A short Introduction to Algorithm Engineering CSSS2009
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Algorithm Engineering
Erwin P. Stoschek
A short introduction to Algorithm
Talks for students of the CQU College of Computer Science
The teaching material in this folder is only intended to use in the
abovementioned talks “A short introduction to Algorithm
Algorithm is
a well-defined structured procedure
- to solve a problem class in a finite number of steps,
- to describe a class of time-discrete terminating processes
exactly or in sufficient approximation.
Algorithm Engineering is
- part of the human problem solving technologies in all sciences
and engineering, but also in the daily life,
- mathematics and logic based, computer (processor and implementation, today and tomorrow) oriented algorithm design in the run up to software engineering (application and system
- computer oriented design of correct, efficient, robust,
modular, extensible, (at least in parts) reusable algorithms
- taking the simplest, shortest way (simple, but hard to achieve),
- using the most suitable tools (problem – tool resonance,
creative and efficient formula manipulation is an important part of algorithm design, of all mathematics based problem solving methods),
Algorithm Engineering
- saving brain power,
- with the goal to provide so the basis for efficient, low-cost
and high-quality software,
more general: for successful high-tech, high-performance, high-
powered, high-quality but low-cost industrial products, esp. in
the high-tech and in IT field.
Simpler expressed: how to solve problems in sciences and
engineering mathematics based and computing oriented step by
step in the simplest and most efficient way (scoutics)? That means
also, creativity plays a great role:
- “Ability to produce something new through imaginative skill,
whether a new solution to a problem, a new method or device, or a new artistic object or form.”
- “Creativity, it has been said, consists largely of re-arranging
what we know in order to find out what we do not know.”
(George Kneller)
The design of algorithms practices and challenges strategic,
tactical, flexible, networked, synergetic-oriented, and dialectic
thinking in general as well as all problem-solving skills.
Mission statement
The intension for the planned talks on Algorithm Engineering
for students of the CQU College of Computer Science is not to
give the (n+1)th textbook or reference book on algorithms.
My plan is
● to present you some highlights (in my opinion) from my own
teaching and research work in this field and
● to discuss through them some basic principles, approaches, and methods of engineering-oriented design of algorithms down to the smallest details, to the grassroots;
Algorithm Engineering
● to put up for discussion some interesting unsolved and open
problems as well as some Algorithm Engineering born or based application ideas in the area of engineering and business (no
turnkey solutions, but promising grid positions);
● to show: algorithm-oriented thinking is an essential part of all
engineering and natural sciences.
1* More about Algorithm, Algorithm Engineering, etc.
2* Creative and efficient formula manipulation is an important part of algorithm design, of all mathematics based problem solving
methods. Necessary algorithmic finger exercises. Examples
3* A problem-oriented 2D/3D notation system (2D shortened
determinant, 3D data cylinder) for applications in
computational geometry.
The “problem – tool resonance” is a central issue for a
successful systematic extension strategy of a promising initial
Computational geometry: description, calculation and
computer-aided handling of geometric objects using the tools of algebra, calculus and algorithm engineering; application fields:
computer-aided design, pattern and image generation and
processing (transformation, manipulation, encoding, evaluation, recognition, etc).
4* The extended Differential Calculus quotient rule, applications
and beyond
5* The algorithm system Signa in silico®(AsSis), mimicking
aspects of biological gene expression, generates a broad variety
of computer graphics. The achievable pattern diversity is in
many respect comparable with the biodiversity.
Application fields of AsSis include
* computer graphics per se
* computer-based design of decors for wallpapers, textiles,
Algorithm Engineering
ceramics, etc., book and advertisement graphics
* styling ideas for technical products
and beyond:
* data mining
* efficient approximate solution of engineering relevant field
equations :
generation of 2D and 3D electromagnetic field patterns (esp.
“metamaterials – negative refraction index – electromagnetic
field invisibility”), aerodynamic and hydrodynamic field
patterns (water waves stealth oil platforms?), gravitational
field patterns)
* AsSis pattern controlled and displayed modulation of
electric and magnetic fields for manipulation of biomolecules
and biomolecular processes (food, beverage and drug
treatment, selection and breeding).
