高考英语 夯实基础课后检测复习题8

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1.We shall ________ (保卫) our motherland, whatever the cost may be. 2.The museum had several paintings ________ (代表) the artist's early style. 3.The boy looked at me ________ (好奇地) as if I were a complete stranger. 4.He is fluent in ________ (口语的) English, but is not good at written English. 5.The machine will not ________ (运转) properly if it is not kept well oiled. 6.The police took down the witness's ________ (陈述).

7.There were calls for ________ (主要的) changes to the system.

8.Try to avoid being ________ (主观的) and one-sided when looking at problems. 9.Speak clearly, or you'll make yourself ________ (误解).

10.As you ________ (接近) the school, the first building you see is the teaching building.

答案:1.defend 2.representing 3.curiously 4.spoken 5.function 6.statements 7.major 8.subjective 9.misunderstood 10.approach Ⅱ.完成句子

1.He worked out the maths problem________ ________(容易地).(ease)

2.________ ________(总的来说),his written-work is very good, but his oral English is really unacceptable.(general)

3.She is________ ________ ________(很可能)win the game.(likely) 4.He________ ________ ________ ________(背对)the wall.(turn) 5.Are you________ ________(好奇)the origin of mankind?(curious)

答案:1.with ease 2.In general 3.very likely to 4.turned his back to 5.curious about


1.It was________by the railway board that the cost of rail fares would be increased by ten percent.

A.noticed C.suggested

B.stated D.noted

答案:B state在此处意为“宣布,通告,声明(口头的或书面的)”。suggest“建议”,从句中要用虚拟语气;note(=notice)“注意到”。

2.The children were warned of not being too________about things they were not supposed to know.

A.strange C.amused

B.curious D.worn

答案:B 句意:孩子们被警告不要对他们不应该知道的事太好奇。be curious about“对……好奇”。

3.(2012·杭州模拟)This company was the first ________ portable radios as well as cassette recorders in the world.

A.producing C.having produced

B.to produce D.produced

答案:B 句意:这家公司是世界上第一家生产便携式收音机和卡式录音机的公司。当名词被序数词修饰时,多用动词不定式作其后置定语。

4.(2012·济南模拟)Though British and American English have some differences in spelling and pronunciation, they have much ________.

A.in general C.in place

B.in common D.in words

答案:B 句意:虽然英国英语和美国英语在拼写和读音上有一些差异,然而它们还是有很多共同之处的。“have much in common”意为“有很多共同之处”,符合句意。

5.A house may serve many purposes, but its main ________ is to provide shelter. A.rank C.function

B. approach D.theme

答案:C 句意:房子有许多用途,但它的主要功能是提供居住处。function“功能”,符合题意。

6.(2013·东城区第二次联考)________ to work overtime that evening, I missed a wonderful film.

A.Having been asked C.Having asked

B.To ask D.To be asked

答案:A 考查非谓语动词。句意:被要求当晚加班,我错过了一场精彩的电影。由句意可知,应该用被动形式,排除B、C两项;D项表示目的和将来,也不符合语境。

7.—Have the peace talks broken down?

—Yes. Armed conflict is ________ to break out between the two countries. A.likely C.probably

B.possibly D.gradually

答案:A 根据问句中的broken down可知,这两国有可能发生武装冲突。be likely to do sth.“很可能会……”。注意:四个选项中,只有likely是形容词,在这里用作表语。

8.(2012·黄冈模拟)He doesn't have interest in cooking. ________, he's getting

tired of it.

A.On the contrary C.On the other hand

B.On the one hand D.On the whole

答案:A 考查短语辨析。句意:他对烹饪不感兴趣。恰恰相反他很厌烦烹饪。on the contrary“恰恰相反”,符合句意。on the one hand“一方面”;on the other hand“另一方面”;on the whole“总体来说”。

9.Smoking is one of the ________ causes of cancer, killing millions of people each year.

A.major C.commercial

B.similar D.chemical

答案:A 句意:吸烟是引发癌症最主要的原因之一,每年有数百万人丧生。major“主要的”,符合题意。

10.Parents, of course, will do everything they could to ________ their children from harm.

