(印1份)中考英语初一至初三全程知识点总结及练习 3

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【知识梳理】 I. 重点短语 1.Sit down坐下 2. on duty值日;值班 9. come on快点 3. in English用英语 10. at work在工作 4. have a seat请坐 11. at school在学校 5. at home在家 12. put on穿上 6. look like看起来像-- 13. look after照顾 7. look at看--- 14. get up起床 8. have a look看一看 15. go shopping购物 II. 重要句型

1. help sb. do sth.帮助某人做某事 2. What about…?---怎么样? 3. Let?s do sth.让我们做某事---

4. It?s time to do sth.该到做某事的时间了 5. It?s time for …该到做某事的时间了

6. What?s…? It is…/ It?s…这是什么?这是--- 7. Where is…? It?s….这是哪里?这是---

8. How old are you? I?m….你多大了?我---大了。

9. What class are you in? I?m in….你在哪里?我在-----。 10. Welcome to….欢迎来到---

11. What?s …plus…? It?s….---加---等于多少?等于--- 12. I think…我认为----

13. Who?s this? This is….你是谁?我是--

14. What can you see? I can see….你能看到什么?我能看到--- 15. There is (are) ….有----

16. What colour is it (are they)? It?s (They?re)…这是什么颜色? 17. Whose …is this? It?s….这是谁的? 18. What time is it? It?s….几点了? III. 交际用语

1. Good morning, Miss/Mr…. 2. Hello! Hi!

3. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.

4. How are you? I?m fine, thank you/thanks. And you? 5. See you. See you later.

6. Thank you! You?re welcome. 7. Goodbye! Bye!

8. What?s your name? My name is …. 9. Here you are. This way, please. 10. Who?s on duty today? 11. Let?s do. 12. Let me see. IV. 重要语法

1. 动词be的用法;

2. 人称代词和物主代词的用法; 3. 名词的单复数和所有格的用法;

4. 冠词的基本用法; 5. There be句型的用法。 【名师讲解】

1. in/on


There is a bird in the tree. 树上有只鸟。 There is a picture on the wall. 墙上有张图。

2. this/that/these/those



You look in this box and I?ll look in that one over there.你看看这个盒子,我去看那边的那


I want this car, not that car. 我想要这辆小汽车,不是那一辆。 Take these books to his room, please. 请把这些书拿到他房间去。 This is mine; that?s yours. 这个是我的,那个是你的。

These are apples; those are oranges. 这些是苹果,那些是橘子。

(2)在打电话的用语中,this常常指的是我,that常常指的是对方。例如: This is Mary speaking. Who?s that? 我是玛丽。你是谁?

3. There be/ have

There be \有\,其确切含意为\某处或某时存在某人或某物。\其结构是:There be + 某人或某物 + 表示地点或时间的状语。There be 后面的名词实际上是主语,be 动词的形式要和主语在数上保持一致,be动词后面的名词是单数或不可数名词时用is,名词是复数时用are。例如:

(1) There is a big bottle of coke on the table. 桌上有一大瓶子可乐。 (2) There is a doll in the box. 那个盒子里有个娃娃。

(3) There are many apples on the tree. 那树上有许多苹果。

总之,There be结构强调的是一种客观存在的\有\。have表示\拥有,占有,具有\,即:某人有某物(sb. have / has sth.)。主语一般是名词或代词,与主语是所属关系。例如: (4) I have two brothers and one sister.我有两个兄弟,一个姐姐。 (5) That house has four rooms.那所房子有四个房间。 4. look/ see/ watch

(1)look 表示“看、瞧”,着重指认真看,强调看的动作,表示有意识地注意看,但不一定看到,以提醒对方注意。,如:

Look! The children are playing computer games. 瞧!孩子们在玩电脑游戏。 Look! What?s that over there? 看!那边那个是什么?

单独使用是不及物动词,如强调看某人/物,其后接介词at,才能带宾语,如: He?s looking at me。他正在看着我。


What can you see in the picture? 你能在图上看到什么?

Look at the blackboard. What did you see on it?看黑板!你看到了什么?


Yesterday we watched a football match on TV.昨天我们从电视上看了一场足球比赛。 4. put on/ / in

put on意为“穿上,戴上”。主要指“穿上”这一动作, 后面接表示服装、鞋帽的名词。 in 是介词,表示“穿着”强调状态。在句中可以做定语、标语和状语。如: It?s cold outside, put on your coat. 外面冷,穿上你的外衣。 He puts on his hat and goes out. 他戴上帽子,走了出去。

The woman in a white blouse is John?s mother.穿白色衬衣的那个妇女是John的妈妈。 5. house/ home/family

house :“房子”,指居住的建筑物; Home: “家”,指一个人同家人共同经常居住的地方; Family: “家庭“,“家庭成员”。例如:

Please come to my house this afternoon. 今天下午请到我家来。 He is not at home. 他不在家。

My family all get up early. 我们全家都起得很早。 6. fine, nice, good, well


(1) fine指物时表示的是质量上的\精细\,形容人时表示的是\身体健康\,也


Your parents are very fine. 你父母身体很健康。 That's a fine machine. 那是一台很好的机器。 It's a fine day for a walk today. 今天是散步的好时候。


Lucy looks nice. 露西看上去很漂亮。 These coats are very nice. 那些裙子很好看。 Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。 It's very nice of you. 你真好。


Her son is a good student. 她儿子是一个好学生。 The red car is very good. 那辆红色小汽车很好。


I'm very well, thanks. 我身体很好,谢谢。 My friends sing well. 我的朋友们歌唱得好。


中考考点在本单元主要集中在: 1. 动词be的用法;

2. 人称代词和物主代词的用法; 3. 名词的单复数和所有格的用法; 4. 冠词的基本用法; 5. There be句型的用法。

6. 本单元学过的词汇、短语和句型; 7. 本单元学过的日常交际用语。

考试形式可以是单项填空、完型填空、短文填空、完成句子。 【中考范例】

1. (2004年北京市中考试题)

Mary, please show ________ your picture. A. my B. mine C. I D. me

【解析】答案:D。该题考查的是人称代词和物主代词的用法。本题中动词show后面跟双宾语,空白处应填入人称代词的宾格me作宾语。 2. (2004年上海市徐汇区中考试题)

_________ orange on the desk is for you, Mike. A. A B.An C. / D. The


3. (2004年哈尔滨市中考试题)

---What _______ the number of the girls in your class? ---About twenty.

A. is B. am C. are D. be

【解析】答案:A。该题考查的是动词be的用法和主谓一致。the number作主语,应该是单数第三人称,动词be变为is。 4. (2004年陕西省中考试题)

There _______ a football match on TV this evening.

A. will have B. is going to be C. has D. is going to have

【解析】答案:B。该题考查的是There be…句型和动词have用法区别。There be句型本身就表示“在某个地方存在某个人或物”,不能和动词have混在一起用。 【满分演练】 一. 单项填空

( )1. ---What colour is the bike? ---It?s _______ orange. A. an B. a C. / D. the

( )2. That isn?t her bag. It?s ________.A. my B. I C. mine D. me ( )3.---Oh, your kite is very nice. ---__________________.

A. That?s right B. No, it?s not nice C. Yes, it is D. Thank you

( )4. The woman is sixty, but she _______ young。 A. is B. sees C. looks D. watches ( )5. It?s time ________ lunch. Let?s go home. A. to B. in C. for D. on

( )6. ---________ is your coat? ---The black one. A. What B. Where C. Which D. How ( )7. ---________ is the toy? ---It?s on the bed.A. Who B. Where C. What D. Whose ( )8. The shoes are too old. Put ________ over there.A. it B. they C. their D. them ( )9. Excuse me. Can you _______ my watch, please? A. look B. look like C. look after D. look at

( )10. Look _______ the blackboard and listen _______ the teacher. A. / / B. at; to C. after; / D. on; after

( )11. ---Whose dress is this? ---It?s _________.A. Lucy B. Lucy?s C. Jim D. Jim?s ( )12. The girl ______ the purple coat is his sister.A. at B. in C. on D. with ( )13. There is a bird ______ the tree. A. in B. on C. to D. of ( )14. There are many ________ in our school.

A. woman teachers B. woman teacher C. women teacher D. women teachers ( )15. ---Is there a ball under the desk?---______________________.

A. Yes, it is B. Yes, there?s C. No, there isn?t D. No, there is ( )16. There _______ some books and a pencil on the desk. A. am B. is C. are D. be

( )17. ---Let me help you. ---_______________.

A. You?re welcome B. Thanks very much C. Don?t worry D. Yes, thanks

( )18. ______ old man is ______ English teacher. A. The; an B. An; an C. The; the D. A; a

( )19. ---What _____ five plus six? ---It?s eleven. A. am B. is C. are D. /

( )20. ---What ______ you see in the picture? ---I can see some flowers. A. must B. can C. are D. do 二. 完形填空

This is a picture of Kat?s ____1____. What can we ____2_____ in the picture? Look ____3____ it, please. The man ____4____ the black coat is Kate?s father, Mr. Green. The ____5____ in the red sweater is Mrs. Green. They ____6____ young. The baby is Kate. The little boy is Kate?s ____7_____, Jim. ___8____ the man behind Mrs. Green? Oh, he?s ____9___ brother, Mr. Read. He ____10____ young, too.

( )1. A. families B. family C. parents D. brothers ( )2. A. look B. do C. see D.put ( )3. A. at B. after C. for D. up 4. A. on B. of C. in D. to

5. A. man B. girl C. women D. woman 6. A. are B. is C. look like D. looking 7. A. sister B. brother C. father D. aunt 8. A. What?s B. Where?s C. Who?s D. How is 9. A. his B. her C. our D. their 10. A. looks B. am C. look D. very 三. 在B栏中找出A栏英语句子的正确答语

(A) (B)

1. How are you? A. I am in Row 6. 2. Can you spell it, please? B. Fine, thank you. 3. How do you do? C. Yes, b-o-o-k, book. 4. What row are you in? D. It is ten.

5. What?s two plus eight? E. Nice to meet you, too. 6. Nice to meet you. F. I am 14.

7. How old are you? G. Wang Ping is. 8. Who?s not here? H. It?s here. 9. Where is the bag? I. It?s a book.

10. What is this in English? J. How do you do?

四. 完成对话:在对话后面的句子中选出正确的填入空白处

Jim: Excuse me, Ann. Whose black dog is this? Is it yours?

