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Lesson 74 out of the limelight


New words and expressionslimelight n. 舞台灯光 precaution n. 预防措施 fan n. 狂热者,迷 shady adj. 遮荫的 sheriff n. 司法长官 notice n. 告示 sneer n. 冷笑 Gloria Gleam ['gl :ri ] [gli:m] Brinksley Meers Rockwall Slinger ['sli ] Merlin Greeves ['m :lin]


Out of the limelight limelight 众人注目的中心 (原义 - 石灰光). Although he is a government official, he tries to keep out of the limelight.尽管他是位政府 官员,他还是避免引人注意。 她自从成为一位演员后一直引人注目。 She has been in the limelight since she became an actress.


precaution safety precaution 安全防范措施 precautions against fire 防火措施 I’ll keep the letter as a precaution. 我要保存这封信,以防万一。. shady adj. 1)阴凉的,背阴的 . We went to find somewhere cool and shady to have a drink.我们找了个阴凉地儿喝了一杯 2)可疑的;非法的 a shady deal 一宗有问题的交易


notice 1)注意;理会;察觉 . Don’t take any notice of what you read in the papers.别在意你在报上看到的东西。 别理会他说的话 Take no notice of what he says. 2)告示 a notice saying ”Keep off the Grass” 写着“勿踏草地”的公告牌


Sneer v. 嘲笑;讥讽 sneer at sb./sth. . He sneered at people who liked pop music.他 嘲笑喜欢流行音乐的人 a sneering comment/smile/laugh 讥讽的话/笑容/笑声 sneeringly adv.


An ancient bus stopped by a dry river bed and a party of famous actors and actresses got off. Dressed in dark glasses and old clothes, they had taken special precautions so that no one should recognize them. But as they soon discovered, disguises can sometimes be too perfect. 'This is a wonderful place for a picnic,' said Gloria Gleam. 'It couldn't be better, Gloria,' Brinksley Meers agreed. 'No newspaper men, no film fans! Why don't we come more often?‘


Meanwhile, two other actors, Rockwall Slinger and Merlin Greeves, had carried two large food baskets to a shady spot under some trees. When they had all made themselves comfortable, a stranger appeared. He looked very angry. 'Now you get out of here, all of you!' he shouted. 'I'm sheriff here. Do you see that notice? It says "No Camping" -- in case you can't read!' 'Look, sheriff,' said Rockwall, 'don't be too hard on us. I'm Rockwall Slinger and this is Merlin Greeves.' 'Oh, is it?' said the sheriff with a sneer. 'Well, I'm Brinksley Meers, and my other name is Gloria Gleam. Now you get out of here fast!'


An ancient bus stopped by a dry river bed and a party of famous actors and actresses got off. This is an ancient custom 这是一个自古相传下来的习俗。 flower bed花坛 a party of (一起旅行或参观等的)群,队,组 He saw a party of schoolchildre

n getting off the bus crowd, group指无组织的,自发的人群


'Now you get out of here, all of you!' he shouted. get out of here 从这里走开,滚出去,滚 开 get fuck out of here 给我从这滚出去


'I'm sheriff here. Do you see that notice? It says "No Camping" -- in case you can't read!' I‘m sheriff here. (sheriff 是一种职位,职位前 面不加冠词) He is president. 总统(职位) Who is monitor? 谁是班长(职位) I am a teacher. teacher 不是官衔,加不定冠 词 in case +从句 假使,万一……的话,免得, 以防万一(常用于引导条件或目的状语从句, 当句子表示将来的时间时,in case后面必须用 现在时态或should/might) in case you can't read 除非你们不识字。 I’m taking a raincoat with me in case I need it. In case he comes/should come, give him this letter.


'don't be too hard on us. I'm Rockwall Slinger and this is Merlin Greeves.' be hard on… 对……(过分)严厉 别为难那个孩子 Don’t be too hard on that child. 他对他的员工总是很严厉 He is always hard on his employee.

