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Party branch Secretary of a party lecture of two speeches: tutoring covers all of the new party Constitution two education has kicked off. Study of the Constitution of this practice is a very important part. Today I'll give you a new section of the Constitution on the counselling of learning lessons, hope, through today's tutorial, further consolidation of all the party members of the new party Constitution study results to help you better understand and grasp the important knowledge in the new Constitution. This tutorial has the following three components: one is the importance of studying and implementing of the new party Constitution; second, compared with the 17 adopted by the party Constitution, the main changes in the content and interpretation of the new Constitution; the third is at this stage how to make full use of the new essence of the content of the Constitution to guide party building. Two thematic education in party lecture notes, and study and carry out the significance of the new Constitution (a) studying and implementing the party Constitution is the most basic obligations of each party member. We party party yilai, has been put learning implement Constitution as a items regular of work one of implement Yu always, and in different history background nd the different reality need of situation Xia, also will as a items important sex work, concentrated to, and highlight to, and separate to be arrangements, only on reform more than 30 years to, most important of concentrated learning implement Constitution on has four times: (ii) learning implement Constitution, is maintenance party of solidarity unified, and completed party of the task of strong guarantee. Both history and reality show that only determined to uphold the supremacy of the Constitution, according to the educational management of party members and cadres at the request of the party Constitution to ensure the party strictly implement the party's policy and discipline, to maintain party unity, completed the party's various tasks to provide a strong guarantee. (C) studying and implementing the party Constitution, consolidating the party's ruling status, and the inevitable requirement of maintaining the advanced nature of the party. Comrade XI Jinping pointed out: the Constitution is the fundamental law of the party, the party must follow the General rules. In all the activities of the party organization at all levels, will continue to guide the broad masses of party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, conscientiously study the party Constitution, abide by the party Constitution, the implementation of the party Constitution and maintaining party Constitution, should strengthen party spirit, enhance the consciousness, purpose awareness, power awareness, situation awareness, sense of responsibility, earnestly sharing sorrow for the party, responsible for the country, for the people and dedication. (D) studying and implementing the party Constitution, is to solve the problems the party's actual needs. Comrade XI Jinping said all party members must achieve, leading cadres should first do whatever the《软件工程练习题及参考答案》


1、面向对象(Object Oriented)方法是将现实世界的事物以对象的方式( B )到计算机世界的方法。 对应 映射 反映 反射

2、盒图也称为(D)或Chapin图。这种表达方式取消了流程线,它强迫程序员以结构化方式思考和解决问题。 流程图 框图 判定表 N-S图

3、面向数据的设计方法就是根据问题的数据结构定义一组映射,把问题的数据结构转换为问题解的(A)结构。 程序 数据 逻辑 物理

4、人机界面的风格大致经过了(B)代的演变。 三 四 五 六

5、以下不属于白盒测试技术的是(D) 逻辑覆盖 基本路径测试 循环覆盖测试 等价类划分

6、为改正软件系统中潜藏的错误而进行的维护活动称为(A)。 纠错性维护 适应性维护 改善性维护 预防性维护


1. 文档—一种数据媒体和其上所记录的(数据)。 2. 机器语言、汇编语言:依赖于机器,面向(机器) 3. 软件有效性,指软件系统的时间和(空间)效率。

4. 软件定义过程可通过软件系统的(可行性研究)和需求分析两个阶段来完成。

onstitution provides that no party member can do, leading cadres should take the lead in not doing. In strict accordance with the party Constitution Party member leading cadre must have six basic conditions and improve their own qualities and abilities, regular checks and pay for their own shortcomings. Especially in the ideal and belief, persist in seeking truth from facts, and promote the scientific development, maintain close ties with, strengthening moral cultivation, and strict adherence to party discipline for party members to lead by example. Second, the main change in the new Constitution and the interpretation of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, to end on November 14, 2012 General Assembly vote, the Constitution of the Communist Party of China (Amendment) Act. 18 Congress of the partyBy the Constitution of the Communist Party of China (Amendment) Act, against 17 in six large through a revision of the party Constitution. In order to comply with thedevelopment of the situation and tasks change, every national Congress of our party will be of varying degrees of revision of the Constitution. A big party was held in 1921, due to time constraints, and developed a platform of one of the large, just a programmatic document. Our first Constitution was established by the party's second National Congress. According to the changes in the situation and tasks, after two successive congresses (except for five) different degrees of modification to the Constitution. Because of the special circumstances, the five party Constitution has not been modified, by the Politburo after changes to the Constitution. Current is developed in September 1982 the party's 12 big changes to the party Constitution. 30 years, on the premise of maintaining the stability of the basic contents of the party Constitution, 13 and 14 and Congress of the party, 16 and 17 are with varying degrees of modification of the Constitution. Constitution modified of history, is we party 92 greatdevelopment course of miniature and show, a is show has we party tightly relies on people completed and advance three pieces event of great course; II is show has we party in led China revolution, and construction and reform long-term practice in the, constantly advance Marxist China of process, constantly advance theory innovation of great course; three is show has we party constantly summary party of construction of new created, and new experience, constantly improve party of construction scientific level of great course. This 18 big through of Constitution, except \ total 11 chapter, total 53 article, specific for master; first chapter members; second chapter party of organization system; third chapter party of Central Organization; fourth chapter party of place organization; fifth chapter party of grass-roots organizations; sixth chapter party of cadres; seventh chapter party of discipline; eighth chapter party of discipline check organ; Nineth chapter party; tenth chapter partyand Communist Youth League of relationship; 11th chapter femme fatale flag. And the party compared toParty branch Secretary of a party lecture of two speeches: tutoring covers all of the new party Constitution two education has kicked off. Study of the Constitution of this practice is a very important part. Today I'll give you a new section of the Constitution on the counselling of learning lessons, hope, through today's tutorial, further consolidation of all the party members of the new party Constitution study results to help you better understand and grasp the important knowledge in the new Constitution. This tutorial has the following three components: one is the importance of studying and implementing of the new party Constitution; second, compared with the 17 adopted by the party Constitution, the main changes in the content and interpretation of the new Constitution; the third is at this stage how to make full use of the new essence of the content of the Constitution to guide party building. Two thematic education in party lecture notes, and study and carry out the significance of the new Constitution (a) studying and implementing the party Constitution is the most basic obligations of each party member. We party party yilai, has been put learning implement Constitution as a items regular of work one of implement Yu always, and in different history background and the different reality need of situation Xia, also will as a items important sex work, concentrated to, and highlight to, and separate to be arrangements, only on reform more than 30 years to, most important of concentrated learning implement Constitution on has four times: (ii) learning implement Constitution, is maintenance party of solidarity unified, and completed party of the task of strong guarantee. Both history and reality show that only determined to uphold the supremacy of the Constitution, according to the educational management of party members and cadres at the request of the party Constitution to ensure the party strictly implement the party's policy and discipline, to maintain party unity, completed the party's various tasks to provide a strong guarantee. (C) studying and implementing the party Constitution, consolidating the party's ruling status, and the inevitable requirement of maintaining the advanced nature of the party. Comrade XI Jinping pointed out: the Constitution is the fundamental law of the party, the party must follow the General rules. In all the activities of the party organization at all levels, will continue to guide the broad masses of party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, conscientiously study the party Constitution, abide by the party Constitution, the implementation of the party Constitution and maintaining party Constitution, should strengthen party spirit, enhance the consciousness, purpose awareness, power awareness, situation awareness, sense of responsibility, earnestly sharing sorrow for the party, responsible for the country, for the people and dedication. (D) studying and implementing the party Constitution, is to solve the problemsthe party's actual needs. Comrade XI Jinping said all party members must achieve, leading cadres should first do whatever the5. 6. 7. 8.

软件定义的基本任务是确定软件系统的工程(需求),也就是要搞清“做什么”。 为了使用户需求逐步精细化、完全化、一致化,通常采用(需求建模技术)。0402 一个软件的深度是指其控制的(层数)。 以详细设计说明书为输入,将该输入用某种程序设计语言翻译成计算机可以理解并最终可运行的代码的过程叫(编码)过程。

9. 软件维护是软件生命周期的(最后)一个阶段。


1. 缺乏有力的方法学的指导和有效的开发工具的支持, 这往往是产生软件危机的原因之


2. 一个好的开发人员应具备的素质和能力不包括具有良好的书面和口头表达能力。(X) 3. 在用户需求分析时观察用户手工操作过程不是为了模拟手工操作过程,而是为了获取第


4. 快速原型技术的适用于软件产品要求大量的用户交互、或产生大量的可视输出、或设计


5. 流程图也称为程序框图是最常用的一种表示法。(√)

6. 面向数据设计方法一般都包括下列任务: 确定数据结构特征;用顺序、选择和重复三


7. 理想的人机界面应针对具有典型个性的特定的一类用户设计。(√) 8. 数据输入的一般准则中包括尽量增加用户输入的动作。(X) 9. 用穷举测试是较现实的测试方法。(X)


1、计算机软件——与计算机系统操作有关的程序、规程、 规则及任何与之有关的文档和数据。



3、软件项目的成本管理——估算软件项目的成本,作为立项和签合同的依据之一,并在软件开发过程中按计划管理经费的使用。 4、快速原型技术的基本思想是什么? 在软件开发的早期,快速开发一个目标软件系统的原型,让用户对其进行评价并提出修改意见,然后开发人员根据用户的意见对原型进行改进。 5、程序设计语言的有哪些特点? 1)一致性 2)二义性 3)紧致性 4)局部性



onstitution provides that no party member can do, leading cadres should take the lead in not doing. In strict accordance with the party Constitution Party member leading cadre must have six basic conditions and improve their own qualities and abilities, regular checks and pay for their own shortcomings. Especially in the ideal and belief, persist in seeking truth from facts, and promote the scientific development, maintain close ties with, strengthening moral cultivation, and strict adherence to party discipline for party members to lead by example. Second, the main change in the new Constitution and the interpretation of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, to end on November 14, 2012 General Assembly vote, the Constitution of the Communist Party of China (Amendment) Act. 18 Congress of the partyBy the Constitution of the Communist Party of China (Amendment) Act, against 17 in six large through a revision of the party Constitution. In order to comply with thedevelopment of the situation and tasks change, every national Congress of our party will be of varying degrees of revision of the Constitution. A big party was held in 1921, due to time constraints, and developed a platform of one of the large, just a programmatic document. Our first Constitution was established by the party's second National Congress. According to the changes in the situation and tasks, after two successive congresses (except for five) different degrees of modification to the Constitution. Because of the special circumstances, the five party Constitution has not been modified, by the Politburo after changes to the Constitution. Current is developed in September 1982 the party's 12 big changes to the party Constitution. 30 years, on the premise of maintaining the stability of the basic contents of the party Constitution, 13 and 14 and Congress of the party, 16 and 17 are with varying degrees of modification of the Constitution. Constitution modified of history, is we party 92 greatdevelopment course of miniature and show, a is show has we party tightly relies on people completed and advance three pieces event of great course; II is show has we party in led China revolution, and construction and reform long-term practice in the, constantly advance Marxist China of process, constantly advance theory innovation of great course; three is show has we party constantly summary party of construction of new created, and new experience, constantly improve party of construction scientific level of great course. This 18 big through of Constitution, except \ total 11 chapter, total 53 article, specific for master; first chapter members; second chapter party of organization system; third chapter party of Central Organization; fourth chapter party of place organization; fifth chapter party of grass-roots organizations; sixth chapter party of cadres; seventh chapter party of discipline; eighth chapter party of discipline check organ; Nineth chapter party; tenth chapter partyand Communist Youth League of relationship; 11th chapter femme fatale flag. And the party compared toParty branch Secretary of a party lecture of two speeches: tutoring covers all of the new party Constitution two education has kicked off. Study of the Constitution of this practice is a very important part. oday I'll give you a new section of the Constitution on the counselling of learning lessons, hope, through today's tutorial, further consolidation of all the party members of the new party Constitution study results to help you better understand and grasp the important knowledge in the new Constitution. This tutorial has the following three components: one is the importance of studying and implementing of the new party Constitution; second, compared with the 17 adopted by the party Constitution, the main changes in the content and interpretation of the new Constitution; the third is at this stage how to make full use of the new essence of the content of the Constitution to guide party building. Two thematic education in party lecture notes, and study and carry out the significance of the new Constitution (a) studying and implementing the party Constitution is the most basic obligations of each party member. We party party yilai, has been put learning implement Constitution as a items regular of work one of implement Yu always, and in different history background and the different reality need of situation Xia, also will as a items important sex work, concentrated to, and highlight to, and separate to be arrangements, only on reform more than 30 years to, most important of concentrated learning implement Constitution on has four times: (ii) learning implement Constitution, is maintenance party of solidarity unified, and completed party of the task of strong guarantee. Both history and reality show that only determined to uphold the supremacy of the Constitution, according to the educational management of party members and cadres at the request of the party Constitution to ensure the party strictly implement the party's policy and discipline, to maintain party unity, completed the party's various tasks to provide a strong guarantee. (C) studying and implementing the party Constitution, consolidating the party's ruling status, and the inevitable requirement of maintaining the advanced nature of the party. Comrade XI Jinping pointed out: the Constitution is the fundamental law of the party, the party must follow the General rules. In all the activities of the party organization at all levels, will continue to guide the broad masses of party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, conscientiously study the party Constitution, abide by the party Constitution, the implementation of the party Constitution and maintaining party Constitution, should strengthen party spirit, enhance the consciousness, purpose awareness, power awareness, situation awareness, sense of responsibility, earnestly sharing sorrow for the party, responsible for the country, for the people and dedication. (D) studying and implementing the party Constitution, is to solve the problems the party's actual needs. Comrade XI Jinping said all party members must achieve, leading cadres should first do whatever the(1)3个过程是:软件定义过程、软件开发过程、软件使用与维护过程。


