2016新课标三维英语必修5 U2 单元小结

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Once there lived a family consisting of 6 members (a couple and their four sons) in the countryside, where there were no splendid architectures.The father wanted his sons to learn to not judge things too quickly.So he asked them to accomplish a task each.He arranged for them to go and observe a pear tree which was famous

nationwide and was under the local government's administration.They were all delighted and not unwilling to do it.For convenience,they were divided into four groups.They wore uniforms and got furnished.Then they set out.The first son went in the winter, the second in the spring, the third in the summer, and the youngest son in the fall.

When they returned, the father asked them to give a description of what they had seen.To their credit, they didn't break down and all finished their tasks and clarified what they saw.Just as expected,there was a possibility that their collections of the information of the tree were not alike.Their views were in conflict with one another and they even quarrelled about it.The first son said that the tree was ugly and twisted.The second son said it was covered with green buds and full of promise.The third son said it was laden with blossoms, and it was the most graceful thing he had ever seen and he was attracted by it.The last son disagreed with all of them; he said it was ripe and drooping with fruit;he said it was an enjoyable trip.



加餐练(一) 完形阅读组合练



“What do you think of the extraordinary achievements of your life?” Queen Victoria of Britain asked Helen Keller. “You are __1__ and deaf, but how can you make such great achievements?” Ms. Keller's answer was the __2__for her teacher, “If there were no Anne Sullivan, the name of Helen Keller would not be known.”

When Anne was little, she suffered a great __3__. A fever made her nearly lose her eyesight in her childhood, and she was diagnosed as a hopeless “lunatic” (疯子) by the doctor. She was locked in the basement of a mental hospital in Boston. Sometimes, little Anne __4__attacked anyone who approached her. She __5__ everyone who appeared in front of her most of the time.

__6__, an old nurse believed that little Anne had hope and asked to __7__ the task of looking after the girl. She went to see little Anne every day. The child ignored her most of the time, but the old nurse didn't __8__ seeing her every day in the basement. The kind-hearted lady left cookies to little Anne and spoke words full of love and __9__ to her. She believed that __10__ she showed love, little Anne would be able to __11__.

Finally, the doctor __12__ changes in little Anne. Anne, who was always full of anger and hostility, showed __13__ and goodwill she had never had before. They transferred her upstairs and her __14__ continued improving. Then the last day came, and she __15__ the mental hospital.

After she grew up, Anne Sullivan hoped to help __16__, just as the kind old nurse helped her. She saw great __17__ in Helen Keller. She cared for her, __18__ her strictly, encouraged her, played with her and worked with her. Anne Sullivan __19__ a miracle (奇迹) in the life of Helen Keller.But first it was a kind nurse who had full __20__ in little Anne that turned a silent child into a kind teacher.

语篇解读:本文主要介绍了Anne Sullivan的成长经历,以及Helen取得巨大成就的原因。 1.A.weak C.thin

B.lame D.blind

解析:选D 你失明(blind)又失聪,但是你是如何取得那么大的成就的?weak“虚弱的”;lame“跛的”;thin“瘦的”。故D项正确。

2.A.prize C.courage

B.praise D.mood

解析:选B Keller女士的回答是对她老师的赞美(praise)。prize“奖励”;courage“勇气”;mood“情绪”。故B项正确。

3.A.storm C.disaster

B.accident D.harm


解析:选C 在Anne小的时候,她遭受了一次很大的灾难(disaster)。storm“暴风雨”;accident“(交通)事故”;harm“伤害;损害”。根据此空后的“A fever made her nearly lose her eyesight in her childhood ...”可知,C项正确。

4.A.fiercely C.obviously

B.silently D.exactly

解析:选A 有时,小安妮猛烈地(fiercely)攻击靠近她的任何人。silently“默默地”;obviously“明显地”;exactly“精确地”。故A项正确。

5.A.welcomed C.cheered

B.ignored D.changed

解析:选B 大多数时间,她忽视(ignored)出现在她面前的每一个人。welcome“欢迎”;cheer“欢呼”;change“改变”。故B项正确。

6.A.Besides C.Moreover

B.Thus D.However

解析:选D 然而(However),一位年长的护士认为小安妮还有希望并且要求承担(take on)照顾这个女孩的任务。besides“除??之外(还)”;thus“因此”;moreover“而且”。故D项正确。

7.A.take on C.go on

B.look on D.turn on

解析:选A 参见上题解析。look on“旁观”;go on“持续”;turn on“打开”。故A项正确。

8.A.consider C.permit

B.stop D.continue

解析:选B 但是这位年长的护士没有停止(stop)每天到地下室去看她。consider“仔细考虑;认为”;permit“允许”;continue“继续”。故B项正确。

9.A.disappointment C.encouragement

B.appreciation D.hate

解析:选C 这位善良的女士给小安妮留下些小甜饼并给她说些充满爱意和鼓励(encouragement)的话。disappointment“失望”;appreciation“感激”;hate“仇恨;厌恶”。故C项正确。

10.A.as soon as C.as if

B.even though D.so long as

解析:选D 她相信只要(so long as)她表现出爱意,小安妮就能够恢复(recover)。as soon as“一??就??”;even though“尽管”;as if“好像”。so long as 引导条件状语从句,故D项正确。


