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题 目 专 业 班 级 姓 名 学 号 指导教师 职 称

二О一 年 月 日



201 届 工程管理 专业 班级

题 目 郑州市房地产住宅项目可行性研究报告

姓 名 学号

指导教师 职称

201 年 月 日

内 容 提 要









real estate project feasibility study report of Sunshine garden in Zhengzhou

080906205 Chengjunguang tutor Zhouwei Associate professor


Real estate development feasibility study is an important link in the work of scientific and democratic project decision-making; it avoids or reduces the investment decision errors, and improves economic, social and environmental benefits of the project development.

Real estate project of *** garden is located in Road *** of Zhengzhou, Covering an area of 78 mus, invested by Central china Real estate Limited. In this paper, similar projects around project of Sunshine garden are

compared, based on current market conditions and predictions of the future of Zhengzhou, preliminary suggestions of the feasibility of the project and development business planning are put forward. Combined with the characteristics and advantages of the project, investments, financial

evaluations and risks of the project of Sunshine garden are analyzed, and the feasibility of the development and management of this plot is discussed.

According to the scheme of the report, total construction area of the project is about 200000 square meters, total investment is 76934.16 ten thousand Yuan, the forecasted project financial net present value is

29562.94 ten thousand Yuan, the project financial internal rate of return is 36.9% , so the project has strong economic feasibility.

Innovations as follows:

1. The market environment of the development and management of Sunshine garden are thoroughly investigated and analyzed in this paper, and under the economy background of current global financial crisis and China's regulation policy influence on the development of real estate industry, the feasibility of the development and management of this

projects is analyzed and verified in deep level and multiple perspectives.

2. This paper applies the theory and method of general construction project feasibility study to the project of sunshine garden. Through detailed analysis of the project, the feasibility of investment is verified,which provides the basis for the investment and construction of the project, And also provides corresponding reference to other real estate project feasibility study.

Key words

Real estate; Economy; Financing; Analyzing and Summarizing

目 录

1. 总论 ................................................................................................... 1 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 2.

项目概况综述 ........................................................................... 1 项目主要技术经济指标 ........................................................... 5 问题与建议 ............................................................................... 5

房地产项目市场研究 ....................................................................... 6 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4.

全国房地产市场运营情况 ....................................................... 6 全国房地产市场运行现状及未来走势分析 ........................... 9 2011年与2012年房地产政策 .............................................. 13 郑州市经济发展状况 ............................................................. 15

3. 区域房地产住宅市场分析与营销策略 ......................................... 19 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5. 3.6. 3.7. 3.8.

项目所处房地产板块市场特征分析 ..................................... 19 项目区域主要竞争项目分析 ................................................. 20 后续市场供应预测 ................................................................. 21 重点竞争个案分析 ................................................................. 21 项目区域臵业者分析 ............................................................. 23 项目开发经营SWOT分析 ................................................... 24 项目开发方案 ......................................................................... 24 市场分析结论与营销策略 ..................................................... 25

4. 劳动安全卫生与消防 ..................................................................... 26

4.1. 4.2. 5.

劳动安全卫生 ......................................................................... 26 消防设施 ................................................................................. 27

组织机构及人力资源配臵 ............................................................. 28 5.1. 5.2.

组织机构设臵 ......................................................................... 28 人才理念 ................................................................................. 28

6. 7.

项目实施进度 ................................................................................. 29 投资估算与融资方案 ..................................................................... 30 7.1. 7.2. 7.3.

投资估算 ................................................................................. 30 项目总投资估算 ..................................................................... 31 资金筹措、投资计划及借款利息 ......................................... 35

8. 财务评价 ......................................................................................... 35 8.1.

项目销售收入预算 ................................................................. 35

8.2. 项目利润估算 ......................................................................... 36 8.3. 9.

现金流量表及动态分析 ......................................................... 37

不确定性分析 ................................................................................. 37 9.1. 9.2. 9.3.

盈亏平衡分析 ......................................................................... 37 敏感性分析 ............................................................................. 38 项目开发经营主要风险与对策分析 ..................................... 39 社会评价 ..................................................................................... 40


10.1. 社会影响分析 ......................................................................... 40

10.2. 社会风险分析 ......................................................................... 42 11. 研究结论及建议 ............................................................................. 45 11.1. 研究结论 ................................................................................. 45 11.2. 建议 ......................................................................................... 45