2、画出与图1所示的程序流程图对应的程序图,并试计算其巡回秩数V(G)。 解: (1)程序图如(图2)所示:

(2)计算其巡回秩数:V(G)=E –N +2=13 –10 +2=5

开始abcfdeghij结束(图一) onstitution provides that no party member can do, leading cadres should take the lead in not doing. In strict accordance with the party Constitution Party member leading cadre must have six basic conditions and improve their own qualities and abilities, regular checks and pay for their own shortcomings. Especially in the ideal and belief, persist in seeking truth from facts, and promote the scientific development, maintain close ties with, strengthening moral cultivation, and strict adherence to party discipline for party members to lead by example. Second, the main change in the new Constitution and the interpretation of the 18th Natidevelopment of the situation and tasks change, every national Congress of our party will be of varying degrees of revision of the Constitution. A big party was held in 1921, due to time constraints, and developed a platform of one of the large, just a programmatic document. Our first Constitution was established by the party's second National Congress. According to the changes in the situation and tasks, after two successive congresses (except for five) different degrees of modification to the Constitution. Because of the special circumstances, the five party Constitution has not been modified, by the Politburo after chadevelopment course of miniature and show, a is show has we party tightly relies on people completed and advance three pieces event of great course; II is show has we party in led China revolution, and construction and reform long-term practice in the, constantly advance Marxist China of process, constantly advance theory innovation of great course; three is show has we party constantly summary party of construction of new created, and new experience, constantly improve party of construction scientific level of great course. This 18 big through of Constitution, except \ total 11 chapter, total 53 articleand Communist Youth League of relationship; 11th chapter femme fatale flag. And the party compared to1aR52b3R44c5R18fR39dR2eg710h6111213ij

(图二) Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, to end on November 14, 2012 General Assembly vote, the Constitution of the Communist Party of China (Amendment) Act. 18 Congress of the partyBy the Constitution of the Communist Party of China (Amendment) Act, against 17 in six large through a revision of the party Constitution. In order to comply with theon. Current is developed in September 1982 the party's 12 big changes to the party Constitution. 30 years, on the premise of maintaining the stability of the basic contents of the party Constitution, 13 and 14 and Congress of the party, 16 and 17 are with varying degrees of modification of the Constitution. Constitution modified of history, is we party 92 greatchapter party of organization system; third chapter party of Central Organization; fourth chapter party of place organization; fifth chapter party of grass-roots organizations; sixth chapter party of cadres; seventh chapter party of discipline; eighth chapter party of discipline check organ; Nineth chapter party; tenth chapter party

onal nges to the Constituti, specific for master; first chapter members; second Party branch Secretary of a party lecture of two speeches: tutoring covers all of the new party Constitution two education has kicked off. Study of the Constitution of this practice is a very important part. Today I'll give you a new section of the Constitution on the counselling of learning lessons, hope, through today's tutorial, further consolidation of all the party members of the new party Constitution study results to help you better understand and grasp the important knowledge in the new Constitution. This tutorial has the following three components: one is the importance of studying and implementing of the new party Constitution; second, compared with the 17 adopted by the party Constitution, the main changes in the content and interpretation of the new Constitution; the third is at this stage how to make full use of the new essence of the content of the Constitution to guide party building. Two thematic education in party lecture notes, and study and carry out the significance of the new Constitution (a) studying and implementing the party Constitution is the most basic obligations of each party member. We party party yilai, has been put learning implement Constitution as a items regular of work one of implement Yu always, and in different history background and the different reality need of situation Xia, also will as a items important sex work, concentrated to, and highlight to, and separate to be arrangements, only on reform more than 30 years to, most important of concentrated learning implement Constitution on has four times: (ii) learning implement Constitution, is maintenance party of solidarity unified, and completed party of the task of strong guarantee. Both history and reality show that only determined to uphold the supremacy of the Constitution, according to the educational management of party members and cadres at the request of the party Constitution to ensure the party strictly implement the party's policy and discipline, to maintain party unity, completed the party's various tasks to provide a strong guarantee. (C) studying and implementing the party Constitution, consolidating the party's ruling status, and the inevitable requirement of maintaining the advanced nature of the party. Comrade XI Jinping pointed out: the Constitution is the fundamental law of the party, the party must follow the General rules. In all the activities of the party organization at all levels, will continue to guide the broad masses of party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, conscientiously study the party Constitution, abide by the party Constitution, the implementation of the party Constitution and maintaining party Constitution, should strengthen party spirit, enhance the consciousness, purpose awareness, power awareness, situation awareness, sense of responsibility, earnestly sharing sorrow for the party, responsible for the country, for the people and dedication. (D) studying and implementing the party Constitution, is to solve the problemsthe party's actual needs. Comrade XI Jinping said all party members must achieve, leading cadres should first do whatever the《软件工程练习题及参考答案》

一、单向选择题(四选一、每小题3分,共18分) 1、软件的发展经历了(D)个发展阶段。 A. 一 B. 二 C. 三 D. 四

2、需求分析的任务不包括(B)。 A. 问题分析 B. 系统设计 C. 需求描述 D. 需求评审。

3、一个软件的宽度是指其控制的(C)。 A. 模块数 B. 层数 C. 跨度 D. 厚度

4、当模块中包含复杂的条件组合,只有(A)能够清晰地表达出各种动作之间的对应关系。 A. 判定表和判定树 B. 盒图 C. 流程图 D. 关系图

5、以下不属于逻辑覆盖的是(D)。 A. 语句覆盖 B. 判定覆盖 C. 条件覆盖 D. 基本路径

6、为适应软件运行环境的变化而修改软件的活动称为(B)。 A. 纠错性维护 B. 适应性维护 C. 改善性维护 D. 预防性维护


1. 软件可靠性是指在给定的时间间隔内,程序成功运行的(概率)。 2. 高级语言:独立于机器,面向过程或面向(对象)

3. 软件项目管理的范围主要集中于3个P上,即:People人员、Problem问题和(过


4. 人机界面的风格第一代界面是命令和(询问)方式。

5. 由于维护或在维护过程中其他一些不期望的行为引入的错误称为维护的(副作用)。 6. 在公式V(G)= E – N + 2中:E为程序图G中边的总数; N 为程序图中结点

onstitution provides that no party member can do, leading cadres should take the lead in not doing. In strict accordance with the party Constitution Party member leading cadre must have six basic conditions and improve their own qualities and abilities, regular checks and pay for their own shortcomings. Especially in the ideal and belief, persist in seeking truth from facts, and promote the scientific development, maintain close ties with, strengthening moral cultivation, and strict adherence to party discipline for party members to lead by example. Second, the main change in the new Constitution and the interpretation of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, to end on November 14, 2012 General Assembly vote, the Constitution of the Communist Party of China (Amendment) Act. 18 Congress of the partyBy the Constitution of the Communist Party of China (Amendment) Act, against 17 in six large through a revision of the party Constitution. In order to comply with thedevelopment of the situation and tasks change, every national Congress of our party will be of varying degrees of revision of the Constitution. A big party was held in 1921, due to time constraints, and developed a platform of one of the large, just a programmatic document. Our first Constitution was established by the party's second National Congress. According to the changes in the situation and tasks, after two successive congresses (except for five) different degrees of modification to the Constitution. Because of the special circumstances, the five party Constitution has not been modified, by the Politburo after changes to the Constitution. Current is developed in September 1982 the party's 12 big changes to the party Constitution. 30 years, on the premise of maintaining the stability of the basic contents of the party Constitution, 13 and 14 and Congress of the party, 16 and 17 are with varying degrees of modification of the Constitution. Constitution modified of history, is we party 92 greatdevelopment course of miniature and show, a is show has we party tightly relies on people completed and advance three pieces event of great course; II is show has we party in led China revolution, and construction and reform long-term practice in the, constantly advance Marxist China of process, constantly advance theory innovation of great course; three is show has we party constantly summary party of construction of new created, and new experience, constantly improve party of construction scientific level of great course. This 18 big through of Constitution, except \ total 11 chapter, total 53 article, specific for master; first chapter members; second chapter party of organization system; third chapter party of Central Organization; fourth chapter party of place organization; fifth chapter party of grass-roots organizations; sixth chapter party of cadres; seventh chapter party of discipline; eighth chapter party of discipline check organ; Nineth chapter party; tenth chapter partyand Communist Youth League of relationship; 11th chapter femme fatale flag. And the party compared toParty branch Secretary of a party lecture of two speeches: tutoring covers all of the new party Constitution two education has kicked off. Study of the Constitution of this practice is a very important part. oday I'll give you a new section of the Constitution on the counselling of learning lessons, hope, through today's tutorial, further consolidation of all the party members of the new party Constitution study results to help you better understand and grasp the important knowledge in the new Constitution. This tutorial has the following three components: one is the importance of studying and implementing of the new party Constitution; second, compared with the 17 adopted by the party Constitution, the main changes in the content and interpretation of the new Constitution; the third is at this stage how to make full use of the new essence of the content of the Constitution to guide party building. Two thematic education in party lecture notes, and study and carry out the significance of the new Constitution (a) studying and implementing the party Constitution is the most basic obligations of each party member. We party party yilai, has been put learning implement Constitution as a items regular of work one of implement Yu always, and in different history background and the different reality need of situation Xia, also will as a items important sex work, concentrated to, and highlight to, and separate to be arrangements, only on reform more than 30 years to, most important of concentrated learning implement Constitution on has four times: (ii) learning implement Constitution, is maintenance party of solidarity unified, and completed party of the task of strong guarantee. Both history and reality show that only determined to uphold the supremacy of the Constitution, according to the educational management of party members and cadres at the request of the party Constitution to ensure the party strictly implement the party's policy and discipline, to maintain party unity, completed the party's various tasks to provide a strong guarantee. (C) studying and implementing the party Constitution, consolidating the party's ruling status, and the inevitable requirement of maintaining the advanced nature of the party. Comrade XI Jinping pointed out: the Constitution is the fundamental law of the party, the party must follow the General rules. In all the activities of the party organization at all levels, will continue to guide the broad masses of party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, conscientiously study the party Constitution, abide by the party Constitution, the implementation of the party Constitution and maintaining party Constitution, should strengthen party spirit, enhance the consciousness, purpose awareness, power awareness, situation awareness, sense of responsibility, earnestly sharing sorrow for the party, responsible for the country, for the people and dedication. (D) studying and implementing the party Constitution, is to solve the problems the party's actual needs. Comrade XI Jinping said all party members must achieve, leading cadres should first do whatever the的总数。V(G)又称为图G的环形(复杂度) 。

