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一、如何学习英语单词1、The definition of a word: A smallest free form for human communication, it is a unity of sound and meaning and can perform a given syntactic function in a sentence. 2、The components of a word: (1) Form: both the oral form (pronunciation) and the written form (spelling). (2) Meaning: the different kinds of meaning (3) Its function in a sentence英语单词记忆方法 1


一、如何学习英语单词2.1.1 The form of a word: *Pronunciation: To be able to read the word correctly, not just the each syllable of a word but also the stress of that word. Pronunciation is a very basic element in learning a word, because in most cases we communicate in sounds, we speak more than we write. In other words, speaking the language is the most efficient and effective means for communication. So learning of a word starts with learning the pronunciation of it.英语单词记忆方法 2


一、如何学习英语单词* Spelling: Spelling refers to how to write a word correctly. Each word in English has their own written form. After learning the pronunciation of a word, then we need to move to the spelling of it. The spelling of a word is the other direct form of a word which tells us which word it is and what meaning it entails. To learn the spelling of a word means to learn all the letters in it and also to learn the correct order of the letters, for it you reverse the order of the letters or if you miss a letter, you may get a different word. E.g. friend----fiend dog---god英语单词记忆方法 3



Meaning: Usually, we think that the meaning of a word refers to its meaning in a dictionary. But this is just one aspect of its meaning. The meaning of a word comprises several different kinds of meanings,like the grammatical meaning, the lexical meaning, conceptual meaning, associative meaning, connotative meaning, stylistic meaning, affective meaning, and collocative meaning, as shown in the following diagram:英语单词记忆方法 4


Different Types of Word MeaningWord Meaning Grammatical Meaning Lexical Meaning Associative Meaning

Connotative meaning Stylistic meaning

Conceptual Meaning

Affective meaningCollocative meaning

English lexicology (III)


一、如何学习英语单词From the above diagram, we know that the meaning of a word doesn’t actually refer to the meaning or the meanings in a dictionary. The meaning of a words includes different aspects, all these meaning forms the meaning of that word, and they should be learned as a whole. Here I want to stress that we need especially pay attention to the usage of a word, I mean, how to use a word correctly, not just the meaning is correct, but also the right form, as well as the right collocation.英语单词记忆方法 6





一、英语单词记忆困难的原因在学习一门外语时,最令人头痛的问题是 记忆单词,学习英语亦不

例外。无论在中小 学或大学,学生抱怨最多的是记不住单词,学 生所遇到的最大障碍仍然是生词多。英国学 者H .Pierson在1990年《英语语言教学》 杂志上撰文指出:”多数(中国)大学生虽然已 受过至少14年的正规英语教育,许多人却还 是对读原文没有把握......他们的困难仅仅是 由词引起的”(盛建元《外语界》1996/1 P48)。英语单词记忆方法 8


一、英语单词学习困难的原因造成这种结果的原因主要有以下几个方面: 第一,学习英语的自然环境不够理想,只靠课内几个 小时,下课后很少或及乎用不到英语。第二,课文的 趣味性不够,不能吸引学生主动地去复习。第三,对 学习英语的重要性认识不足,缺乏主动性和明确的 学习目标。第四,记忆方法不当,对数量繁多的词汇 产生畏惧心理。学习环境、教材在短期内不会有太 大改变,提高认识有个过程。大家知道,科学的记忆 方法能增强记忆,而好的记忆力在学习过程中是非 常重要的,下面将对记单词的方法作一简要的介绍。9



(一) 分类记忆法斯坦福大学进行的一项研究表明,把单词分门别类 记忆效果要好于把单词混在一起记忆,因为在记单 词时可把新学过的词同已经学过的词以某种关系 联系在一起记忆,以达到复习巩固的目的。如: 交通工具类: carriage/ cart/ car/ truck (lorry)/ bus/ train/ plane/ helicopter/ ship/ hovercraft/spacecraft/ taxi 衣物鞋帽类:coat/ shirt/ dress/ blouse/ T-shirt/ suit/ jeans/ trousers/ shoes/ sport-shoes/ stockings/ vest/ jackets 文具类:pen/ pencil/ ball-pen /color-pencil/ paper/ book/ exercise-book/ note-book/ ink/ brush/ eraser/ ruler 英语单词记忆方法 10