Ann: Let me have a look.________1_______. I think it?s Sam?s. My dog is brown. Jim: Sam, look at the dog behind the tree.________2__________?

Sam: Sorry, it isn?t mine. My dog is black and white. I think it looks like Mary?s. Jim: _____________3______________?

Sam: She?s my friend. Look! She?s over there. Let?s go and ask her. Jim: _______________4_______________.

Sam: Hi, Mary! Is that dog yours?

Mary: _______________5_______________. Sam: It?s a lovely dog! Don?t lose it! Mary: Yes, thank you.

A. Who?s Mary B. OK, let?s go

C. Oh, no it?s not mine D. Oh, yes. It?s mine E. Is it yours 五. 用所给单词的适当形式填空

1. ________ (He) pen is in ______ (I) pencil-box.

2. ________ (You) shoes ________ (be) under the bed. 3. ________ (Who) new ruler is this?

4. ---Are these trousers _______ (you)? ---No, they aren?t ________ (we) 5. It?s time ________ (go) and play games.

6. This is my pen. Please give it to ________ (I). 7. I have two ________ (baby).

8. Look! That is a ________ (China) car. 9. It is __________ (my teacher) sweater.

10. Now her ________ ( parent) are in America. 六. 阅读理解


Bob was born in a big and rich family. His father is a university professor. He teaches American history. His mother is a very capable woman. She is the manager of a big company. She earns a lot of money, of course. Bob has two sisters and a brother. His elder sister, Jenny, is fourteen. She studies in a middle school. His younger sister, Ann, is ten. She studies in a private primary school. She has a very good memory. She is clever. His younger brother, Dick, is only six. He has just started going to school. Bob gets on well with his family. He is on good terms not only with his parents, but also with his sisters and brother. (have a friendly relationship with sb.) He is, in a word, an apple in their eyes.


1. Bob was born in a small and rich family. 2. He has two brothers and a sister. 3. There are five people in his family.

4. Dick is only six. He studies in a private primary school.

5. “He is an apple in their eyes” means “They love him very much”. (B)

Look at the clothes line in the twins' bedroom. There are some clothes on it. You can see a green blouse and a yellow skirt. The trousers on the clothes line are black. They are not new but clean. Are they Lily's clothes? No. I know they are Lucy's. Lily's clothes are on a clothes tree near the window. Her trousers are brown, her blouse is white and her skirt is blue. There is a new hat on the clothes tree, but it's not Lily's, it's Lucy's. There is an old hat on Lucy's bed in the room, it's Lily's. There are no clothes on the other bed, the bed is Lily's. 1. What can you see in the bedroom? I can see __________. A. a clothes line B. a tree C. a bed

2. What colour are Lucy's trousers? They are ________. A. green B. black C. brown 3. Where is Lucy's hat? It's on _________.

A. the clothes tree B. the clothes line C. lily's bed 4. How many beds are there in the room? ________. A. only one B. three C. two

5. Are there any things on Lily's bed? ________.

A. Yes, there is a hat on it B. No, there is not anything on it C. Sorry, I don't know (C)

It's a fine Sunday morning. Ann and her mother are in a big bus. There are many people in it. Some of them come from America, and some come from England and Canada. They are all their friends. They are going to the Great Wall.

There are two Chinese in the bus. One is woman. She is driving the bus. The other is a young man. He speaks good English. He is now talking about the Great Wall. The other people are all listening to him. They like the Great Wall. They want to see it very much. 1. Ann and mother are going to the Great Wall __________. A. by bike B. by car C. by plane D. by bus 2. There are __________.

A. only one Chinese in the bus B. only two Chinese in the bus C. only two Chinese on the bike D. only one Chinese in the car 3. The driver is __________.

A. a man B. a woman C. a Canadian D. an American 4. The people __________.

A. are singing B. are talking C. are listening D. are looking at the wall 5. They __________.

A. can see the Great Wall B. can speak English very well.

C. want to talk with the man very much D. want to see the Great Wall very much

初一年级(下) 【知识梳理】 I. 重点短语 1.a bottle of一瓶 2. a little一点 3. a lot (of)许多 4. all day全天 5. be from来自 6. be over结束 7. come back回来 8. come from来自

9. do one?s homework做作业 10. do the shopping去购物 11. get down下来 12. get home到家 13. get to到达 14. get up起床

15. go shopping去购物

II. 重要句型

1. Let sb. do sth.让某人做某事

16. have a drink of喝--- 17. have a look看一看 18. have breakfast 吃早餐 19. have lunch吃中餐 20. have supper吃晚餐 21. listen to听--

22. not…at all一点也不 23. put…away收拾好 24. take off脱下

25. throw it like that 26. would like要--

27. in the middle of the day中午 28. in the morning / afternoon/ evening 29. on a farm在农场 30. in a factory在工厂

2. Could sb. do sth.? 3. would like sth.想要---

4. would like to do sth.要做某事

5. What about something to eat?吃的东西怎么样? 6. How do you spell …?你怎样拼--- 7. May I borrow…?我可以借---- III. 交际用语

1. —Thanks very much! —You're welcome. 2. Put it/them away. 3. What's wrong? 4. I think so.

I don't think so.

5. I want to take some books to the classroom. 6. Give me a bottle of orange juice, please. Please give it / them back tomorrow. OK. 9. What's your favourite sport? 10. Don't worry.

11.I?m (not) good at basketball. 12. Do you want a go?

13. That's right./ That?s all right./ All right. 14. Do you have a dictionary / any dictionaries?

Yes, I do. / No, I don?t. 15. We / They have some CDs. We / They don?t have any CDs. 16. ---What day is it today / tomorrow? ---It?s Monday.

17. ---May I borrow your colour pens, please? ---Certainly. Here you are. 18. ---Where are you from? ---From Beijing.

19. What's your telephone number in New York? 20. ---Do you like hot dogs?

---Yes, I do. ( A little. / A lot. / Very much.) ---No, I don't. ( I don't like them at all.) 21. ---What does your mother like?

---She likes dumplings and vegetables very much. 22. ---When do you go to school every day? ---I go to school at 7:00 every day.

23. ---What time does he go to bed in the evening? ---He goes to bed at 10:00. IV. 重要语法

1.人称代词的用法; 2. 祈使句;

3. 现在进行时的构成和用法; 4.动词have的用法;


6.可数名词和不可数名词的构成和用法 【名师讲解】

1. That's right./ That‘s all right./ All right.

That’s right意为“对的”,表示赞同对方的意见、看法或行为,肯定对方的答案或判断。例如:

\我想我们应该帮助这位老人。\\That's right.\或 \You're right.\说得对\。

That’s all right.意为“不用谢”、“没关系”,用来回答对方的致谢或道歉。例如: \\

All right.意为“行了”、“可以”,表示同意对方的建议或要求。有时还可以表示“身体很好” \请把此事告诉我。\\好吧。\

Is your mother all right?你妈身体好吗

2. make/do


Can you make a paper boat for me? 你能为我做个纸船吗? He?s doing his homework now.他正在做他的作业。

3. say/speak/talk/tell

say:是最口语化的最普通的一个词,意为“说出”、“说道”,着重所说的话。如: “I want to go there by bus” , he said . 他说,“我要坐汽车到那里去。”

Please say it in English .请用英语说。

speak : “说话”,着重开口发声,不着重所说的内容,一般用作不及物动词 (即后面不能直接接宾语 ) 。如:

Can you speak about him? 你能不能说说他的情况? I don?t like to speak like this. 我不喜欢这样说话。

speak 作及物动词解时,只能和某种语言等连用,表达在对话中恰当使用词汇的能力。如:

She speaks English well.她英语说得好。

talk : 与 speak 意义相近,也着重说话的动作,而不着重所说的话,因此,一般也只用作不及物动词, 不过,talk 暗示话是对某人说的,有较强的对话意味,着重指连续地和别人谈话。如:

I would like to talk to him about it . 我想跟他谈那件事。

Old women like to talk with children.老年妇女喜欢和孩子们交谈。

tell : “告诉”,除较少情况外,一般后面总接双宾语。如: He?s telling me a story.他在给我讲故事。 tell a lie 撒谎

tell sb. to do sth. /tell sb. not to do sth. Miss Zhao often tells us to study hard. 4. do cooking/ do the cooking

do cooking 作“做饭”解,属泛指。do the cooking 特指某一顿饭或某一家人的饭。cooking为动名词,不能用作复数,但前面可用 some, much修饰。从do some cooking可引出许多类似的短语:

do some washing 洗些衣服 do some shopping 买些东西 do some reading 读书 do some writing 写些东西 do some fishing 钓鱼

从以上短语可引申出另一类短语,不能用some, much或定冠词。 go shopping 去买东西 go fishing 去钓鱼 go boating 去划船 go swimming 去游泳

5. like doing sth./ like to do sth.

like doing sth. 与like to do sth. 意思相同,但用法有区别。前者强调一般性的爱好或者表示动作的习惯性和经常性;后来表示一次性和偶然性的动作。例如: He likes playing football, but he doesn?t like to play football with Li Ming. 他喜欢踢足球,但是他不喜欢和李明踢。

6. other/ others/ the other/ another other表其余的,别的,

Have you any other questions?你还有其他问题吗? others 别的人,别的东西

In the room some people are American, the others are French.在屋子里一些人是 美国人,其他的是法国人。

the other表另一个(二者之中)one…,the other…

One of my two brothers studies English, the other studies Chinese. 我两个哥哥中的一个学习英文,另一个学中文。 another表三者以上的另一个,另一些

There is room for another few books on the shelf.书架上还可以放点书。

7. in the tree/ on the tree

in the tree 与 on the tree.译成中文均为\在树上\但英语中有区别。in the tree表示某人、某事(不属于树本身生长出的别的东西)落在树上,表示树的枝、叶、花、果等长在树上时,要使用on the tree.如:

There are some apples on the tree. 那棵树上有些苹果。 There is a bird in the tree. 那棵树上有只鸟。 8. some/ any

(1)some和 any既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词。但有以下两点需要 注意。

some常用于肯定句中,any常用于否定句和疑问句中。如: There is some water in the glass. Is there any water in the glass? There isn't any water in the glass.