11.A.grow C.recover

B.write D.suit

解析:选C 参见上题解析。grow“成长”;write“写”;suit“适合”。故C项正确。 12.A.approved C.proposed

B.noticed D.operated

解析:选B 最终,医生注意到(noticed)小安妮的一些变化。approve“同意”;propose“建议”;operate“操作”。故B项正确。

13.A.mildness C.calm

B.sympathy D.wisdom

解析:选A 总是充满愤怒和敌意的Anne表现出了她以前从未有过的温和(mildness)和友善。根据语境可知,前后形成对比,且所填词与goodwill相近,故A项正确。sympathy“同情”;calm“平静”;wisdom“智慧”。

14.A.experiment C.sight

B.belief D.condition

解析:选D 他们把Anne转移到了楼上,她的健康状况(condition)在不断地好转。experiment“实验”;belief“信仰”;sight“视力”。故D项正确。

15.A.escaped C.left

B.finished D.survived

解析:选C 她离开(left)了精神病院。escape“逃跑”;finish“完成”;survive“幸存”。 16.A.the others C.other

B.another D.others

解析:选D Anne长大以后,她希望像那位善良的年长的护士帮助她一样帮助其他人(others)。

17.A.potential C.affection

B.status D.satisfaction

解析:选A 她看到Helen 身上巨大的潜能(potential)。status“地位”;affection“喜爱;钟爱”;satisfaction“满意”。故A项正确。

18.A.committed C.controlled

B.trained D.raised

解析:选B Anne照顾她,严格地训练(trained)她。commit“承认”;control“控制”;raise“提升;征集;提起”。故B项正确。

19.A.created C.developed

B.found D.spread

解析:选A Anne在Helen的人生里创造(created)了一个奇迹。find“发现”;



20.A.curiosity C.confidence

B.promise D.relief

解析:选C 但是首先是一位对小安妮充满信心(confidence)的善良的护士把一个沉默寡言的孩子变成了一位善良的老师。curiosity“好奇心”;promise“诺言”;relief“解脱;宽慰”。故C项正确。


Ireland has had a very difficult history. The problems started in the 16th century when English rulers tried to conquer (征服) Ireland. For hundreds of years, the Irish people fought against the English. Finally, in 1921, the British government was forced to give independence to the south of Ireland. The result is that today there are two “Irelands”. Northern Ireland, in the north, is part of the United Kingdom. The Republic of Ireland, in the south, is an independent country.

In the 1840s the main crop, potatoes, was affected by disease and about 750,000 people died of hunger. This, and a shortage (短缺) of work, forced many people to leave Ireland and live in the USA, the UK, Australia and Canada. As a result of these problems, the population fell from 8.2 million in 1841 to 6.6 million in 1851.

For many years, the majority of Irish people earned their living as farmers. Today, many people still work on the land but more and more people are moving to the cities to work in factories and offices. Life in the cities is very different from life in the countryside, where things move at a quieter and slower pace.

The Irish are famous for being warm-hearted and friendly. Oscar Wilde, a famous Irish writer, once said that the Irish were “the greatest talkers since the Greeks”. Since independence, Ireland has revived (复兴) its own culture of music, language, literature and singing. Different areas have different styles of old Irish songs which are sung without instruments. Other kinds of Irish music use many different instruments such as the violin, whistles, etc.


1. What does the author tell us in Paragraph 1? A.How the Irish fought against the English. B.How Ireland gained independence.

C.How English rulers tried to conquer Ireland. D.How two “Irelands” came into being.

解析:选D 段落大意题。本段的后半部分叙述的是最终结果,所以第一段作者意在阐述两个“爱尔兰” 是如何形成的。

2.We learn from the text that in Ireland ________. A.food shortages in the 1840s led to a decline in population


B.people are moving to the cities for lack of work in the countryside C.it is harder to make a living as a farmer than as a factory worker D.different kinds of old Irish songs are all sung with instruments

解析:选A 细节理解题。第二段提到在19世纪40年代,由于土豆被疾病感染,大约75万人死于饥饿,由此可知这一时期的食物短缺导致了人口下降。本段最后一句话也是线索提示。

3.The last paragraph is mainly about ________. A.the Irish character B.Irish culture

C.Irish musical instruments D.a famous Irish writer

解析:选B 段落大意题。通读本段内容尤其是根据本段中间部分的“Since independence, Ireland has revived (复兴) its own culture of ...” 可知,本段主要阐述的是爱尔兰文化。其余选项都不具有概括性。

4.What can be the best title for the text? A.Life in Ireland B.A Very Difficult History C.Ireland, Past and Present D.The Independence of Ireland

解析:选C 标题归纳题。文章回顾了爱尔兰艰辛的独立过程以及曾经的艰难岁月,接着概述了爱尔兰如今的风貌,所以“爱尔兰今昔”作文章标题最合适。

加餐练(二) 第Ⅱ卷规范增分练


You may know the English letters A, B and C, but do you know there are people __1__ (call) ABC? You may like __2__ (eat) bananas, but have you heard of “banana people”? How strange! Are these people from another planet? No.They are Chinese people like you and me, but they aren't in China.

ABC __3__ (mean) American-born Chinese. __4__ ABC is a Chinese, but is born in the United States. Sometimes, people call him or her a “banana person”. A banana is yellow outside and white __5__, so, when a person is a banana, he or she is American inside and Chinese outside.

