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Model Test One

Part I · ·Listening Comprehension· ·

Section A

1.A)Teacher and student.B)Boss and employee.

C)Husband and wife. D)Guide and visitor.

2.A)He will have a trip. B)He will visit his family


C)He will change his job D)He will meet his


3.A)In a store. B)In s library.

C)At school. D)In a hospital.

4.A)The new roommate is very kind.

B)The new roommate is not good at study.

C)The new roommate is easy-going.

D)The new roommate is not talkative.

5.A)The woman says too much.

B)The woman fails in the examination.

C)The woman studies English very hard.

D)The woman finds it difficult to learn English.

Section B

Conversation 1

6.A)He wants to taste new food.

B)He wants to have a break.

C)He wants to date the woman.

D)He wants to have a change.

7.A)The man.

B)The woman.



Conversation 2





9.A)About 20

B)About 30

C)About 40

D)About 50

10.A)She is hesitated to choose her boyfriend

B)She is determined to choose her boyfriend.

C)She is shamed to choose her boyfriend.

D)She is shy to choose her boyfriend.

Section C

11.What kind of family was Lincoln born in?

He was born in a ____________.

12.How many children did Lincoln have?

He had ___________.

13.When was Lincoln first elected as President?


14.How did Lincoln die?

Lincoln was ________ by John Wilkes Booth.

15.What is the function of the 13th Amendment?

It _______ forever.

Model Test Two

Part I · ·Listening Comprehension· · Section A

1.A)The blue one. B)The white one.

C)The cheaper one. D)The one on the left.

2.A)It’s unimportant how she dances. B).No one likes

to dance.

C) I’s too crowded to dance.D)No one knows

the dance steps.

3.A)At a railway station. B)On a flight.

C)In a hospital.D)In a reading room.

4.A)Learn to sing. B)Keep her company.

C)Play the piano. D)Teach her how to


5.A)They are too large. B)She doesn’t like

the style.

C)They are too small. D)She doesn’t like

the color.

Section B

Conversation 1

6.A)10:00 B)10:30 C)11:00 D)11:30

7.A)The weather is fine.B)The train is


C)She can see the beautiful views. D)There is

enough time to get there.

Conversation 2

8.A)A single room. B)A double room. C)A twin room.

D)A triple room.

9.A)$60 B)$50 C)$40


10.A)Comfortable,with a view of the mountain.

B)Comfortable,with a view of the sea.

C)Very large,with free meals.

D)Very large,with a view of the mountain.

Section C

11.What job did the man get first?

He got the first job as ______________ .

12.How long did the man stay in the first company?

He stayed in the first company for ___________.

13.When did the man get the position as a sales manager?

He became a sales manager after he worked for


14.Why did the man leave the first company?

Because he _______________.

15.What did the man do in the factory?

He worked as____________.

Model Test Three

Part I · ·Listening Comprehension· · Section A

1.A)Twenty years oldB)Twenty-one years old

C)Twenty-two years oldD)Twenty-three years old

2.A)At 6:00 B)At 6:15 C)At 6:30

D)At 6:45

3.A)In a store B)In a library C)At school

D)In a hospital

4.A)Dr.Block won’t be busy this morning.

B)The woman won’t meet Dr.Block before 12:00.

C)The woman can meet Dr.Block at 10:00.

D)Dr.Block’s office won’t open until 12:00.

5.A)The jobs are in French and Spain.

B)French and Spanish are necessary for the job.

C)The notice appeared in French and Spanish newspapers.

D)She would like to teach the man French and Spanish.

Section B

Conversation 1

6.A)A lot. B)Not much. C)Nothing at all.D)A great deal.



Conversation 2

8.A)At an airport B)In a storeC)In a post office

D)At a bus station

9.A)By surface mailB)By airmailC)By e-mail

D)By express mail

10.A)$8 B)$9 C)$12


Section C

11.What course were the speaker’s father and mother both interested in?

Thy were both interested in _______________.

12.What did the woman do after she knew the man’s action?

She found the book the man wanted to borrow in the library and ______in it.

13.Why did the woman choose to stick a letter in the book?She wanted to test whether the young man was ____________________.

14.Why did the woman confirm that the young man could find her?

Because her __________________ was on the envelope.

15.What was the name of the book the man wanted to borrow?

The book was _________________.

Model Test Four

Part I · ·Listening Comprehension· · Section A



2.A)Nervous and frightened B)Very relaxed

C)Quite unhappy D)Angry with the professor

3.A)Have an interview B)Filling out a form

C)Talking with a friendD)Asking for information

4.A)His team lost the game. B)His team is the best one at present.