(2)在说话者希望得到肯定答复的一般疑问句中,或在表示请求,邀请的疑问句中,我们依然用some。如: Would you like some tea? 9. tall/ high

(1)说人,动物,树木等有生命的东西,主要用tall,不用high,例如 a tall woman 一个高个子妇女 a tall horse 一个高大的马


He is high up in the tree. 他高高地爬在树上。 The plane is so high in the sky. 飞机在空中这么高。

(3)指建筑物、山时要tall或high都可以,不过high的程度比tall高。 (4)high可作副词,tall不能。

(5)tall的反义词为short, high的反义词为low. 10. can/ could

(1) can表示体力和脑力方面的能力,或根据客观条件能做某种动作的\能力


Can you ride a bike? 你会骑自行车吗? What can I do for you? 要帮忙吗? Can you make a cake?你会做蛋糕吗?

(2) can用在否定句和疑问句中时有时表示说话人的\怀疑\猜测\或不肯定。例如: Where can he be?他会在什么地方呢? Can the news be true?这个消息会是真的吗?

It surely can't be six o'clock already?不可能已经六点钟了吧?

You can't be hungry so soon,Tom,you've just had lunch.汤姆,你不可能饿得这么快,你刚吃过午饭。

What can he mean?他会是什么意思?

在日常会话中,can可代替may表示\允许\,may比较正式。例如: You can come in any time.你随时都可以来。 --- Can I use your pen?我能用你的钢笔吗? --- Of course,you can.当然可以。

You can have my seat,I'm going now.我要走了,你坐我的座位吧。 (3) could

could 是 can的过去式,表示过去有过的能力和可能性(在否定和疑问句中)。例如: The doctor said he could help him.(能力)医生说他能帮助他。 Lily could swim when she was four years old.(能力) 当丽丽四岁的时候她就会游泳。

At that time we thought the story could be true.(可能性) 那时我们以为所说的可能是真的。

could可代替can表示现在时间的动作,但语气较为婉转。例如: Could I speak to John,please?我能和约翰说话吗? Could you?在口语中表示请求对方做事。例如: Could you wait half an hour?请你等半个小时好吗?

Could you please ring again at six?六点钟请你再打电话好吗? (4) can的形式

只有现在式can和过去式could两种形式。能表示一般现在和一般过去两种时态,有时也能表示将来。所有其他时态(包括将来时)须用be able to加动词不定式来表示。例如: They have not been able to come to Beijing. 他们没有能到北京来。 11. look for/ find

look for 意为“寻找”,而find意为“找到,发现”,前者强调“找”这一动作,并不注重“找”的结果,而后者则强调“找”的结果。例如:

She can?t find her ruler. 她找不到她的尺子啦。

Tom is looking for his watch,but he can?t find it.汤姆正在寻找他的手表,但没能找到。 12. be sleeping/ be asleep

be sleeping 表示动作,意思是“正在睡觉”;be asleep 表示状态,意思是“睡着了”。如: ---What are the children doing in the room? 孩子们在房间里做什么? ---They are sleeping.他们正在睡觉。

The children are asleep now.现在孩子们睡着了。

13. often/ usually/sometimes


We usually play basketball after school.我们通常放学后打篮球。 Sometimes I go to bed early.有时,我睡觉很早。

He often reads English in the morning.他经常在早晨读英语。 14. How much/ How many

how much常用来询问某一商品的价格,常见句式是How much is / are…? How much is the skirt? 这条裙子多少钱? How much are the bananas? 这些香蕉多少钱?

how much后加不可数名词,表示数量,意为“多少“,how many后加可数名词的复数形式。

How much meat do you want? 你要多少肉呀?

How many students are there in your class? 你们班有多少人?

15. be good for/ be good to/ be good at

be good for 表示\对……有好处\,而be bad for表示\对……有害\;be good to表示\对……友好\,而be bad to表示\对……不好\;be good at表示\擅长,在……方面做得好\,而be bad at表示\在……方面做得不好\。

Doing eye exercises is good for your eyes.做眼保健操对你的眼睛有好处。 Eating too much is bad for you health.吃的太多对你的身体有害。 Miss Li is good to all of us.李老师对我们所有的人都很友好。 The boss is bad to his workers.这个老板对他的工人不好。

Li Lei is good at drawing, but I'm bad at it.李雷擅长画画,但是我不擅长。

16. each/ every

each 和every都有\每一个\的意思,但含义和用法不相同。each从个体着眼,every从整体着眼。each 可用于两者或两者以上,every只用于三者或三者以上。 We each have a new book. 我们每人各有一本新书。

There are trees on each side of the street. 街的两旁有树。

He gets up early every morning. 每天早晨他都起得早。


Each of them has his own duty. 他们各人有各人的义务。

They each want to do something different. 他们每个人都想做不同的事情。 17. 一般现在时/现在进行时

一般现在时表示经常性的或习惯性的动作或存在的状态,也表示说话者的能力,还有自然现象;而现在进行时表示正在进行或发生的动作(构成方式为am/is /are/+doing)。

I do my homework in the evening. 我在晚上做作业。

I'm doing my homework now. 我现在正在做作业。

现在进行时常与now, these days, at the moment 或Look, listen等词连用;而一般现在时常与often, always, sometimes, usually, every day, in the morning, on Mondays等连用。

We often clean the classroom after school. 我们经常放学后打扫教室。

Look! They are cleaning the classroom . 看!他们正在打扫教室呢。 【考点扫描】



名词的构成和用法。 2.本册书中常见的交际用语


考试形式往往是单项填空、完形填空、短文改错和短文填空。 【中考范例】


---Hurry up! We?re all waiting for you.

---I ________ for an important phone call. Go without me. A. wait B. was waiting C. am waiting D. waited

【解析】答案:C。表示现在正在进行的动作,用现在进行时。 2. (2004年长春市中考试题)

Could you help ____ with _______ English, please? A. I, my B. me, me C. me, my D. my, I

【解析】答案:C。第一个空作宾语,应用人称代词的宾格me, 第二个空作定语,应用形容词性物主代词my。 3.(2004年长春市中考试题)

Dr. White can _______ French very well. A. speak B. talk C. say D. tell

【解析】答案:A。说什麽语言常用动词speak。 4.(2004年黄冈中考试题)

English is spoken by ______ people.

A. a lot B. much many C. a large number of D. a great deal of

【解析】答案:C。只有a large number of 能用来修饰复数可数名词people。 【满分演练】 一. 单项选择

1. There is some ______ on the plate. A. cakes B. meat C. potato D. pears

2. Uncle Wang wants ______ the machine like a bike. A. ride B. riding C. rides D. to ride

3. Tom usually goes to bed ________ ten o'clock in the evening. A. at B. in C. on D. of 4. ______ picture books in class, please.

A. Not read B. No read C. Not reading D. Don't read 5. The box is too heavy. Let ________ help you to carry it. A. we B. us C. ours D. our

6. Hurry up, ______ we'll be late for the meeting. A. and B. but C. then D. or

7. People usually ______ \ A. say B. speak C. tell D. talk 8. Look! She ________ a kite for her son. A. makes B. is making C. make D. making 9. These shoes are yours. Please ________.

A. put on them B. put on it C. put them on D. put it on 10. She often gets ______ very late.

A. home B. at home C. to home D. in home 11. I think the shop is closed ________ this time of day. A. in B. on C. at D. for 12. I want ______ of meat, please.

A. half kilo B. a half kilo C. half a kilo D. a kilo half 13. --- Is this black ruler ________? --- No. It's ________.

A. yours, his B. your, his C. yours, him D. you, he 14. ________ book on the desk is a useful(重要的)one. A. A B. An C. The D. /

15. Grandma is ill. We have to take her to the ________. A. farm B. post office C. hotel D. hospital 16. Liu Mei often helps her mother ________ housework. A. does B. do C.doing D. to doing

17. We watch evening news on ________ at 7:00 in the evening. A. CCTV B. CAAC C. WTO D. MTV 18. There ________ a box of apples on the desk. A. are B. is C. has D. have 19. Would you like ________ with me? A. go B. to go C. going D. goes

20. Sometimes his brother ________ TV after supper. A. watch B. sees C. watches D. is watching 二. 填空

A. 根据句义和首字母写出所缺的单词

1. Kate's glass is empty. She wants a f______ one.

2. I think my father can help you m______ your broken bike. 3. I have two pencils. One is short, the other is l______. 4. Please open the w______. It's getting hot here.

5. Something is w______ with my bike. May I borrow yours? B. 根据句意,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空

1. There are some ________ there, talking loudly. (woman) 2. This blouse isn't hers. It's ________. (my)

3. The people on the farm are very ________. (friend) 4. Do you know ________? (he)

5. Tom's uncle can drive cars. He is a good ________. (drive) C. 选词并用其适当形式填空 work, close, look, have, teacher, pen, eat, China, play, climb 1. This is our ________ desk. Ours are over there.

2. Bill has three ________. One is new and the other two are old. 3. His uncle ________ very young but he is over forty.

4. Let's ________ basketball after class. 5. Look! The cats are ________ up the trees. 6. The shop isn't open. It's ________.

7. My brother ________ some new picture books. 8. In our classroom there is a large map of ________.

9. Mum, please give me something to ________. I'm very hungry. 10. Does Mr Green like ________ in this Chinese school? 三. 根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的句子完成对话 A: Excuse me, Lin Tao! B: Yes? A. Please give it back soon. B. It's over there C. Certainly. When do you want it? D. Thank you very much. E. Black and red, and it's not very new. A: My bike is broken. Can I borrow yours? B: __1____.

A: This afternoon. B: OK. Here's the key. A: ____2__. But where is it?

B: __3____.

A: What colour is it? B: __4____. A: I see. I think I can find it. B: ___5___. A: All right. See you! 四. 完型填空

These days men and women , young and old are ___1_____ the same kind of ___2____, and a lot of ___3_____ have long hair(头发). We often can't ___4_____whether they are boys or girls, men or women.

___5_____ old man often goes to walk in the park. He is sitting on a chair now. A young person is ___6_____ ___7_____ him.