Structure generation algorithms like AsSis build a bridge
between science, arts, and technology - between abstract,
beautiful, and useful.
6* Some Algorithm Engineering born or based
application ideas in the area of engineering and business (no
turnkey solutions, but promising grid positions).
An offer for the winter semester 2009/2010.
6.1* Niche application of artificial neural net algorithms for
special prediction problems.
A neural network success story? A hot potato!
UK Epagogix Ltd. presented via a The New Yorker interview 2006 a neural network prediction system for the movie box-
office success of a screenplay.
A breakthrough in this field or a lucky goal or …?
But Epagogix has successors:
Algorithm Engineering
Critical discussion!!
6.2* Noise in physical, technical, biological, social, economic,
and computational systems and processes is often
considered as suppressible and removable “rubbish”. But this noise contains more useful information about them then
normally assumed.
However, the main difficulty consists of the extraction (with a single sensor or a sensor array), decoding, processing, and
displaying of this information, it is essentially a data mining
problem, an algorithmic problem, their solutions are a basis
for the design of a smart analysis software tool covering many types of noise, f.e. specialized on early diagnosis of small
changes (as early symptoms for damages, defective functions,
diseases, etc.) in systems and processes (esp. objects exposed
to extreme load) in comparision with their normal state,
normal dynamics etc.
The analysis of the noise generated by physical, technical, biological, economic, social, algorithmic etc. systems with
suitable algorithmic tools provides important information
about state, dynamics, and structure of these systems.
6.3* Advanced Samadhi (Floating, Isolation) tank technology
for highest and outstanding demands in the fields of
* relaxation, stress alleviation, medical applications
* enhancement of creativity and problem solving ability.
. Single tank design, coupled tank design (biofeedback,
resonance effects, brainstorming, ring of creativity power, ). Samadhi tanks of good and very good quality and standard features (relaxation, stress alleviation, etc.) are worldwide on the market. You can find them in private houses and fitness centers. The gap and the need in the international market lies in the upper price and outstanding demand range (relaxation+ stress alleviation + enhancement of creativity and problem solving ability) basing on the newest scientific knowledge and professionally equipped with the newest custom software and
Algorithm Engineering
high-tech electronics. A science, innovation, high-quality and export oriented engineering project, involving bioengineering, Algorithm Engineering, computer science and information technology, but also a hot potato! The potential clientele for such “Rolls Royce” versions are tycoons, top manager,
businessmen, scientists, artists, writers, adventurer.
- /Samadhi%20Tank
- /Isolation%20Tank
- /wiki/Isolation_tank
- http://www.floatation-tanks.co.uk
- /float.htm
- /cs/floatationtankfl/index.htm
- S. Zweifel. John C. Lilly. Rausch der Tiefe. http://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,422301,00.html
- J.C. Lilly, E.J. Gold. Tanks for the Memories: Floatation
Tank Talks. Gateway Books and Tapes 2000
- M. Hutchison. The Book of Floating: Exploring the Private
Sea. Gateway Books and Tapes 2003
Warm water (shower, bathtub, Samadhi tank, thermal spring, warm rain) is an efficient catalyst for creativity!
Brainstorming in a thermal spring basin!
Water: * place of origin and catalyst of life
* information memory substrate?
6.4* Quantum computing, quantum IT, etc.
A dream or a future basic technology?
An attempt of a state-of-the-art and a look into the future
* Physical background
* Basic ideas
* First realizations, research groups worldwide
* QC algorithms and algorithm design
* Quantum information transmission
* Quantum computers are able to break many of the
cryptocodes in use today (f.e. public key ciphers) via
Algorithm Engineering
semiprime factoring.
* Using quantum phenomena one can implement new safe
communication systems which can always detect
* Interaction between information transmission, processing,
and storing in classical integrated semiconductor circuits
(in classical computers, automatic control, etc.) and
quantum information processes (hardware and algorithms)
is currently nearly terra incognita!
* Quantum viruses and trojans! in classical integrated
semiconductor circuits – an IT nightmare!
* Quantum energetics
- Biological photosynthesis – high efficient energy
conversion basing on quantum effects
- Vacuum energy transport?, the Hotta approach.