C) His team won a very close game. D)His team didn’t get a single point.

5.A)Host and guest B)Doctor and patient

C)Manager and office workerD)Travel agent and customer

Section B

Conversation 1

篇二:2星火英语四级美文听力第2篇The English Character

The English Character

To other Europeans, the best known quality of the British,and in particular of the English, is “reserved”.A reserved person is one who does not talk very much to strangers,does not show much emotion, and seldom gets excited.It is difficult to get to know a reserved person:he never tells you anything about himself,and you may work with him for years without ever knowing where he lives,how many children he has, and what his interests are.English people tend to be like that.Closelyrelated to English reserve is

English modesty.Within their hearts, the English are perhaps no less conceited than anybody else,but in their relations with others they value at least a show of modesty.Self-praise is felt to be impolite.If a person is, let us say,very good at tennis and someone asks him if he is a good player,he will seldom reply “Yes,”because people will think him

conceited.He will probably give an answer like,“I’m not bad,” or “I think I’m very good,” or “Well, I’m very keen on tennis.”Even if he had managed to reach the finals in last year’s local championships,he would say it in such a way as to suggest that it was only due to a piece of good luck.Since reserve and modesty are part of his own nature,the typical English tends to expect them in others.He secretly looks down on more excitable nations,and likes to think of himself as more reliable than they are.He doesn’t trust big promises and open shows of feelings,especially if they are expressed in flowery language.He doesn’t trust self-praise of any kind.This applies not only to what other people may tell him about themselves orally,but to the letters they may write to him.To those who are fond of flowery expressions,the Englishman may appear uncomfortably cold. quality ['kw?l?ti]n. 质量,品质;特性;才能 1. I think our product is high quality .我想我们的产品是高质量的。

2. If you have unlimited fortune and time, how would you better your lifequality.假如你有无限的财富和时间,你会如何改善你的生活品质?

quality,feature,characteristic,peculiarity,trait,attribute,character 这些名词均有“特性、特点、品质”之意。

quality最普通用词,既可指有形或无形的特性,又可指个性或共性的特征。 feature指事物突出引人注目的特点。多用来说明人的容貌特征或地理特征。 characteristic指某人或某物天生有别于他人或他物的内部特质或外表特征。 peculiarity指人或事物独具的或奇怪的特点,常带感情色彩。

trait多指人的性格、心情的特征,尤指先天秉赋的持久的行为模式或性格特征。 attribute通常指人主观赋予某事物的属性,可指典型事物。 character多指一类人或事物所具有的独特的典型的特征。

particular [p?'tikjul?]adj. 特别的;详细的;独有的;挑剔的n. 详细说明;个别项目 1. Do you have any particular style in mind?你们有没有想要什麽特定的式样?

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2. I like meat in general, and mutton inparticular



reserved [ri'z?:vd]adj. 保留的,预订的;缄默的,冷淡的;包租的v. 保留(reserve的过去分词)

1. All Copyrights Reserved by the Original



2. The reservoir in the reserved preserve is an obstacle to the obstinate observer.

预留保护区内的水库对固执的观察者是一个障碍。 tend [tend]vi. 趋向,倾向;照料,照顾vt. 照料,照管

1. He tend

ed a drug store for his father.他替父亲看着一家药店。

2. People tend to visit this site from



modesty ['m?disti]n. 谦逊;质朴;稳重 1. There is false modesty, but there is no false pride.

可能有虚伪的谦虚,但决没有虚伪的骄傲。 2. Though modesty be a virtue , yet

bashfulness is a vice .

尽管谦虚是一种美德,但害羞就成了缺点。 conceited [k?n'si:tid]adj. 自负的;狂想的;逞能的

1. If a person is , let us say, very good at tennis and someone asks him if he is a good player, he will seldom reply "Yes", because people will think him conceited.


keen [ki:n]adj. 敏锐的,敏捷的;渴望的;强烈的;热心的;锐利的n. 痛哭,挽歌 1. Difficulties keened their contradictions.

困难使他们之间的矛盾更加尖锐化了。 2. A good lawyer needs a keen


English Garden@Harbin University of Commerce, Copyright @ 2013.