\goodness!\old man says to the other one. \you ___8_____ that person with long hair? Is it a boy or a girl?\

\\____9____ me. I don't know you are his ____10____.\\not his mother, I'm his father,\1. A. having B. wearing C. putting D. buying 2. A. clothes B. trees C. pictures D. Bags 3. A. we B. your C. them D. Theirs 4. A. talk B. teach C. say D tell 5. A. An B. A C. The D. / 6. A. running B. flying C. standing D. driving 7. A. on B. beside C. in D. At 8. A. see B. watch C. look D. Read 9. A. help B. excuse C. teach D. Ask 10. A. baby B. sister C. father D. Mother

五. 阅读理解

( A )

Mr Li teaches Chinese in the USA. He comes back to China every year. He gives us a talk. He says,\When you go out on that day, you can see children running with kites in the open air(露天). When you look up, you can see different kites in the sky(天空). Some are big, and some are small. They are in different colours. Every kite has a long string(长线). The children begin to run when they get the kites up. Every child has a good time that day. 1. Mr Li is _______________. He works in the USA.

A. a worker B. an English teacher C. a doctor D. a Chinese teacher 2. Mr Li says something about _______________. A. how to study English B. K Day in the USA C. his work in the USA D. playing in the open air 3. March 7th is _________________.

A. Children's Day B. Teachers' Day C. K Day D. Tree planting Day(植树节) 4. Every kite has _____________________.

A. a short string B. a long string C. the same colour D. the same size(大小) 5. There are _______________ kites in the sky on that day. A. all kinds of B. one kind of C. three kinds of D. three

( B ) Paula Get up morning lunch afternoon evening Go to sleep Monday 7:10 a.m. school pizza Yo-yo homework 10:15 p.m. Tuesday 7:10 a.m. school rice Table-tennis homework 10:15 p.m. Wednesday 7:10 a.m. school rice Table-tennis television 10:15 p.m. Thursday 7:10 a.m. school rice Table-tennis homework 10:15 p.m. Friday 7:10 a.m. school rice football clothes 10:15 p.m. 根据表格内容选择最佳答案。

6. On _______________, Paula usually gets up at 7:10 am.

A. Thursdays B. Wednesdays C. weekdays D. weekends 7. Pizza is a kind of _________________. A. drink B. fruit C. toy D. food

8. Paula's favourite sport is _________________.

A. volleyball B. table-tennis C. yo-yo D. football

9. On Wednesday evenings Paula usually ___________________.

A. watches TV B. does her homework C. washes her clothes D. goes to see her friends 10. Which is wrong?

A. Paula goes to school from Monday to Friday. B. Paula goes to bed after ten o'clock. C. Paula has sports in the afternoon. D. Paula usually has Pizza for lunch.

六. 根据中文提示和英文词语提示,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑的英文文段:(所有英文提示语必须用上。

这位老人来自悉尼。他很热爱中国。他现在在北京教英语。他喜欢在北京工作。 1. this, man, come, Sydney 2. he, China, very much 3. now, teach, in Beijing

4. he, say, Beijing, big, beautiful, like, work, here


【知识梳理】 I. 重点短语

1. on time 2. best wishes 3. give a talk 4. for example 5. short for

6. a waste of time 7. go on a field trip 8. go fishing 9. I agree 10. next week

11. the day after tomorrow 12. have a picnic

13. have some problems doing sth. 14. go the wrong way 15. hurry up 16. get together 17. in the open air

18. on Mid-Autumn Day 19. come over 20. have to 21. get home 22. agree with 23. in the country 24. in town 25. all the same 26. in front of III. 交际用语

27. on the left/right side 28. next to 29. up and down 30. keep healthy 31. grow up

32. at the same time

33. the day before yesterday 35. last Saturday 36. half an hour ago 37. a moment ago 38. just now 39. by the way 40. all the time 41. at first II. 重要句型

1. have fun doing sth. 2. Why don?t you…? 3. We?re going to do sth. 4. start with sth. 5. Why not…?

6. Are you going to…? 7. be friendly to sb. 8. You?d better do sth. 9. ask sb. for sth.

10. say goodbye to sb. 11. Good luck(with sb)!

1.Welcome backto school!

2.Excuse me. I?m sorry I?m late, because the traffic is bad. 3.It doesn?t matter.

4.Happy Teachers? Day ! 5.That?s a good idea.

6.What are you going to do? 7.Where are we going ?

8.What are we going to do ? 9.I?m good at…

10.It?s not far from…

11. Are you free tomorrow evening?

12.Would you and Lily like to come over to my home for Mid-Autumn Festival? 13.I?m glad you can come. 14.Thanks for asking us. 15.How about another one? 16.May I have a taste? 17.Let me walk with you. 18.What do you have to do? 19.Do you live on a farm?

20.Which do you like better, the city or the country? 21.Which do you like best, dogs, cats or chickens? 22.Shall we go at ten? Good idea!

23.---Let?s make it half past one. ---OK.

24.---Why not come a little earlier? ---All right.

25.Excuse me. Where?s the nearest post office, please? 26.It?s over there on the right. 27.I?m sorry I don?t know. 28.You?d better…

29.Thank you all the same. 30.Which bus do I take? 31.Go along this road.

32.What day was it yesterday? 33.I?m sorry to hear that. 34.I hope you?re better now. 35.Why did you call me? 36.I called to tell… IV. 重要语法

1.be going to的用法;

2.形容词的比较级、最高级; 3.形容词和副词的比较 4.一般过去时 【名师讲解】

1. on the street / in the street

表示“在街上”时,on the street 和 in the street 都可以,在美国多用on the street, 在英国多用in the street. 例如:

We have a house in the street. 我们在街上有座房子。 I met him on the street. 我在街上遇见了他。

2. would like / like

would like 和 like含义不同。like 意思是“喜欢”,“爱好”,而 would like 意思是“想要”。试比较:

I like beer.=I?m fond of beer. 我喜欢喝啤酒。

I?d like a glass of beer= I want a glass of beer. 我想要一杯啤酒。 Do you like going to the cinema? 你喜欢看电影吗?

Would you like to go to the cinema tonight? 你今晚想去看电影吗?

3. another / the other

(1)another 通常用于三个或三个以上或不确定数量中的任意一个人或 物体。 例如: May I have another apple, please? 请在给我一个苹果好吗?

This coat is too small for me. Please show me another这件外套我穿太小,请再给我拿一件看看。

(2)the other 通常指两者中的另一个。例如:

He has two rulers. One is short. The other is long. 他有两把尺子,一把短的,另一把长的。

I have two brothers. One works in Xi?an . The other works in Beijing. 我有两个兄弟,一个在西安工作,另一个在北京工作。 4. have to /must

(1)have to和 must 都可以用来谈论义务,但用法略有不同。如果某人主观上觉得必须去做而又想去时,常用must。如果谈论某种来自“外界”的义务,常用have to。例如: I must stop smoking. 我必须戒烟。(自己想戒烟)

They have to work for the boss.


(2)have to 可用于多种时态,must 只能用于一般现在时。例如:

I?ll have to get up early tomorrow morning.明天早晨我必须早早起床。

We had to work long hours every day in order to get more money. 为了多挣钱,我们不得不每天长时间地工作。

(3)用于否定句时,mustn’t意思是“决不能”,“禁止”,而don’t have to意思是“不必”,相


You mustn?t be late again next time.下一次你决不能再迟到。 You don?t have to go there today. You can go there tomorrow. 你今天不必到那里去了。你可以明天去。

5. hear sb. or sth.doing sth. / herar sb. or sth. do sth.

hear sb. or sth.doing sth.意思是“听到某人或某物在做某事”,而hear sb. or sth. do sth.意思是“听到某人或某物做过某事”。试比较:

I hear him singing an English song.听见他在唱英歌曲。 I heard him sing an English song.我听见他唱一首英文歌。

类似hear 这种用法的还有see, watch, listen, feel等感官动词。 6. any /some

any和some 都可以同不可数名词和可数名词的复数形式连用,但some一般用在肯定句中;any用在疑问句和否定句中。试比较:

I want some money. 我想要点钱。 Have you any money? 你有钱吗?

I don?t have any money. 我一点钱也没有。

some 有时也用于疑问句,表示说话人期待一个肯定回答或鼓励人家说“是”。例如: Would you like some more beer?请你再来点啤酒好吗? Could I have some rice, please?请给我来点米饭好吗? 7. hear /listen to

listen to 和hear 都有“听”的意思,但含义有所不同。Listen to强调“听”的动作,hear 强调“听”的结果。例如:

Listen to me ,please! I?m going to tell you a story. 请听我说!我给你们讲个故事。 Listen! Can you hear someone crying in the next room? 听!你能听见有人在隔壁房间里哭吗?

I listened, but heard nothing.我听了听,但什么也听不见。

hear 后面如果接宾语从句,常常表示“听说”。例如:

I hear some foreign students will visit our school.我听说一些外国学生将要访问我们学校。 I hear there is going to be a film in our school this evening.我听说今晚我们学校要演一场


8. Let’s… /Let us…

Let’s… 和Let us… 都表示“让我们……”, 如果us 包括听话人在内,其含义相同,附带问句用shall we. 如果us 不包括听话人在内,其含义不同,Let us…的附带问句要用will you。例如:

Let?s go shopping, shall we? 我们去购物好吗?

