GMAT曼哈顿语法- 精华汇总

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曼哈顿 SC 总结

Chapter 1 Sentence Correction Basics

1. 一道例题

Although William Pereira first gained national recognition for his movie set designs, including those for the 1942 film \for the Transamerica Tower, the Malibu campus of Pepperdine University and the city of Irvine.

A:including those for the 1942 film \

B: like that for the 1942 film \

C:like those for the 1942 film \

D: including that for the 1942 film \

E:including those for the 1942 film \


1.1 GMAT规定,Like不能用于举例;注意,在之后的说明中,曼哈顿说The GMAT used to

claim that ‘like’ simply meant ‘similar to’ and could not introduce examples. However, the exam writers have moderated this hardline duty in published explanations. As a result, either ‘including’ or ‘likelihood would technically work in the sentence.

1.2 GMAT规定,进行指代时,如果有单复数转换,不能用代词指代,而应换作相对应的


2. 做题时间

一般不多于90秒钟,理想状况下,花费60-75秒。 3. 做题步骤

3.1 细读原文

理解原文中作者本意,顺带看是否有错误出现。 如发现错误,默默记下,以备之后作为排除依据;

如未发现错误,不要留恋,只要保证理解了文字的字面意思和作者本意即可。 3.2 纵向扫描,找split


看句首和句尾,此两处必有split,不然画线不会画到它们。 迅速找到多个split,找最容易区分的。 3.3 选取最简单split进行筛选

所谓简单,就是容易找/容易比较/容易决定。语法语义两个角度来分析 3.4 选定第一个split

3.5 用同一个split,去检查其他选项是否也犯了同样的错误

3.6 如此反复,一直剩下唯一一个选项 3.7 把选项带回原文,重读,确定和原文匹配

Chapter 2 Grammar & Meaning

1. 关于“简洁”

考生现在太过重视简洁问题,导致GMAT很愿意把错误选项弄得最毒。所以,一般来说,不到万不得已(比如,剩下两个选项,没有别的split可用了),就不要用“简洁”来做split 2. 句义

2.1 分三部分:

选对词;放在正确的位置;和周边搭配(make sense together)。 2.2 选对词。此处给出了一些类似的词组

Economic (monetary) vs. economical (thrifty节俭的, effectual) Aggravate (worsen) vs. aggravating (irritating使人恼怒的) Known as (named) vs. known to be (acknowledged as)

Loss of (no longer in possession of) vs. loss in (decline in value)

Mandate (command) vs. have a mandate (have authority from voters) Native of (person from) vs. native to (species that originated in) Range of (variety of) vs. ranging (varying)

Rate of (speed or frequency of) vs. rates for (prices for)

Rise (general increase) vs. raise (a bet or a salary increase in American English) Try to do (seek to accomplish) vs. try doing (experiment with)

2.3 GMAT中,’should’ 表示’moral obligation’应当,而非’likelihood’可能。In everyday

speech, you can say ‘The train should arrive now’ to mean that the train is likely to arrive now, but the GMAT doesn’t agree with this usage.

2.4 放在正确的位置。同一个词放在句子的不同位置上,表示的意思会很不一样。

2.5 关于倒装:在可以顺叙说话的时候,就避免使用倒装。Check the overall word order for

unnecessary inversions. For instance, English normally puts subjects in front of verbs. Try to preserve that order, which is natural to the language.

2.6 关于Redundancy:GMAT正确答案里,没有一个词是冗余重复的,每一个词必定有其

存在的必要性。 2.7 关于Concision:

Quite frequently, the right answer will be a longer choice that is grammatically correct and that clearly reflects the author’s intended meaning.

If you have run out of grammar or meaning issues to apply and you are down to two choices, then choose the more concise option. Otherwise, do not think about concision.

