11278ti 公司dsp产品相关faq整理

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TI 公司DSP产品相关FAQ整理

问: Dear Sir, Could U introduce the future usage of DSP simply? And, how can i learn DSP quickly? Thank you

答: Thanks for your question. We have entered internet era. DSP will be

used in digital signal processing such as, communication, modem, real time control, digital image ... You can learn such as knowledge in some books which are published by universities. 问: 请问什么是数字信号处理器DSP?(10:38:06 AM)

答: DSP是一种类似计算机中CPU的处理器。但是它具有更快的处理速度和对某些特殊问题的处理能力。所以它适用于高速和实时问题的处理。

问: C6712怎样访问I/O空间?(10:39:41 AM)

答: Acturally, C6000 have only one memory space, include Data and Prog memory. The I/O also be mapping to memory space, can be accessed through EDMA and EMIF bus.

问: TMS320C6712的32位浮点特性与以往推出系列相比,有哪些优势,可提供哪些性能, 存在哪些不足?(10:42:21 AM)

答: It support IEEE_SP32 and IEEE_DP32 and IEEE_DP64 float_point. Compare with C3x, it has strong C compiler and also good development tool CCS. 问: What is the budgetary pricing? (10:43:14 AM) 答: The price is less than $10.00.

问: TI能否尽可能将闪存集成在今后的DSP产品中,以减少外设和提高线路精度?

答: TI具备将FLASH集成到DSP中的能力。但是不同的用途有不同的要求。所以我们针对用量较大的客户会进行集成以满足客户要求。

问: Is 6712, 6711 and 6701 all pin compatible? (10:45:39 AM) 答: Yes, they are all compatible.

问: 以5409为例,很多DSP产品在使用前必需进行内存分配,该工作目前由用户自己进行, 虽提供了很大的灵活性,但对经验较少的人来说会耗费很多不必要的精力,所以请问TI能否在发货时就为芯片提供标准的配置文件?(10:46:15 AM)

答: DSP link comand file is effective tool to manage DSP memory

configuration to improve system feature. DSP BIOS has visuable tool to deliver the function. 问: 请问DSP与CPU、MPU有什么区别?(10:47:03 AM)

答: The structure of DSP is difference from CPU/MPU. In DSP, there are

different memory for data and instruction. And it focus on computing not flow management. 问: 请问它的特性除了有100-MHz Clock Rate和600 MFLOPS外, 还有什么特点呢? 答: 与6711相比,除这些特点外,6712还有较的的价格。

问: TI能否为其DSP产品提供更加灵活的外设以满足多样的应用需要?(10:55:06 AM) 答: Yes. In C6000, we have peripherals as these McBSP, HPI/Expension

BUS/PCI,EMIF(can connect with SBSRAM, SDRAM, Async RAM flush ROM SRM), DMA/EDMA, timers etc.

问: 请问\数字信号处理器\的对象是什么?(10:58:14 AM)

答: wireless communication, broadband internet access, image process,

modem, disital motor control ... We believe it can be used in every internet action, every bit.

问: TI的DSP产品的C代码编译效率低,常使开发者感到其结果不能达到预期,请问TI有无应对之策?(11:01:19 AM)

答: The C6000 C compiler performance can reach 70-80%. This is just

because the from the beginning time of C6000 core design, the RISC like structure have make the C compiler and optimizer can be easy design and reach high performance. That means the C

optimizer is begin from basic hardware design. So the question is true for other DSP, for C6000 good C compiler is our strong point.

问: TI公司的DSP有什么特点?即在处理速度、存储量、接口以及软件编程等方面有什么特 点?

答: For C6000, it is the most advanced DSP, our C64x can run at 700Mhz to 1.1Ghz, the memory space for C6000 can be 32 bits wide. And we have DSP/BIOS which is industry proved and free real time kernal can help engineer design more easy and focus on their application. 问: DSP是不是扩大了功能的单片机?(11:46:40 AM) 答: No.

问: 在未来,DSP是否有代替CPU的可能?(11:50:25 AM)

答: TI believe that in the coming internet era, many application engines

will be driven by DSP such as image, communication, digital consumer appliances. CPU can be used as a controller, DSP will be used for specific functions.