9. take/ bring/ carry /get

这四个动词都有“拿”和“带”的意思,但含义有所不同。take意为“带走”,“拿走”,bring意为“带来”,“拿来”, get表示“到别的地方把某人或某物带来或拿来”,carry不强调方向,带有负重的意思。试比较:

My parents often take me there on holidays.我父母常常带我到那里去度假。 I?m going to take you to Beijing.我准备带你去北京。 Bring me a cup of tea, please.请给我端杯茶来。

I?ll bring the book to you tomorrow.明天我把那本书给你带来。 The waiter carried the me to the table服务员把肉送到桌上。

The monkey carried the bag on her back.猴子把那个包背在背上。 She went back to get her handbag.他折回去拿他的手提包。 Let me get the doctor.让我去请医生吧。 10. far away /faraway

(1)far away是一个副词短语,意思是“很远”。例如:

Some are far away. Some are nearer.有些离得很远,有些离得近一些的。 The village is far away from here.那个村子离这儿很远。

(2)faraway是一个形容词,意思是“遥远的”,可以在句中作定语。例如: He lives in faraway mountain village.他住在一个遥远的小山村。

11. find / look for

find和look for 都有“找”的意思,但含义不同。find 强调“找”的结果,而look for 强调“找”的过程。请看下列例句:

He is looking for his bike.他在找他的自行车。

I?m looking for my watch, but can?t find it.我在找我的手表,但是找不到。 I hope you will soon find your lost ring.希望你尽快找到丢失的戒指。 另外,find还有“发现”;“感到”等意思。例如:

I found a wallet in the desk.我在课桌里发现了一个钱包。 I find this book very interesting.我觉得这本书很有意思。 12. in front of /in the front of

In front of 表示在某物的前面,不在某物的范围内。In the front of 表示在某物的前部,在某物的范围内。试比较:

My seat is in front of Mary?s.我的座位在玛丽座位的前面。

He is sitting in the front of the car with the driver.他和司机坐在小车的前部。 【考点扫描】

1. be going to的用法;

2. 形容词的比较级、最高级; 3. 形容词和副词的比较 4. 一般过去时

5. 本单元学过的词汇、短语和句型; 6. 本单元学过的日常交际用语。 【中考范例】

1. (2004年烟台市中考试题)

In the exam, the ________ you are, the ________ mistakes you?ll make. A. carefully, little B. more carefully, fewest C. more careful, fewer D. more careful, less

【解析】答案:C。该题考查的是形容词和副词的比较以及他们的比较等级的用法。第一个空应填形容词careful的比较级,因为它在句中作表语,第二个空应填few的比较级,因为它修饰的是复数可数名词。 2. (2004年河北省中考试题)

Bob never does his homework _________ Mary. He makes lots of mistakes. A. so careful B. as carefully as C. carefully D. as careful as

【解析】答案:B。该题考查的是形容词和副词的用法比较。该空应填副词,因为它修饰的是动词does。该题用的是not as+副词+as的结构,所以答案应是B。 3. (2004年重庆市中考试题)

That day I saw some parents _________ at the back of the classroom, ________ to the teacher. A. sitting, listened B. sat, listened C. sitting, listening D. sat, listening

【解析】答案:C。该题考查的是see sb. doing sth.的句型结构和分词作状语的用法。第一个空stting在句中作saw的宾语补足语,第二个空listening做伴随状语。 4. (2004年杭州市中考试题)

You ________ open the door before the train gets into the station. A. don?t have to B. mustn?t C. needn?t D. may not

【解析】答案:B。该题考查的是几个情态动词否定式的用法区别。don?t have to和needn?t的意思都是“不必”,may not的意思是“可以不”,只有mustn?t表示“不许”,“禁止”。 【满分演练】 一. 单项填空

1. Welcome back ________school. A. in B. at C. to D. on

2. Miss Gao is our new Chinese teacher ________.

A. in this term B. this term C. on this term D. that term 3. ---I?m sorry I?m late. ---_____________.

A. OK B. It doesn?t matter C. All right D. Thank you

4. Li Mu and Jill are talking _________where they are going. A. about B. to C. with D. for 5. There is very ______food in the house. A. a few B. little C. a little D. few 6. You?d better take a raincoat ____you. A. to B. with C. on D. for

7. The children are going to the Great Wall ______a field trip. A. to B. with C. on D. for

8. I?m______hungry. May I have a mooncake? A. a little B. little C. a few D. few 9. I?m still hungry. I?d like _________one.

A. other B. another C. an other D. the other

10.The moon looks ____than the sun, but in fact the sun is ______than the moon. A. big; big B. bigger; bigger

C. small; small D. smaller; smaller 11. I can see them_____football on the playground. A. play B. playing C. to play D. are playing 12. Ji Wei runs_________than I.

A. fast B. faster C. fastest D. the fastest

13. I think steamed bread is ____________ hamburger. A. more delicious than B. most delicious than C. more delicious to D. most delicious to 14. ---What are you going to do this afternoon? ----__________. I?m free.

A. To do my homework B. To clean my house C. To do some shopping D. Nothing much 15. ---May I speak to Jack?

---____________. Who?s that? A. I?m Jack B. That is Jack

C.This is Jack speaking D. I?m Jack speaking 16. ----Why not _________ and see the play? ---Good idea.

A.go B. going C. to go D. goes

17. It?s cold outside. Please keep the door_________. A. close B. closing C. closes D. closed

18. My home is about two hundred metres_____our school. A. from B. far from C. away D. to

19. There are some apple trees ________her house. A. in the front of B. at the back of C. in the middle of D. at the front of 20. Which floor do you ________?

A. live B. live on C. live at D. live in 二. 完形填空

The Xingqing Palace Park(兴庆宫公园)is __1___ park in Xi?an.__2__ Saturdays or Sundays, children like ___3___ there __4___ their parents. There they can play games. There is a lake and a hill in the park. Today is Sunday. Many children are playing in the park. Look! Some children __5___ on the lake. They are good __6___ it. Is the boat ___7___ a chicken? No. It looks like a duck. Some boys are playing __8___ football on the grass(草地)。A few boys __9___the hill over there. All the children are having a good time. They think playing in the park is___10___ than having classes at school.

1.A. bigger B. the biggest C. smaller D. the smaller 2.A. In B. On C. At D. With 3.A. walking B. going C. running D.flying 4.A. with B. for C. on D. in

5.A. is swimming B. is boating C. are running D. are boating 6.A. In B. with C. from D. at

7.A. look B. likes C. looks D. like 8.A. a B. / C. an D. the

9.A. are running B. are walking C. are climbing D. are jumping 10.A. little better B. much better C. many better D. the best 三. 阅读理解


Mark Twain is traveling to Dijon by train. He wants to sleep very much, so he asks the conductor(服务员)to wake him up when the train gets to Dijon. The he goes to sleep. Later, when wakes up, it is early the next morning and the train has got to Paris. He knows at once that the conductor doesn?t wake him up at Dijon. He is very angry. He runs up to the conductor and says, “Why didn?t you wake me up and put me off the train at Dijon? I am very angry about it!”

The conductor smiles and looks at him, “Another American is more angry than you. But you can?t see him now. I put him off the train at Dijon last night.”

根据短文内容,判断下列各句的正误:正确的答“A”,错误的答“B”。 1. Mark twain asks the conductor to wake him up in Paris. 2. The train got to Dijon at night.

3. Mark Twain was very angry with the conductor.

4. The conductor made a mistake(错误). He put another American off the train at Dijon. 5. Mark Twain can?t see that American because the American doesn?t like him.


The worst tourist in the world is Nicholas Scotti of San Francisco . Once he flew from the US to his home town in Italy to see someone at home. The plane made a one-hour stop to get oil at Kennedy Airport of New York. As he thought he had arrived home, Mr Scotti got off the plane. He thought he was in Rome .

When nobody was there to meet him, Mr Scotti thought maybe they were held up by heavy traffic. While looking for their addresses, Mr Scotti found that the old \Many old buildings were replaced by high modern ones.

He also found that many people spoke English instead of Italian and that many street signs were written in English.

Mr Scotti knew very little English, so he asked a policeman(in Italian) the way to the bus station. He happened to meet a policeman who was also born in Italy and answered him in the same language.

After twelve hours' traveling round on a bus, the driver handed him over to a second policeman. He asked the policeman why the Rome police employed so many people as policemen speaking English of Italian.

To get him on a plane back to San Francisco, He was sent to the airport in a police car with sirens(警报) on. \drive.\

1. When Mr Scotti arrived at the airport, nobody met him because ____________. A. he was in New York B. he was in Rome

C. policemen could help him D. he was in an Italian city

2. In what direction (方向) did the plane fly when Mr Scotti went to Italy from the US? A. To the east. B. To the south. C. To the west D. To the north.

3. Why was Mr Scotti so sure that he was in Rome?

A. Because he traveled a lot. B. Because he knew little about the US. C. Because he knew little about Italy. D. Because he didn't travel much. 4. At last Mr Scotti _________.

A. knew he did something wrong B. still thought he was C. knew he was wrong D. knew he was home

5. Do you think many people do the same thing as Mr Scotti did?

A. Nobody but Mr Scotti made this kind of mistake. B. Many people make this kind of mistake. C. Few people make this kind of mistake. D. 50% of people will make the same mistake. (C)

My wife and I stayed in London for a few weeks last year. We went there in the autumn. We think it is the best season to visit England. The weather is usually quite good and there are not too many visitors in October.

We stayed in a small restaurant in the West End. We did most of our sightseeing on foot. We went to look at all the places. We went shopping and spent too much money. We liked going to the theatre . We don't have the chance to see such good plays (戏剧) at home. A lot of people say English food is very bad. We didn't think so. Most of the restaurants are French or Chinese, but we had some very good meals.

We enjoyed our holiday very much. We want to go there again this year. We are going to take our umbrellas . I'm sure we'll need them sometimes.

1. “We went shopping and spent too much money” means _________. A. they didn't enjoy shopping and spent too much money B. prices were high in England

C. there were so many good things in the shops and they bought a lot D. they liked to go shopping with lots of money

2. They didn't have the chance to see such good plays_________.

A. in their small restaurant B. in their home town C. in France D. in England 3. You can get _______ in a restaurant. A. meals B. clothes C. books D. cakes

4. I'm sure we'll need umbrellas sometimes because__________. A. umbrellas can be very good presents for their friends in London B. it often rains in London

C. the English people like to bring umbrellas with them D. the English people protect (保护) themselves with umbrella 5. The two visitors came from________.

A. England B. France C. America D. a country we don't know 四. 根据所给汉语完成下列英语句子

1. Yesterday afternoon Miss Li came here _________ (向你道歉). 2. I did everything ___________ (他要求我做的).

3. We saw the old scientist ____________ (在花园里散步) just now.

4. My grandpa has ___________ (好记忆). He can remember many things. 5. Do you know who _______ (发明了机器人)?

6. I find ____________ (记住这些单词很难).7. I enjoy ____________ (吃大肉). 8. Don?t stand ___________ (一直). Please give me a hand. 9. Wang Zheng __________ (出身在)a worker?s family. 10. ________________ (祝你们好运), all the boys.