Do you know why? __6__ (usual), ABCs know little about China. Some of __7__ don't speak Chinese. Also, they may not be __8__ (interest) in Chinese politics. But if ABCs can't 版权所有:中国好课堂www.zghkt.cn

speak Chinese, can we still call them Chinese people? Yes, of course. They are Chinese. They are overseas Chinese. These people may be __9__ (citizen) of another country like the US, Canada or Singapore. __10__ they have Chinese blood. Their parents, grandparents or even great-grandparents were from China.

语篇解读:本文向读者介绍了ABC?在美国出生的中国人?的一些情况。 1.called called ABC是过去分词短语作定语。 2.eating like+v.-ing表示喜欢经常做一件事情。

3.means ABC被视为一个整体,其后的谓语动词用第三人称单数。 4.An ABC是以元音音素开头的,故其前用不定冠词an。 5.inside 句意:香蕉是外黄内白。

6.Usually 句意:通常,他们对中国的了解很少。 7.them them指代上文提到的ABCs。

8.interested be interested in为固定短语。句意:他们对中国的政治也不感兴趣。 9.citizens 这里需用可数名词的复数形式。 10.But 前后两句表示转折关系,因此用but连接。 Ⅱ.短文改错

English is very important to us, so many students don't know what to learn it well. Many students even show no interest to it. Two years ago, my English was poor and I don't know what to do. My teacher knew I loved the music very much, so she suggested that I listened to a lot of English songs. I followed her advices. Later, I fell in love with English. In order to better understanding the songs, I started learning English hard. Now I can speak English fluent. If you also want learn English well, you can listen to some English songs, too.

答案:第一句:so→but; what→how 第二句:to→in 第三句:don't→didn't

第四句:去掉the; listened→listen 第五句:advices→advice

第七句:understanding→understand 第八句:fluent→fluently 第九句:want后加to Ⅲ.书面表达

假如你是一名旅行社工作人员,7月份你要带一个中学生团队去英国参加夏令营活动。请根据下列表格提示为营员们写一个简单介绍。 时间 3周 版权所有:中国好课堂www.zghkt.cn

游览 景点 注意 事项 名校(Cambridge和Oxford)、哈利波特影视城(Warner Bros. Studio)、爱丁堡(Edinburgh) 住在当地人家里要有礼貌,不能大声喧哗 不明白的事情问了再做 随时与导游保持联系 注意:1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 参考范文:

As we are to have a 3-week summer camp in the UK, I would like to give you a brief introduction about it. Firstly, where shall we go? We will visit the two famous universities — Cambridge and Oxford and then we will have a look at Warner Bros. Studio, where we can get the complete Harry Potter experience and the next destination is Edinburgh — an important cultural centre. Secondly, there are some rules to follow. As we will be staying with the local families, we should be polite and never talk loudly in public. If there is something you don't know, ask the local people first. And lastly please stay in touch with the guide at all times!

第一部分 听力 (满分30分,限时20分钟)



1.What does the woman's son do most probably? A.A postman. B.A policeman. C.A guard. 2.Why is the woman late? A.The traffic was heavy. B.The bus broke down. C.She took the wrong bus.

3.What do we know from the conversation? A.The woman lost her new book. B.The man will buy a new book. C.The man doesn't care about the book. 4.How long does the man work every week? A.For 50 hours.

B.For 55 hours. C.For 66 hours.

5.Who travelled with the man last month?


A.Jeff and Richard. B.The man's dog. C.No one.




6.Where does this conversation probably take place? A.In a store.

B.In a restaurant.

7.How much does the woman pay for the bowl? A.60 dollars.

B.80 dollars.


8.Why didn't the father follow the old family recipe? A.One page is missing. B.He has his own recipe. C.He can't find the recipe.

9.What does the girl think of the pizza? A.Terrible.



10.How much did Laura earn a day for her first job? A.8 pounds.

B.12 pounds.

11.Why did Laura leave her first job? A.The shoe shop closed down. B.She had to study for her exams. C.A new shoe shop was short of hands.

12.How long did Laura work in the shoe shops all together? A.For 18 months. B.For 21 months. C.For two years.

听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。 13.What do we know about the house? A.It is large.

B.It has one bedroom. C.It needs fixing.

14.What is the man planning to buy?


C.In a museum.

C.90 dollars.


C.40 pounds.

A.A garden. B.A house. C.A farm.

15.What does the man suggest the woman growing? A.Corn.

16.How do they get the money? A.They will get a bank loan. B.They have saved enough. C.They will borrow from friends. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。 17.Which competition was held last year? A.Singing Competition. B.Reading Competition. C.Dancing Competition.

18.What is the purpose of the Pet Competition? A.To help students select suitable pets. B.To teach students how to look after pets. C.To tell students loving animals is important. 19.What will be at the Pet Competition? A.A lesson on dogs. B.A dog beauty contest. C.A dog's ability test.

20.What do we know about the Pet Competition? A.Students will bring their pets. B.Students can vote for the dogs.

C.Students need to pay for the competition. 答案:1~5 ACCCB 6~10 ABAAB 11~15 ABCCC 16~20 BBCBB 听力材料 (Text 1)

W:Hello, this is Susan Howard. May I speak to my son, please?