问: DSP 与 FPGA 的区别?性能及用途方面。(11:59:00 AM)

答: DSP can be reprogramble offline and online, have more flexible than FPGA. 问: 请问贵公司的6712可用在民用的哪些方面?(12:01:39 PM)

答: C6000的特点是高性能,应用比较容易(用C开发),如用在应用复杂的场合, 会很有优 势,如网络相机,用户端网络加密等。

问: TMS320C6712高频特性适用于跳频、扩频的哪些具体应用?是否适用于蓝牙技术? 答: 跳频、扩频 Yes,蓝牙技术 No because its power consumption.

问: 除了众所周知的DSP外。TI在模拟器件领域最关心的方向是什么?(12:17:49 PM) 答: TI is taking effort for provide all kinds of analog products portfolio.

In addition, we are going to publish more than 400 new products in 2001.

[问:erickwon] 1.Which models are better(high performance and low price),when i design a biometric-image processing system.

2.If i had selected certian model TI DSP, what tools are need but css.

[答:Sunny_lee] 1. You can use c54x or c55x platofrm for the biometric system. if need more performance, you cna use c6x series.

2. EVMs and also XDS510 emulator. @[02-4-26 上午 10:52:38] [问:beiqiuke] 5000系列做便携式现场数据采集合适吗?

[答:Sunny_lee] C5000 is suitable for portable application such as for low power requirement. [问:beiqiuke] 5509目前市场上有TMS系列了吗?还是只是TMX系列?

[答:Sunny_lee] c5509 now is available with TMX, TMS will be available in 2H this year. [问:fengyajun] DSP的电源设计和时钟设计应该特别注意哪些方面?

[答:Duanlifeng] 时钟一般使用晶体,电源可用ti的配套的电源 @[02-4-26 上午 10:59:03] [问:zyonghui] DSP一般有二种供电方式:一种是开关电源,另外一种是TI有许多的LDO,开关电源电路相对复杂,而LDO相对非常简单。我想问一下电路相对简单的LDO供电会有什么缺点,还是没有缺点。例如TI的TPS75933已经可以提供最大7.5A的电流,按功率来说已经完全足够了。如果没有缺点,我是否能够把LDO用于其它功耗相对较多的CPU。 [答:Duanlifeng] 一般是没有什么问题的,是可以用在其它的cpu的 [问:hrbeu95] 1。请问如何消除高速板中的振铃和过冲。

2。在数字音频芯片电路中电路噪音是如何消除的,可靠性如何保证? 3。在布线过程中就以上问题如何解决?


[答:Mark_Qian] 1:加端接电阻;@[02-4-26 上午 11:01:01]

[问:navy100] TI的DSP是否可以真正实现实时进行MPEGII编解码,技术支持是否能足够? [答:Sunny_lee] Yes. You need to do MPEG codec with c64x. @[02-4-26 上午 11:02:46] [问:kathykitty] AD转换芯片的分类中I2C是什么?

[答:Duanlifeng] I2c是串行总线@[02-4-26 上午 11:03:07]

[问:yanggl] TI的DSP产品中,对USB的支持情况是什么样的?我要做一个USB接口的高速数据采集卡,应该选用什么型号的DSP和AD芯片?

[答:Sunny_lee] We do have c5509 DSP which support USB. @[02-4-26 上午 11:04:30]

[问:JPPP] dsp/bios中的system clock,是否是用于系统的任务、调度、周期任务的管理?如果不用外部事件,使用system clock将要占用一个定时器硬件资源,那么这个定时器就不能用于定时、计数等正常。我的理解对吗? [答:Duanlifeng] 是的

[问:lion2002] dsp板开发难,请问有何径途? [答:Duanlifeng] 没有,多看资料吧

[问:mrhfw@sina.com.cn] C6000的BIOS的工作过程是怎样的?

[答:Mark_Qian] BIOS是一种实时多任务的操作系统,用户只需编写各项任务的进程,程序的进程由BIOS的管理。 [问:lijin_as] TMS320LF2407的工作电压为3.3V,DSP的抗干扰能力能允许多大的电源毛刺? [答:Mark_Qian] 5%

[问:zhujak] Does TI DSP chip have FPGA function?

[答:Rudy_huany] If you are talking about emulation function. My answer is YES.

Rudy Huang @[02-4-26 上午 11:10:50] [问:GEORGE_R3WX8] 1、CORE和I/O供电的时序有那些要求?如果I/O供电超前于CORE,超前时间应限制在多少以内?