7. 任何一个基于计算机系统都可以用输入-处理-输出(IPO)图来描述,它将该系统


8. 为提高可交互性一般对所有可能造成损害的用户操作动作,应坚持要求用户(确

认),例如,提问“你确实要删除…?”。 9. 文档是一种数据媒体和其上所记录的(数据)。


1. 用户对软件需求的描述不精确,往往是产生软件危机的原因之一。(√)

2. 目前,软件项目的进度安排的两种比较常用的方法是程序评估与审查技术(PERT)和


3. 一个好的开发人员应具备的素质和能力包括善于与周围人员团结协作,建立良好的人际


4. 目前的绝大多数软件都不适合于快速原型技术。(X)

5. 面向数据的设计方法的适用场合是具有明显的层次信息结构的应用如:企事业的信息管


6. 缺乏处理大型软件项目的经验。是产生软件危机的唯一原因。(X) 7. 通常紧致性好的语言一致性就好。(X)

8. 测试计划、测试用例、出错统计和有关的分析报告一般不用长期保存。(X) 9. 数据输入的一般准则中包括保证信息显示方式与数据输入方式的协调一致;允许用户定

做输入格式等内容。(√) 10. 软件也会磨损和老化。(X)

11. 完善性维护是提高或完善软件的性能。(√) 12. McCabe建议模块规模应满足:V(G)≤20。(X)



1.机器语言、汇编语言:依赖于机器,面向机器 2.高级语言:独立于机器,面向过程或面向对象

3.面向问题语言:独立于机器,非过程式语言(4GL) (2分) 2、软件危机——是指在计算机软件开发、使用与维护过程中遇到的一系列严重问题和难题。 3、软件项目的质量管理——制定软件质量保证计划,按照质量评价体系控制软件质量要素,对阶段性的软件产品进行评审,对最终软件产品进行确认,确保软件质量。

4、好的编程风格应遵循哪四条规则? 1)节简化 2)模块化 3)简单化 4)文档化

onstitution provides that no party member can do, leading cadres should take the lead in not doing. In strict accordance with the party Constitution Party member leading cadre must have six basic conditions and improve their own qualities and abilities, regular checks and pay for their own shortcomings. Especially in the ideal and belief, persist in seeking truth from facts, and promote the scientific development, maintain close ties with, strengthening moral cultivation, and strict adherence to party discipline for party members to lead by example. Second, the main change in the new Constitution and the interpretation of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, to end on November 14, 2012 General Assembly vote, the Constitution of the Communist Party of China (Amendment) Act. 18 Congress of the partyBy the Constitution of the Communist Party of China (Amendment) Act, against 17 in six large through a revision of the party Constitution. In order to comply with thedevelopment of the situation and tasks change, every national Congress of our party will be of varying degrees of revision of the Constitution. A big party was held in 1921, due to time constraints, and developed a platform of one of the large, just a programmatic document. Our first Constitution was established by the party's second National Congress. According to the changes in the situation and tasks, after two successive congresses (except for five) different degrees of modification to the Constitution. Because of the special circumstances, the five party Constitution has not been modified, by the Politburo after changes to the Constitution. Current is developed in September 1982 the party's 12 big changes to the party Constitution. 30 years, on the premise of maintaining the stability of the basic contents of the party Constitution, 13 and 14 and Congress of the party, 16 and 17 are with varying degrees of modification of the Constitution. Constitution modified of history, is we party 92 greatdevelopment course of miniature and show, a is show has we party tightly relies on people completed and advance three pieces event of great course; II is show has we party in led China revolution, and construction and reform long-term practice in the, constantly advance Marxist China of process, constantly advance theory innovation of great course; three is show has we party constantly summary party of construction of new created, and new experience, constantly improve party of construction scientific level of great course. This 18 big through of Constitution, except \ total 11 chapter, total 53 article, specific for master; first chapter members; second chapter party of organization system; third chapter party of Central Organization; fourth chapter party of place organization; fifth chapter party of grass-roots organizations; sixth chapter party of cadres; seventh chapter party of discipline; eighth chapter party of discipline check organ; Nineth chapter party; tenth chapter partyand Communist Youth League of relationship; 11th chapter femme fatale flag. And the party compared to

Party branch Secretary of a party lecture of two speeches: tutoring covers all of the new party Constitution two education has kicked off. Study of the Constitution of this practice is a very important part. Today I'll give you a new section of the Constitution on the counselling of learning lessons, hope, through today's tutorial, further consolidation of all the party members of the new party Constitution study results to help you better understand and grasp the important knowledge in the new Constitution. This tutorial has the following three components: one is the importance of studying and implementing of the new party Constitution; second, compared with the 17 adopted by the party Constitution, the main changes in the content and interpretation of the new Constitution; the third is at this stage how to make full use of the new essence of the content of the Constitution to guide party building. Two thematic education in party lecture notes, and study and carry out the significance of the new Constitution (a) studying and implementing the party Constitution is the most basic obligations of each party member. We party party yilai, has been put learning implement Constitution as a items regular of work one of implement Yu always, and in different history background and the different reality need of situation Xia, also will as a items important sex work, concentrated to, and highlight to, and separate to be arrangements, only on reform more than 30 years to, most important of concentrated learning implement Constitution on has four times: (ii) learning implement Constitution, is maintenance party of solidarity unified, and completed party of the task of strong guarantee. Both history and reality show that only determined to uphold the supremacy of the Constitution, according to the educational management of party members and cadres at the request of the party Constitution to ensure the party strictly implement the party's policy and discipline, to maintain party unity, completed the party's various tasks to provide a strong guarantee. (C) studying and implementing the party Constitution, consolidating the party's ruling status, and the inevitable requirement of maintaining the advanced nature of the party. Comrade XI Jinping pointed out: the Constitution is the fundamental law of the party, the party must follow the General rules. In all the activities of the party organization at all levels, will continue to guide the broad masses of party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, conscientiously study the party Constitution, abide by the party Constitution, the implementation of the party Constitution and maintaining party Constitution, should strengthen party spirit, enhance the consciousness, purpose awareness, power awareness, situation awareness, sense of responsibility, earnestly sharing sorrow for the party, responsible for the country, for the people and dedication. (D) studying and implementing the party Constitution, is to solve the problemsthe party's actual needs. Comrade XI Jinping said all party members must achieve, leading cadres should first do whatever the5、软件测试中按照错误的性质和范围进行分类可分为:“功能错误”及其它哪些错误? 1.系统错误

2.加工错误(算法错误) 3.数据错误 4.代码错误




1)项目中数据结构的复杂性 2)用户的性能需求 3)软件运行的环境

4)软件开发人员开发水平 5)可用的编译器和交叉编译器 2、已知一个软件项目的记录,开发人员M=3人,其代码行数=12.1KLOC,工作量E=24PM,成本S=美元,错误数N=29,文档页数Pd=365页。试计算开发该软件项目的生产率P、平均成本C、代码出错率EQR和文档率D。 解: 1.软件开发的生产率P为:

P = L / E = 12.1×103LOC / 24PM = 504 LOC/PM 2.开发每行代码的平均成本C为:

C = S / L = 美元 / 12100LOC=13.9美元/LOC 3.代码出错率EQR为:

EQR = N / L = 29个/12.1KLOC=2.4个/KLOC 4.软件的文档率D为:

D = Pd / L = 365页 / 12.1KLOC = 30页/ KLOC

onstitution provides that no party member can do, leading cadres should take the lead in not doing. In strict accordance with the party Constitution Party member leading cadre must have six basic conditions and improve their own qualities and abilities, regular checks and pay for their own shortcomings. Especially in the ideal and belief, persist in seeking truth from facts, and promote the scientific development, maintain close ties with, strengthening moral cultivation, and strict adherence to party discipline for party members to lead by example. Second, the main change in the new Constitution and the interpretation of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, to end on November 14, 2012 General Assembly vote, the Constitution of the Communist Party of China (Amendment) Act. 18 Congress of the partyBy the Constitution of the Communist Party of China (Amendment) Act, against 17 in six large through a revision of the party Constitution. In order to comply with thedevelopment of the situation and tasks change, every national Congress of our party will be of varying degrees of revision of the Constitution. A big party was held in 1921, due to time constraints, and developed a platform of one of the large, just a programmatic document. Our first Constitution was established by the party's second National Congress. According to the changes in the situation and tasks, after two successive congresses (except for five) different degrees of modification to the Constitution. Because of the special circumstances, the five party Constitution has not been modified, by the Politburo after changes to the Constitution. Current is developed in September 1982 the party's 12 big changes to the party Constitution. 30 years, on the premise of maintaining the stability of the basic contents of the party Constitution, 13 and 14 and Congress of the party, 16 and 17 are with varying degrees of modification of the Constitution. Constitution modified of history, is we party 92 greatdevelopment course of miniature and show, a is show has we party tightly relies on people completed and advance three pieces event of great course; II is show has we party in led China revolution, and construction and reform long-term practice in the, constantly advance Marxist China of process, constantly advance theory innovation of great course; three is show has we party constantly summary party of construction of new created, and new experience, constantly improve party of construction scientific level of great course. This 18 big through of Constitution, except \ total 11 chapter, total 53 article, specific for master; first chapter members; second chapter party of organization system; third chapter party of Central Organization; fourth chapter party of place organization; fifth chapter party of grass-roots organizations; sixth chapter party of cadres; seventh chapter party of discipline; eighth chapter party of discipline check organ; Nineth chapter party; tenth chapter partyand Communist Youth League of relationship; 11th chapter femme fatale flag. And the party compared toParty branch Secretary of a party lecture of two speeches: tutoring covers all of the new party Constitution two education has kicked off. Study of the Constitution of this practice is a very important part. oday I'll give you a new section of the Constitution on the counselling of learning lessons, hope, through today's tutorial, further consolidation of all the party members of the new party Constitution study results to help you better understand and grasp the important knowledge in the new Constitution. This tutorial has the following three components: one is the importance of studying and implementing of the new party Constitution; second, compared with the 17 adopted by the party Constitution, the main changes in the content and interpretation of the new Constitution; the third is at this stage how to make full use of the new essence of the content of the Constitution to guide party building. Two thematic education in party lecture notes, and study and carry out the significance of the new Constitution (a) studying and implementing the party Constitution is the most basic obligations of each party member. We party party yilai, has been put learning implement Constitution as a items regular of work one of implement Yu always, and in different history background and the different reality need of situation Xia, also will as a items important sex work, concentrated to, and highlight to, and separate to be arrangements, only on reform more than 30 years to, most important of concentrated learning implement Constitution on has four times: (ii) learning implement Constitution, is maintenance party of solidarity unified, and completed party of the task of strong guarantee. Both history and reality show that only determined to uphold the supremacy of the Constitution, according to the educational management of party members and cadres at the request of the party Constitution to ensure the party strictly implement the party's policy and discipline, to maintain party unity, completed the party's various tasks to provide a strong guarantee. (C) studying and implementing the party Constitution, consolidating the party's ruling status, and the inevitable requirement of maintaining the advanced nature of the party. Comrade XI Jinping pointed out: the Constitution is the fundamental law of the party, the party must follow the General rules. In all the activities of the party organization at all levels, will continue to guide the broad masses of party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, conscientiously study the party Constitution, abide by the party Constitution, the implementation of the party Constitution and maintaining party Constitution, should strengthen party spirit, enhance the consciousness, purpose awareness, power awareness, situation awareness, sense of responsibility, earnestly sharing sorrow for the party, responsible for the country, for the people and dedication. (D) studying and implementing the party Constitution, is to solve the problems the party's actual needs. Comrade XI Jinping said all party members must achieve, leading cadres should first do whatever the《软件工程练习题及参考答案》