M:I'm sorry. He's still out on his duty delivering letters. Shall I take a message? (Text 2)

W:I'm sorry I'm late.

M:Oh, that's all right. I just wondered what was keeping you. The traffic? W:No, it was the bus I took. I took the wrong one. That was a disaster for me.




(Text 3)

W:I'm sorry, but I can't find the book you lent to me. M:Oh, that's all right.

W:I must apologize. I'll buy you a new one tomorrow.

M:No, please don't. I couldn't let you do that. It's an old book. Just let it go. (Text 4)

W:What time do you start working?

M:I work from 9 to 3. Then I start again at 5:30 and work until 10:30, six days a week. W:And do you have to work at the weekend? M:Oh, yes, that's our busiest time. (Text 5)

W:Did you go on a trip alone or with your friends last month?

M:I was planning to go with Jeff and Richard, but they both couldn't spare the time. W:What did you do with your dog while you were away? M:Oh, Tom is a good traveler, as long as he gets a chance to play. (Text 6)

W:Excuse me. How much do you want for this bowl?

M:Don't move it. It's easy to break. That's one piece of outstanding glass in perfect shape. It's worth 150 dollars.

W:Oh, I couldn't possibly pay that much.

M:Hold on, lady. I said it was worth 150 dollars but I can give it to you for only 120 dollars.

W:I'll give you 60 dollars.

M:60! Come on, lady. You've got to be kidding. I paid more than that for it myself. Take it for 90 dollars. I can't go any lower than that.

W:Well, maybe I could give you 80 dollars.

M:OK. Let me wrap it up for you. There you are, lady, a real bargain. (Text 7) M:Time to eat!

W:I'm starving. Oh, what's that? Where is Mom? M:Now, Mom put me in charge of dinner tonight. W:But what is it? What's the smell?

M:It's pizza. I just followed an old family recipe here. W:Let me see. Oh, Dad. You're missing a page!


M:Well, I couldn't find the second page of the recipe, but don't worry. I have plenty of experience around the house.

W:That's not what Mom said.

M:Here let us try a piece first. This is great.

W:Dad, you put a little too much salt in it. Besides, it's burned. And what's that? M:That's just part of my own recipe. I added some pumpkin.

W:Oh, not another one of your surprises. Pumpkin doesn't go with pizza! (Text 8)

M:Laura, what was your first job?

W:The first job I had was a sales assistant in a shoe shop. When I was fifteen, I got my first job and I used to work every Saturday for 8 hours a day and I used to earn 1.5 pounds per hour.

M:It doesn't sound like very much.

W:No, so in England now, the minimum may be 5 pounds. M:Oh, wow! So how long did you work at this job?

W:I worked all together in three different shoe shops. In the first one I worked for a year and then it closed down. After that they moved me to another one, the same company. Three months later they moved me to a new shoe shop because they were short of hands. But half a year later I left my job when I had to study for my exams at school.

(Text 9)

W:Oh, where are we going? M:I want to show you something. W:I know, but what is it?

M:A farm. It's just down this road. It's a small place, but at least it would be our own. W:A farm? How can we afford to buy a farm?

M:It isn't large, only 1 acre. We wouldn't have to pay very much right now. W:Is there a house on the farm?

M:A small one, two bedrooms, but it needs to be fixed up a little. I can do the job myself.

W:OK. Is there enough space for a kitchen garden?

M:There is about half an acre behind the house. That's plenty of space. We can probably grow a lot of our own food.

W:What are you thinking about growing?

M:Well, it really isn't big enough for corn. I thought we might try to raise a crop of potatoes.


W:Do we have enough money to get all of these?

M:I think we've saved enough. We can also ask John about the money he borrowed from us.

(Text 10)

(W) Good morning, boys and girls. As we know, in the past years our school held many competitions successfully every year, like Singing Competition and Dancing Competition. In fact I do know most of the students will want to have the Reading Competition as was held last year. But, now we'll have something that may be much more fun. It's the Pet Competition! Well, in fact, it aims at letting all students know the importance of loving animals. Nowadays, too many people can't treat animals so well. They do not think carefully before getting a pet.

At the competition, you will not be disappointed because our teachers will not give you boring lessons to ask you to love animals. Instead, we can all learn something from a relaxing environment. There's a dog beauty contest and we will choose the best dog. The competition will be based on the dogs' ability. Unfortunately this competition is not open to your pets this year. Our school has selected five dogs for this competition. That means, we can just sit back and enjoy. So please come to join this event and vote for your favorite dogs! How can you afford to miss such an educational and fun event of the year?

第二部分 阅读理解 (满分40分,限时35分钟)




The Delacorte Theater in Central Park gives free performances of Shakespeare under the stars every summer — often with famous performers.

2015 Shakespeare in the Park schedule

Shakespeare in the Park performances take place at 8:30 pm. The Tempest

Dates: May 27-July 5, 2015

No performances: May 31, June 7, 14, 17, 18, 27 & July 4, 2015 Cymbeline

Dates: July 23-August 23, 2015

No performances: July 26, August 2, 9, 16 & 17, 2015 Get 2015 Shakespeare in the Park tickets

Tickets are handed out on the day of the performance starting at 12 pm at The Delacorte Theater in Central Park — first come, first served. Lines of eager theater-goers start forming early in the morning. If you choose to line up before 6 am, you must line up outside the park along the east side of Central Park West starting at 81st Street.