[答:Mark_Qian] 对DSP本身而言,没有上电次序要求。 @[02-4-26 上午 11:11:51] [问:fingerpass] 堆栈寻址和dp指针寻址哪一个效率高?

[答:Duanlifeng] dp指针寻址效率高 @[02-4-26 上午 11:13:14]

[问:cliburn] 请问,DSP在与前向通道(比如说AD)接口的时候,布线过程中 要注意哪些问题,以保证AD采样的稳定性?

[答:Mark_Qian] 模拟地和数字地分开,但在一点接地。 @[02-4-26 上午 11:14:32] [问:mengwang007] 请简单介绍DSP与89C52接口方式(HPI方式)

[答:Duanlifeng] 可把HPI口作为一个上位机的Io口来处理 @[02-4-26 上午 11:14:45] [问:chenyong309] 请问:用dsp硬件仿真设备调试usb接口板等设备时,与脱机调试,在时序及其它方面有何不同。谢!

[答:Mark_Qian] 没有不同 @[02-4-26 上午 11:16:15] [问:success28] 1 3.3V的DSP能否与5V的A/D相连接 2 目前设计一个浮点的系统采用哪一种芯片较好

[答:Rudy_huany] 1. No. You need a level shifting IC between them.

2. If you need an high performance floating DSP, I recommend C6000. For more details, you could refer to the DSP selection guide

http://www.dspvillage.ti.com/dspguide @[02-4-26 上午 11:16:26] [问:kk00] 器件布局应重点考虑哪些因素?


[答:Duanlifeng] 可用Tms320vc5402,成本不是很高,器件布局应重点应是存贮器与DSp的接口 [问:wojiubushini] 请问C55的正常功耗是多少?电源电压?如果我在使用中不要求高的速度,

能否通过降低时钟的方法实现降低功耗? [答:Mark_Qian] 查资料。可以。

[问:liuheping] TMS320F2812芯片的外部时钟振荡器的设计和电路板的要求;TMS320LF2407的A/D转换精度保证措施;

[答:Mark_Qian] 参考电源和模拟电源要求干净 @[02-4-26 上午 11:20:46] [问:朱锋] 很想了解基于MPEG4的可视电话机二次开发平台,或者运动图象压缩的开发平台资料。谢谢!电话:13611297324

[答:Rudy_huany] Please visit the website below, http://www.dspvillage.com/idk

You could link to related information from the webpage [问:yjb_bj] 请问EVM板提供原理图和PCB图吗

[答:Rudy_huany] Yes, provided it is manufactured by TI. If you are talking about EVM from our third party, you have to request it from the third party.

[问:xtq124] 钱先生,请问如何通过仿真器把.HEX程序直接烧到FLASH中去? 所用DSP为5402.是否需要自己另外编写一个烧写程序,如何实现?谢谢!!

[答:Mark_Qian] 直接写.OUT。是DSP中写一段程序,把主程序写到FLASH中。 [问:kapok] 设计c6701的计算机pci板卡时,怎样通过计算机下载程序到c6701中? 如果板卡有flash,仿真器可以直接写flash吗?

flash地烧写程序由谁提供,是自己编写吗(c6701程序)? [答:Mark_Qian] 可以,要自己写 @[02-4-26 上午 11:27:43] [问:tigerzhou] 1。DSP芯片内是否有单个的随机函数指令?

2。DSP内的计算速度是快的,但是它的I/O口的交换速度有多快呢? 3。DSP如何配合EPLD或FPGA工作呢? [答:Rudy_huany] 1. No.

2. Depeneded on which I/O you are referring. For HPI, the transfer rate (in bytes) could be about 1/4 of CPU clock. For McBSP, the bit rate (kbps) could be about 1/2 CPU clcok.

3. You could cascade the emuation interface with the one on EPLD/FPGA. Please see the following application notes for details.

(SPRA439a) http://www.ti.com/sc/docs/psheets/abstract/apps/spra439a.htm

[问:duxiong] 请问在DSP硬件电路板Layout时,EMI方面的问题应主要注意哪几点? [答:Mark_Qian] 信号的完整 @[02-4-26 上午 11:29:36]

[问:sudan] 1、c5416的pcb板设计是否需要考虑高速数字电路板设计?