【知识梳理】 I. 重点短语

1. give a concert 2. fall down 3. go on

4. at the end of 5. go back 6. in ahurry 7. write down 8. come out

9. all the year round 10. later on 11. at times 12. ring sb. up

13. Happy New Year! 14. have a party 15. hold on 16. hear from 17. be ready 18. at the moment 19. take out 20.the same as 21. turn over 22. get-together 23. put on II. 重要句型 1

. be good for sth. 2. I think … 3. I hope… 4. I love…

5. I don?t like… 6. I?m sure… 7. forget to do sth.


24. take a seat 25. wait for 26. get lost 27. just then 28. first of all 29. go wrong 30. make a noise 31. get on 32. get off

33. stand in line 34. at the head of 35. laugh at 36. throw about 37. in fact

38. at midnight 39. enjoy oneself 40. have a headache 41. have a cough 42. fall asleep

43. again and again 44. look over 45. take exercise

8. take a message for sb. 9. give sb. the message 10. help yourself to sth. 11. be famous for sth. 12. on one?s way to… 13. make one?s way to… 14. quarrel with sb.

15. agree with sb. III. 交际用语

1.What?s the weather like today? 2.It?s cold, but quite suuny. 3.How cold it is today!

4.Yes, but it?ll be warmer later on. 5.Shall we make a snowman? 6.Ok. Come on! 7.Happy New Year!

8.May I speak to Ann, please??

9.Hold on, please.

10.Thanks a lot for inviting me to your party. 11.Ok. But I?m afraid I may be a little late. 12.Can I take a message for you? 13.That?s OK. It doesn?t matter. 14.I?m very sorry, but I can?t come. 15.I?m sorry to hear that. 16.Happy birthday!

17.Would you like ...? Would you like to ...?

16. stop sb. from doing sth.

18.Do you think ...? Yes, I think so. / No, I don't think so.

19.Do you agree? Yes, I agree. / No, don't really agree. I really can't agree. 20.There are a few / a lot of ... / on it. 21.So do we.

22.I'm happy you like it.

23.Which is the way to ..., please? 24.Turn right/left at the ... crossing. 25.Go on until you reach ...

26.How can I get to ...? Go down/up/along this road. 27.What's the matter?

28.It'll take you half an hour to ... 29.We'd better catch a bus. 30.It may be in ... Ah, so it is

31.You must be more careful!

32.You mustn't cross the road now.

33.If you want to cross a street, you must wait for the green light. 34.Please stand in line.

35.You must wait for your turn.

36.If you don't go soon, you'll be late. 37.I don't feel very well. 38.My head hurts.

39.You mustn't eat anything until you see the doctor. 40.What's the trouble?

41.What's the matter with…?

42.She didn't feel like eating anything. 43.Nothing serious.

44.Have/get a pain in… 45.No problem.

46.Take this medicine three times a day. IV. 重要语法 1. 一般过去时;

2. 反意疑问句的用法; 3. 一般将来时; 4. 感叹句;

5. 简单句的五种基本句型;

6. 情态动词can, may和must, have to的用法; 7. 时间状语从句和条件状语从句。 【名师讲解】

1. above/ over/ on


There is a book on the desk.课桌上有一本书。

I raise my right hand above my head. 我把右手高举过头。 There is a stone bridge over the river. 河面上有座石桥。

2. forget to do sth./forget doing sth.

forget to do sth.意思是“忘记做某事”,实际上还没做;forget doing sth,意思是“忘记做过某事”,实际上已经做过了。试比较:

I forgot to tell him the news.我忘记告诉他这条消息了。

I forgot telling him the news.我已经把这条消息告诉他了,我却忘了。 类似的词还有:remember, regret等。

3. hope/wish

hope和wish 在汉语中都有“希望”的意思,但其含义和用法有所不同。主要区别如下: (1)wish可以用来表示不可实现的愿望;hope只能用来表示可能实现的愿望。例如: I wish I were 20 years younger.我但愿自己能年轻二十岁。 I hope you?ll be better soon. 我希望你能很快好起来。 I wish the weather wasn?t so cold. 但愿天气不这麽冷。 I hope he will come, too. 我希望他也能来。

(2)wish可以接sb. to do sth. 的结构,而hope不可以。例如: Do you wish me to come back later? 你是否希望我再来? 4. be sure to do sth./ be sure of/about sb. or sth.

(1)be sure to do sth.可以用来表示说话人给对方提出要求,意思是“务必”,也可以用来表示说话人做出的推断,意思是“一定”,“肯定”。例如:

Be sure to lock the door when you leave.你离开时务必把门锁好。

It?s a good film. You are sure to enjoy it.这是一部好电影,你肯定会喜欢的。 (2)be sure of/about sb.or sth. 可用来表示“某人对某事有把握”。例如: I?m sure of his success.我相信他会成功。

I think it was three years ago, but I?m not sure about it.我想那是三年前的事情,但我没有把握。 5. hear from/hear of

hear意思是“听到”,从哪里听到要用from来表示。例如: I?ve heard from Xiao Wu that we?ll start out military training tomorrow. 我听小吴说,我们明天开始军训。

Listen to the tape and write out what you hear from Han Mei. 听录音,并写出你从韩梅那里听到的内容。

hear from还有一个意思是“收到某人的来信”(=receive a letter from sb.)。例如: I heard from my pen friend in the U.S.A. last month. 上个月我受到了美国笔友的来信。

I heard from her last week. 我上周接到了她的来信。

hear of和和hear from含义不同。hear of 意思是“听说”,“得知”(某事或某人的存在),常用在疑问句和否定句里。例如:

Who is he? I?ve never heard of him.他是谁?我从来没有听说过他。 I never heard of such a thing! 这样的事我从来没有听说过。

6. It’s a pleasure./With pleasure.

It’s a pleasure这句话常用作别人向你表示致谢时的答语,意思是“那是我乐意做的”。例如:

---Thank you for helping me. 谢谢你地帮助。 ---It?s a pleasure. 那是我乐意做的。 ---Thanks a lot. Bye.非常感谢。 再见。 ---It?s a pleasure. 那是我乐意做的。再见。

类似的话还有 “Not at all.” “You are welcome.” “That?s all right.”

With pleasure也用作客气的答语,主要用在别人要你做某事,而你又非常愿意去做的场合。例如:

---Will you please pass me the newspaper, please? 请你把报纸递给我好吗? ---With pleasure. 当然可以。 7. seem/look

(1)二者都可以作“看起来”讲,但seem暗示凭借一些迹象作出的有根据的判断,这种判断往往接近事实;look着重强调由视觉得出的印象。两者都可跟(to be)+形容词和as if从句。如:

He seems / looks (to be) very happy today. 他今天看起来很高兴。 It looks (seems) as if it it is going to rain. 好像要下雨了。 (2)但下列情况中只用seem不用look:

1)后跟不定式to do时。如:

He seems to know the answer. 他似乎知道答案。 2)在It seems that ...结构中。如:

It seems that he is happier now than yesterday.他像比昨天高兴些了。

8. be ready to do/be ready for/ get ready to do/get ready for

(1)be ready to do和be ready for…表示“已作好…的准备”,强调状态 (2)get ready to do和get ready for…表示“为…做准备”,强调行为。如:

I'm ready to do anything you want me to do. 我愿意/随时准备做一切做你要我做的事。 I'm ready for any questions you may ask.我愿意/随时准备回答你可能问的问题。 He's getting ready to leave for Tokyo.他正准备动身去东京。

Let's get ready for the hard moment.我们为这一艰难时刻作好准备吧。

(3)be ready to do 通常可理解“乐于做某事”,即思想上总是有做某事的准备。be not ready to do表示


He's usually not ready to listen to others.他通常不轻易听从别人。 9. at table/at the table

at table在吃饭,at the table在桌子旁边。例如: The Greens are at table. 格林一家人在吃饭。

Mr. Black is sitting at the table and reading a book.布莱克先生坐在桌旁读书。

10. reach, arrive/get to

三者都有\到达\之意。reach是及物动词,后直接加名词,get和arrive是不及物动词,不能直接加名词,须借助于介词。get to后加名词地点,若跟副词地点时,to去掉;arrive at +小地方,arrive in+大地方。如:

Lucy got to the zoo before 8 o'clock. 露西8点前到了动物园。 When did your parents arrive in Shanghai? 你父母何时到上海的? It was late when I got home. 我到家时天色已晚。

11. sick/ill

二者都是形容词。当“生病的,患病“之意时,ill只作表语,不作定语;而sick既可作表语也可作定语。sick有\呕吐,恶心\的意思,只能作表语,而ill无此意。如: Li Lei was ill last week. (只作表语)李磊上周生病了。

He's a sick man. (作定语)他是病人。不能说成:He's an ill man.

My grandfather was sick for a month last year. (作表语)我祖父去年病了一个 月。 12. in time/on time

in time是\及时\的意思,on time是\准时,按时\。如: I didn't get to the bus stop in time. 我没有及时赶上汽车。 We'll finish our job on time. 我们要按时完成任务。

13. may be/maybe

It may be in your inside pocket. = Maybe it is in your inside pocket. 也许在你里边的口袋里。第一句中may be是情态动词+be 动词构成的谓语部分,意思是\也许是\,\可能是\;第二句中的maybe是副词,意思是\可能\,常位于句首,不能位于句中,相当于另一副词perhaps。再如:

Maybe you put it in that bag.也许你放在了那只包里。(不能说You maybe put it

in that bag.)

It may be a hat.那可能是顶帽子。(不能说It maybe a hat. 或It maybe is a hat.) 14. noise/ voice/ sound

noise 指嘈杂声,噪音大的吵杂声。voice是指说话的声音,嗓音,嗓子。sound是指耳朵能够听到的声音、闹声等。它是表示声音之意的最普通的字。有时还用作科学上的声音。例如:

Don't make so much noise! 别那么大声喧哗!

I didn't recognize John's voice on the telephone. 在电话里我听不出约翰的声


He spoke in a low voice. 他低声说话。

We heard a strange sound. 我们听到了一种奇怪的声音。

Sound travels fast, but light travels faster. 声音传得快,但是光传得更快。 【考点扫描】

中考考点在本单元主要集中在: 1. 一般过去时;

2. 反意疑问句的用法;

3. 一般将来时; 4. 感叹句;

5. 简单句的五种基本句型;

6. 情态动词can, may和must, have to的用法; 7. 时间状语从句和条件状语从句; 8. 本单元学过的词汇、短语和句型; 9. 本单元学过的日常交际用语。

考试形式可以是单项填空、完型天空、短文填空和完成句子。 【中考范例】

1. (2004年长沙市中考试题)

---Do you know if we will go to the cinema tomorrow? ---I think we?ll go if we ________ too much homework. A. will have B. had C. won?t have D. don?t have

【解析】答案:D。该题考查的是条件状语从句的时态。在条件和时间状语从句里通常用一般现在是表示将来的动作。 2. (2004年佛山市中考试题)

You have been to Tibet, _________? I was told that the snow-covered mountains were very beautiful.