Chapter 3 Subject-Verb Agreement

1. Additive Phrases:


Along with / in addition to / as well as / accompanied by / together with / including 只有‘and’跟主语时,会把主语变成复数;而修饰语跟主语,不会改变单复数。

2. Mathematics是单数名词, 即使它跟了 –s; 同样适用于其他学校课程/一些运动项目 (e.g.,

aerobics有氧运动) /疾病 (e.g., diabetes). 3. Or, either…or, neither…nor


4. 集合名词

People: agency, army, audience, class, committee, crowd, orchestra, team Items: baggage, citrus橘类植物, equipment, fleet, fruit, furniture

GMAT中,集合名词多被认为是单数,所以多采用单数动词来搭配。 在英式英语中,很多集合名词一般会被看作复数,但不是在GMAT中。

5. 不定代词

5.1. Some, Any, None, All, Most/More – SANAM


5.2. ‘Not one’一直用单数形式:Not one of my friends IS here this weekend. 6. Each and Every


Each dog and cat HAS paws.

但是,跟在主语后面的each不会影响动词格式。 They each ARE great tennis players. 7. Majority, minority and plurality诸多

据不同上下文,可能是单数,也可能是复数。 8. 在不能确定单复数时,倾向于单数。

Chapter 4 Parallelism

1. 平行结构中,尽量做到精确平行,至少关键词要平行。E.g.:

The employees were upset by the company’s low pay, poor working conditions, and shortage of outlets for employees’ creativity.

2. 想强调一下,在做平行结构时,如果句子可以做到精确匹配,一定要做到。

WRONG – The experiences we have when children influence our behavior in adulthood. RIGHT – The experiences in childhood influence our behavior in adulthood.

WRONG – Tobacco companies, shaken by a string of legal setbacks in the United States, but which retain strong growth prospects in the developing world, face an uncertain future.

3. 4. 5.

6. 7.


RIGHT – Tobacco companies, which have been shaken by a string of legal setbacks in the United States, but which retain strong growth prospects in the developing world, face an uncertain future.

WRONG – Dr. Crock’s claims have been not corroborated by other scientists or published in a prestigious journal but have nonetheless garnered a great deal of attention from the public. RIGHT – Dr. Crock’s claims have not been corroborated…

两个从句中,经常打都要带上主从连词,但是两个主从连词不一定相同. There are many people WHO speak English BUT WHOSE parents do not. 不要过于紧缩任何元素.要保证每一个元素都是完整的.

Ralph likes BOTH THOSE WHO are popular AND THOSE WHO are not. And列表

在连接两个分句时,在and前可以选择加入逗号.尤其在分句都很长或者独立性很强的时候, 最好这样做.

I really like candy apples, AND I eat them often. 这也是个一个句子多组主谓的例子.

在排列并列成分时,应该将最长的一部分放在最后. 带有平行格式的习语 As X, so Y

X is good, and so too is Y Consider X Y (注意,没加as) Declare X Y (注意,没加as) X Develops into Y

Not Only X (,) But Also Y (comma is optional) 连系动词可被看作是主语和宾语并列的标识

WRONG – The bouquet of flowers WAS a giving of love.


Chapter 5 Pronouns

1. Antecedent先行词必须和代词在一起make sense


WRONG - Although the term ‘supercomputer’ may sound fanciful or exaggerated, IT is simply an extremely fast mainframe that can execute trillions of calculations every second. 讲解 – ‘supercomputer’ is mainframe讲不通.

RIGHT – Although the ……exaggerated, IT simply REFERS TO an…… 永远不要人为假设,一直要把先行词放到代词位置上,看是否合理. 2. This/that/these/those


在用that/those指代的时候,必须加修饰语,以区分与先行词的不同. 此外,如果先行词和现在的that/those单复数不一致时, 不能再用代词指代,不许用名词重复先行词的概念. 3. It/they

指代时,指的就是同样的那个东西. 4. 一组it和its指的是同样的东西;


5. 除非被逼到墙角,否则不要用”代词指代模糊”来排除选项.

6. 在GMAT中,永远不会出现代词在没有先行词而独立做主语的情况.