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typical ['tipik?l]adj. 典型的;特有的;象征性的

1. The typical answer is, "Technology" and "Product.


2. This is a typical setup for a long running server.

这是一个长期运行的服务器的典型设置。 excitable[ik'sait?bl]adj. 易激动的;易兴奋的;易怒的

1. I am not a excitable person, but I am

excited in this exciting new.我也感到激动。

2. "Are you ready to win your first game of pre-season, " asked one excitablereporter.激动的记者问道。

reliable [ri'lai?bl]adj. 可靠的;可信赖的n. 可靠的人

1. Own a lot of reliable customers in these markets.

在市场上已经拥有一群忠诚的客户。 2. It provides a flexible

and reliablehardware platform for software design.

为软件设计提供了一个灵活可靠的硬件平台。 expressed [ik'spres]vt. 表达;快递adj. 明确的;迅速的;专门的n. 快车,快递,专使;捷运公司

1. Ideas can be expressed accurately and

effectively, using simple sentences.用简单的句子可以准确有力地表达思想。 2. The set of statements, expressed in data definition language, that completely

describe the structure of a data base.整地描述了数据库地结构。






A state of physical and mental health allows you to take part in exercise comfortably and enjoyably so that it doesn’t hurt, so that you can look forward to it, and feel good afterwards. If you are feeling down, exercise may help pick you up. Although researchersdisagree on this issue

, one review of past studies found that long-term exercise, especially when it includes long-lasting, strenuous training sessions, has about as much of an effect on depression as psychotherapy.

Working out helps you deal with stress in your job, relationships or any area of life —possibly because exercise is a form of stress itself and helps condition your body to deal with it.When Australian researchers compared people who did 30 minutes of aerobic exercise three times a week to those who practiced progressive relaxation techniques, they found that the former group responded better to acute stress and had lower blood pressure. Even a little exercise can make you think less anxiously. Studies have shown that any amount of exercise, from abrisk10 minute walk to an intense aerobics or weightlifting session seems to decrease feelings of anxiety.

Working out regularly may make you smarter now and lessen the possibility that you’ll lose brain function as you age. According to a recent animal study at the University of Illinois, exercise can actually help the brain develop new cells. In several studies, regular weight training or aerobic exercise was shown to improve

the quality and duration of sleep. Naturally, this can make you less fatigued and be able to function better during the day. Like meditation, hobbies or any other leisure activity, exercise gives your mind a needed break from everyday thoughts, responsibilities and commitments. Finally, there’s one more reason to keep exercising. When you work out regularly, your body simply functions better you are better, healthier and less likely to suffer painful physical conditions. And that just plain feels good. mental['ment?l]adj. 精神的;脑力的;疯的n. 精神病患者

1. Workers can put their aggression into their work, be it physical like the work of a smith, or mental like the work of a scientist or an artist.艺术家。

2. Your mental body can read very well and so if you have a few blank cards, write affirmations on them and put them in places where you will automatically see them.的看见它们的地方。

disagree [,dis?'ɡri:]vi. 不同意;不一致;争执;不适宜 1. Those figures disagree with yesterday's results.那些数字与昨天的结果不相符合。

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2. So more agree than disagree


issue ['i?ju:, 'isju:]n. 问题;流出;期号;发行物vt. 发行,发布;发给;放出,排出vi. 发行;流出;造成…结果;传下

1. A sound of laughter issued from the adjoining room.从隔壁房间里传出一阵笑声。 2. How the gov. solve this issue

?这个问题政府怎么解决? issue,distribute,publish 这些动词均有“发行,发出,发给”之意。 issue多指通过官方或正式渠道正式发行。 distribute指把东西分发给所属者或应得者。


lasting ['lɑ:sti?, 'l?sti?]adj. 持久的;永恒的n. 厚实斜纹织物v. 持续;维持(last的ing形式) 1. They are the lasting image.它们是持久的形象。

2. First impressions are most lasting


depression [di'pre??n]n. 沮丧;洼地;不景气;忧愁 1. We had a depression 80 years ago.80年前我们就有一场大萧条。

2. Then she read about seasonal affective disorder, a form of depression that occurs in fall

and winter.


stress [stres]n. 压力;强调;紧张;重要性;重读vt. 强调;使紧张;加压力于;用重音读 1. He was being stress

ed before he gave his lecture.演讲前的那一阵子他感到十分紧张。

2. We stress

teamwork in our company.我们公司重视团队合作。 emphasis,stress



stress常可与emphasis换用,但侧重指迫不及待地强调或坚持。 progressive[pr?u'ɡresiv]adj. 进步的;先进的n. 改革论者;进步分子 1. All wars that are progressive

are just.所有进步的战争都是正义的。

2. There are areas in which science andprogressive

politics make comfortable bedfellows.在一些领域中,科学和开明政治成为了舒适的盟友。 relaxation [,ri:l?k'sei??n]n. 放松;缓和;消遣 1. You need more rest and relaxation


2. The mood that how lets oneself gets better relaxation


English Garden@Harbin University of Commerce, Copyright @ 2013.