There is a limit of two tickets per person. Call (212) 260-2400 for more information.


Order Shakespeare in the Park tickets online

To get tickets online, you'll need to register for your account and then log on (登录) between midnight and noon on the day of the performance you want to see to submit a request for up to two tickets. An email will be sent to you by 5 pm that day if you have received tickets. Tickets will then be held at The Delacorte Theater Box Office for pick-up between 5 pm and 7 pm. (Tickets not picked up by 7 will be released to the standby line.) 语篇解读:坐落在美国纽约中央公园的The Delacorte Theater每年夏天都会露天演出莎士比亚戏剧,剧中安排著名演员担任角色。最令人兴奋的是,完全免费索票。

21.One who is interested in Cymbeline should go to see it on ________. A.June 16, 2015 C.July 26, 2015

B.July 5, 2015 D.August 20, 2015

解析:选D 细节理解题。由Cymbeline的演出时间Dates: July 23-August 23, 2015和无演出时间No performances: July 26, August 2, 9, 16 & 17, 2015可知,8月20日可以看到这幕戏剧。

22.To get a ticket for the performance, you should ________. A.call (212) 260-2400 to book one B.make a request online after noon

C.line up at Central Park as early as possible D.arrive at The Delacorte Theater before 6 am

解析:选C 细节理解题。由Get 2015 Shakespeare in the Park tickets中的“Tickets are handed out on the day of the performance ... in Central Park — first come, first served.”可知,在中央公园得到免费戏剧票的方法是排队,先到先得。

23.After receiving an email, you ________. A.have at least two hours to pick up your ticket B.just need to get to the theater before the play begins C.must get to The Delacorte Theater Box Office before 7 pm D.can go to see the play directly without picking up your ticket

解析:选C 细节理解题。由最后一段中的“Tickets not picked up by 7 will be released to the standby line.”可知,观众在收到索票成功的通知邮件之后,最晚7点前必须去取票,否则票就会被发放给排队领票的人。


When he was 22, Rob Stewart traveled the world for four years. He wanted to call attention to the mistreatment of sharks. His 2007 film, Sharkwater, documents the cruel practice of removing sharks' fins (鳍) for money and leaving the animals to die. In his latest documentary, Revolution, Stewart takes on an even bigger challenge: climate change.


The Canadian filmmaker says that climate change has harmed people and places everywhere: “It is stronger than any government or organization. If we educate people, they will make better decisions about protecting natural resources.”

According to a recent report on climate change, “The atmosphere and ocean have warmed, the amounts of snow and ice have reduced, and

the sea levels have risen.” These developments are endangering crops, wildlife, fish, and even people.

Stewart says that the consequences of climate change will be irreversible unless people take action, especially young people. “It's up to kids to be the moral compass (道德指南) of society,” he believes, “and say, ‘Guys, this is not right.’”

Many kids took action after seeing Sharkwater. Elementary school students in the Northern Mariana Islands, for example, got their local government to ban the sale of shark fins.

Felix Finkbeiner, 17, of Germany is also part of the “revolution” to save the planet. In 2007, Felix started a youth group called Plant-for-the-Planet, whose motto is “Stop Talking. Start Planting.” The group raises money to plant trees. So far, Plant-for-the-Planet has planted nearly 200 trees around the world. “Future generations are the ones who will be suffering the most from inaction (无作为),” Felix says. His goal is to plant millions of additional trees.

“When we started four years ago,” Felix tells Stewart in Revolution, “we thought we had to save the polar bear. We thought we had to save the environment. But soon after, we found out that it's about our future, that we have to save our own future.”

语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。本文讲述了电影制作人Rob Stewart为保护环境所作出的努力以及他对年轻人的影响。

24.What can we learn about Rob Stewart? A.He cares about the environment. B.He likes taking challenging jobs. C.He spends most of his time traveling. D.He made his first film four years ago.

解析:选A 推理判断题。根据Stewart拍摄的两部关于鲨鱼和气候变化的电影以及文中他所说的关于环境问题的话可知,他关爱环境。

25.What does the underlined word “irreversible” in Paragraph 4 mean? A.Easy to accept. B.Hard to notice.


C.Impossible to change. D.Unnecessary to worry about.

解析:选C 词义猜测题。根据第二段中的“... If we educate people, they will make better decisions about protecting natural resources”可知,画线词所在句子是说“如果人们不采取行动,那么由于气候变化引发的严重后果将不可扭转”。

26.Which of the following can best describe Felix Finkbeiner? A.Easy-going. C.Peace-loving.

B.Far-sighted. D.Self-centered.

解析:选B 细节理解题。根据最后一段Felix Finkbeiner说的“we thought we had to save the polar bear ... to save the environment. But soon after, we found out ... we have to save our own future.”可知,他是一个非常有远见的年轻人。

27.What would be the best title for the text? A.The best way to help B.A famous filmmaker C.Tips on saving our future D.Helping a planet in trouble

解析:选D 标题归纳题。气候变化引发了一系列严峻的问题。本文讲述了电影制作人Rob Stewart以及在他的影响下其他年轻人为保护环境所作出的努力。D项全面地概括了本文保护地球环境这一主题。


The Union Jack is the national flag of the United Kingdom. It is so called because it combines the emblems (象征) of three countries — England, Scotland and Ireland (although since 1921 only Northern Ireland has been part of the United Kingdom).

