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Part I 听力 一遍、一遍、三遍 Part II 阅读

Part III词汇与语法 第一章


A touch of 少量;in one’s company与?一同;be likely to有可能做某事 第三章

Broadband宽带;graphic图样的;query怀疑;budget预算;candidate候选人;charity慈善机构;coordinate使协调;prospect可能性;commute上下班往返;cost-effective划算的;hypothetical假设的 keep sth. up to date使?更新;miss out失去;throw sb. off guard使?未戒备;Pension Scheme养老金计划 第六章

Bouns红利;comment表达意见;magnificent宏伟的;toxin毒素;innovative创新的;launch首次上市;antique古老的 Cut back减少 第七章


Domestic appliances家用电器;solar car太阳能汽车;be bound to do sth.一定会 第九章


Sign up报名;civil engineering土木工程 第十章


Catch on流行起来;die out灭绝;take over控制;top out at sth.达到顶点

Part IV段落翻译 第一章P10---Para1-2

Most people will recognise the man in thisphotograph. He is, of course, Bill Clinton,ex-President of the United States. Bill Clinton is a very popular speech

giver and regularly gives talks all over the world,to many different audiences.He is so effective at giving talks because he has a special quality which we call \


Nowadays, psychologistsare becoming veryinterested in charisma and want to redefine itsmeaning. People often misunderstand whatcharisma is and think of it as a kind of fame, butit is not the same as fame. Charisma is a kind ofmagic and is relatively rare. A well-known American psychologist thinksthat charismatic people arebasically brilliant communicators. However, they have other qualities such as sensitivity, self-confidence, eloquence and vision.



Some people believe that women are better driversthan men. However, others think that women makeworse drivers. The idea that women make worsedrivers is a stereotype. It comes from a time whenwomen drove less than men, and driving was seen asa man's responsibility. There are certainly differentviews on this controversial question, although thereare a number of reasons why a woman's personalitymakes her a more competent driver.


Firstly, women are more patient and polite towards other road users, such as pedestrians and cyclists. In stressful situations they are more likely to stay calm, and less likely to be involved in \are more cautious and therefore take fewer risks, for instance when overtaking. Thirdly, they are more responsible so they tend not to drive when tired or after drinking alcohol.



This rapidly-growing trend towards working from home is the same in many countries. But what are the reasons for it? The main reason is technological:easy access to broadband and the availability of phone and video-conferencing. These enable people to use their home as an office in an efficient and cost-effective way.


Other reasons for homeworking are the benefits to both employers and employees:office space is costly, so if an organization can reduce its workstations, it may be able to move to a smaller site. Employees often work better at home:travelling to work can be very time-consuming and tiring. Many homeworkers save a lot of time if they don’t commute and they can start the day fresher and therefore work more efficiently; parents with young children appreciate the flexibility that homeworking allows and are more relaxed.



Coco Chanel, fashion designer, died on January 10th in her Paris apartment. Gabrielle “Coco”Chanelrevolutionised the fashion industry with her innovative designs and elegant simplicity. Her themes included simple suits and dresses, trousers for women, and costume jewellery, but she is probably most famous for her perfumes.


She was born in the small city of Saumur, France. Her mother worked in a poorhouse and died when she was only six. She was then abandoned by her father and brought up by relatives.


In 1910, she set up a shop in Paris selling ladies’hats. By the 1920s, she had expanded her business to include clothing. At that time she introduced a perfume, Chanel No.5, which became one of the company’s most profitable products. Another instant success was the Chanel suit, which was launched in 1923. The “little black dress”, which could be worn during the day and evening, was also made popular by Coco.



Scientists can invent technologies, manufacturers can make products, engineers can make them work and salespeople can sell them. However, only designers can combine

all these things. Designers turn an idea into something that is desirable, commercially successful and adds value to people’s lives.


Good design begins with the needs of the user. A good design fulfils a user’s need. A design dosen’t have to be new, different or impressive to be successful in the market place, but it must fulfil a need. However, it is also true that design methods often lead to innovative products and services.


Many people have misconceptions about design. Magazines often use the word design when they mean style or fashion. For example, when they show a toaster or bottle opener which is well-designed, the result is that people think that design is only about how things look. Design is also about how things work. In reality, the way a product looks is something which happens at the end of product development process.


Designers, unlike artists, can’t simply follow their creative feelings. They work in a commercial environment, which means they are many point to consider. Designers have to ask themselves questions such as:“Is the product really wanted?”, “How it is different from everything else on the market?”, “Dose it fulfil a need?”, “Will it cost too much to manufacture?” and “Is it safe?”



Engineers’contribution to society

Engineers find solutions to problems that are important to society. They control and prevent pollution, develop new medicines, create advanced technologies and help explore new worlds. They make the world a cleaner, safer, healthier place by inventing, building and improving all sorts of things from microchips to household appliances, from skyscrapers to spacecraft.


Origin and definition of engineer

Interestingly, the world engineer dose not come from the world engine. In fact it comes from the Latin word ingenious meaning skilled. An engineer is really a clever,

practical problem solver. Although the fields of engineering and science are connected, they are also differences.

有趣的是,世界级工程师不是来自世界工程。事实上它来自拉丁词的ingenious meaning skilled。一个工程师确实是一个聪明、实际的问题解决者。虽然工程与科学的领域是相通的,但它们也是不同的。

Engineering and science

While a scientist will ask why a problem occurs or happens, an engineer will want to know how to solve the problem. As one writer once said: scientists build in order to learn, whereas engineers learn in order to build.



Another strong influence on fashion trends was Breakfast at Tiffany’s, starring Audrey Hepburn. She made famous the simple black dress that looks perfect at either a cocktail party or just standing around outside an exclusive department store like Tiffany’s with a pastry and coffee in your hand, as Audrey Hepburn dose in the film. She looks so elegant, wearing simple but beautiful dresses, big dark glasses and a string of pearls around her neck. Audrey Hepburn, more than any other film star, still influences women’s fashion with her “Tiffany’s” look . As the fashion designerMary Quant said, “Audrey was the most stylish woman who ever lived.”


第十章P106---Last Para

The effect on the world population will be great.Europe’s population has been in decline for several years now as people prefer to have fewer children and families tend to be smaller. However, the population will not decline as fast once these anti-ageing drugs start to become widely available. It is believed that the populations in China and India could soar by 500 million.


Part V 写作

第一章 Personality 第三章 第六章 第七章 第九章 第十章

