物流专业英语 试卷、答案

更新时间:2023-10-01 05:14:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载




1.Container transport 2.International freight forwarding agent 3.Order cycle time 4.Inventory turnover 5.Environmental logistics 6.Carrying cost 7.Material handling 8.Demand forecasting 9.Reverse logistics 10.Agile logistics 11.Third-party logistics 12.Initial investment 13.Warehouse facility 14.Material procurement 15.Point of consumption 16.多式联运 17.分销渠道 18.条码 19.订单处理 20.保税仓库 21.前置期 22.叉车 23.门到门 24.准时制物流 25.拣选 26.提货单 27.发货区 28.进口税 29.规模经济 30.供应链整合

二、Translate the sentences into Chinese(40分)

1、Customer service involves getting the right product to the right customer at the right place, in the right

condition and at the right time, at the lowest total cost possible.

2、 For the time being we are concerned only with the question of how much we have to pay for obsolescence cost.

3、 Sometimes the inventory manager increases his levels of inventory to meet the requirement of a less expensive but slower means of transport.

4、They offer a closed system with little risk of loss or damage to the products moved, and extremely low costs because minimal labor is involved in their operation.

5、The overall goal of logistics is to achieve a targeted level of customer service at the lowest possible total cost.

6、Faced with this width of inventory, retailers attempt to reduce risk by pressing manufacturers and wholesalers to assume greater and greater inventory responsibility.

7、Decision support systems screen out irrelevant information so it cannot be misused or merely slow down use of the important data. 8、Manufacturers have come to realize that the improved packaging of commodities can significantly increase the added value of products.

9、 Due to improper packing, the goods are terribly damaged.

10、More environmentally conscious packaging may save disposal costs and improve the company’s image.

三、Reading comprehension(10分)

Logistics Systems

A logistics system consists of different functions and activities,such as the following: 1.Customer service is a core function in the logistics process.Each business entity should have a customer service department to handle complaints,special orders,loss and damage claims,returns,bills problem,and etc.This function becomes crucial because any dissatisfaction can lead to failure to retain customers.

2.Inventory management is to maintain the stock of raw materials and hal-finished products.In order to satisfy the customers' demand and minimize costs,a company should establish an optimal level of inventory to meet the market demand that exceeds your expectations,and at the same

time,minimize your inventory holding costs and inventory write-down costs.

3.Transportation has taken a great role in many logistics systems for two reasons.First of all,globalization and importin-exporting activities make most products necessary to be transferred from one country to another.Secondly,information revolution has propelled the manufacturing process and consumer behaviors to be changed drastically.Traditional transportation methods need to be upgraded to accommodate modern transportation demand,therefore,containerization and usage of information sharing system emerge.

4.Storage is needed to manage the materials and store ready-for-market products in warehouses.There is new technology applied in the storage,for example,automatic ware house.Old-fashioned warehouse has become the distribution center where container trucks deliver and pick up the goods.

5.Information system links all logistics processes and integrates all information to ensure all the handling of large quantity of goods are delivered in an efficient,cost-effective and accurate manner. Questions:

1.Which of the following function does a logistics system include? ( ) A.Whole sales. B.Cash management. C.Storage. D.Internet. 2.Why is customer service an important element? ( ) A.To retain and keep customers.

B.To gather information about competitors. C.To develop new market.

D.To strengthen business partner relationships. 3.What is the optimal level of inventory? ( ) A.The amount that you can sell as much as possible.

B.The amount that you can barely meet market expectation.

C.The amount to meet market demand with minimizing your current and potential inventory costs. D.The amount that you can get the most profits.

4.Why is transportation so important to the current business environment? ( ) A.Transportation means are limited.

B.Because of globalization,exports and imports activities. C.Transportation is costly. D.Because of time.

5.Why does information system contribute to an efficient logistics system?( ) A.To link and integrate all logistics functions. B.To gather new information. C.To eliminate wrong data.

D.To make all data public for future use.

四、Answer the following questions in English(20分)

1、What activities do warehousing operate? Describe some of them.

2、Which costs can affect the total logistics cost?


一、1、集装箱运输 2、国际货运代理 3、订货处理周期 4、库存周转 5、绿色物流 6、搬运成本 7、物料搬运 8、需求预测 9、逆向物流 10、敏捷物流 11、第三方物流 12、初始投资 13、仓储设施 14、物料采购

15、消费点 16.inter-model transportation 17.distribution channel 18.bar code 19.order processing

20.bonded warehouse 21. Lead time 22.fork lift truck 23. door-to-door 24.just-in-time logistics

25.order picking 26、bill of lading 27、receiving 28.imported duty 29.economy of scale 30.supply chain integration





5、鉴于所有这些原因, 库存用来确保满足客户的需要, 既使在生产中断的时候.

6、面对这种大量的库存, 零售商试图通过迫使制造商和批发商承担更大的库存来降低风险。 7、决策支持系统筛选出无关的信息, 这样就不会被误用和阻碍重要信息的利用。 8、制造商已开始意识到改进了的商品包装能极大地影响产品的增值 9、包装影响成本和客户服务水平。