A. have you B. haven?t you C. don?t you 【解析】答案:B。该题考查的是反意疑问句的构成。反意疑问句的前一部分是肯定句,后一部分就应该是否定的疑问部分,而且要和前一部分保持时态上的一致。 3. (2004年扬州市中考试题)

---Jacky, look at that Japanese sumoist(相扑手).

---Wow, ______________!

A. How a fat man B. What a fat man C. How fat man D. What fat man

【解析】答案:B。该题考查的是感叹句的构成。这个感叹句省略了主谓部分,只保留了感叹部分。如果以What开头,就应该是What a fat man! 如果是How开头,就应该是How fat!

4. (2004年福建省泉州市中考试题)

---Thanks for your help. ---__________________

A. It doesn?t matter B. Don?t thank me C. You?re welcome D. That?s right

【解析】答案:C。该题考查的是日常交际用语。回答别人的道谢通常用“That?s all right.”或”You?re welcome.” 【满分演练】 一. 选择填空

1. Don?t forget _________your book here tomorrow.

A. to take B. to bring C. taking D. bringing 2. Mrs Brown went to the cinema, ______she?

A. didn?t B. doesn?t C. wasn?t D. isn?t 3. It was half past four. Everything _______ready.

A. is B. was C. are D. were 4. ---Happy New Year! ---____________.

A. The same to you B. I?m glad to hear that

C. I?m very happy D. Thank you. It?s very kind of you. 5. I got up late yesterday. There _________no time to have breakfast.

A. has B. had C. was D. is

6. Thank you for ______me to your party.

A. invite B. inviting C. to invite D. invited 7. ---I?m sorry I took your pen by mistake yesterday. ---______________.

A. All right B. That?s right C. Right D. That?s all right 8. ---Thank you for showing me the way! ---________________.

A. The same to you B. It doesn?t matter C. It?s a pleasure D. That?s right 9. ---Could I use your computer for a moment?


A. Sure B. Really C. Right D. It doesn?t matter 10. ---I just lost my bike.


A. I wish you to buy a new one B. You?d better buy a new one C. I?m sorry to hear that

D. It?s always nice to ride a new one 二. 选择能代替句中划线部分的词语或短语

1.What?s the matter with your mother? A.problem B. question C. message D. wrong

2.---Thank you very much. ---It?s a pleasure. A. I?m very glad. B. That?s right. C. It doesn?t matter D. Not at all 3.What is he doing at the moment? A.now B. a moment ago C. late D later on 4.Did you have a good time at the party? A.stay long B. sing and dance C. enjoy yourself D. eat enough 5.---May I speak to John, please? ---Certainly.

A.Sure. B. I think so. C. I?d love to D. That?s all right. 6.---Could I speak to Jim, please? ---Sorry,he isn?t in. A.is at home B. is not at work C. is out D. is free 7.There is nothing but an old table in the room. A. many B. some C. any D. only 8.What?s the weather like? A. When B. Where C. why D. How 9.Please let me look at your photo. A.give me B. pass me C. bring me D. show me 10.Please ask him to ring me up when he comes back. A. see B. help C. call D. thank

三. 完形填空

When I __1__ in London last year, it had one of the thickest fogs(雾) in years. You could __2____ see your hand in __3___ of your face. When evening fell, it became even __4___ . All traffic __5___ to a stop. I decided to walk.

A few minutes __6___ , I couldn?t find my__7___ . Then I saw a young man and asked him to help me. He agreed. As I was following him __8__ the streets, he told me, “I know this part of London quite well. And the thick fog ___9__ to me. You see, I?m __10___ .” 1.A. is B. was C. am D. are 2. A. easily B. hard C. hardly D. even 3. A. front B. the front C. back D. the back 4. A. bad B. worse C. good D. better 5.A. began B. started C. went D came 6.A. late B. later C. early D. earlier 7.A. road B. way C. street D. home 8.A. along B. in C. through D. by 9.A. is not good B. does good C. is nothing D. has something 10.A. strong B. week C. blind D. clever 四. 阅读理解


John was a very famous pianist. When he was a small boy, he once played at a party at the

home of a rich man. He was only eight years old. But he had played for several years. At the party he played a famous piece by Beethoven (贝多芬). He played wonderfully.

The famous piece has in it several very long rests. In each of these rests he took his hands

from the piano and waited. To him this was very exciting. But it seemed that the mother of the rich man thought differently. Finally during one of these rests she came over to him. She touched him on the head with a smile and said, “My boy, why don?t you play us what you know well?”

根据短文内容判断正误:正确的答“A”,错误的答“B”。 1.John once played the piano at a party when he was only a little boy. 2.John began to play the piano at the age of eight.

3.In each of the rests John took his hands from the piano because he felt tired. 4.The rich man?s mother did not think John played the piece well. 5.I n fact the mother of the rich man knew the piece well. (B)

One day, we had an English class. The teacher saw a boy reading a picture book and said, “Tom, what do you usually do after lunch?” Tom nervously(紧张地)got up from his seat, but he did not know what to answer. He thought for some time and then said, “Wait for supper.”

The teacher was displeased and just at that moment, he saw another boy asleep. The teacher was getting a little angry now, but he was trying not to show it. Then he asked, “And you, Joke?”

As Joke was asleep, of course, he could not hear what the teacher had said. His deskmate(同桌) woke him up. Joke stood up quickly and answered in a loud voice, “So do I”. 1.This story happened____________.

A. in the teacher?s office B. after lunch C. in class D. a home 2.Tom?s answer made the teacher __________.

A. angry B. displeased C. surprising D. laughing 3.The teacher asked Joke ________. A.what he wanted to do after class

B.what he did in class

C.the same question as he asked Tom D.to help Tom

4.Joke?s answer meant that_______.

A.he knew what to do and what not to do after lunch B.he did the same thing as Tom did C.he read a picture-book

D.he did many things after lunch

5.From the above story we can see that ________.

A. Joke did not know what question the teacher had asked B.Tom did well in his lessons C.Joke was good at his lessons

D.Tom and Joke worked hard at their lessons (C)

Mrs Black, the wife of a rich business man, invited some of her friends to have lunch. She wanted to try a new way of cooking a fish, and she was very pleased with herself when the dish was ready. As the dish was very hot, she put it near the open window to cool for a few minutes. But, five minutes later, when she came back for it, she was shocked(震惊)to find the neighbour?s cat at the dish. She was in time to stop

the car. That afternoon was successful and everyone enjoyed the dish very much. They talked and laughed till four o?clock.

At the end of the afternoon, when she was alone again, Mrs Black felt tired and happy. She was in a chair just near the window. She looked out of the window and shocked to see the neighbour?s cat dead in her garden. Why, the fish dish must be bad! What would happen to her friends? She at once telephoned the family doctor for advice. The doctor told her to telephone each of the visitors to meet him at the

hospital as soon as he could. Finally the danger was over. Once again Mrs Black was alone in her chair in the sitting-room, still tired but no longer happy. Just then the telephone rang. It was her neighbour. “Oh, Mrs Black,” her neighbour cried, “My cat is dead. She was killed by someone in a car and put it in your garden.” 1.Mrs Black invited _______to lunch.

A. Mr Black?s friends B. her neighbour C. her parents D. some of her friends 2.Why was Mrs Black not happy after she had a good party?

A.She was sad about the dead cat. B.She found her fish dish was bad. C.She never thought that she would have so much trouble. D.She felt tired after she had a busy day. 3.Mrs Black________________________.

A.stopped the cat before it began to eat the fish B.was too late to stop the cat in time C.stopped the cat before it ate the fish up D.stopped the cat but it was too late 4.Why was Mrs Black so shocked to see the cat dead in her garden?

A.She liked the cat very much. B.She worried about her friends.

C.She was sure that her fish was bad. .She didn?t know how the cat died. 5.Finally________________.

A.Mrs Black found that all her friends were all right

B.a visitor told her that the cat was killed by someone in a car C.Mrs Black felt happy as all her friends were safe D.Mrs Black met all her friends at the hospital 五. 根据汉语句子的意思完成下列英语句子

1. 收音机里说今天晚些时候雨会停的。

The radio says the rain____ ____ ____ ____today.

2. 我不喜欢冬天,因为天气太冷了。 I don?t like winter, _____it?s ____ _____. 3. 西安位于中国的西北部。Xi?an is ______the ______of China. 4. 多好吃的面包啊!_____ _____ bread it is! 5. 明天白天温度将保持在零度以上。

The temperature will _____ ____ _____ in the daytime tomorrow. 六. 句型转换,使第二个句子和第一个句子的意思相近或相同 1.What a hot day today! _____ _____ it is today!

2. Most of North and South China will have a cold wet day .

____ will be cold and wet _____ most of North and South China.

3. The radio says it will be cloudy sometimes. The radio says it will be cloudy ____ ____. 4. The snow will be heavy in some places. It _____ _____ _____ in some places. 5. Shall we go out for a walk? _____ _____ going out for a walk?

【知识梳理】 I. 重点短语 1.

on time 2. out of

3. all by oneself 4. lots of 5. no longer 6. get back

7. sooner or later 8. run away 9. eat up

10. take care of 11. turn off 12. turn on 13. after a while 14. make faces

15. teach oneself 16. fall off

17. play the piano 18. knock at

19. to one's surprise 20. look up

21. enjoy oneself 22. help yourself

23. tell a story / stories 24. leave....behind …… 25. come along

26. hold a sports meeting 27. be neck and neck 28. as ... as


29. not so / as ... as 30. do one's best 31. take part in 32. a moment late 33. Bad luck! 34. fall behind 35. high jump 36. long jump 37. relay race 38. well done! 39. take off 40. as usual 41. a pair of 42. at once 43. hurry off 44. come to oneself 45. after a while 46. knock on 47. take care of 48. at the moment 49. set off 50. here and there 51. on watch 52. look out 53. take one?s place II. 重要句型

1. We?d better not do sth. 2. leave one. oneself

3. find one?s way to a place 4. stand on one?s head 5. make sb. Happy 6. catch up with sb.