Chapter 6 Modifier

1. 修饰时,用形容词还是副词,有时候会表达不同的意思:

WRONG - Max’s grandmother is his supposed Irish ancestor. RIGHT – Max’s grandmother is his supposedly Irish ancestor. 常见的形容词副词易混淆的词语有:

Corresponding, frequent, independent, rare, recent, seeming, separate, significant, supposed, and usual.

2. 修饰语与被修饰语(名词),很多时候用逗号相隔.

3. 对opening modifiers要关照有加. 有时候opening modifier会在句子没有准备好的情况下,出

现一长串的opening modifier;当然,这样做不一定错. 4. TOUCH RULE

名词和修饰语应当紧挨着彼此。不然可能造成Misplaced Modifier. 如果修饰语在,而被修饰语不在,叫做dangling modifier. 动词和修饰语不一定紧挨着彼此。 5. That引导的从句,不能修饰人people.

6. 当被修饰的名词是修饰语中的宾语时,that/whom可以被省略。

RIGHT – The movie THAT we watched last Friday was scary. RIGHT- The movie we watched last Friday was scary.

7. WHERE只能修饰具体名词性质的地点;不可用于修饰“抽象地点”,如

condition/situation/case/circumstances/arrangement. 修饰“抽象地点”只能用IN WHICH.

RIGHT – We had an arrangement IN WHICH he cooked and I cleaned. 8. In which可以替代when

9. 标点可用于区分essential和non-essential修饰语。

修饰语和名词间有逗号,表non-essential; 修饰语和名词间无逗号,表essential。

WRONG – People, who talk loudly on their cell phones in crowded trains, show little respect for other passengers.

RIGHT - People who talk…trains show little…passengers.


10. WHICH只能引导从句去修饰其前的临近名词,永远不会修饰前面的整个句子。这与我们之


11. Based on在口语中,经常被用作because of的意思;但在GMAT中,based on没有’因为’的意思.

Chapter 7 Verb Tense, Mood, & Voice

? Verb Tense - 时态。体现动作发生在什么时候。

? Verb Mood – 语气(陈述indicative/虚拟subjunctive)。 ? Verb Voice – 语态 (主动active/被动passive).

? Verb Tense - 时态。体现动作发生在什么时候。

1. GMAT不用现在进行时表示将来。这被认为是口语化的colloquial。表将来,用一般将来时。 2. 现在完成时,表示动作发生在过去,但:

2.1. 延续到现在;或者 2.2. 仍适用于现在。

WRONG – The child HAS DRAWN a square in the sand, but the ocean HAS ERASED it.

3. 过去完成时,一般不用,除非必须使用过去完成时才能表现动作间的前后关系。


RIGHT – By 1945, the United States HAD BEEN at war for several years.

4. 在使用过去完成时时,有时候句子会比较灵活,不能拘泥于寻找过去时间点。要理解句义,


RIGHT – The band U2 WAS just one of many new groups on the rock music scene in the early 1980’s, but less than ten years later, U2 HAD fully ECLIPSED its early rivals in the pantheon of popular music.

? Verb Mood – 语气(陈述indicative/虚拟subjunctive)

5. 虚拟语气分两种 – Hypothetical(前提假设) Subjunctive/Command Subjunctive

6. 前提假设型虚拟语气 – If…then结构(个人认为这个结构很有代表性,可以依此类推其他结构


6.1. General Rule with no uncertainty

IF Sophie EATS pizza, THEN she BECOMES ill. IF Present, THEN Present.

6.2. General Rule with some uncertainty

IF Sophie EATS pizza, THEN she MAY BECOME ill. IF Present, THEN Can or May.

6.3. Particular Case (in the future) with no uncertainty

IF Sophie EATS pizza tomorrow, THEN she WILL BECOME ill. IF Present, THEN Future. 6.4. Unlikely Case (in the future)

IF Sophie ATE pizza tomorrow, THEN she WOULD BECOME ill. IF Hypothetical Subjunctive, THEN Conditional. 6.5. Case That Never Happened (in the past)

IF Sophie HAD EATEN pizza yesterday, THEN she WOULD HAVE BECOME ill. IF Past Perfect, THEN Conditional Perfect.