The term “Union Jack” possibly dates from Queen Anne's time, but its origin is uncertain. It may come from the “Jacket” of the English or Scottish soldiers; or from the name of James Ⅰ who originated the first union in 1603, in either its Latin or French form

“Jacobus” or “Jacques”; or, as “jack” once meant small, the name may come from a royal proclamation (声明) issued by Charles Ⅱ that the flag should be flown only by ships of the Royal Navy as a jack, a small flag at the bowsprit (船首).

The Union Jack was originally a royal flag (when the present design was made official in 1801, it was ordered to be flown on all the King's forts and castles, but not elsewhere); it is today flown above Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle when the Queen is not in residence. On news of a royal death, the Union Jack will be flown at half-mast (下半旗).


The flying of the Union Jack on public buildings is decided by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport at the Queen's command. The Union Jack is flown on government buildings on days marking the birthdays of members of the royal family, such as the Queen's official birthday, and on the days of the State Opening and prorogation (休会) of Parliament; it is also flown on St David's Day, St George's Day, St Andrew's Day, and St Patrick's Day.

Although the Union Jack originated as a royal flag, it is now also flown by many people and organizations elsewhere in the United Kingdom. Its use as an emblem has extended beyond the form of a flag and the Union Jack is frequently shown on other objects.

语篇解读:本文分析了英国国旗The Union Jack的起源和使用场合。

28.The reason why the national flag of the United Kingdom is called The Union Jack is that ________.

A.the flag is made of jacket

B.the flag combines the emblems of three countries C.the flag shows the symbol of unity

D.the flag originated from the existence of the United Kingdom

解析:选B 细节理解题。第一段说到The Union Jack是三个国家象征的徽记集合。 29.The second paragraph mainly talks about ________. A.the origin of the national flag B.the history of the national flag

C.the reason why the Union Jack has become the national flag D.the way how the Union Jack has become the national flag

解析:选A 段落大意题。第二段的第一句为本段主题句。即讲述The Union Jack的起源。 30.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A.Once the Union Jack was not flown elsewhere except royal places.

B.The Union Jack will be flown at half-mast if a member of the royal family dies. C.Many people and organizations can flow the Union Jack in the world.

D.The Union Jack can be flown in many places and on many days in the United Kingdom.

解析:选C 细节理解题。根据文章第三、四、五段可知The Union Jack在以前只适用于皇家场合,后来逐渐延伸到很多地方和很多场合。但它是英国国旗,不是所有人都可以使用。

31.What is the best title of the passage? A.The Union Jack Everywhere


B.The Union Jack at Anytime C.National Flag, the Union Jack D.The History of the Union Jack

解析:选C 标题归纳题。A、B、D三项文章均有说到,但属以偏概全,C项概括了文章的内容,故选C。


“When I grow up, I want to be ...”

Almost all of us have thought about, or been asked to think about, our future careers. Our answers may differ greatly. Even now your aspirations may have changed from when you were in primary school.

However, it seems career options aren't only based on personal taste. In a survey carried out by teens, doctors, lawyers, and bankers were some of most popular careers that people said they hoped to follow. This is in line with a similar survey carried out in the U.K. in May 2011 by job website monster.co.uk, in which medicine was the top choice among U.K. teenagers aged between 13 and 17.

Medicine and law are two of the oldest and best known professions. Their prestige (威望) may come from the fact that doctors and lawyers are some of the most esteemed members of society, and they make good money. Joining these high-profile professions is often seen as a sign of upward social mobility.

It is equally unsurprising that banking is now one of the most common career choices. Youngsters worldwide think of banking and see the money rolling in. Wealth is increasingly becoming one of the most important indicators of a successful career. British young men list the U.K. tycoon Alan Sugar, Microsoft founder Bill Gates and Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg as their top role models “for their wealth”. Just as Chinese teenagers see being a banker as a good and fun pathway to “wealth”.

However, not every child has the makings of doctor, lawyer, or banker. They are those who see fulfillment and happiness in other areas, and many teenagers dare to ink more individuality into their career options. As the Teens' survey discovered, a variety of unconventional jobs — coffee shop owner, gourmet (美食家), waiter at a fast food restaurant — are among teenagers' career choices. They can be equally interesting and rewarding jobs.

With every choice comes responsibility and challenge, and all career paths require specific education and training, you have to learn to balance optimism and confidence with being realistic about your particular talents and skills.


32.What is the passage mainly about?


A.Choosing a good job is very important. B.Careers in teenagers' mind. C.Teenagers in the U.K. like doctors. D.The choice of career needs challenge.

解析:选A 主旨大意题。本文是围绕“青少年心中最理想的职业”展开论述的,故选A项。

33.What is the top career choice among U.K. teenagers aged between 13 and 17 according to the article?

A.Bank. C.Medicine.

B.Law. D.Education.

解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“... in which medicine was the top choice among U.K. teenagers aged between 13 and 17.”可知,应选C项。

34.According to the article, all of the following are the benefits of being a doctor EXCEPT ________.

A.respect from others C.high pay

B.upward social mobility D.the oldest profession

解析:选D 细节理解题。根据文章第四段关键词“the most esteemed members of society, make good money, a sign of upward social mobility”可知,A、B、C三项都是说的当医生的好处,D项则不是。

35.What do youngsters think is increasingly becoming one of the most important indicators of a successful career?