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comfort,ease,leisure,relaxation,relief,rest 这些名词均含“舒适,安逸、悠闲”之意。

comfort通常指在摆脱烦人、痛苦的事情,或在要求、愿望得到满足后所感到的舒适。 ease指因没有担心和忧虑而轻松。 leisure专指闲暇时间或悠闲状态。

relaxation强调消除肌肉疲劳或思想的紧张状态,使身心松弛,得到休息。 relief侧重有消除痛苦、不适或困难的负担,常暗含不利因素已不存在的意味。 rest与work相对,强调水分除身心痛劳,不着重休息方式。 pressure ['pre??]n. 压力;压迫,压强vt. 迫使;密封;使……增压 1. How can you raise oneself resistpressure


2. Low blood pressure, what should anaemia eat?低血压,又贫血该吃些什么呢?

brisk [brisk]adj. 敏锐的,活泼的,轻快的;凛冽的vi. 活跃起来;变得轻快vt. 使……活泼;使……轻快;使……兴旺

1. A brisk

breeze puffs the clouds away.一阵轻快的微风吹开云朵。

2. This is my first visit to your fair. What impress me most is your brisk and friendly trade atmosphere.

这是第一次参加贵方交易会,给我印象最深的是你们这种轻松友好的贸易气氛。 active,energetic,vigorous,brisk,lively 这些形容词均有“积极的,活跃的”之意。

active指有活动能力,强调与消极或休止相反的积极活动状态。 energetic提精力充沛、奋力从事某事业。

vigorous指不仅表现积极、有生气,而且固有精力和活力十分旺盛。 brisk指动作敏捷、充满活力、轻快活泼地从事某项工作或活动。 lively侧重支轮船快,机智,有生气。

intense [in'tens]adj. 强烈的;紧张的;非常的;热情的 1. Well, it would be an intensecompetition.很好,那将是场激烈的比赛。

2. How to eliminate intense

sentiment the most quickly?怎么最快的把紧张的情绪消除掉?

anxiety [??'zai?ti]n. 焦虑;渴望;挂念;令人焦虑的事 1. You can still your anxiety

by listening to some music.你听听音乐以消除内心的不安,平静下来。

2. Fear and anxiety have always been a part of life and always will be.恐惧与焦虑早就是生活的一部分,而且也将永远如此。

lessen ['les?n]vt. 使…变小;使…减轻;使…变少vi. 减少;减轻;变小 1. The talk aimed to lessen

the tension.这次交谈旨在缓和紧张局面。

2. What can we do to lessen

her vexation?我们做些什么才能减轻她的烦恼呢?

English Garden@Harbin University of Commerce, Copyright @ 2013.

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function ['f??k??n]

n. 功能;函数;职责;盛大的集会vi. 运行;活动;行使职责

1. Function key not allowed in this mode.在此模式下功能键不允许用。

2. Testing the system function

and make samples.测试系统功能、编写测试用例; duration [dju?'rei??n]n. 持续

1. Expose specimen in specified high and low temp, duration and cycles.暴露样品于规定的高低温、持续时间和周期中。

2. How long the power lasts. See Duration, page 34, for more information.该异能能持续多久。详情请见第34页的“持续时间”。 meditation [,medi'tei??n]n. 冥想;沉思,深思

1. As everyone knows, meditation and water are wedded for ever.大家都知道,沉思和水是始终结合在一起的。

2. I would share my thoughts inmeditation

, with my friends, and with the Dolphins.我常常将自己沉思中的想法与我的朋友、也与海豚一起分享。

plain [plein]adj. 平的;简单的;朴素的;清晰的n. 平原;[计]无格式;朴实无华的东西adv. 清楚地;平易地

1. A river intersects the plain.一条河贯穿那片“平原”。

2. In plain

carbon steel, carbon is the only alloy element.只有在普碳钢中,碳才是唯一的合金元素。

apparent,obvious,evident,clear,plain,distinct,definite,manifest 这些形容词均含“清楚的,明白的,明显的”之意。


obvious语气较强,指极为明显,有目共睹,无需说明和论证。 evident指根据事实成为显然的。 clear普通用词,侧重清楚明白。

plain普通用词,含义与clear很接近,可通用,但plain着重简单明了,不复杂。 distinct较正式用词,指轮廓的清楚或定义、含义的明确,不会弄错。 definite语气肯定,着重明白无误,无可怀疑。


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