任意见到的IF…THEN结构,都要遵循以上五种结构之一。 WOULD和SHOULD永远不会出现在IF部分中。

7. 命令型虚拟语气:

7.1. 在表示愿望时,必须使用命令式虚拟语气的动词:


RIGHT – We demand THAT HE BE here. 7.2. 只能用不定式的动词:

Advise/allow/forbid/persuade/want RIGHT – We allow HIM TO BE here.

7.3. 能用命令式虚拟预期或者不定式的动词:

Ask/beg/intend/order/prefer/urge/require (要特别注意require) RIGHT – We require THAT HE BE here. Or We require HIM TO BE here. 7.4. 注意suggest

RIGHT – Her presence suggests that she is happy. 此处suggest意思是“意味着”,而非祈使语气。

注意一些表达同样意思的动词的名词/形容词格式,可以同样使用虚拟语气。例如:His demand that…/it is essential that… 语义为王!!!

? Verb Voice – 语态 (主动active/被动passive) 8. 被动只能用BE动词,不能用其他动词,比如GET 9. 不要歧视被动语态,不要用主被动来剔除选项。


10. 在句子中,主被动平行出现时,认为是平行的。

RIGHT – The shuttle launch TOOK place flawlessly and WAS SEEN on television.

WRONG – New regulations require that every cyclist in the Tour de France has to be tested for performance-enhancing substances.

RIGHT - New regulations require that every cyclist in the Tour de France be tested for performance-enhancing substances.

文中用了命令型虚拟语气,已经强调了test的必须性。因此,has to就变得多余了。

Chapter 8 Comparisons

1. Like用于比较名词或名词短语

As用于比较分词短语,作为介词或者连词。 2. 比较句,互相之间必须在结构上平行。

WRONG – I like to run through forests more than I enjoy walking through crowds. RIGHT – I like running through forests more than walking through crowds. 3. 省略语句

比较结构中,可以省略量词/动词/甚至整个短语,只要保证句子没有歧义就行. 但有时GMAT也会允许本可省略的辅助性动词出现. RIGHT – Apples are more healthy to eat than caramels. RIGHT – Apples are more healthy to eat than caramels are. 因此,不要因为能省略的语句没有省略而舍弃某一答案. 4. 比较时,必然要有than.

Chapter 9 Idioms

1. P145-190的正确句子,多读.培养语感.

2. 一些特别值得注意的句子: (除特别说明,都是正确句子)

IT APPEARS THAT the dinosaurs WERE smart. AS we did last year, we will win this year. AS you practice, SO shall you play.

JUST AS you practice, SO shall you play.

JUST AS the trains were late yesterday, the buses are late today. JUST AS the trains were late yesterday, SO TOO are they late today. He ASKED THAT she GO to the store. (虚拟语气)

--WRONG – He ASKED THAT she SHOULD GO to the store. The verdict was BASED ON the evidence.

--WRONG – BASED ON the evidence, the jury reached a verdict. BY SHINING, the sun makes plants grow.

Plants grow, FOR the sun shines. (grammatically correct but very formal) BEING infected does not make you sick.

The judges saw the horses BEING led to the stables.

--WRONG – BEING and advocate of reform, I would like to make a different proposal.

BEING经常是wordy or awkward,但基于此,GMAT很愿意出一些包含being的正确选项。因此,只有在100%确定其他选项错误的情况下,才选择being作为正确选项。 The protest BEGAN a movement. (=caused) IT IS BELIEVED THAT Gary IS right. WITHIN the BORDERS of a country…

--WRONG – IN the BORDERS of a country/INSIDE the BORDERS of a country…

ALTHOUGH a frequent napper, I STUDY effectively. (ALTHOUGH后面一般跟分词短语) I have ONE CHANCE IN A THOUSAND OF WINNING tonight. They CLAIM THAT they CAN read minds. They CLAIM TO BE ABLE TO read minds.

