(nakedhub) Site Visit: Cultural and Creative Industries Enterprises (BesTV, Focuw 10th July(Tues) Media, DF Robot) 11th July(Wed) Group consultation day 12th July(Thur) Fieldtrip 13th July(Fri) Presentations


8th July(Sun) AM Seminars: Public Sphere and Urban Culture ? No. 1: Public sphere and cultural industries (Justin O’Connor) 9th July(Mon) ? No. 2: Big data, digital surveillance and city (Mark Andrejevic) PM Site visits: Solidarity economy(nakedhub) Site Visit: Cultural and Creative Industries Enterprises (BesTV, Focuw 10th July(Tues) Media, DF Robot) 11th July(Wed) Group consultation day 12th July(Thur) Fieldtrip 13th July(Fri) Presentations