1、从事物的组成部件及每个部件的属性、功能来认识事物。这种方法被称为(A)的方法。 A、面向对象 B、面向数据 C、面向过程 D、面向属性

2、判定表由四部分组成:左上部列出(B)。 A. 条件组合与动作之间的对应关系 B. 所有条件

C. 所有可能的动作 D. 可能的条件组合

3、根据用户在软件使用过程中提出的建设性意见而进行的维护活动称为(C)。 A. 纠错性维护 B. 适应性维护 C. 改善性维护 D. 预防性维护

4、可行性研究的步骤中不包括(C)的内容。 A. 复查初步分析结果。 B. 研究现有的系统。

C. 导出新系统高层逻辑模型。 D. 建立新系统的物理模型解法。

5、将软件组装成系统的一种测试技术叫(A)。 A. 集成测试 B. 单元测试 C. 集合测试 D. 系统测试

6、技术可行性是可行性研究的关键,其主要内容一般不包括(C)。 A. 风险分析 B. 资源分析 C. 人员分析 D. 技术分析


1. 面向问题语言:是独立于(机器),非过程式语言4GL。 2. 软件有效性,指软件系统的(时间)和空间效率。

3. 软件项目管理的对象主要包括产品、过程和(资源)等。

4. 计算机系统工程是用工程、科学和(数学)的原则与方法研制基于计算机


5. 在Jackson方法中,实体结构是指实体在时间坐标系中的行为序列。这种


6. 一个模块的“扇出数”是指该模块直接控制的其他(模块数)。

onstitution provides that no party member can do, leading cadres should take the lead in not doing. In strict accordance with the party Constitution Party member leading cadre must have six basic conditions and improve their own qualities and abilities, regular checks and pay for their own shortcomings. Especially in the ideal and belief, persist in seeking truth from facts, and promote the scientific development, maintain close ties with, strengthening moral cultivation, and strict adherence to party discipline for party members to lead by example. Second, the main change in the new Constitution and the interpretation of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, to end on November 14, 2012 General Assembly vote, the Constitution of the Communist Party of China (Amendment) Act. 18 Congress of the partyBy the Constitution of the Communist Party of China (Amendment) Act, against 17 in six large through a revision of the party Constitution. In order to comply with thedevelopment of the situation and tasks change, every national Congress of our party will be of varying degrees of revision of the Constitution. A big party was held in 1921, due to time constraints, and developed a platform of one of the large, just a programmatic document. Our first Constitution was established by the party's second National Congress. According to the changes in the situation and tasks, after two successive congresses (except for five) different degrees of modification to the Constitution. Because of the special circumstances, the five party Constitution has not been modified, by the Politburo after changes to the Constitution. Current is developed in September 1982 the party's 12 big changes to the party Constitution. 30 years, on the premise of maintaining the stability of the basic contents of the party Constitution, 13 and 14 and Congress of the party, 16 and 17 are with varying degrees of modification of the Constitution. Constitution modified of history, is we party 92 greatdevelopment course of miniature and show, a is show has we party tightly relies on people completed and advance three pieces event of great course; II is show has we party in led China revolution, and construction and reform long-term practice in the, constantly advance Marxist China of process, constantly advance theory innovation of great course; three is show has we party constantly summary party of construction of new created, and new experience, constantly improve party of construction scientific level of great course. This 18 big through of Constitution, except \ total 11 chapter, total 53 article, specific for master; first chapter members; second chapter party of organization system; third chapter party of Central Organization; fourth chapter party of place organization; fifth chapter party of grass-roots organizations; sixth chapter party of cadres; seventh chapter party of discipline; eighth chapter party of discipline check organ; Nineth chapter party; tenth chapter partyand Communist Youth League of relationship; 11th chapter femme fatale flag. And the party compared toParty branch Secretary of a party lecture of two speeches: tutoring covers all of the new party Constitution two education has kicked off. Study of the Constitution of this practice is a very important part. Today I'll give you a new section of the Constitution on the counselling of learning lessons, hope, through today's tutorial, further consolidation of all the party members of the new party Constitution study results to help you better understand and grasp the important knowledge in the new Constitution. This tutorial has the following three components: one is the importance of studying and implementing of the new party Constitution; second, compared with the 17 adopted by the party Constitution, the main changes in the content and interpretation of the new Constitution; the third is at this stage how to make full use of the new essence of the content of the Constitution to guide party building. Two thematic education in party lecture notes, and study and carry out the significance of the new Constitution (a) studying and implementing the party Constitution is the most basic obligations of each party member. We party party yilai, has been put learning implement Constitution as a items regular of work one of implement Yu always, and in different history background and the different reality need of situation Xia, also will as a items important sex work, concentrated to, and highlight to, and separate to be arrangements, only on reform more than 30 years to, most important of concentrated learning implement Constitution on has four times: (ii) learning implement Constitution, is maintenance party of solidarity unified, and completed party of the task of strong guarantee. Both history and reality show that only determined to uphold the supremacy of the Constitution, according to the educational management of party members and cadres at the request of the party Constitution to ensure the party strictly implement the party's policy and discipline, to maintain party unity, completed the party's various tasks to provide a strong guarantee. (C) studying and implementing the party Constitution, consolidating the party's ruling status, and the inevitable requirement of maintaining the advanced nature of the party. Comrade XI Jinping pointed out: the Constitution is the fundamental law of the party, the party must follow the General rules. In all the activities of the party organization at all levels, will continue to guide the broad masses of party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, conscientiously study the party Constitution, abide by the party Constitution, the implementation of the party Constitution and maintaining party Constitution, should strengthen party spirit, enhance the consciousness, purpose awareness, power awareness, situation awareness, sense of responsibility, earnestly sharing sorrow for the party, responsible for the country, for the people and dedication. (D) studying and implementing the party Constitution, is to solve the problemsthe party's actual needs. Comrade XI Jinping said all party members must achieve, leading cadres should first do whatever the7. 第二代界面是简单的(菜单)式。

8. 软件可适应性,是指软件在不同的(系统约束)条件下,使用户需求得到


9. 如果一个模块控制另一个模块,称前者为主控模块,后者为(从属)模块。

三、判断题(每小题2分,共24分,错误打X、正确打√) 1. 可行性研究工作要在初步的需求定义之前进行。(X)

2. 软件开发、设计几乎都是从头开始,成本和进度很难估计。(√) 3. 文档(document)—一种数据媒体和其上所记录的数据。(√)

4. 软件工程使用的软件工具能够自动或半自动地支持软件的开发、管理和文档的生成。


5. 为了充分发挥开发人员的潜力、缩短工期,软件工程项目的任务分解与安排应尽力挖掘


6. 需求分析阶段的成果主要是需求规格说明,但该成果与软件设计、编码、测试直至维护


7. 类是对具有共同特征的对象的进一步抽象。(√)

8. 面对日益增长的软件需求,人们显得力不从心。往往是产生软件危机的原因之一。(√) 9. 数据输入的一般准则中包括采用灵活多样的交互方式,允许用户自选输入方式;允许用


10. 如果在分析阶段和设计阶段采用的是面向对象的方法,而在编码阶段采用的是面向过程


11. 软件测试是对软件规格说明、软件设计和编码的最全面也是最后的审查。(√) 12. 如果测试过程没有发现任何错误,则说明软件没有错误。(X)

四、简答题(每小题4分,共20分) 1、螺旋模型的适应场合有哪些? 适应场合:支持需求不明确、特别是大型软件系统的开发,并支持面向规格说明、面向过程、面向对象等多种软件开发方法,是一种具有广阔前景的模型。




1. 风险标识 2. 风险估算 3. 风险评价

4. 风险驾驭和监控。


onstitution provides that no party member can do, leading cadres should take the lead in not doing. In strict accordance with the party Constitution Party member leading cadre must have six basic conditions and improve their own qualities and abilities, regular checks and pay for their own shortcomings. Especially in the ideal and belief, persist in seeking truth from facts, and promote the scientific development, maintain close ties with, strengthening moral cultivation, and strict adherence to party discipline for party members to lead by example. Second, the main change in the new Constitution and the interpretation of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, to end on November 14, 2012 General Assembly vote, the Constitution of the Communist Party of China (Amendment) Act. 18 Congress of the partyBy the Constitution of the Communist Party of China (Amendment) Act, against 17 in six large through a revision of the party Constitution. In order to comply with thedevelopment of the situation and tasks change, every national Congress of our party will be of varying degrees of revision of the Constitution. A big party was held in 1921, due to time constraints, and developed a platform of one of the large, just a programmatic document. Our first Constitution was established by the party's second National Congress. According to the changes in the situation and tasks, after two successive congresses (except for five) different degrees of modification to the Constitution. Because of the special circumstances, the five party Constitution has not been modified, by the Politburo after changes to the Constitution. Current is developed in September 1982 the party's 12 big changes to the party Constitution. 30 years, on the premise of maintaining the stability of the basic contents of the party Constitution, 13 and 14 and Congress of the party, 16 and 17 are with varying degrees of modification of the Constitution. Constitution modified of history, is we party 92 greatdevelopment course of miniature and show, a is show has we party tightly relies on people completed and advance three pieces event of great course; II is show has we party in led China revolution, and construction and reform long-term practice in the, constantly advance Marxist China of process, constantly advance theory innovation of great course; three is show has we party constantly summary party of construction of new created, and new experience, constantly improve party of construction scientific level of great course. This 18 big through of Constitution, except \ total 11 chapter, total 53 article, specific for master; first chapter members; second chapter party of organization system; third chapter party of Central Organization; fourth chapter party of place organization; fifth chapter party of grass-roots organizations; sixth chapter party of cadres; seventh chapter party of discipline; eighth chapter party of discipline check organ; Nineth chapter party; tenth chapter partyand Communist Youth League of relationship; 11th chapter femme fatale flag. And the party compared toParty branch Secretary of a party lecture of two speeches: tutoring covers all of the new party Constitution two education has kicked off. Study of the Constitution of this practice is a very important part. oday I'll give you a new section of the Constitution on the counselling of learning lessons, hope, through today's tutorial, further consolidation of all the party members of the new party Constitution study results to help you better understand and grasp the important knowledge in the new Constitution. This tutorial has the following three components: one is the importance of studying and implementing of the new party Constitution; second, compared with the 17 adopted by the party Constitution, the main changes in the content and interpretation of the new Constitution; the third is at this stage how to make full use of the new essence of the content of the Constitution to guide party building. Two thematic education in party lecture notes, and study and carry out the significance of the new Constitution (a) studying and implementing the party Constitution is the most basic obligations of each party member. We party party yilai, has been put learning implement Constitution as a items regular of work one of implement Yu always, and in different history background and the different reality need of situation Xia, also will as a items important sex work, concentrated to, and highlight to, and separate to be arrangements, only on reform more than 30 years to, most important of concentrated learning implement Constitution on has four times: (ii) learning implement Constitution, is maintenance party of solidarity unified, and completed party of the task of strong guarantee. Both history and reality show that only determined to uphold the supremacy of the Constitution, according to the educational management of party members and cadres at the request of the party Constitution to ensure the party strictly implement the party's policy and discipline, to maintain party unity, completed the party's various tasks to provide a strong guarantee. (C) studying and implementing the party Constitution, consolidating the party's ruling status, and the inevitable requirement of maintaining the advanced nature of the party. Comrade XI Jinping pointed out: the Constitution is the fundamental law of the party, the party must follow the General rules. In all the activities of the party organization at all levels, will continue to guide the broad masses of party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, conscientiously study the party Constitution, abide by the party Constitution, the implementation of the party Constitution and maintaining party Constitution, should strengthen party spirit, enhance the consciousness, purpose awareness, power awareness, situation awareness, sense of responsibility, earnestly sharing sorrow for the party, responsible for the country, for the people and dedication. (D) studying and implementing the party Constitution, is to solve the problems the party's actual needs. Comrade XI Jinping said all party members must achieve, leading cadres should first do whatever the1)一致性。 2)可理解性。 3)可修改性。 4)可追踪性。