GMAT中不区分传统意义上的COMPARE TO(强调共同点)和COMPARE WITH(强调不同点)的区别。

He CONCEIVES OF architecture AS a dialogue. They CONTEND THAT they can decipher the code. The danger will CONTINUE TO GROW.

She was CONVINCED THAT she had been robbed. Hugo CREDITS Sally WITH good taste. Sally IS CREDITED WITH good taste.

We ARE IN DANGER OF FORGETTING the past. My friend’s reputation DECLINED.

They DEMANDED THAT the store BE closed.

Their DEMAND THAT the store BE closed was not met. The executive DEVELOPED her idea INTO a project. The idea DEVELOPED INTO a project.

We DO NOT DOUBT THAT the apples are ripe. We HAVE NO DOUBT THAT the apples are ripe. She DOUBTS WHETHER Jan will arrive on time.

(GMAT要求在使用DOUBT的肯定句(没有NOT/NO)中,后面要跟WHETHER/IF/THAT) The economy is MORE fragile THAN EVER BEFORE. We enjoyed the film TO some EXTENT.

The criminals ARE AT FAULT FOR BREAKING the law. The law FORBIDS any citizen TO VOTE twice.

His HELP IN RAKING the leaves has been welcome. The law HOLDS THAT jaywalking(乱穿马路) is illegal.

I can eat ice cream, PROVIDED THAT my doctor approves. (= ONLY IF) A report INDICATES THAT unique bacteria LIVE on our skin.

We eat out often; FOR INSTANCE, last week we ate out every night. I went with the INTENT (or INTENTION) OF LEAVING soon. I went with the INTENT TO LEAVE soon.

These groups often INTERACT WITH ONE ANOTHER (or EACH OTHER). Old gadgets ARE LACKING IN features.

Old gadgets LACK features.

My spouse HAS MISTAKEN me FOR a wealthier person.

The kangaroo is NATIVE TO Australia. (said of animals, plants) My friend is a NATIVE OF Australia. (said of people)

We wore NOT ONLY boots(, ) BUT ALSO sandals. (comma is optional) We wore NOT JUST boots BUT ALSO sandals. His emotions RANGED FROM anger TO joy.

The government imposed RESTRICTIONS ON the price of gasoline.

The sauce was SO hot AS TO burn my mouth. GMAT在此搭配上不具一贯性。一般认为这个搭配是正确的,但需谨慎。

Bellbottoms ARE coming back in style, and SO TOO ARE vests. We SUBSTITUTED parmesan cheese FOR mozzarella. Craters have been seen ON THE SURFACE OF the moon. This paper is NO LESS impressive THAN that one. She THINKS OF them AS heroes.

She IS THOUGHT TO BE secretly wealthy.

They WILL TRY TO BUILD a company. (= intent or purpose) We TRIED BREAKING the door down. (= experiment)

Naomi wrote ten letters, DOUBLE THE NUMBER THAT Sara wrote. I do not know WHETHER I will go.

--SUSPECT – I do not know WHETHER OR NOT I will go.注意!WHETHER OR NOT不推荐

Chapter 10 Odds & Ends

1. 并列连词:(Coordinating Conjunctions)


2. 不要用(逗号+and)来分割公用同一主语的动词。

3. 分号分开的两个句子是彼此独立的,而且从逻辑关系上来讲是平衡的/并列的。如果作者

本意是一个分句与另一个分句是从属关系,则不可用分号。 4. 分号另一个用途是:分隔开各自内部有逗号出现的小组。

RIGHT – I listen to Earth, Wind & Fire; Wow, Owls; and Blood, Sweat & Tears. 5. 冒号前的句子一定要是个完整句;冒号后面不一定是完整句。

冒号后面可以跟namely或者that is。 6. 修饰可数名词:

