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1. P______, he will come to help us, but I’m not sure.

2. Miss Li collected all the n_______ after class. She wanted to check her students’ notes.

3. S_________, I saw a tall man coming toward the policeman.

4. He can do many things. He can e______ fly a plane.

5. I’d like to help you. H______, my hands are full.

6. This new dictionary i_______ many new words and phrases.

7. At the age of five, he w______ the first prize in a piano competition.

8. He was waiting in his car. S_______, a man broke his car window.

9. These lovely things are not for h_______ beings but for animals.

10. Many scientists and i________ tried to solve this problem.

11. I’d like to go to her party. H_______ , she didn’t invite me.

12. Steven c_______ me to a game of tennis after school.

13. Miss Huang is ill today, so Mr. Hu gave us a lesson i________ .

14. The old man didn’t r_______ his mistake yet.

15. When the t______ light is red, you must stop your car.

16. I p_______ to help him with his English after school.

17. You can just stay at home and make a phone o_______ for food.

18. This TV set is too e_______ . I will choose another one.

19. Football is so p_______ that people from different countries love it.

20. This kind of laptop doesn’t s_______ well, because it is too slow.

21. I’m sorry. I was too angry to c_______ myself.

22. Jack made a lot of f_______ faces to make his son laugh.

23. In the early 19th c_______, the first trains began to carry people.

24. Dear p______, the next station is Zhujiang New Town.

25. Keep a safe d_______ between cars, please!

26. The company c_______ a new kind of telephone and it helps people to order dinners.

27. It’s very f_______ to play football with so many friends.

28. Nowadays, young people like playing games with their mobile p_______.

29. This p_______ guidebook teaches you about how to manage your time.

30. With the card, you can take money out of the machine a _______ even in the evening.

31. A m_______ is a person who plays a musical instrument as their job or hobby.

32. Please fill in the form c_______.

33. Cats is one of the most p_______ musicals of modern times.

34. It was a pleasant and c_______ house with gardens and green trees.

35. Labor(劳动) c_______ the world.


1. 人会说话,而动物却不会。

________ _______ can talk, but animal can’t.


2. 如果我们不阻止污染的话,将来的某一天我们会灭绝的。

If we don’t stop the pollution, we _______ ________ ________ one day.

3. 她生在法国,但父母是英国人。

She _______ _______ _______ France but her parents are British.

4. 我的朋友和我一样友好。

My Friends are ______ ______ ______ me.

5. 有的东西有用,有的只不过是做装饰用的。

________ things are useful; ________ are only for show.

6. 我们绝大多数人都是从父母那里了解钱是怎么回事的。

Most of us _______ ______ money ______ our parents.

7. 这玩具是中国制造的。

The toy ________ ________ _________ China.

8. 这些椅子是竹子做的。

These chairs ________ ________ ________ bamboos.

9. 我想尽办法让那小男孩笑。

I tried my best to _______ the baby boy ________.

10. 我们的办法会行得通的。

Our idea ________ _______ .

11. 商店里又有一款新式的手机出售了。

There is _______ _______ _______ _______ cell phones on sale.

12. 这种生物几百万年前已经灭绝了。

This kind of living things ______ ______ ______ ______ years ago.

13. 刚刚我跟Jill去公园散步了。

I ______ ______ ______ ______ with Jill in the park just now.

14. 她八岁就发现怎么做蛋糕了。

She ______ ______ how to make a cake at the age of eight.

15. 1950年3月9日他出生于密苏里州的郊区。

He ______ ______ ______ the countryside in Missouri _______ March 9, 1950.

16. 我谁也不等。


I’m _______ waiting for _______.

17. 她答应这个星期六来参加我的生日聚会。

She _______ _______ _______ to my birthday party this Saturday.

18. 小偷留下一张纸条向警察挑衅。

The thief _______ a note to _______ the police _______ catch him.

19. 你应该听从父母的劝告努力学习。

You should ________ your ______ ______ to work hard.

20. 从那时起,。他开始在这个城市独自生活。

_______ _______ _______, he lived alone in this city.

21. 人们能从网络上获得大量的信息。

People can get _______ large _______ _______ information from the Internet.

22. 他努力学习以便能通过考试。

He worked hard _______ _______ he could pass the exam.

23. 俱乐部努力将它的足球运动员培养成世界级的明星球员。

The club worked hard to _______ its players _______ global stars.

24. 他们的愤怒导致了新的战斗。

Their anger ______ ______ new fighting.

25. 如果我更加努力,我将有一份更好的工作,赚更多的钱。

If I work harder, I’ll have a better job and ______ ______ ______.

26. 从那时起,他在家乡度过了余生。

_______ _______ _______, he spent the rest of his life in his hometown .

27. 听我的建议吧,要不然你会犯更多的错误。

_______ ________ _______, or you’ll make more mistakes.

28. 我喜欢的运动很多,像足球、篮球、羽毛球、乒乓球等等。

I like sports, such as football, basketball, badminton, table tennis _______ _______ _______.