2、c5416的电源,EEPROM,扩展SRAM,双口RAM设计;能否介绍较详细的管脚图? 3、刚进行c5416的硬件设计和软件设计时,是否有较好的中文或英文参考书。 [答:Rudy_huany] 1. Yes. Since the operating frequency could be higher than 100MHz.

2. You could refer to our C5416 DSK design.

3. For S/W development, you could try the examples from our CCS. For H/W design, you could refer to our EVM/DSK design. @[02-4-26 上午 11:32:40]

[问:li3690] 我有三个关于C2000的问题。



3、对C240,如在INT4同时有CAP1、CAP2、CAP3,则如何避免不会丢失中断。 [答:Mark_Qian] 1、OC门(集电极开路)驱动

2、是流水线的问题。 @[02-4-26 上午 11:34:25]

[问:lijin_as] do u have low noise,high resolution ADC(16bit to 24bit) integrated DSP?

[答:Rudy_huany] No, currently.

Usually, you need an external ADC instead. @[02-4-26 上午 11:35:13]

[问:li3690] 我有关于C240的一个问题,为何有时程序从外部运行正常,烧进FLASH就不正常。是何原因。谢谢

[答:Duanlifeng] 可能性较多,建议检查空间设置或初始化段是否写入FLASH @[02-4-26 上午 11:36:54] [问:scutwky] 我想了解TMS320C240及其相关DSP的设计方法,用于全桥电源的PWM控制,谢谢。

[答:Rudy_huany] You could download our Developer\http://www.dspvillage.com/c2000devkit @[02-4-26 上午 11:38:32]

[问:xtq124] 我在使用5402DSK时,一上电,不接MIC,只接耳机,不运行任何程序,耳机中有比较明显的一定频率的噪声出现。有时上电后没有出现,但接MIC,运行范例中的CODEC程序时,又会出现这种噪声。


[答:Mark_] 开始时没有有效的程序代码,所以上电后是随机状态,出现这种情况是正常的。 [问:caieli] 请问:能否提供一份dsp系统设计的硬/软件详细框图和调试步骤。 [答:Rudy_huany] You could refer to the following two documents, Emulation Fundamentals for TI \

http://www.ti.com/sc/docs/psheets/abstract/apps/spra439a.htm CCS Getting started guide (SPRU509)

http://www-s.ti.com/sc/techlit/spru509 @[02-4-26 上午 11:41:45] [问:wufujun] TMS320LF2407与TMS320C6201的HPI接口怎样连接,有特别的时序要求吗? [答:Mark_Qian] 没有特别的时序要求。

HPI接口作为2407的外围设备,直接接口 @[02-4-26 上午 11:44:43]

[问:lijin_as] 请介绍一款专用于FFT,数字滤波,卷积,相关等算法的DSP,最好集成12BIT以上的ADC功能。

[答:Rudy_huany] I recommend TMS320LF240x, if your application is about motor/energy control. Please also see our DSP selection guide for more information on it, http://www.dspvillage.ti.com/dspguide @[02-4-26 上午 11:44:54]

[问:zhuqiqi] 电路中用到DSP,有时当复位信号为低时,电压也属于正常范围,但DSP加载程序不成功。电流也偏大,有时时钟也有输出。不知为什么?

[答:Mark_Qian] 复位时无法加载程序 @[02-4-26 上午 11:47:00]

[问:jjoe1224] c5510芯片如何接入E1信号?在接入时有什么需要注意的地方? [答:Mark_Qian] 通过McBSP同步串口接入

注意信号电平必须满足要求 @[02-4-26 上午 11:53:24]

[问:lchzhang] 请问北京闻亭公司是不是TI的正式代理商?他们生产的USB 54x EVM 板电路图,竟然不随EVM板一起提供,这合理吗?

[答:Rudy_huany] Yes. It is one of our authorized distributors.

Sometimes, the manufacturers for EVM are not willing to offer schematic drawing in free. For TI\EVM, you could always request schematic drawing of it from TI (http://www.ti.com/sc/apic). @[02-4-26 上午 11:54:55]

[问:daliang] ccs2.0中有gel文件,可以初始化外设。那有了gel文件后,我在我的程序中还需要不需要编写初始化外设的语句。我的程序将脱离调试环境运行。 [答:Mark_Qian] 需要 @[02-4-26 上午 11:54:55]