Number of hats; numerous hats; more numerous hats 修饰不可数名词: Amount of patience

7. Less than twenty dollars – 强调的是小于20美金这个价值

Fewer than twenty dollars – 强调的是少于20美金的张数

Chapter 11 GM/S-V/Parallelism: Extra

1. 简洁程度:

动词 > 形容词 > 名词

2. That从句(有动词) > 名词短语(只有名词)

3. Idea类型的名词,很多会跟that从句(其中是个完整的句子):



4. 副词 > 介词短语


5. 此外在检查简洁性时,要着重看be动词,一般be动词会有冗余问题. 6. 形容词 > 带be的形容词短语 7. 强调句在GMAT中不存在:

WORDY – IT IS without fear THAT children should play. Better – Children should play without fear.

8. 除非介词是of,不然不要考虑去掉该介词短语.

A wall OF stone和A stone wall都可以

SOLDIER FROM BOSTON可以,但BOSTON SOLDIER不可以 一般,地点名词不可用名词做形容词来修饰.

在修饰time period/quantity/measurement的时候,不能去掉of引导的修饰语。永远不要用possessive(‘s or s’)来修饰measurement。

9. Reporting Verb后面的THAT不能省略



Announce/assert/believe/confess/demonstrate/doubt/expect/hold/know/mention/observe/proclaim/reason/recognize/repeat/state/think/warn. Be convinced/be certain/be assured…


10. 具体名词(concrete nouns)和动作名词(Action nouns)不可平行



11. 动名词的平行结构

11.1. 简单动名词simple gerund phrase

Tracking satellites accurately is important for the space agency. 11.2. 复杂动名词 complex gerund phrase

The accurate tracking of satellites is important for the space agency. 11.3. 简单动名词不能跟复杂动名词并列

WRONG – I enjoyed drinking the water AND the wine tasting. RIGHT – I enjoyed drinking the water AND tasting the wine. 11.4. 只有复杂动名词能够跟动作名词并列

WRONG – the rebels demanded the withdrawal of government forces from disputed regions, significant reductions in overall troop levels, raising the rebel flag on holidays, AND a general pardon.

RIGHT – the rebels…levels, THE RAISING OF the rebel flag on….

但是,在某动名词相对应的名词存在的情况下,不能用该动名词;而应该用名词! WRONG – the RELEASING of certain political prisoners RIGHT – the RELEASE of certain political prisoners 11.5. 综上所述:

一共有三类名词: 1) 具体名词

2) 动作名词和复杂动名词 3) 简单动名词


11.6. Be suspicious of不可被suspect替代;

Be lacking in不可被lack替代; 因为它们都是习语。

Chapter 12 Pronouns & Modifiers: Extra

1. 相互代词(reciprocal pronouns)’one another’ 和 ‘each other’用于强调几方的互动。不可与反


WRONG – The guests at the party interacted with THEMSELVES. RIGHT – The guests at the party interacted with ONE ANOTHER.

2. IT在三种情况下不用去找先行词

2.1. IT用于不定式宾语后置

RIGHT - IT is futile TO RESIST temptation. 2.2. IT用于THAT短语作主语后置

RIGHT – IT give us encouragement THAT we scored at all.

Awkward – THAT we scored at all gave us encouragement. (有时候会作为正确答案) 2.3. IT用于THAT短语作宾语后置

RIGHT – She made IT possible for us TO ATTEND the movie.

3. 在由于“先行词模糊”造成把所有选项全都排除的时候,放松这一项,用别的错误去决定正


4. 对于TOUCH RULE的特例





4.1. 当“特别重要”的修饰词落在名词与名词的修饰短语之间时;

RIGHT – he had a way OF DODGING OPPONENETS that impressed the scouts. 4.2. 当“短谓语”落在名词与名词修饰语之间,且将长句修饰词甩到后面的情况;

RIGHT – A new CEO has been hired who will transform the company by decentralizing authority to various division heads while increasing their accountability through the use of public scorecards. 4.3. 当“短的、非重要修饰语”落在名词与名词修饰语之间,且用逗号分隔开的时候;

RIGHT – Our system of Presidential elections favors states, such as Delaware, that by population are over-represented in the Electoral College. 4.4. 当修饰语是一系列平行修饰语其中之一,且此系列修饰语紧跟在名词之后的时候。

RIGHT – In heraldry, the term ‘tincture’ refers to a color emblazoned on a coat of arms and labeled with a special French word. 在迫不得已的时候,考虑用复数所有格来排除选项。

WRONG – Certain humans’ parasites have been shown to provide bacterial resistance and protection against auto-immune disorders.