(一) 分类记忆法职业类: doctor/ teacher/ worker/ businessman/ broker /pilot/ butcher/ actor/ actress/ driver/ police-man 语言类: English/ Chinese/ Japanese/ German/ French/ Italian /Spanish/ Arabian/ Polish/ Swedish/ Russian/ Portuguese 球类运动: basketball/ football/ table/ tennis/ badminton/ tennis/ soccer/ waterpolo/ polo/ softball / cricket/ rugby



二、根据构词法规律记忆单词 英语单词的构成有一定规律可循,发现并掌

握该规律有助于记忆。词缀法(affixation) 是一种主要构词方法之一,即加前缀或后缀 构成新词。 1.根据词缀法记单词 1)前缀dis-表示“不、分离、除去、剥夺” 的意义,记住这些前缀的意义,在遇到带有该 前缀的生词时,可猜测其意义。如:英语单词记忆方法 12


二、根据构词法规律记忆单词disagree/ dislike/ displease/ disable/ disadvantage/ disapprove/ disarm/ disbelieve/ disclose/ discomfort/ disconnected/ discontinue/ discourage/ discover/ dishonest/ disorder/ distrust/ dissatisfy


如: overwork/ overeat/ oversleep/ overestimate/ overdone/ overload/over-careful/ overcharge/ overconfident/ overcrowded/ overtime/ overweight/ oversupply/ hyperacid/ hypercritical/ hyper-pure/ supermarket/ supernatural/ superpower/ superconductor/ superheat/super-high frequency/ superman/ super-profit/supersonic.英语单词记忆方法 13


二、根据构词法规律记忆单词一般来讲,前缀不改变词性,但前缀en-往往改变 词性,如: enlarge/ enable/ enpower/ endanger/ enclose/ encase/ enchain/ encode/ encourage/ enforce/ enrich/ enslave 而后缀改变词性,下面举一些表示”人、者、家、 员、师”的后缀为例。 3)后缀-er achiever/ addresser/ addressor/ adventurer/ adviser/ advisor/ baker/ banker/ beginner /bomber/ builder/ butcher/ carrier/ consumer/ commander/ composer/ customer/ dancer/diver英语单词记忆方法 14


二、根据构词法规律记忆单词4)后缀-or actor/ author/ ambassador/ benefactor/ calculator/ collector/ competitor/ conductor/ conqueror/ director/ editor/ educator/ governor/ inspector/ instructor/ inventor/ investigator/ successor/ translator /visitor 5)后缀-ee addressee/ employee/ examinee/ interviewee/ payee/ trainee/ absentee/ refugee/ appointee/ payee 6)后缀-ist capitalist/ chemist/ conversationalist/ dentist /fascist/ geologist/ Marxist/ physicist/ pianist/ terrorist/ tourist英语单词记忆方法 15


二、根据构词法规律记忆单词7)后缀-ess actress/ goddess/ governess/ hostess/ princess/ stewardess/ tigress/ waitress 8)后缀-ian beautician/ electrician/ magician/ musician/ technician 9)后缀-ant accountant/ applicant/ attendant/ dependant/ participant/ tenant英语单词记忆方法 16


三、联想记忆法联想记忆指由一个词想到与该词有某种关系 的另一些词. 1)利用词汇上下义关系进行联想英语中有些词的 词义下属于另一个词,如:baby/child/man/woman称 为下义词(下坐标词,hyponyms), human being称为 上义词(上坐标词,super-ordinate)。(汪榕培、李冬)。 在复习生词时,可采用上下义关系来帮助回忆学过 的词,如先给出共同下义词:car/ bus/ lorry (truck)/ van/ motorcycle/ train, 让学生写出上义词vehicle。 在帮助学生复习学习用 品类的词汇时,先给出 stationery,然后启发学生联想出下义词: ruler/ pen/ pencil/ textbook/ eraser/ schoolbag/calculator.英语单词记忆方法 17




则记忆效果越好。如:single/married right/wrongmale/female alive/dead true/false old/young hard/soft big/small buy/sell teacher/student lend/borrow doctor/patient easy/difficult



三、联想记忆法3)利用同音不同形的词展开联想,在视觉材料上 进行拼写比较,在听力材料上进行意义辨别

和判断, 不仅会加强记忆,对提高听力也会起到帮助作用。 如: die/dye father/farther flea/flee flower/flour here/hear there/their know/no mail/male pair/pear buy/by son/sun sale/sail seem/seam /cease/seize /sole/soul /sow/sew /steel/steal/ two/too tail/tale piece/peace plane/plain principle/principal past/passed stationery/stationary week/weak meat/meet weight/wait whether/weather one/won英语单词记忆方法 19