7. pass on sth. to somebody 8. spend time doing sth. III. 交际用语

9. go on doing sth. 10. get on well with sb. 11. be angry with sb. 12. be fed up with sth. 13. not…until… 14. make room for sb.

1. We?re all by ourselves. 2. I fell a little afraid. 3. Don?t be afraid. 4. Help!

5. Can?t you hear anything?

6. I can?t hear anything / anybody there. 7. Maybe it?s a tiger.

8. Let?s get it back before they eat the food. 9. Did she learn all by herself?

10. Could she swim when she was …years old? 11. She didn?t hurt herself.

12. He couldn?t buy himself many nice things. 13. Did he enjoy himself? 14. Help yourselves. 15. Bad luck! 16. Come on!

17. Well done! Congratulations (to…)! 18. It must be very interesting. 19. I don?t think you?ll like it.

20. It seems to be an interesting book.

21. I?m sure (that)… I?m not sure if… I?m not sure what to… 22. I hope so.

23. What was he/she drawing when…? 24. I?m sorry to trouble you. 25. Would you please…?

26. What were you doing at ten o?clock yesterday morning? 27. You look tired today.

28. You?d better go to bed early tonight, if you can. 29. How kind!

30. Let?s move the bag, or it may cause an accident. 31. It?s really nice of you. 32. Don?t mention it.

33. Don?t crowd around him. IV. 重要语法

1. 不定代词/副词的运用; 2. 反身代词的用法; 3. 并列句;

4. 形容词和副词的比较等级;

5. 冠词的用法;

6. 动词的过去进行时; 【名师讲解】 1. bring/take

Bring表示“带来、拿来”,指从别处朝说话人所在或将在的地方“带来、拿来”。而take则表示“拿去、带走”,它表示的方向与bring相反,指从说话人所在地“拿走、带走”。如: Bring me the book, please. 把那本书给我拿来。 Take some food to the old man. 给那位老人带去些食物。 2. somebody/ anybody/nobody

一般说来,somebody用于定句,anybody用于否定句、疑问句和条件状语从句。例如: Somebody came to see you when you were out. 你出来时有人来见你。 Does anybody live on this island? 有人在这岛上住吗? I didn't see anybody there. 我在那儿谁也没看见。

Don't let anybody in. I'm too busy to see anybody. 别让任何人进来。我太忙,谁也不想见。 There is nobody in the room. 房间里没人。

Nobody told me that you were ill, so I didn't know about it . 谁也没告诉我你病了。所以我不知道。

3. listen, listen to, hear


(1)listen 只用于不及物动词,后面接人或人物做宾语,着重于“倾听”,指的是有意识的动作,至于是否听到,并非强调的重点。如:

Listen! Someone is singing in the classroom. 听!有人在教室唱歌。

(2)listen to 为listen的及物形式,后面一定要接人或物做宾语,这里的to是介词。如: Do you like listening to light music?你喜欢听轻音乐吗?

(3)hear 可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词,意思是“听到、听见”,指用耳朵听到了某个声音,表示无意识的动作,着重于听的能力和结果。如: We hear with our ears.我们用耳朵听。

She listens but hears nothing.她听了听,但是什么也没有听见。 4. many/ much/ a few/ a little/ few/ little

(1)many修饰可数名词,much修饰不可数名词;都表示许多。例如: He has many books.他有许多书。 He drank much milk.他喝了许多牛奶。

(2)a few和a little都表示\有一点儿\,侧重于肯定,相当于\,但a few修 饰可数名词,a little修饰不可数名词,例如: He has a few friends in London.他在伦敦有一些朋友。

Would you like some coffee? Yes, just a little.喝点咖啡好吗?好的,只要一点。 (3)few和little表示\几乎没有\,侧重否定。few后接可数名词,little后接不可数名词。例如:

He is a strange man. He has few words.他是个怪人,他几乎不说什么话。 Hurry up, there is little time left.赶快,没什么时间了。

5. either/ neither/ both

either可作形容词,一般指\两者中的任何一个\。有时也可表示\两个都……\的意思,后跟名词的单数形式;neither: 指两者中没有一个,全否定;both: 指两者都,肯定。句中可作主语、宾语和定语,both后面应跟名词的复数形式。如:

Neither of the films is good.两部电影都不好。(没有一部是好的) Either of the films is good. 两部电影都不错。(谓语动词用单数)

Both the teachers often answer the questions.这两个老师都常常解答问题。 6. take part in/join

take part in参加某种活动; join参加,加入某一政党或组织。例如: Can you take part in my party.你能来参加我的派对吗?

We often take part in many school activities.我们经常参加学校里的一些活动。 He joined the party in 1963. 他1963年入的党。

My little brother joined the army last year. 我小弟去年参的军。 7. quite/ rather/ very

(1)quite 表示程度“很,十分,完全地”,“相当”。如: She is quite right.她对极了。

That's not quite what I want . 那并不完全是我所要的。

(2)rather 表示程度上的“相当”,比预想地程度要大,通常用在不喜欢的情况下。如:It's rather cold today.今天的天气相当冷。

(3)very表示程度“很,甚,极其,非常”,用于修饰形容词或副词,既可用在喜欢的情况下,也可用于不喜欢的情况下。应注意“a very +形容词+可数名词的单数”结构中,\应置于\之前,该结构相当“quite a/an +形容词+名词”的结构。如: Two months is quite a long time. / a very long time. 两个月是一段很长的时间。 It's a very nice day / quite a nice day. 今天天气很好。 【考点扫描】

中考考点在本单元主要集中在: 1. 不定代词/副词的运用; 2. 反身代词的用法; 3. 并列句;

4. 形容词和副词的比较等级; 5. 冠词的用法;

6. 动词的过去进行时;

7. 本单元学过的词汇、短语和句型; 8. 本单元学过的日常交际用语。

考试形式可以是单项填空、完型填空、短文填空和完成句子。 【中考范例】

1. (2004年江西省中考试题)

---I called you yesterday evening, but there was no answer. ---Oh, I am sorry I ___________ dinner at my friend?s home. A. have B. had C. was having D. have had


2. (2004年北京市中考试题)

---Which is _________, the sun, the moon or the earth?

---Of course the moon is.

A. small B. smaller C. smallest D. the smallest

【解析】答案:D。该提考查的是形容词的比较等级。三者进行比较,其中最小的应用最高级,而形容词最高级之前必须加顶冠词the。 3. (2004年河北省中考试题)

Bob never does his homework _________ Mary. He makes lots of mistakes. A. so careful as B. as carefully as C. carefully as D. as careful as

【解析】答案:B。该提考查的是形容词和副词的用法区别。空白处所缺的词是修饰动词短语does his homework的,应该用副词。另外,表示“某人做事不如某人细心”应用“not as carefully as”这样的结构。 4. (2004年吉林省中考试题)

---I like riding fast. It?s very exciting.

---Oh! You mustn?t do it like that, ________ it may have an accident. A. and B. or C. so D. but

【解析】答案:B。该提考查的是连接并列句的并列连词的选择。And通常连接两个意思一致的并列句,so连接两个有因果关系的并列句,but连接两个有转折关系的并列句,or相当于if not意思是“否则”。 【满分演练】 一. 单项选择

1. Who jumps ________ in your class? A. far B. farther C. farthest D. longer

2. ---I made the cake by ________. Help __________, Tom. ---Thanks, Jane.

A. ourselves; yourself B. myself; yourself C. myself; yourselves D. ourselves; yourselves 3. There ________ a football game on TV this afternoon. A. is going to have B. will be C. is going to play D. will play

4. Wu Dong was _______ tired that he couldn't keep his eyes_________. A. too, open B. so, closed C. too, closed D. so, open 5. Can you hear __________?

A. something B. anything C. nothing D. somebody 6. The students stop __________ when the teacher came in. A. to talk B. talking C. talked D. talk 7. I told him ________ story.

A. the whole B. the all C. whole the D. all 8. Please _________ early tomorrow, mum. A. wake up me B. wakes me up C. wake me up D. will wake me up

9. He will go to the Great Wall if it __________ tomorrow. A. won't rain B. doesn't rain C. don't rain D. isn't raining 10. Can you tell us _________?

A. where have you gone B. where you have gone C. where have you been D. where you have been 11. Li Lei, sit down, please. I'll ________ you some tea. A. take B. to bring C. get D. give

12. Don't forget to _________ your dictionary here tomorrow. A. take B. bring C. carry D. borrow

13. He couldn't wash ________ when he was five years old. A. his B. him C. himself D. herself

14. Why did you leave your daughter at home all by ________. A. yourself B. himself C. herself D. myself 15. I bought my son a bike, _________ he like it a lot. A. and B. but C. or D. at

16. _______ , Li Lei was far behind the others at first. A. At the 800-meter race B. In the 800-metres race C. In the 800-meter race D. At the 800-metres race 17. My parents are teachers. They _________ teach English. A. Both B. all C. both D. are 18. Kate is an __________ girl.

A. eight-year-old B. eight-years-old C. six-year-old D. six-years-old 19. Who jumped _________ of all in the long jump? A. longest B. longer C. farther D. farthest 20. The runner fell, but he quickly got up and _______.

A. went on running B. went on to run C. went on run D. went on ran 二. 完型填空

Mr Smith left his car 1 his house one night, but when he came down the nest_2 to go to his office, he found the car 3 there. He called the police and told them the 4 . And they said they must 5 him to find the car. 6 Mr Smith came home from his office that evening, the car was back again in its usual (通常的) place 7 his house, He examined (检察) it carefully to see if (是否) it was damaged (损坏), and found 8 theatre (剧院) tickets on one of the seats (座位) and a letter, It said, “We feel very 9 . We took your car because we had an mergency (急诊).”

Mr and Mrs Smith went to the theatre with the two tickets the next night and 10 themselves very much.

When they got home, they found thieves (贼) took away everything in their house. 1. A inside B. outside C. from D. under 2. A. evening B. morning C. afternoon D. night 3. A. wasn't B. was C. left D. went 4. A. wrong B. matter C. thing D. idea 5. A. made B. let C. help D. ask 6. A. If B. Because C. When D. Before 7. A. in the front of B. in front of C. on the front of D. on front of

8. A. many B. no C. two D. one