* Supraluminar or not – this is the question.
6.5* * Top engineering is
find new ways,
go new ways nobody has gone them before,
adventure, challenge, risk.
* The feasible
- has ever been made,
- is always made,
- and will always be made, too.
* “Turning yesterday’s science fiction into tomorrows
reality.” http://www.mse.gatech.edu
6.6* More
Algorithm Engineering
1* More about Algorithm, Algorithm Engineering, etc.
Deterministic Algorithm
Intuitive definition
Well-defined, detailed, unambiguous, and without any creative skills by machine processor executable procedure
for solving a solvable problem class or for approximating a
solution of this problem class
step by step,
consisting of a finite sequence of statements (instructions),
to be performed in a well-established, terminating order
regarding a control structure consisting of three elementary
building blocks (tripod)
- sequence
- selection
- loop (repetition)
that transforms an input sequence (instance of the problem)
in a finite sequence of steps
into an output or an output sequence
(algorithmic process).
The design of this procedure is determined by the
implementation technology (sequential, sequential-parallel,
distributed, parallel, .. processing).
The representation of an algorithm requires a formal notation
system (natural languages, graphic systems, mathematical
notations, structograms, pseudocodes, programming
languages, ..).
An algorithm must be noticable as a finite text in such a
notation system.
Features of a “good” algorithm:
Algorithm Engineering
- correct
The algorithm halts for every arranged input instance with the
correct (and accurate) output. It gives for the same input
instance always the same output.
- efficient
The algorithm terminates for every arranged input instance
with a minimal consumption of processor resources
(computational time, memory capacity, communication
- modular, robust, extensible, particularly reusable.
Well-defined structured procedure to solve a problem class in a
finite number of steps.
With the addition of nondeterministic, probabilistic, evolution quantum-theoretical, .. elements into the algorithm design
toolbox we obtain the possibility to design nondeterministic
algorithms with gradually or completely higher capability and
efficiency: probabilistic, heuristic, genetic, quantum, ..
you can find a collection of intuitive definitions of algorithm from the leading
international encyclopediae.
Algorithm Engineering is
part of the human problem solving technologies in sciences,
engineering, but also in the daily life
The French philosopher and mathematician Rene Descartes
in 1637 a fundamental treatise about this subject, the “ Discourse
on the Method of Rightly Conducting the Reason in the Search for Truth in the Sciences”. It is one of the most influential works in the European history of sciences. It is a method which gives a solid
Algorithm Engineering
platform from which all modern natural sciences could evolve.
Descartes started his line of reasoning by doubting everything:
- “The first was never to accept anything for true which I did not
clearly know to be such; that is to say, carefully to avoid
precipitancy and prejudice, and to comprise nothing more in my judgement than what was presented to my mind so clearly and
distinctly as to exclude all ground of doubt.
- The second, to divide each of the difficulties under examination into as many parts as possible, and as might be necessary for its adequate solution.
- The third, to conduct my thoughts in such order that, by
commencing with objects the simplest and easiest to know, I
might ascend by little and little, and, as it were, step by step, to
the knowledge of the more complex; assigning in thought a
certain order even to those objects which in their own nature do
not stand in a relation of antecedence and sequence.
- And the last, in every case to make enumerations so complete,
and reviews so general, that I might be assured that nothing was
omitted.” mathematics and logic based, computer (processor and
implementation, today and tomorrow) oriented algorithm
design (problem solving technology) in the run up to software
engineering (application and system software)
computer oriented design of correct, efficient, robust,
modular, extensible, (at least in parts) reusable algorithms
- taking the simplest, shortest way (simple - but hard to achieve, scoutics)),
- using the most suitable tools (problem – tool resonance,
creative and efficient formula manipulation is an important part of algorithm design, of all mathematics based problem solving methods),
- saving brain power
Algorithm Engineering
with the goal to provide so the basis for efficient, low-cost
and high-quality software,
more general: for successful high-tech, high-performance, high- powered, high-quality but low-cost industrial products, esp. in the high-tech and in IT field.