29. 她列了一张购物单,以便不会忘记买什么东西。

She made a shopping list _______ ________ she wouldn’t forget anything.

30. 在20世纪90年代,J.K.罗琳开始创作哈利.波特的故事。

_______ _______ _______, J.K. Rowling began to write the story of Harry Potter.

31. 有些人没有意识到保持环境清洁的重要性。


Some people _______ ________ _______ the importance of keeping the environment clean.

32. 生活上,不要总依靠别人。

Don’t _______ _______ others in daily life.

33. 此外,我们还可以认识更多的朋友。

________ _______, we can know more friends.

34. 班上没有人比她更擅长于跳舞了。

No one _______ _______ _______ her at _______.

35. 我妈妈是一位中学老师。

My mother _______ _______ a middle school teacher.

36. 今天比昨天热多了。

It is much _______ today _______ it was yesterday.

37. 我的书包比她的书包重。

My bag is _______ _______ hers.

38. 你们班上谁最受欢迎?

Who is _______ _______ _______ student in your class?

39. 我们用最低的价钱买到了电脑,比预期中的要幸运。

We bought the computer at a _______ _______ and we were _______ than we expected.

40. 让我们停下来休息一下吧。

Let’s _______ _______ _______ a rest.

41. 他一句话都没说就离开了课室。

He left the classroom _______ ________ a word.

42. 从前,妈妈和我经常在晚饭后散步。

In the past, mother and I ______ ______ ______ a walk after supper.

43. 熬夜对健康不好。

Staying up late _______ ________ _______ your health.

44. 这篇文章主要是关于看太多电视的不良影响。

The passage is mainly about the _______ _______ _______ _______ too much TV.

45. 你能告诉我什么时候出发呢?

Can you tell me _______ _______ _______?

46. 大雨妨碍了我们参加比赛。


The heavy rain _______ _______ _______ _______ part in the competition.

47. 有些学生没有意识到学习英语的重要性。

Some of the students ________ _______ ________ the importance of ________ English.

48. 万物依靠太阳生长。

All living things _______ _______ the sun for their growth.

49. 此外,学生可以修读计算机课程。

_______ _______, students can take lessons in computing.

50. 电脑能比人类聪明吗?

Are computers _______ _______ human beings?

51. 他阻止了小偷偷那位女士的钱包。、

He _______ the _______ _______ _______ the lady’s purse.

52. 我们通过电话保持联系。

We have _______ _______ _______ _______each other by telephone.

53. 你不可以同时做两件不同的事情。

You can’t do two different things _______ _______ _______ _______.

54. 因为他的身体不舒服,所以我代替他去。

Because he didn’t feel well, I went there _______ _______ him.

55. 这个故事不如那个有趣。

This story is _______ _______ _______ as that one .

56. 我们尽量帮助你。

We will give you as _______ _______ as we can.

57. 你通常什么时候去散步?

When do you usually _______ _______ _______ _______?

58. 那个新职位激发了他在业余时间更加努力学习。

The new position _______ him _______ study harder during his spare time.

59. 我们期待着与您见面。

We are _______ ________ _______ _______ you.

60. 她宁愿要幸福而舍弃财富。

She chose happiness _______ _______ wealth.

61. 无论你去哪里,请与我保持联络。


Wherever you go, please _______ _______ _______ _______ me.



Long, long ago, a king in I______ loved to play chess very much. One day, a w_______ man c_______ him to a game of chess. The king p______ to give him any p______ if he won the game. The old man asked for some rice, one grain of rice for the first square of the c________, two for the second, four for the third, and double the a_______ for each of the rest of the squares. The king was glad to hear that. Finally, the king lost the game and soon r_______ that he would not have e_______ rice to put on all the squares even w________ all the rice in the country.


Jane: Hello, Ken! H______ do you like your new school?

Ken: I like it very much. I had a w_______ week in my new school. I like all the teachers. They are so k_______. And I think my maths teacher is the best one. He uses a lot of games to h______ us learn. He m_______ the class really interesting.I really e_______ his class.

Jane: What about your classmates? Do you know the n______ of students in your class? Ken: Yes. There are 42 students—25 boys and 17 girls. I make some new friends now.

Jane: I’m g______ to hear that. I h________ you can have a good t_______ in your new school. Ken: Thank you. I think I will.


Now computers are becoming smaller and better. They are very t_______, so you may be u_______ of them. However, you d_______ on them more than you know. For example, we can use computer to c_______ numbers at a faster s________. In a _______, we can o_______ railways and fly planes and spaceship with computers. Some people think one day computers may be able to do better jobs than human beings. What will h_______ to us if they can do all our jobs?