开始a(x>1) AND (y=0)Fc(x=2) OR (z>1)Fe结束TTbd语句段1语句段2


令x=2,y=0,z=4作为测试数据,程序执行路径为abcde。 2)判定覆盖——分支覆盖

可以设计如下两组数据以满足判定覆盖: x=3,y=0,z=1(通过路径abce); x=2,y=1,z=2(通过路径acde)。

x=2,y=1,z=1;覆盖路径acde x=1,y=1,z=1;覆盖路径ace x=3,y=0,z=1;覆盖路径abce

2、分别画出顺序结构、选择结构、while结构、until结构的程序图,并计算它们的V(G)值。 解:

onstitution provides that no party member can do, leading cadres should take the lead in not doing. In strict accordance with the party Constitution Party member leading cadre must have six basic conditions and improve their own qualities and abilities, regular checks and pay for their own shortcomings. Especially in the ideal and belief, persist in seeking truth from facts, and promote the scientific development, maintain close ties with, strengthening moral cultivation, and strict adherence to party discipline for party members to lead by example. Second, the main change in the new Constitution and the interpretation of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, to end on November 14, 2012 General Assembly vote, the Constitution of the Communist Party of China (Amendment) Act. 18 Congress of the partyBy the Constitution of the Communist Party of China (Amendment) Act, against 17 in six large through a revision of the party Constitution. In order to comply with thedevelopment of the situation and tasks change, every national Congress of our party will be of varying degrees of revision of the Constitution. A big party was held in 1921, due to time constraints, and developed a platform of one of the large, just a programmatic document. Our first Constitution was established by the party's second National Congress. According to the changes in the situation and tasks, after two successive congresses (except for five) different degrees of modification to the Constitution. Because of the special circumstances, the five party Constitution has not been modified, by the Politburo after changes to the Constitution. Current is developed in September 1982 the party's 12 big changes to the party Constitution. 30 years, on the premise of maintaining the stability of the basic contents of the party Constitution, 13 and 14 and Congress of the party, 16 and 17 are with varying degrees of modification of the Constitution. Constitution modified of history, is we party 92 greatdevelopment course of miniature and show, a is show has we party tightly relies on people completed and advance three pieces event of great course; II is show has we party in led China revolution, and construction and reform long-term practice in the, constantly advance Marxist China of process, constantly advance theory innovation of great course; three is show has we party constantly summary party of construction of new created, and new experience, constantly improve party of construction scientific level of great course. This 18 big through of Constitution, except \ total 11 chapter, total 53 article, specific for master; first chapter members; second chapter party of organization system; third chapter party of Central Organization; fourth chapter party of place organization; fifth chapter party of grass-roots organizations; sixth chapter party of cadres; seventh chapter party of discipline; eighth chapter party of discipline check organ; Nineth chapter party; tenth chapter partyand Communist Youth League of relationship; 11th chapter femme fatale flag. And the party compared toParty branch Secretary of a party lecture of two speeches: tutoring covers all of the new party Constitution two education has kicked off. Study of the Constitution of this practice is a very important part. Today I'll give you a new section of the Constitution on the counselling of learning lessons, hope, through today's tutorial, further consolidation of all the party members of the new party Constitution study results to help you better understand and grasp the important knowledge in the new Constitution. This tutorial has the following three components: one is the importance of studying and implementing of the new party Constitution; second, compared with the 17 adopted by the party Constitution, the main changes in the content and interpretation of the new Constitution; the third is at this stage how to make full use of the new essence of the content of the Constitution to guide party building. Two thematic education in party lecture notes, and study and carry out the significance of the new Constitution (a) studying and implementing the party Constitution is the most basic obligations of each party member. We party party yilai, has been put learning implement Constitution as a items regular of work one of implement Yu always, and in different history background and the different reality need of situation Xia, also will as a items important sex work, concentrated to, and highlight to, and separate to be arrangements, only on reform more than 30 years to, most important of concentrated learning implement Constitution on has four times: (ii) learning implement Constitution, is maintenance party of solidarity unified, and completed party of the task of strong guarantee. Both history and reality show that only determined to uphold the supremacy of the Constitution, according to the educational management of party members and cadres at the request of the party Constitution to ensure the party strictly implement the party's policy and discipline, to maintain party unity, completed the party's various tasks to provide a strong guarantee. (C) studying and implementing the party Constitution, consolidating the party's ruling status, and the inevitable requirement of maintaining the advanced nature of the party. Comrade XI Jinping pointed out: the Constitution is the fundamental law of the party, the party must follow the General rules. In all the activities of the party organization at all levels, will continue to guide the broad masses of party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, conscientiously study the party Constitution, abide by the party Constitution, the implementation of the party Constitution and maintaining party Constitution, should strengthen party spirit, enhance the consciousness, purpose awareness, power awareness, situation awareness, sense of responsibility, earnestly sharing sorrow for the party, responsible for the country, for the people and dedication. (D) studying and implementing the party Constitution, is to solve the problemsthe party's actual needs. Comrade XI Jinping said all party members must achieve, leading cadres should first do whatever the(a)顺序结构R1V(G)= E –N + 2 = 1 –2 + 2 = 1(b)选择结构R2R1V(G)= E –N + 2 = 4 –4 + 2 = 2 (c)while结构R1R2V(G)= E –N + 2 = 3 –3 + 2 = 2 (d)until 结构R1R2V(G)= E –N + 2 = 3 –3 + 2 = 2

onstitution provides that no party member can do, leading cadres should take the lead in not doing. In strict accordance with the party Constitution Party member leading cadre must have six basic conditions and improve their own qualities and abilities, regular checks and pay for their own shortcomings. Especially in the ideal and belief, persist in seeking truth from facts, and promote the scientific development, maintain close ties with, strengthening moral cultivation, and strict adherence to party discipline for party members to lead by example. Second, the main change in the new Constitution and the interpretation of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, to end on November 14, 2012 General Assembly vote, the Constitution of the Communist Party of China (Amendment) Act. 18 Congress of the partyBy the Constitution of the Communist Party of China (Amendment) Act, against 17 in six large through a revision of the party Constitution. In order to comply with thedevelopment of the situation and tasks change, every national Congress of our party will be of varying degrees of revision of the Constitution. A big party was held in 1921, due to time constraints, and developed a platform of one of the large, just a programmatic document. Our first Constitution was established by the party's second National Congress. According to the changes in the situation and tasks, after two successive congresses (except for five) different degrees of modification to the Constitution. Because of the special circumstances, the five party Constitution has not been modified, by the Politburo after changes to the Constitution. Current is developed in September 1982 the party's 12 big changes to the party Constitution. 30 years, on the premise of maintaining the stability of the basic contents of the party Constitution, 13 and 14 and Congress of the party, 16 and 17 are with varying degrees of modification of the Constitution. Constitution modified of history, is we party 92 greatdevelopment course of miniature and show, a is show has we party tightly relies on people completed and advance three pieces event of great course; II is show has we party in led China revolution, and construction and reform long-term practice in the, constantly advance Marxist China of process, constantly advance theory innovation of great course; three is show has we party constantly summary party of construction of new created, and new experience, constantly improve party of construction scientific level of great course. This 18 big through of Constitution, except \ total 11 chapter, total 53 article, specific for master; first chapter members; second chapter party of organization system; third chapter party of Central Organization; fourth chapter party of place organization; fifth chapter party of grass-roots organizations; sixth chapter party of cadres; seventh chapter party of discipline; eighth chapter party of discipline check organ; Nineth chapter party; tenth chapter partyand Communist Youth League of relationship; 11th chapter femme fatale flag. And the party compared to

Party branch Secretary of a party lecture of two speeches: tutoring covers all of the new party Constitution two education has kicked off. Study of the Constitution of this practice is a very important part. oday I'll give you a new section of the Constitution on the counselling of learning lessons, hope, through today's tutorial, further consolidation of all the party members of the new party Constitution study results to help you better understand and grasp the important knowledge in the new Constitution. This tutorial has the following three components: one is the importance of studying and implementing of the new party Constitution; second, compared with the 17 adopted by the party Constitution, the main changes in the content and interpretation of the new Constitution; the third is at this stage how to make full use of the new essence of the content of the Constitution to guide party building. Two thematic education in party lecture notes, and study and carry out the significance of the new Constitution (a) studying and implementing the party Constitution is the most basic obligations of each party member. We party party yilai, has been put learning implement Constitution as a items regular of work one of implement Yu always, and in different history background and the different reality need of situation Xia, also will as a items important sex work, concentrated to, and highlight to, and separate to be arrangements, only on reform more than 30 years to, most important of concentrated learning implement Constitution on has four times: (ii) learning implement Constitution, is maintenance party of solidarity unified, and completed party of the task of strong guarantee. Both history and reality show that only determined to uphold the supremacy of the Constitution, according to the educational management of party members and cadres at the request of the party Constitution to ensure the party strictly implement the party's policy and discipline, to maintain party unity, completed the party's various tasks to provide a strong guarantee. (C) studying and implementing the party Constitution, consolidating the party's ruling status, and the inevitable requirement of maintaining the advanced nature of the party. Comrade XI Jinping pointed out: the Constitution is the fundamental law of the party, the party must follow the General rules. In all the activities of the party organization at all levels, will continue to guide the broad masses of party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, conscientiously study the party Constitution, abide by the party Constitution, the implementation of the party Constitution and maintaining party Constitution, should strengthen party spirit, enhance the consciousness, purpose awareness, power awareness, situation awareness, sense of responsibility, earnestly sharing sorrow for the party, responsible for the country, for the people and dedication. (D) studying and implementing the party Constitution, is to solve the problems the party's actual needs. Comrade XI Jinping said all party members must achieve, leading cadres should first do whatever the《软件工程练习题及参考答案》


1、软件工程中的各种方法是完成软件工程项目的技术手段,它们支持软件工程的(A)阶段。 A. 各个 B. 前期 C. 中期 D. 后期

2、从事物的属性侧面来描述事物的方法就是(B)的方法。 A. 面向对象 B. 面向数据 C. 面向过程 D. 面向属性

3、一个模块的(B)是指能直接控制该模块的模块数。 A. 扇出数 B. 扇入数 C. 宽度 D. 深度

4、Jackson方法在需求分析阶段的主要步骤不包括(A)。 A. 了解实体行为 B. 标识实体与行为 C. 生成实体结构图 D. 创建软件系统模型

5、实践表明,确定发生错误的位置和内在原因所需的工作量几乎占整个调试工作量的(D)%。 A. 30 B. 50 C. 70 D. 90


A. 纠错性维护 B. 适应性维护 C. 改善性维护 D. 预防性维护


1. 软件工程由方法、工具和过程三部分组成,称为(软件工程)的三要素。 2. 软件可修改性,是指允许对软件系统进行修改而不增加其(复杂)性。 3. 一般来说,产品、过程、资源等对象都具有内部属性和(外部)属性。