A.defend C.overcome

B.convince D.reduce

答案:A defend...from“保护……免受伤害”,固定搭配。

11.By hiking, people can ________ nature and experience another kind of life. A.close to C.get close to

B.close D.get closed to

答案:C 句意:通过徒步旅行,人们可以亲近大自然,体验另一种生活。get close to“走近,接近”,符合句意,故选C。

12.—He managed to ________ at the last moment. —You mean he has a narrow escape? A.turn away C.turn out

B.turn up D.turn in

答案:A 考查短语辨析。句意:——他在最后一刻设法避开了。——你是说他九死一生?turn away“避开;解雇;不准……入内;走开;转过脸”;turn up“出现;开大;发现”;turn out“生产;结果是”;turn in“交上;归还”。

13.(2012·泰安模拟)The students entered the classroom, smiling and ________, and ________ down to have their lessons.

A.talked; sat C.talking; sat

B.talking; sitting D.talked; sitting

答案:C 第一空与smiling对应,第二空与entered对应。

14.(2012·太原第一学段测评)—Credit cards are________useful when travelling. —True.They save us the trouble of taking too much cash. A.finally C.hardly

B.nearly D.particularly

答案:D 考查副词。由答语可知,旅行时信用卡尤其有用。particularly“尤其地,特别地”。

15.(2012·湖北省部分重点中学联考)After three weeks' adjustment to the new environment, he managed to accustom himself to being more________with people.

A.in relief C.in peace

B.at ease D.at stake

答案:B 考查短语。句意:经过三周的调整,他已经和人们相处得很轻松了。at ease“轻松的;舒适的”符合句意;in relief“如释重负,松了口气”;in peace“和平的”;at stake“在危急关头,在危险中”。


Body language is the quiet, secret and most powerful language of all! It speaks __1__ than words. According to specialists, our bodies send out more __2__ than we realize. In fact, non-verbal (非言语) communication takes up about 50% of what we really __3__. And body language is particularly __4__ when we attempt to communicate across cultures. Indeed, what is called body language is so __5__ a part of us that it's actually often unnoticed. And misunderstandings occur as a result of it. __6__, different societies treat the__7__ between people differently. Northern Europeans usually do not like having __8__contact (接触) even with friends, and certainly not with __9__. People from Latin American countries, __10__ touch each other quite a lot. Therefore, it's possible that in __11__, it may look like a Latino is __12__ a Norwegian all over the room. The Latino, trying to express friendship, will keep moving __13__. The Norwegian, very probably seeing this as pushiness, will keep __14__—which the Latino will in turn regard as __15__.

Clearly, a great deal is going on when people __16__. And only a part of it is in the words themselves. And when parties are from __17__ cultures, there's a strong possibility of __18__. But whatever the situation the best __19__ is to obey the Golden Rule: treat others as you would like to be __20__.


1. A. straighter C. harder

B. louder D. further

答案:B 结合前句可知,身体语言比言语更有力。louder“更响亮的”,符合语境; straighter“更直接的”; harder“更坚固的”; further“更近一步的”。

2. A. sounds B. invitations C. feelings

D. messages

答案:D 我们的身体发送出比我们意识到的更多的信息。send out“发送”,选项D messages“信息”与其语义连贯,故为正确选项;sounds指各种声音;invitation“邀请”; feeling“感受”。

3. A. hope C. discover

B. receive D. mean

答案:D 事实上,非语言的交流占了我们表达意图的大约50%。hope“希望”; receive“收到”; discover“发现”; mean“意思是…”,符合语境,故D项为正确选项。

4. A. immediate C. important

B. misleading D. difficult

答案:C 结合下文可知,当我们试图进行跨文化交流时,身体语言显得尤为重要。immediate“立刻的,马上的”; misleading“误入歧途的,误导的”; difficult“困难的”。

5. A. well C. much

B. far D. long

答案:C 事实上,那些所谓的身体语言在我们交际当中那么多以至于我们把它忽视了。联系空格后面的句子内容可知,此处表示数量之多,故C项正确;so well“如此好”;so far“到目前为止”;so long“再见”。

6. A. For example C. However

B. Thus D. In short

答案:A 联系前面一句可知,此处是举例说明,不同的社会对于人们之间交流时的距离不同,故A项正确;thus“因此,如此”;however“然而”; in short“总之”。

7. A. trade C. connections

B. distance D. greetings

答案:B 联系下文可知,此处是指人们交流时的距离,故B项正确;trade“贸易”; connection“联系”; greetings“问候”。

8. A. eye C. bodily

B. verbal D. telephone

答案:C 联系下文可知,北欧人通常不喜欢与人有身体接触甚至是朋友,故C项正确;

