
更新时间:2023-10-21 14:52:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


1.A . To renew his housing contract.

B . To get information about special housing. C . To make an appointment to look at a house. D . To ask about getting a loan to buy a house.

正确答案:To get information about special housing.

题目详解:这是一段电话对话,一般来说,打电话的人会在一开始就阐明自己打电话的目的。如果考生听懂了M在刚开始时所说的母的是要询问关于为研究生准备的有资助的(subsidized)低成本住房,就不能选择出正确答案To get information about special housing。选择To make an appointment to look at a house具有一定的迷惑性,因为M与W确实在电话中做了预约,考生需要听懂他们预约是为了使M获得详细的信息,而不是为了看房。 2.A . With his grandparents. B . With his wife's parents. C . In his own apartment. D . In student housing.

正确答案: In his own apartment.

题目详解:在谈到申请住房者必须符合收入条件时,M提到自己现在正与妻子的父母住在一起,因此这道题的正确答案是[With his wife's parents.] 3.A . His wife is a graduate student.

B . He works at the university housing office. C . He is a fulltime student.

D . He has more than one child.

正确答案: He has more than one child.


4.A . He plans to go back to graduate school. B . He thinks his rent is too high. C . He's looking for a fulltime job.

D . He earns less than $ 15,000 a year.

正确答案:He earns less than $ 15,000 a year.

题目详解:这道题与上一道题可谓是一脉相承。M认为自己的经济状况符合住房条件,他的妻子又没有工作,显然,M的年收入少于1.5万美元。 【下载】


1.A . She works there.

B . She wanted to surprise John. C . She's waiting for her father.

D . She's having her bicycle repaired.

正确答案: She's having her bicycle repaired.

题目详解:要回答这道题,考生需要听懂Laura的回答。她说她周末一般都在这里,这是她父亲的店,可见,她是在帮父亲照顾生意。一直意思最接近的只有She works there。这道题也可以使用排除法。对话中W的话表明她是一个店员的角色,因此可以排除前三个选项。 2.A . To train for a bicycle race. B . To join a bicycle club.

C . To replace his stolen bicycle. D . To begin bicycling to work.

正确答案:To begin bicycling to work.

题目详解:这是一道细节题。John想买自行车的理由是天气变暖和了,他准备锻炼身体,不再每天坐公共汽车上下班了,正确答案应该是To begin bicycling to work。后面M说“Mostly I'll just be using it to get me back and forth from work.”也可以帮助锁定正确答案。

3.A . Replace the tires on his bicycle. B . Buy a used bicycle. C . Buy a racing bicycle.

D . Sell his old bicycle to the shop.

正确答案: Sell his old bicycle to the shop.

题目详解:这道题的关键在于掌握“trade-in”是指“折价的旧物品”,也就是说,Laura建议他买旧自行车,因此正确答案是Buy a used bicycle。不过,如果考生不知道trade-in这个词的意思,也可以用排除法找到正确答案。 4.A . It must be the right height. B . It must be the right weight. C . It must have good tires. D . It must have several gears.

正确答案: It must have several gears.

题目详解:Laura认为自行车最重要的是舒适,并接着解释说,也就是必须高度合适,因此正确答案是It must be the right height。up front在这里的意思是“坦率的” 【下载】


1.A . He can't find his office key. B . He has misplaced some exams. C . He's unable to talk.

D . He doesn't like his classroom.

正确答案: He doesn't like his classroom.

题目详解:“lose one's voice”意思是“失声,说不出话”。这段电话对话里面曾两次提到“lose one's voice”而且后面还有一句提示话语“he' ll be able to talk by then”(那是他就能说话了),可见,Don的问题是现在说不出话来。

2.A . Mark the latest homework assignment. B . Make an appointment with the doctor.

C . Put a cancellation notice on the classroom door. D . Return some exams to his students.

正确答案:Return some exams to his students.

题目详解:解答这道题的关键在于清楚“pass”有“分发”的意思,“to pass back the midterm exams”意思是“发回期中考试试卷”,可见,Don想让人帮忙做的事情就是把考卷发给学生。另外还要注意对话中M曾经询问:“Does he want me to try to find somebody else to teach it?”这句话有误导的作用。后面W的否定回答表明这并不是Don希望他人帮忙做的事情。

3.A . Give Professor Webster the key to Don's office. B . Bring Don the homework that was due today. C . Teach Don's class while he's absent.

D . Leave a message on the board in Don's classroom.

正确答案: Bring Don the homework that was due today.

题目详解:在Professor Webster表示愿意帮忙之后,Janet问他是否需要办公室的钥匙,并表示自己可以给他捎过来。可见,Janet提议的是给教授Don办公室的钥匙。 4.A . Put the homework on Don's desk.

B . Give Don's students the next assignment. C . Call Don at the end of the afternoon. D . Leave the master key for Don.

正确答案: Leave the master key for Don.

题目详解:在听较长的英语会话时,考试应特别注意会话时预期的变化。在这段会话里,W在说自己几乎忘了某件事之前,说道:“Oh, and... uh...”这也可以说是在题型考生提高注意里。“put the next assignment on the board”意思是“把下一次的作业写在黑板上。” 【下载】


1.A . The zoo has built a rookery there. B . It has recently been renovated.

C . He's writing a book about penguins.

D . He's interested in seeing a certain species.

正确答案:He's interested in seeing a certain species.

题目详解:emperor penguin是指“黄企鹅”。M想参观企鹅馆是因为他听说这里新增加了一对来自南极洲的黄企鹅,因此选[He's interested in seeing a certain species.]。rookery 企鹅和海报等的繁殖地。

2.A . It is able to fly.

B . It lays its eggs underwater.

C . It is the largest kind of penguin. D . It lives near the equator.

正确答案:It is the largest kind of penguin.

题目详解:在谈到皇企鹅时,M一连用了“huge”、“a lot bigger”、“bigger than all the other penguins”,可见,它的独特之处在于大,因此选[It is the largest kind of penguin.]。equator 赤道。

3.A . They are used for swimming. B . They have no feathers.

C . They differ on males and females.

D . They are present only on certain species.

正确答案:They are used for swimming.

题目详解:M认为企鹅的翅膀更像是鳍状肢(flippers),它们的作用是在水中划行。即使不熟悉flippers和paddle,抓住“They swim, too.”这句话,也可以锁定正确答案为[They are used for swimming.]

4.A . He keeps the egg warm. B . He builds a nest for the egg. C . He defends the colony.

D . He gathers food for the females.

正确答案:He keeps the egg warm.

题目详解:雌性企鹅在生下蛋之后就回到了水里,雄性企鹅把蛋放在自己的脚下,用身体使蛋保持温暖,直到它孵化位置,正确答案是[He keeps the egg warm.]。huddle together 蜷缩,缩成一团。 【下载】


1.A . To sightsee.

B . To go to the seashore. C . To see some relatives. D . To buy some toys.

正确答案:To sightsee.

题目详解:对话中谈到她去芝加哥,而且打算住在Sue的父母家,文中也直接提到 spend Saturday sight-seeing.

2.A . The air outside was also hot. B . Their clothing was warm enough.

C . The car was not moving fast enough. D . They were not feeling good.

正确答案: They were not feeling good.

题目详解:对话中直接提到“We did, but the breezes blowing in were also hot...” 3.A . He wanted to have fun.

B . He did not want to stay in the library any longer. C . The weather was so hot. D . He had done enough study.

正确答案: He had done enough study.

题目详解:对话中谈到这个星期的炎热天气时提到“Yeah, it was so bad I had to get out of the library. I ended up going to the beach both days.”这里直接说明了去beach 的原因。