4. 软件开发风险分析实际上就是贯穿于软件工程过程中的一系列风险管理步骤,包括

onstitution provides that no party member can do, leading cadres should take the lead in not doing. In strict accordance with the party Constitution Party member leading cadre must have six basic conditions and improve their own qualities and abilities, regular checks and pay for their own shortcomings. Especially in the ideal and belief, persist in seeking truth from facts, and promote the scientific development, maintain close ties with, strengthening moral cultivation, and strict adherence to party discipline for party members to lead by example. Second, the main change in the new Constitution and the interpretation of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, to end on November 14, 2012 General Assembly vote, the Constitution of the Communist Party of China (Amendment) Act. 18 Congress of the partyBy the Constitution of the Communist Party of China (Amendment) Act, against 17 in six large through a revision of the party Constitution. In order to comply with thedevelopment of the situation and tasks change, every national Congress of our party will be of varying degrees of revision of the Constitution. A big party was held in 1921, due to time constraints, and developed a platform of one of the large, just a programmatic document. Our first Constitution was established by the party's second National Congress. According to the changes in the situation and tasks, after two successive congresses (except for five) different degrees of modification to the Constitution. Because of the special circumstances, the five party Constitution has not been modified, by the Politburo after changes to the Constitution. Current is developed in September 1982 the party's 12 big changes to the party Constitution. 30 years, on the premise of maintaining the stability of the basic contents of the party Constitution, 13 and 14 and Congress of the party, 16 and 17 are with varying degrees of modification of the Constitution. Constitution modified of history, is we party 92 greatdevelopment course of miniature and show, a is show has we party tightly relies on people completed and advance three pieces event of great course; II is show has we party in led China revolution, and construction and reform long-term practice in the, constantly advance Marxist China of process, constantly advance theory innovation of great course; three is show has we party constantly summary party of construction of new created, and new experience, constantly improve party of construction scientific level of great course. This 18 big through of Constitution, except \ total 11 chapter, total 53 article, specific for master; first chapter members; second chapter party of organization system; third chapter party of Central Organization; fourth chapter party of place organization; fifth chapter party of grass-roots organizations; sixth chapter party of cadres; seventh chapter party of discipline; eighth chapter party of discipline check organ; Nineth chapter party; tenth chapter partyand Communist Youth League of relationship; 11th chapter femme fatale flag. And the party compared toParty branch Secretary of a party lecture of two speeches: tutoring covers all of the new party Constitution two education has kicked off. Study of the Constitution of this practice is a very important part. Today I'll give you a new section of the Constitution on the counselling of learning lessons, hope, through today's tutorial, further consolidation of all the party members of the new party Constitution study results to help you better understand and grasp the important knowledge in the new Constitution. This tutorial has the following three components: one is the importance of studying and implementing of the new party Constitution; second, compared with the 17 adopted by the party Constitution, the main changes in the content and interpretation of the new Constitution; the third is at this stage how to make full use of the new essence of the content of the Constitution to guide party building. Two thematic education in party lecture notes, and study and carry out the significance of the new Constitution (a) studying and implementing the party Constitution is the most basic obligations of each party member. We party party yilai, has been put learning implement Constitution as a items regular of work one of implement Yu always, and in different history background and the different reality need of situation Xia, also will as a items important sex work, concentrated to, and highlight to, and separate to be arrangements, only on reform more than 30 years to, most important of concentrated learning implement Constitution on has four times: (ii) learning implement Constitution, is maintenance party of solidarity unified, and completed party of the task of strong guarantee. Both history and reality show that only determined to uphold the supremacy of the Constitution, according to the educational management of party members and cadres at the request of the party Constitution to ensure the party strictly implement the party's policy and discipline, to maintain party unity, completed the party's various tasks to provide a strong guarantee. (C) studying and implementing the party Constitution, consolidating the party's ruling status, and the inevitable requirement of maintaining the advanced nature of the party. Comrade XI Jinping pointed out: the Constitution is the fundamental law of the party, the party must follow the General rules. In all the activities of the party organization at all levels, will continue to guide the broad masses of party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, conscientiously study the party Constitution, abide by the party Constitution, the implementation of the party Constitution and maintaining party Constitution, should strengthen party spirit, enhance the consciousness, purpose awareness, power awareness, situation awareness, sense of responsibility, earnestly sharing sorrow for the party, responsible for the country, for the people and dedication. (D) studying and implementing the party Constitution, is to solve the problemsthe party's actual needs. Comrade XI Jinping said all party members must achieve, leading cadres should first do whatever the5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

风险标识、(风险估算)、风险评价、风险驾驭和监控。 使用类创建对象的过程实际上是类的(实例化)过程。 第三代界面是面向(窗口)的点选界面。

在编码阶段对代码的可测试性进行考虑可以(减少)测试阶段的工作量。 测试用例的设计应有第(三)方参与。



1. 一个好的开发人员应具备的素质和能力包括善于分析和综合问题,具有严密的逻辑思维


2. 计算机系统工程是一种从系统层面上的问题求解活动。(√)

3. 软件需求是指用户对目标软件系统在功能、性能、行为、设计约束等方面的期望。(√) 4. 数据流图就是用来刻画数据流和转换的信息系统建模技术。(√)

5. 软件过程设计不用遵循“自上而下,逐步求精”的原则和单入口单出口的结构化设计思


6. PDL经常表现为一种“混杂”的形式,他不允许自然语言如英语的词汇与某种结构化程序

设计语言(如Pascal、C、Ada等)的语法结构交织在一起。(X) 7. 设计阶段的输出是编码阶段的输入。(√)

8. 通过软件测试,可以发现软件中所有潜伏的错误。(X) 9. 非结构化维护用于软件的配置中只有源代码维护。(√) 10. 系统规格说明是系统分析和定义阶段生成的一种文档。(√)

11. 数据流图的分解速度应保持较高。通常一个加工每次可分解为10~20个子加工。(X) 12. 内聚度标志一个模块内部各成分彼此结合的紧密程度,按其高低程度可分为七级,内聚


四、简答题(每小题4分,共20分) 1、原型法模型一般适应哪些场合?

它适合于那些不能预先确切定义需求的软件系统的开发,更适合于那些项目组成员(包括分析员、设计员、程序员和用户)不能很好交流或通信有困难的情况。 2、简答结构化程序设计的内容。



1)初建系统模型 2)扩充功能性过程 3)系统定时 4)实现




onstitution provides that no party member can do, leading cadres should take the lead in not doing. In strict accordance with the party Constitution Party member leading cadre must have six basic conditions and improve their own qualities and abilities, regular checks and pay for their own shortcomings. Especially in the ideal and belief, persist in seeking truth from facts, and promote the scientific development, maintain close ties with, strengthening moral cultivation, and strict adherence to party discipline for party members to lead by example. Second, the main change in the new Constitution and the interpretation of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, to end on November 14, 2012 General Assembly vote, the Constitution of the Communist Party of China (Amendment) Act. 18 Congress of the partyBy the Constitution of the Communist Party of China (Amendment) Act, against 17 in six large through a revision of the party Constitution. In order to comply with thedevelopment of the situation and tasks change, every national Congress of our party will be of varying degrees of revision of the Constitution. A big party was held in 1921, due to time constraints, and developed a platform of one of the large, just a programmatic document. Our first Constitution was established by the party's second National Congress. According to the changes in the situation and tasks, after two successive congresses (except for five) different degrees of modification to the Constitution. Because of the special circumstances, the five party Constitution has not been modified, by the Politburo after changes to the Constitution. Current is developed in September 1982 the party's 12 big changes to the party Constitution. 30 years, on the premise of maintaining the stability of the basic contents of the party Constitution, 13 and 14 and Congress of the party, 16 and 17 are with varying degrees of modification of the Constitution. Constitution modified of history, is we party 92 greatdevelopment course of miniature and show, a is show has we party tightly relies on people completed and advance three pieces event of great course; II is show has we party in led China revolution, and construction and reform long-term practice in the, constantly advance Marxist China of process, constantly advance theory innovation of great course; three is show has we party constantly summary party of construction of new created, and new experience, constantly improve party of construction scientific level of great course. This 18 big through of Constitution, except \ total 11 chapter, total 53 article, specific for master; first chapter members; second chapter party of organization system; third chapter party of Central Organization; fourth chapter party of place organization; fifth chapter party of grass-roots organizations; sixth chapter party of cadres; seventh chapter party of discipline; eighth chapter party of discipline check organ; Nineth chapter party; tenth chapter partyand Communist Youth League of relationship; 11th chapter femme fatale flag. And the party compared toParty branch Secretary of a party lecture of two speeches: tutoring covers all of the new party Constitution two education has kicked off. Study of the Constitution of this practice is a very important part. oday I'll give you a new section of the Constitution on the counselling of learning lessons, hope, through today's tutorial, further consolidation of all the party members of the new party Constitution study results to help you better understand and grasp the important knowledge in the new Constitution. This tutorial has the following three components: one is the importance of studying and implementing of the new party Constitution; second, compared with the 17 adopted by the party Constitution, the main changes in the content and interpretation of the new Constitution; the third is at this stage how to make full use of the new essence of the content of the Constitution to guide party building. Two thematic education in party lecture notes, and study and carry out the significance of the new Constitution (a) studying and implementing the party Constitution is the most basic obligations of each party member. We party party yilai, has been put learning implement Constitution as a items regular of work one of implement Yu always, and in different history background and the different reality need of situation Xia, also will as a items important sex work, concentrated to, and highlight to, and separate to be arrangements, only on reform more than 30 years to, most important of concentrated learning implement Constitution on has four times: (ii) learning implement Constitution, is maintenance party of solidarity unified, and completed party of the task of strong guarantee. Both history and reality show that only determined to uphold the supremacy of the Constitution, according to the educational management of party members and cadres at the request of the party Constitution to ensure the party strictly implement the party's policy and discipline, to maintain party unity, completed the party's various tasks to provide a strong guarantee. (C) studying and implementing the party Constitution, consolidating the party's ruling status, and the inevitable requirement of maintaining the advanced nature of the party. Comrade XI Jinping pointed out: the Constitution is the fundamental law of the party, the party must follow the General rules. In all the activities of the party organization at all levels, will continue to guide the broad masses of party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, conscientiously study the party Constitution, abide by the party Constitution, the implementation of the party Constitution and maintaining party Constitution, should strengthen party spirit, enhance the consciousness, purpose awareness, power awareness, situation awareness, sense of responsibility, earnestly sharing sorrow for the party, responsible for the country, for the people and dedication. (D) studying and implementing the party Constitution, is to solve the problems the party's actual needs. Comrade XI Jinping said all party members must achieve, leading cadres should first do whatever the五、综合题(每小题10分,共20分) 1、软件工程的目标是什么?