Have in your algorithm engineering tool box:
- a broad range of accessible, free and innovative linkable
knowledge (mathematics, algorithmics, engineering,
natural and life sciences, philosophy (esp. dialectics),
history of sciences, literature, daily life: catch as catch can!),
- professional experience and feeling,
- patient persistence (never give up),
- tireless imagination,
- enthusiasm,
- creativity, ability to think out of the box, to find new
low-cost, high-quality solutions, to find “blue ocean”
solutions, to doubt about the achieved result and to search
for better solutions.
- How we can improve, accelerate, tune the creativity, this is
one of the key problems of engineering, a brainware problem. For further reading:
- T. Kelley, J. Littman. The Art of Innovation.
London 2002 , ISBN 0007102933
- C. Kim, R. Mauborgne. Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create
Uncontested Market Space and Make Competition Irrelevant.
Harvard 2005 , ISBN 1591396190
- J.M. Lesinski. Bill Gates.
First Avenue Editions 2006 , ISBN-13: 978-0822570271
- D. Dearlove. Business. The Richard Branson Way.
Wiley 2007 , ISBN 978-1-841-12764-4
Recommended algorithmics books
Algorithm Engineering
- The classic work on Computer Programming Algorithms!
D.E. Knuth. The Art of Computer Programming, Volumes 1 – 3 Addison-Wesley Professional; 2 edition (1998)
- The classic MIT textbook
T.H. Cormen, C.E. Leiserson, R.L. Rivest, C. Stein.
Introduction to Algorithms.
The MIT Press; 2 edition (2001)
- The reference book, survey of the state of the art
M.J. Atallah (ed). Algorithms and Theory of Computation Handbook.
CRC; 1 edition (1998)
2 edition (2009): Foundations of Algorithms and Theory of Computation.
2* Creative and efficient formula manipulation is an important part of algorithm design, of all mathematics based problem solving methods. Necessary algorithmic finger exercises. Examples
2.1 An ubiquitous simple example
From taxi to take-off. A story about the first
take-off of the young dragon Carl Friedrich Gauss
Add the natural numbers from 1 to 10 (100) as efficiently as possible.
Classical solution
((((((((1 + 2) + 3) + 4) + 5 ) + 6) + 7) + 8) + 9) + 10 (1) ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
3 6 10 15 21 28 36 45 55
Efficient solution (for this special case!) by suitable “tuning up” (tune up = make small changes to an engine so that it works as
Algorithm Engineering
well as possible), here: creative exhausting of the freedom given by the commutative and the associative laws of addition, creative bracketing:
(1+10) + (2 + 9) + (3 + 8) + (4 + 7) + (5 + 6) = 5*11 = 55 (2) ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
11 11 11 11 11
Colorencoding, of opposite pairs → invariant!!!
Efficient solution for 1 to 100:
(1 + 100) + (2 + 99) + (3 + 98) + .. + (50 + 51) = 50*101 = 5050 ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
101 101 101 101 (3)
A similar pairing approach to find the efficient solution by creative exhausting of the freedom given by the commutative and the associative laws of addition, creative bracketing is
s10 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10
s10 10 + 9 + 8 + 7 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------2s10 11 +11 +11 +11 +11 +11 +11+11 +11 +11 = 10*11 = 110
1 s10 *10*11 = 55 2
1 general solution sn i = *n*(n+1) . (4;5) 2i=1
2.2 But how about other natural number sums, f.e.
i; i; i; (-1)n-iim; ... ?23m
Algorithm Engineering
2.3 Horner’s problem, Horner’s algorithm (rule) and beyond Given a polynomial in x of order n with constant coefficients ai pn(x)= aixn-i ; x, ai ¡ (95)
n=4 ® p4(x)=a0x4+a1x3+a2x2+a3x+a4 (96) Find a procedure to calculate
* the value of pn(x) for given values of the coefficients ai and of the variable x in a computationally most efficient way
(minimal number of multiplications; all additions and
subtractions with relatively small numbers)
* and simultaneously the value of p’n(x) in the same way Solution
● Horner’s calculation idea:
Transformation of equ. (96)/(95) by repeated application of the distributive law of multiplication into a 4/n-fold
parenthesized nested expression with only 4/n multiplications, creative bracketing:
p4(x) ((((a0) x a1) x a2) x a3) x a4 h0 h1 h0 x a h2 h1 x a2
h3 h2 x a3 h4 h3 x a4 p4(x)
(97) ● Equ. (97) → Horner’s algorithm (rule):
h0 = a0 initialization (98)
Algorithm Engineering
hi 1 = hi* x + ai+1; i = 0(1)n-1 recursion equ. (99) pn(x) = hn result (100) ● How we can calculate simultaneously the value of p’n(x) in the same way?