A.Prestige. C.Happiness.

解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第五段最后一句“Just as Chinese teenagers see being a banker as a good and fun pathway to ‘wealth’.”可知,财富正日益成为判断成功职业的最重要指标。故选D项。



It's important for you teenagers to know how to save money. You know that the money you save can be for rainy days and be used to pay through your college education. If you think it's a difficult task and don't know how to do it, please do as the followings.

__36__ My dad always tells me that if one doesn't respect money, it will never respect you.


B.Fulfillment. D.Wealth.

Hence, it's important that you keep a record of your daily expenses. Make it a habit to write down all that you have spent. And when you find out the total expenses at the end of the month, you will realize what you have spent more money in doing. __37__

Open a savings account

Opening a savings account is a better way to save money. You can set a goal; say (for example), the money is for a new notebook or for college, and then save, until you have enough money to buy a notebook or until you go to college. __38__

Do not carry much cash

Do you have the habit of not leaving a store without buying anything? The only way to stop that is carrying less money around with you. Go to the store with the minimum amount of money, which will not even help you buy a drink. __39__

Save the changes

Save the changes that you get back. If you have gone to a shop to buy something and get back some changes, then do not spend them. __40__ And you'll be surprised at the huge amount of money after days.

Follow these tips above, and thus you can save a lot of money. And surely, they'll help you to be more responsible in your life.

A.Keep a record of your daily expenses B.After a few days, you'll get rid of this habit. C.Instead, you can save them in your piggy bank.

D.By that time, you will realize the importance of saving money. E.Saving money builds your financial power and personal freedom. F.Next month, you will automatically try and save more in that part.

G.Nowadays in the developed and developing countries, people are all working for the sake of earning money.


36.选A 根据本段第二句“Hence, it's important that you keep a record of your daily expenses.”可知,这一段是讲要记录日常开销。故选A项。

37.选F 第二空前一句“And when you find out the total expenses at the end of the month, you will realize what you have spent more money in doing.” 指出,在月末时你会发现在什么方面花销比较大。那么下个月就应该努力攒下那部分的钱。故选F项。

38.选D 第三空前一句中的 “... until you have enough money to buy a notebook or until you go to college.”指出,到时候你就有足够的钱去买笔记本电脑或者上大学。由此可推断,到时候你就知道存钱的重要性了。故选D项。


39.选B 根据第四空前一句“Go to the store with the minimum amount of money, which will not even help you buy a drink.”可知,去商店少带钱能让你少买东西。时间长了自然就改掉了爱花钱的坏习惯。故选B项。

40.选C 第五空前一句提到拿到零钱时,不要把它们花掉,那只有将零钱存入存钱罐是最合适的答案。故选C项。

第三部分 英语知识运用 (满分45分,限时30分钟)


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D )中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

The assessor approached a farmhouse. When he __41__ the farmhouse door, he thought, “Not much value here. The surroundings look very poor.” But the room he entered was __42__ and warm. The couple were aged. He __43__ a form from his bag and said, “I'm the assessor. I'm here to __44__ your possessions, sir, to determine your wealth. Will you __45__ my questions?”

“Oh, we have great possessions,” they __46__ replied. With a pencil prepared, the assessor waited for the items to __47__.

“We put a high value on our love. It __48__ such a long time ago. Each passing year has __49__ the tie. That increases the value, you know. Our __50__ is more precious than silver and gold. We enjoy each day as it comes and goes, __51__ many people are complaining. We've quite an enormous __52__ of relics, too. Any price you would name would be __53__: a soft golden curl of hair, a pair of little worn shoes, and the fingerprints there on the wall. We've a special interest in heaven, too.”

The __54__ assessor squirmed (扭动) uncomfortably. He found it hard to relax, and said, “You truly have great possessions, but I can assess __55__ of them.”

“We have no possessions to lock,” they __56__ calmly, “and our possessions are quite __57__. Our possessions are the things that we __58__. There's one more thing that is quite __59__: we hold a title ‘To a building in the skies’.”

The assessor __60__ himself out. The richest couple he had ever known were entirely exempt (被免除) from assessment.


41.A.looked into B.knocked at C.cleaned up

D.looked for

解析:选B 一位估价员走近一家农舍,当他敲门的时候,他想:“这里并没有什么值钱的东西。周围环境看起来很差。”