开始a(x>1) AND (y=0)Fc(x=2) OR (z>1)Fe结束TTbd语句段1语句段2 解:1)判定/条件覆盖——它是指设计足够的测试用例,即满足条件覆盖又满足判定覆盖。 2)测试用例:x=2,y=0,z=3(覆盖x>1,y=0,x=2,z>1,通过路径abcde); x=1,y=1,z=1(覆盖x≤1,y≠0,x≠2,z≤1,通过路径ace)。

onstitution provides that no party member can do, leading cadres should take the lead in not doing. In strict accordance with the party Constitution Party member leading cadre must have six basic conditions and improve their own qualities and abilities, regular checks and pay for their own shortcomings. Especially in the ideal and belief, persist in seeking truth from facts, and promote the scientific development, maintain close ties with, strengthening moral cultivation, and strict adherence to party discipline for party members to lead by example. Second, the main change in the new Constitution and the interpretation of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, to end on November 14, 2012 General Assembly vote, the Constitution of the Communist Party of China (Amendment) Act. 18 Congress of the partyBy the Constitution of the Communist Party of China (Amendment) Act, against 17 in six large through a revision of the party Constitution. In order to comply with thedevelopment of the situation and tasks change, every national Congress of our party will be of varying degrees of revision of the Constitution. A big party was held in 1921, due to time constraints, and developed a platform of one of the large, just a programmatic document. Our first Constitution was established by the party's second National Congress. According to the changes in the situation and tasks, after two successive congresses (except for five) different degrees of modification to the Constitution. Because of the special circumstances, the five party Constitution has not been modified, by the Politburo after changes to the Constitution. Current is developed in September 1982 the party's 12 big changes to the party Constitution. 30 years, on the premise of maintaining the stability of the basic contents of the party Constitution, 13 and 14 and Congress of the party, 16 and 17 are with varying degrees of modification of the Constitution. Constitution modified of history, is we party 92 greatdevelopment course of miniature and show, a is show has we party tightly relies on people completed and advance three pieces event of great course; II is show has we party in led China revolution, and construction and reform long-term practice in the, constantly advance Marxist China of process, constantly advance theory innovation of great course; three is show has we party constantly summary party of construction of new created, and new experience, constantly improve party of construction scientific level of great course. This 18 big through of Constitution, except \ total 11 chapter, total 53 article, specific for master; first chapter members; second chapter party of organization system; third chapter party of Central Organization; fourth chapter party of place organization; fifth chapter party of grass-roots organizations; sixth chapter party of cadres; seventh chapter party of discipline; eighth chapter party of discipline check organ; Nineth chapter party; tenth chapter partyand Communist Youth League of relationship; 11th chapter femme fatale flag. And the party compared toParty branch Secretary of a party lecture of two speeches: tutoring covers all of the new party Constitution two education has kicked off. Study of the Constitution of this practice is a very important part. Today I'll give you a new section of the Constitution on the counselling of learning lessons, hope, through today's tutorial, further consolidation of all the party members of the new party Constitution study results to help you better understand and grasp the important knowledge in the new Constitution. This tutorial has the following three components: one is the importance of studying and implementing of the new party Constitution; second, compared with the 17 adopted by the party Constitution, the main changes in the content and interpretation of the new Constitution; the third is at this stage how to make full use of the new essence of the content of the Constitution to guide party building. Two thematic education in party lecture notes, and study and carry out the significance of the new Constitution (a) studying and implementing the party Constitution is the most basic obligations of each party member. We party party yilai, has been put learning implement Constitution as a items regular of work one of implement Yu always, and in different history background and the different reality need of situation Xia, also will as a items important sex work, concentrated to, and highlight to, and separate to be arrangements, only on reform more than 30 years to, most important of concentrated learning implement Constitution on has four times: (ii) learning implement Constitution, is maintenance party of solidarity unified, and completed party of the task of strong guarantee. Both history and reality show that only determined to uphold the supremacy of the Constitution, according to the educational management of party members and cadres at the request of the party Constitution to ensure the party strictly implement the party's policy and discipline, to maintain party unity, completed the party's various tasks to provide a strong guarantee. (C) studying and implementing the party Constitution, consolidating the party's ruling status, and the inevitable requirement of maintaining the advanced nature of the party. Comrade XI Jinping pointed out: the Constitution is the fundamental law of the party, the party must follow the General rules. In all the activities of the party organization at all levels, will continue to guide the broad masses of party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, conscientiously study the party Constitution, abide by the party Constitution, the implementation of the party Constitution and maintaining party Constitution, should strengthen party spirit, enhance the consciousness, purpose awareness, power awareness, situation awareness, sense of responsibility, earnestly sharing sorrow for the party, responsible for the country, for the people and dedication. (D) studying and implementing the party Constitution, is to solve the problemsthe party's actual needs. Comrade XI Jinping said all party members must achieve, leading cadres should first do whatever the《软件工程练习题及参考答案》


1、统计表明,软件测试工作往往占软件开发总工作量的(B)%以上。 A. 20 B. 40 C. 60 D. 80

2、单元测试的测试对象是(B)。 A. 系统

B. 程序模块。 C. 模块接口 D. 系统功能

3、软件总体设计是指软件总体结构设计和数据设计,该阶段的主要任务不包括(D)。 A. 设计软件的模块结构 B. 定义接口并建立数据结构

C. 生成概要设计规格说明和组装测试计划 D. 模块设计

4、软件开发部分的任务是将系统对软件的需求转换成可操作的系统要素,即(A) A. 软件 B. 硬件 C. 文本 D. 说明

5、维护工作量的估算模型为:M=P+Ke(c-d)其中:M代表(A)。 A. 维护所用工作量 B. 生产性工作量 C. 助动性工作量 D. 经验常数

6、维护的副作用可分三类,不包括(D)。 A. 代码副作用 B. 数据副作用 C. 文档副作用 D. 人员副作用


1. 软件工程由(方法)、工具和过程三部分组成,称软件工程的三要素。 2. 基于计算机系统的软件要素中的软部件由程序、数据和(文档)组成。 3. 数据流图就是用来刻画数据流和转换的信息系统建模技术。它用简单的图形记号分

别表示数据流、转换、(数据源)以及外部实体。 4. 被继承的类我们称之为基类(父类),在基类的基础上新建立的类我们称之为派生


5. 流程图也称为程序框图是最常用的一种表示法,它有顺序、分支和(循环)三个基


onstitution provides that no party member can do, leading cadres should take the lead in not doing. In strict accordance with the party Constitution Party member leading cadre must have six basic conditions and improve their own qualities and abilities, regular checks and pay for their own shortcomings. Especially in the ideal and belief, persist in seeking truth from facts, and promote the scientific development, maintain close ties with, strengthening moral cultivation, and strict adherence to party discipline for party members to lead by example. Second, the main change in the new Constitution and the interpretation of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, to end on November 14, 2012 General Assembly vote, the Constitution of the Communist Party of China (Amendment) Act. 18 Congress of the partyBy the Constitution of the Communist Party of China (Amendment) Act, against 17 in six large through a revision of the party Constitution. In order to comply with thedevelopment of the situation and tasks change, every national Congress of our party will be of varying degrees of revision of the Constitution. A big party was held in 1921, due to time constraints, and developed a platform of one of the large, just a programmatic document. Our first Constitution was established by the party's second National Congress. According to the changes in the situation and tasks, after two successive congresses (except for five) different degrees of modification to the Constitution. Because of the special circumstances, the five party Constitution has not been modified, by the Politburo after changes to the Constitution. Current is developed in September 1982 the party's 12 big changes to the party Constitution. 30 years, on the premise of maintaining the stability of the basic contents of the party Constitution, 13 and 14 and Congress of the party, 16 and 17 are with varying degrees of modification of the Constitution. Constitution modified of history, is we party 92 greatdevelopment course of miniature and show, a is show has we party tightly relies on people completed and advance three pieces event of great course; II is show has we party in led China revolution, and construction and reform long-term practice in the, constantly advance Marxist China of process, constantly advance theory innovation of great course; three is show has we party constantly summary party of construction of new created, and new experience, constantly improve party of construction scientific level of great course. This 18 big through of Constitution, except \ total 11 chapter, total 53 article, specific for master; first chapter members; second chapter party of organization system; third chapter party of Central Organization; fourth chapter party of place organization; fifth chapter party of grass-roots organizations; sixth chapter party of cadres; seventh chapter party of discipline; eighth chapter party of discipline check organ; Nineth chapter party; tenth chapter partyand Communist Youth League of relationship; 11th chapter femme fatale flag. And the party compared toParty branch Secretary of a party lecture of two speeches: tutoring covers all of the new party Constitution two education has kicked off. Study of the Constitution of this practice is a very important part. oday I'll give you a new section of the Constitution on the counselling of learning lessons, hope, through today's tutorial, further consolidation of all the party members of the new party Constitution study results to help you better understand and grasp the important knowledge in the new Constitution. This tutorial has the following three components: one is the importance of studying and implementing of the new party Constitution; second, compared with the 17 adopted by the party Constitution, the main changes in the content and interpretation of the new Constitution; the third is at this stage how to make full use of the new essence of the content of the Constitution to guide party building. Two thematic education in party lecture notes, and study and carry out the significance of the new Constitution (a) studying and implementing the party Constitution is the most basic obligations of each party member. We party party yilai, has been put learning implement Constitution as a items regular of work one of implement Yu always, and in different history background and the different reality need of situation Xia, also will as a items important sex work, concentrated to, and highlight to, and separate to be arrangements, only on reform more than 30 years to, most important of concentrated learning implement Constitution on has four times: (ii) learning implement Constitution, is maintenance party of solidarity unified, and completed party of the task of strong guarantee. Both history and reality show that only determined to uphold the supremacy of the Constitution, according to the educational management of party members and cadres at the request of the party Constitution to ensure the party strictly implement the party's policy and discipline, to maintain party unity, completed the party's various tasks to provide a strong guarantee. (C) studying and implementing the party Constitution, consolidating the party's ruling status, and the inevitable requirement of maintaining the advanced nature of the party. Comrade XI Jinping pointed out: the Constitution is the fundamental law of the party, the party must follow the General rules. In all the activities of the party organization at all levels, will continue to guide the broad masses of party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, conscientiously study the party Constitution, abide by the party Constitution, the implementation of the party Constitution and maintaining party Constitution, should strengthen party spirit, enhance the consciousness, purpose awareness, power awareness, situation awareness, sense of responsibility, earnestly sharing sorrow for the party, responsible for the country, for the people and dedication. (D) studying and implementing the party Constitution, is to solve the problems the party's actual needs. Comrade XI Jinping said all party members must achieve, leading cadres should first do whatever the6. 7. 8. 9.


软件测试是执行程序发现并排除程序中潜伏的(错误)的过程。 动态测试有两种测试方法:黑盒测试和(白盒)测试。



1. 文档记录软件开发活动和阶段成果,具有永久性,可供人或机器阅读。(√) 2. 生产高质量的软件产品是软件工程的首要目标。(√) 3. 软件开发人员对用户需求的理解有偏差,这将导致软件产品与用户的需求不一致,是产


4. 开发一个软件项目总存在某些不确定性,即存在风险。有些风险如果控制得不好,可能


5. 面向对象设计是将面向对象分析所创建的分析模型进一步细化形成软件设计模型的过


6. 只有了解用户、了解任务,才能设计出好的用户界面。(√) 7. 结构化维护用于待维护的软件的配置是完整的维护。(√) 8. 用户本身的技能,个性上的差异,行为方式的不同,不会对人机界面使用造成影响。(X) 9. 程序的可靠性、可维护性和效率通常由程序设计语言、源代码的质量、和语言的实现机


10. 程序文档一般指以注释的形式嵌入程序中的代码描述。(√) 11. 为提高可交互性一般应提高用户对话、移动和思考的效率,即最大可能地减少击键次数,

缩短鼠标移动的距离,避免使用户产生无所适从的感觉。(√) 12. 一般单元测试不可以并行进行。(X)