Look at the following table for n = 4:
By introducing a second iteration variable g for p’n(x) we get the extended Horner’s algorithm:
h0 = a0 ; g0 = 0 initialization (101) hi+1=hi*x+ai+1gi+1=gi*x+hi ; i=0(1)n-1
(102) pn(x)=hn ; p'
n(x)=gn results (103)
Horner’s algorithm, extended form (pn(x) || p’n(x)),
computer science notation: coupled recursion equations
Algorithm Engineering
(A3) ● Application of (A3) Newton’s method, an efficient (quadratically converging) iterative procedure for finding
approximations to the zeros of
a differentiable real-valued
function f(x), especially of a
polynomial pn(x) equ. (95) using the recursion formula f(x) x := x - / . (104) f(x)
It can also be used to find a minimum or maximum of f(x) by finding of zeros of the first derivative of f(x).
2.4 A walk to the and around the extended Euclidean algorithm
1. We start with a simple example
Given: a=1272, b=684
Find gcd(a,b) via factorization of a and b into primes. (For large a and b very computing time expensive!)
Algorithm Engineering
1272 pi i 23 31 190 571
684 pi i 22 32 191 570
gcd(1272,684)= pimin( i, i) 22 31 190 570 12
i 1i 1 i 1
= greatest reduction factor of 1272106 12106 the fraction 68457 1257
2. To find gcd(1272,684) without factorization of 1272 and 684 1272into primes, we transfer the ordinary fraction step by step 684
into a simple continued fraction using the key formula x div(x,y) y rest(x,y) ; x,y
x int() x mod yy
12721 684 588588 rest(1272,684) 1 684684684
1111 1 1 6841 588 9696 rest(684,588)1 588588588
Algorithm Engineering
1 1
1111 1 1 5886 96 12126 969696
1 1 1 1 rest(588,96) div(588,96)
111 1 1 1 6 6 961212
111 1 111 1 6 6 rest(96,12) 8 8 gcd(1272,684) 1212stop 0
2.1 Simple continued fraction representation of the ordinary
1272 fraction 684
127211272 1 scf() 1; 1, 6, 8 6846841 6 8
2.2 Terminating way from (a,b) to gcd(a,b) step by step without factorization into primes, from large to small numbers: 1272,684 684,588 588,96 96,12 12,0 a b gcd(a,b) 0 stop
Algorithm Engineering
In algorithmic notation: Euclidean algorithm, basic form,
2.3 2.1 and 2.2 in algorithm notation: Extended EA
Algorithm Engineering
gcd(1272,684) 12; scf [1,1,6,8] 684
EA, matrix representation of
u a * initialization u: a; v: b : v b * recursion equation u,v : v,rest u,v
vv u : v rest(u,v) u div(u,v) v
1 0 u 1 div(u,v) v
* result and
termination condition
gcd(a,b) u : 0 v
For our example a= 1272; b=684 we have then the following execution record
1 u 0 u i : v 1 div(u,v) v
1272 0 684
684 01 1272 1 : 588 1 1 684
Algorithm Engineering
588 02 : 96 1
96 03 : 12 1
12 04 : 0 11 684 01 01 1272 1 588 1 1 1 1 684 1 588 01 01 01 1272 6 96 1 6 1 1 1 1 684 1 96 01 01 01 01 1272 1 6 1 1 1 1 684 8 12 1 8
7 13 1272 = 684 57106 This shows: there is a linear matrix equation (transformation) gcd(a,b) m11m12 a a ; abs(det) 1 0 m21m22 b b
can be caculated recursively together with u,v
10 : initialization 01 1 0 : recursion equation 1 div(u,v) : w for v 0 result
A short Introduction to Algorithm Engineering CSSS200906-03
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