42.A.comfortable C.narrow

B.strange D.attractive

解析:选A 但是当他进去后发现房间温暖舒适。 43.A.borrowed C.selected

B.demanded D.completed

解析:选C 他从包里挑选了一张表格。 44.A.assess C.buy

B.acquire D.rent

解析:选A 因为这个人是一位估价员,所以他来这儿是为了评估这户人家的财产。 45.A.raise C.face

B.answer D.judge

解析:选B 这位估价员是来评估财产的,因此他请求这对夫妻回答他的问题。 46.A.quickly C.frequently

B.gradually D.hesitantly

解析:选A 这对夫妻迅速地回答道自己非常富有。 47.A.make C.find

B.accept D.list

解析:选D 准备好铅笔后,这位估价员等待着这对夫妻列出他们的财富。 48.A.kept C.lost

B.went D.began

解析:选D 这对夫妻的爱开始于很久以前。 49.A.strengthened C.loosened

B.weakened D.cut

解析:选A 每过一年他们的这种关系都会加强。 50.A.success C.health

B.money D.house

解析:选C 这对夫妻认为他们的健康比金银财富更宝贵。 51.A.behind C.because

B.while D.until

解析:选B 我们享受着每一天的来来去去,然而许多人却在抱怨中度过。 52.A.wealth C.discussion

B.burden D.requirement

解析:选A 这对夫妻还有很多值得纪念的东西。 53.A.high



C.low D.unique

解析:选C 这对夫妻认为自己的这些物品极其贵重,他们认为这位估价员说出的任何价格都太低了。

54.A.annoyed C.excited

B.disappointed D.astonished

解析:选D 面对这户人家的财富,估价员感到很吃惊。 55.A.all C.any

B.none D.one

解析:选B 这位估价员发现这对夫妻的财产没有一样可以让他进行评估。 56.A.explained C.accused

B.left D.shouted

解析:选A 这对夫妻平静地解释道他们没有需要锁起来的财富。 57.A.similar C.personal

B.different D.useful

解析:选B 这对夫妻认为他们拥有的财富是与众不同的。 58.A.touch C.gain

B.feel D.hear

解析:选B 他们的财富是可以感觉到的东西。 59.A.vital C.formal

B.normal D.cheap

解析:选A 他们还列举了一样十分重要的东西。 60.A.put C.bowed

B.watched D.threw

解析:选C 这位估价员躬身退出。


阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 As a child, I showed great interest in Chinese culture and I always looked forward to visiting China. And now my dream __61__ (come) true. I am spending a whole year __62__ (teach) oral English in a Chinese high school.

My previous teaching experience gives me lots of help and now I have confidence in my teaching __63__ (able). I believe that practice makes perfect. Therefore, I often encourage my students to express __64__ in English. I also like to play games in class, as well as doing art projects, acting and having discussions.

To teach English __65__ a foreign language in a non-English-speaking country can be quite challenging at times. The students are not often surrounded by English, __66__ makes 版权所有:中国好课堂www.zghkt.cn

it difficult for them to understand the materials __67__ (deliver) to them. What makes things even __68__ (hard) is the fact that the English they do come across is often incorrect, __69__, while grammatically correct, is not at all native-sounding. This kind of English, I think, can actually be __70__ (harm) to students' learning. However, maybe “Chinglish”, both written and spoken, is just one of the steps to building a country full of English speakers.

61.________ 62.________ 63.________ 64.________ 65.________ 66.________ 67.________ 68.________ 69.________ 70.________

语篇解读:本文作者讲述了自己在中国教孩子们英语口语的经历。 61.has come 现在完成时强调过去的动作对现在的影响或结果。 62.teaching 该句使用了句型sb. spend time (in) doing sth.。

63.ability 空格中所填单词在句中作介词in的宾语,需用able的名词形式。 64.themselves express oneself是习惯搭配,意思是“表达自己的思想/感情/意见”。 65.as as此处表示“作为”。

66.which 关系代词which指代前面整个主句的内容,引导定语从句,并在从句中作主语。

67.delivered 过去分词短语delivered to them作后臵定语,修饰materials,分词动作deliver与逻辑主语materials之间是动宾关系。

68.harder even与比较级连用,表示“比??甚至(更)??”。

69.or 该句话意思是“学生们接触的英语经常不对,或者是虽然语法上对,但听起来不地道”,故用or表示“或者”。

70.harmful 空格中所填单词在句中作表语,需用harm的形容词形式。

第四部分 写作 (满分35分,限时35分钟)



增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\\)划掉。

修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 Dear John,

I'm very pleasing to know you are coming to study in Beijing. It is really good idea to improve your Chinese before the new term began. And now let me to tell you something


about the school. First, it is very conveniently for you to get there by Bus No. 16. Next, the classes are very small. There are 24 teaching hour a week. After class, you can enjoy sports and activities with other students. Stay with a Chinese family will provide you with a chance to practise your Chinese but know more about the Chinese family life. The time will suit you and only 200 yuan are paid per month. I'll get touch with them if you are interested in this school.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours, Li Hua

答案:第一句:pleasing→pleased 第二句:good前加a; began→begins 第三句:去掉to

第四句:conveniently→convenient 第六句:hour→hours

第八句:Stay→Staying; but→and 第九句:are→is 第十句:touch前加in 第二节:书面表达(满分25分)


概况 景点 特色


参考词汇:鹅卵石pebble;拱门archway 参考范文:

The Old Town of Lijiang

The Old Town of Lijiang, located in the northwest of Yunnan Province, is an ancient town where the Naxi minority people live. Most of the houses are made of earth and wood. The roads in the town are covered with coloured pebbles produced in Lijiang, and there are many stone bridges and archways built during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Wandering in the town, you can see many religious wall-paintings and experience the traditional Dongba Culture which is totally different and amazing.

Why not give it a try? Your trip to the Old Town of Lijiang is sure to be enjoyable and


位于云南省西北部,是纳西族人的聚居地。 1.拥有大量土木结构的房屋、鹅卵石道路,以及许多明清时期的石桥和拱门; 2.宗教壁画和东巴文化历史悠久,风格迥异。