RIGHT – Certain parasites in humans have been shown… 子集合修饰语

RIGHT – This model explains all known subatomic particles, SOME OF WHICH WERE only recently discovered.

RIGHT - …, SOME OF THEM only recently discovered. RIGHT - …, SOME only recently discovered.



? PAST – I SAW a man CLEANING the steps. ? PRESENT – I SEE a man CLEANING the steps. ? FUTURE – I WILL SEE a man CLEANING the steps.


I SEE a man WHO CLEANED the steps yesterday.

在GMAT中,不能用which来引导非限制性定语从句来修饰前面一整句话。但是可以通过以下两种方法达到相同的效果: 8.1. Absolute Phrases绝对短语


RIGHT – His head held high, Owen walked out of the store. RIGHT – Owen walked out of the store, his head held high. RIGHT - Owen walked out of the store with his head held high. RIGHT – Scientists have found high levels of iridium in certain geological formations around the world, results that suggest the cataclysmic impact of a meteor millions of years ago. WRONG – Scientists have found ……the world, AND THIS suggests the cataclysmic impact of a meteor millions of years ago. 最后一句的问题在于GMAT不喜欢用this或者that,因为它们的先行词会模糊,除非它们直接跟上名词(e.g., these results). 8.2. An –ing 格式,跟在逗号后。

RIGHT – Scientists have found high…, SUGGESTING the cataclysmic impact of a meteor millions of years ago.


绝对短语中,如果短语在句尾,可用dash(-)来连接。 9. ONE,虽然是单数,但是可以修饰单数或者复数的先行词。

Chapter 13 Verbs & Comparisons: Extra

1. 辅助动词(helping verbs)可免于重复前面已经出现的长句

RIGHT – I have never seen an aardvark, but my father has. 但如果前后的时态有改变,就不能再用辅助动词;而应该改用动词,重复以避免歧义. WRONG – Our cars were designed to inspire envy, and they ARE. RIGHT – Our cars…, and they DO. 注意:be/do/have等词所代替的动词,是其主动形式,而非被动形式。 2. 情态动词(Modal Helping Verbs)

Can/could/may/might/must/shall/should/will/would WRONG – This plan ensures that action MUST be taken. RIGHT – This plan ensures that action WILL be taken. 第一句中must的意思在ensure里面已经表达了,所以,前后重复。 3. SHOULD倒装表示条件,在GMAT中不成立。

AWKWARD: SHOULD he PASS the test, he will graduate. RIGHT – IF he PASSES the test, he will graduate.

4. 现代英语中,like多被误用于表示”比如说”. GMAT对此坚决反对.

WRONG – I enjoy fast food LIKE hamburgers. (= ‘fast food’ SIMILAR TO ‘hamburgers’) RIGHT – I enjoy fast food SUCH AS hamburgers.

5. 在进行数字间倍数关系比较时,用times和as…as…一起.

RIGHT – The man is FIVE TIMES AS OLD AS his grandson. WRONG – The man is FIVE TIMES OLDER THAN his grandson.

在GMAT中尽量避免后一种用法,虽然在#72 Verbal Supplement中有争取选项用到. 6. IN ADDITION TO的用法

此短语引导的短语可以与主语并列,也可以引导与主语不相关的短语. 也就是说,不是强制平行的.

RIGHT – IN ADDITION TO taxes, death is inevitable. RIGHT – IN ADDITION TO Munster cheese, I like Swiss.