1、软件工程的原则有抽象、信息隐藏、模块化和其他那些内容? 局部化 一致性 完全性 可验证性

2、常用的软件项目的估算方法主要有哪4种? 1.自顶向下的估算方法 2.自底向上的估算方法 3.差别估算法


3、一个PDL的原型,它可以建立在任意一个通用的结构化程序设计语言之上。其基本成分包括:子程序定义、界面描述、数据说明和其它那些内容? 块结构 分支结构 循环结构 I/O结构

onstitution provides that no party member can do, leading cadres should take the lead in not doing. In strict accordance with the party Constitution Party member leading cadre must have six basic conditions and improve their own qualities and abilities, regular checks and pay for their own shortcomings. Especially in the ideal and belief, persist in seeking truth from facts, and promote the scientific development, maintain close ties with, strengthening moral cultivation, and strict adherence to party discipline for party members to lead by example. Second, the main change in the new Constitution and the interpretation of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, to end on November 14, 2012 General Assembly vote, the Constitution of the Communist Party of China (Amendment) Act. 18 Congress of the partyBy the Constitution of the Communist Party of China (Amendment) Act, against 17 in six large through a revision of the party Constitution. In order to comply with thedevelopment of the situation and tasks change, every national Congress of our party will be of varying degrees of revision of the Constitution. A big party was held in 1921, due to time constraints, and developed a platform of one of the large, just a programmatic document. Our first Constitution was established by the party's second National Congress. According to the changes in the situation and tasks, after two successive congresses (except for five) different degrees of modification to the Constitution. Because of the special circumstances, the five party Constitution has not been modified, by the Politburo after changes to the Constitution. Current is developed in September 1982 the party's 12 big changes to the party Constitution. 30 years, on the premise of maintaining the stability of the basic contents of the party Constitution, 13 and 14 and Congress of the party, 16 and 17 are with varying degrees of modification of the Constitution. Constitution modified of history, is we party 92 greatdevelopment course of miniature and show, a is show has we party tightly relies on people completed and advance three pieces event of great course; II is show has we party in led China revolution, and construction and reform long-term practice in the, constantly advance Marxist China of process, constantly advance theory innovation of great course; three is show has we party constantly summary party of construction of new created, and new experience, constantly improve party of construction scientific level of great course. This 18 big through of Constitution, except \ total 11 chapter, total 53 article, specific for master; first chapter members; second chapter party of organization system; third chapter party of Central Organization; fourth chapter party of place organization; fifth chapter party of grass-roots organizations; sixth chapter party of cadres; seventh chapter party of discipline; eighth chapter party of discipline check organ; Nineth chapter party; tenth chapter partyand Communist Youth League of relationship; 11th chapter femme fatale flag. And the party compared toParty branch Secretary of a party lecture of two speeches: tutoring covers all of the new party Constitution two education has kicked off. Study of the Constitution of this practice is a very important part. Today I'll give you a new section of the Constitution on the counselling of learning lessons, hope, through today's tutorial, further consolidation of all the party members of the new party Constitution study results to help you better understand and grasp the important knowledge in the new Constitution. This tutorial has the following three components: one is the importance of studying and implementing of the new party Constitution; second, compared with the 17 adopted by the party Constitution, the main changes in the content and interpretation of the new Constitution; the third is at this stage how to make full use of the new essence of the content of the Constitution to guide party building. Two thematic education in party lecture notes, and study and carry out the significance of the new Constitution (a) studying and implementing the party Constitution is the most basic obligations of each party member. We party party yilai, has been put learning implement Constitution as a items regular of work one of implement Yu always, and in different history background and the different reality need of situation Xia, also will as a items important sex work, concentrated to, and highlight to, and separate to be arrangements, only on reform more than 30 years to, most important of concentrated learning implement Constitution on has four times: (ii) learning implement Constitution, is maintenance party of solidarity unified, and completed party of the task of strong guarantee. Both history and reality show that only determined to uphold the supremacy of the Constitution, according to the educational management of party members and cadres at the request of the party Constitution to ensure the party strictly implement the party's policy and discipline, to maintain party unity, completed the party's various tasks to provide a strong guarantee. (C) studying and implementing the party Constitution, consolidating the party's ruling status, and the inevitable requirement of maintaining the advanced nature of the party. Comrade XI Jinping pointed out: the Constitution is the fundamental law of the party, the party must follow the General rules. In all the activities of the party organization at all levels, will continue to guide the broad masses of party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, conscientiously study the party Constitution, abide by the party Constitution, the implementation of the party Constitution and maintaining party Constitution, should strengthen party spirit, enhance the consciousness, purpose awareness, power awareness, situation awareness, sense of responsibility, earnestly sharing sorrow for the party, responsible for the country, for the people and dedication. (D) studying and implementing the party Constitution, is to solve the problemsthe party's actual needs. Comrade XI Jinping said all party members must achieve, leading cadres should first do whatever the4、人机界面设计过程可分为创建系统功能的外部模型;确定为完成此系统功能人和计算机应分别完成的任务及另外哪4个步骤?1202 1)考虑界面设计中的典型问题 2)借助CASE工具构造界面原型 3)实现设计模型 4)评估界面质量

5、软件测试过程一般可划分为哪几个主要阶段? 单元测试 集成测试 验收测试 系统测试

五、综合题(每小题10分,共20分) 1、请简述编码原则

1)编写易于修改和维护的代码 2)编写易于测试的代码 3)编写详细的程序文档

4)编程中采用统一的标准和约定,降低程序的复杂性 5)分离功能独立的代码块形成新的模块


开始a(x>1) AND (y=0)Fc(x=2) OR (z>1)Fe结束TTbd语句段1语句段2 解:1)条件覆盖——条件覆盖是指设计足够的测试用例,使每个判定表达式中的每个条件的每种可能值都至少出现一次。

设计如下两组测试用例,可以满足条件覆盖的标准: x=2,y=0,z=3

(覆盖x>1,y=0,x=2,z>1,通过路径abcde); x=1,y=1,z=1


onstitution provides that no party member can do, leading cadres should take the lead in not doing. In strict accordance with the party Constitution Party member leading cadre must have six basic conditions and improve their own qualities and abilities, regular checks and pay for their own shortcomings. Especially in the ideal and belief, persist in seeking truth from facts, and promote the scientific development, maintain close ties with, strengthening moral cultivation, and strict adherence to party discipline for party members to lead by example. Second, the main change in the new Constitution and the interpretation of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, to end on November 14, 2012 General Assembly vote, the Constitution of the Communist Party of China (Amendment) Act. 18 Congress of the partyBy the Constitution of the Communist Party of China (Amendment) Act, against 17 in six large through a revision of the party Constitution. In order to comply with thedevelopment of the situation and tasks change, every national Congress of our party will be of varying degrees of revision of the Constitution. A big party was held in 1921, due to time constraints, and developed a platform of one of the large, just a programmatic document. Our first Constitution was established by the party's second National Congress. According to the changes in the situation and tasks, after two successive congresses (except for five) different degrees of modification to the Constitution. Because of the special circumstances, the five party Constitution has not been modified, by the Politburo after changes to the Constitution. Current is developed in September 1982 the party's 12 big changes to the party Constitution. 30 years, on the premise of maintaining the stability of the basic contents of the party Constitution, 13 and 14 and Congress of the party, 16 and 17 are with varying degrees of modification of the Constitution. Constitution modified of history, is we party 92 greatdevelopment course of miniature and show, a is show has we party tightly relies on people completed and advance three pieces event of great course; II is show has we party in led China revolution, and construction and reform long-term practice in the, constantly advance Marxist China of process, constantly advance theory innovation of great course; three is show has we party constantly summary party of construction of new created, and new experience, constantly improve party of construction scientific level of great course. This 18 big through of Constitution, except \ total 11 chapter, total 53 article, specific for master; first chapter members; second chapter party of organization system; third chapter party of Central Organization; fourth chapter party of place organization; fifth chapter party of grass-roots organizations; sixth chapter party of cadres; seventh chapter party of discipline; eighth chapter party of discipline check organ; Nineth chapter party; tenth chapter partyand Communist Youth League of relationship; 11th chapter femme fatale flag. And the party compared to

Party branch Secretary of a party lecture of two speeches: tutoring covers all of the new party Constitution two education has kicked off. Study of the Constitution of this practice is a very important part. Today I'll give you a new section of the Constitution on the counselling of learning lessons, hope, through today's tutorial, further consolidation of all the party members of the new party Constitution study results to help you better understand and grasp the important knowledge in the new Constitution. This tutorial has the following three components: one is the importance of studying and implementing of the new party Constitution; second, compared with the 17 adopted by the party Constitution, the main changes in the content and interpretation of the new Constitution; the third is at this stage how to make full use of the new essence of the content of the Constitution to guide party building. Two thematic education in party lecture notes, and study and carry out the significance of the new Constitution (a) studying and implementing the party Constitution is the most basic obligations of each party member. We party party yilai, has been put learning implement Constitution as a items regular of work one of implement Yu always, and in different history background and the different reality need of situation Xia, also will as a items important sex work, concentrated to, and highlight to, and separate to be arrangements, only on reform more than 30 years to, most important of concentrated learning implement Constitution on has four times: (ii) learning implement Constitution, is maintenance party of solidarity unified, and completed party of the task of strong guarantee. Both history and reality show that only determined to uphold the supremacy of the Constitution, according to the educational management of party members and cadres at the request of the party Constitution to ensure the party strictly implement the party's policy and discipline, to maintain party unity, completed the party's various tasks to provide a strong guarantee. (C) studying and implementing the party Constitution, consolidating the party's ruling status, and the inevitable requirement of maintaining the advanced nature of the party. Comrade XI Jinping pointed out: the Constitution is the fundamental law of the party, the party must follow the General rules. In all the activities of the party organization at all levels, will continue to guide the broad masses of party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, conscientiously study the party Constitution, abide by the party Constitution, the implementation of the party Constitution and maintaining party Constitution, should strengthen party spirit, enhance the consciousness, purpose awareness, power awareness, situation awareness, sense of responsibility, earnestly sharing sorrow for the party, responsible for the country, for the people and dedication. (D) studying and implementing the party Constitution, is to solve the problemsthe party's actual needs. Comrade XI Jinping said all party members must achieve, leading cadres should first do whatever the4、人机界面设计过程可分为创建系统功能的外部模型;确定为完成此系统功能人和计算机应分别完成的任务及另外哪4个步骤?1202 1)考虑界面设计中的典型问题 2)借助CASE工具构造界面原型 3)实现设计模型 4)评估界面质量

5、软件测试过程一般可划分为哪几个主要阶段? 单元测试 集成测试 验收测试 系统测试

五、综合题(每小题10分,共20分) 1、请简述编码原则

1)编写易于修改和维护的代码 2)编写易于测试的代码 3)编写详细的程序文档

4)编程中采用统一的标准和约定,降低程序的复杂性 5)分离功能独立的代码块形成新的模块


开始a(x>1) AND (y=0)Fc(x=2) OR (z>1)Fe结束TTbd语句段1语句段2 解:1)条件覆盖——条件覆盖是指设计足够的测试用例,使每个判定表达式中的每个条件的每种可能值都至少出现一次。

设计如下两组测试用例,可以满足条件覆盖的标准: x=2,y=0,z=3

(覆盖x>1,y=0,x=2,z>1,通过路径abcde); x=1,y=1,z=1


onstitution provides that no party member can do, leading cadres should take the lead in not doing. In strict accordance with the party Constitution Party member leading cadre must have six basic conditions and improve their own qualities and abilities, regular checks and pay for their own shortcomings. Especially in the ideal and belief, persist in seeking truth from facts, and promote the scientific development, maintain close ties with, strengthening moral cultivation, and strict adherence to party discipline for party members to lead by example. Second, the main change in the new Constitution and the interpretation of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, to end on November 14, 2012 General Assembly vote, the Constitution of the Communist Party of China (Amendment) Act. 18 Congress of the partyBy the Constitution of the Communist Party of China (Amendment) Act, against 17 in six large through a revision of the party Constitution. In order to comply with thedevelopment of the situation and tasks change, every national Congress of our party will be of varying degrees of revision of the Constitution. A big party was held in 1921, due to time constraints, and developed a platform of one of the large, just a programmatic document. Our first Constitution was established by the party's second National Congress. According to the changes in the situation and tasks, after two successive congresses (except for five) different degrees of modification to the Constitution. Because of the special circumstances, the five party Constitution has not been modified, by the Politburo after changes to the Constitution. Current is developed in September 1982 the party's 12 big changes to the party Constitution. 30 years, on the premise of maintaining the stability of the basic contents of the party Constitution, 13 and 14 and Congress of the party, 16 and 17 are with varying degrees of modification of the Constitution. Constitution modified of history, is we party 92 greatdevelopment course of miniature and show, a is show has we party tightly relies on people completed and advance three pieces event of great course; II is show has we party in led China revolution, and construction and reform long-term practice in the, constantly advance Marxist China of process, constantly advance theory innovation of great course; three is show has we party constantly summary party of construction of new created, and new experience, constantly improve party of construction scientific level of great course. This 18 big through of Constitution, except \ total 11 chapter, total 53 article, specific for master; first chapter members; second chapter party of organization system; third chapter party of Central Organization; fourth chapter party of place organization; fifth chapter party of grass-roots organizations; sixth chapter party of cadres; seventh chapter party of discipline; eighth chapter party of discipline check organ; Nineth chapter party; tenth chapter partyand Communist Youth League of relationship; 11th chapter femme fatale flag. And the party compared to

