
更新时间:2024-04-23 14:36:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


(一) 单选题

1. If you have a positive _____ towards yourself and your work, it means that when problems come along they will be easier to handle, and you won’t give up too easily.

(A) attitude (B) idea (C) opinion (D) perception

参考答案: (A)


2. They sell inferior goods at that store.

(A) junior (B) low-grade (C) worst (D) lower

参考答案: (B)


3. The office looked exactly the same as before, only some charts ____ the wall.

(A) were added to (B) are added to (C) added to

(D) were added on

参考答案: (A)


4. She ______ the car ____ the right to avoid the dog.

(A) pulled...back

(B) pulled...away (C) pulled...to (D) pulled...down

参考答案: (C)


5. It is very difficult to weigh ____ this economy without preparation.

(A) down (B) in (C) out (D) up

参考答案: (D)


6. The committee must ____ the relative importance of the issues.

(A) assemble (B) assess (C) access (D) asset

参考答案: (B)


7. I've made a few minor adjustments to the seating plan.

(A) arrangements (B) appointments (C) changes (D) reforms

参考答案: (C)


8. I have something more important to do, so we just chatted for a/an____.

(A) while (B) whilst (C) when (D) hour

参考答案: (A)


9. ?Did he say anything that _____ you especially? ?Not really. Actually I slept through his speech.

(A) adapt to (B) attached to (C) referred to (D) appeal to

参考答案: (D)


10. People planning to travel by car to North Dakota in the winter are advised to ______ their cars with snow tires.

(A) provide (B) equip (C) purchase (D) install

参考答案: (B)


11. He is an ____ man, always willing to stop and talk.

(A) affably (B) aggressive (C) aloof (D) affable

参考答案: (D)


12. “Goodbye” is a ____ of “God be with you”.

(A) contract (B) contrast

(C) contradiction (D) contraction

参考答案: (D)


13. As it turned out to be a small house party, we _____ so formally.

(A) needn’t dress down

(B) did not need have dressed down (C) did not need dress up (D) needn’t have dressed up

参考答案: (D)


14. Say all you know and say it without ____.

(A) preserve (B) hesitation (C) reserve (D) reluctance

参考答案: (C)


15. Officials say they’ll spare no expense to prevent another riot.

(A) spare no effort (B) try (C) make it (D) go

参考答案: (A)


16. The vacuum cleaner is a valuable labor-saving ______.

(A) device (B) engine (C) piece

(D) instrument

参考答案: (A)


17. If an innovation(创新) does not _____ leadership from the beginning, it is unlikely to be innovative(创新的) enough.

(A) objective to (B) object to (C) aim to (D) aim at

参考答案: (D)


18. The Greens hate travelling by air. _______ they enjoy travelling by train.

(A) In spite of (B) Because of (C) Instead of (D) Instead

参考答案: (D)


19. There was a Leica camera ________ in the window.

参考答案: (D)


38. The audience is attentive to lectures.

(A) bored (B) friendly (C) careful (D) fearful

参考答案: (C)


39. A tree _____ its branches towards the light.

(A) reaches after (B) reaches back (C) reaches out (D) reaches for

参考答案: (C)


40. I find it difficult to ______ a conclusion without further analysis.

(A) draw (B) come (C) arrive (D) lead

参考答案: (A)


41. ____ interests tied us together.

(A) Mature

(B) Mutual (C) Usual (D) Couple

参考答案: (B)


42. No two chefs _______ the same recipe.

(A) form (B) sneak (C) follow (D) provide

参考答案: (C)


43. Cornell University offers a course that investigates how language relates to particular cultural codes.

(A) concerning (B) relevant to (C) has to do with (D) regarding to

参考答案: (C)


44. Ability to get along with people is an asset in business.

(A) an advantage (B) a property (C) a possession (D) a benefit

参考答案: (A)


45. Creativity is the key to success.

(A) opener (B) tone (C) focus (D) answer

参考答案: (C)


46. It will be her mental attitude that ____ her future.

(A) deletes (B) decides (C) determines (D) delivers

参考答案: (C)


47. Life is limited, but there is no ______ to learning.

(A) limited (B) limit

(C) limitation (D) limitless

参考答案: (B)


48. Her children had the best, most elaborate birthday parties in the __________.

(A) neighborhood (B) childhood (C) knighthood (D) likelihood

参考答案: (A)


49. What____ sport from games?

(A) points (B) identifies (C) distinguishes (D) different

参考答案: (C)


50. Jim is not ____, but he did badly in the final exams last term.

(A) bright (B) awkward (C) dull (D) tedious

参考答案: (C)


51. Sensation-seeking newspapers tried to____her misery.

(A) cash up (B) cash down (C) cash in (D) cash in on

参考答案: (D)


52. He has just got multiple copies of the documents.

(A) many times (B) most (C) more (D) many

参考答案: (D)


53. The play has been _______ for several days.

(A) put on (B) put away (C) put up (D) put out

参考答案: (A)


54. Don’t forget to ________ the lights before leaving the room.

(A) put off (B) take off (C) switch off (D) struck off

参考答案: (C)


55. I regret ____ you that we are unable to offer you employment.

(A) to inform (B) information (C) inform (D) informed

参考答案: (A)


56. A dog that barks ____ can be a source of annoyance to the neighbors.

(A) constantly (B) constant

(C) usually (D) rarely

参考答案: (A)


57. Many elderly people live an idle life.

(A) young (B) aged

(C) middle-aged (D) female

参考答案: (B)


58. He is studying in America ____, but he does not feel ____, for he has made many good friends there.

(A) lonely; lonely (B) alone; alone (C) alone; lonely (D) lonely; alone

参考答案: (C)


59. I know he’s annoying, but you shouldn’t let him ______ you.

(A) get around (B) get over (C) get to

(D) get through

参考答案: (C)


60. Free medical service is _______ to nearly all the college students in China.

(A) favorite (B) available (C) convenient (D) average

参考答案: (B)


61. Children who are _____ most aggressive(有攻击性的)by their classmates are those who view unsupervised(无成人监管的) the most violent TV programs.

(A) regarding (B) regarded (C) rated as (D) rating as

参考答案: (C)


62. “Do you like to ride on the old bus to school?” “Yes, I prefer it ___.”

(A) to walk (B) to walking (C) walking

(D) having walked

参考答案: (B)


63. The ____ researcher is careful to avoid up the pole and omission.

(A) independent (B) conscientious (C) conscious (D) industrious

参考答案: (B)


64. Agricultural development is considerably ____ by climate.

(A) contained (B) constructed (C) constrained (D) constituted

参考答案: (C)


65. Regular exercise can help to ____ the pain.

(A) lack (B) less (C) lesson (D) lessen

参考答案: (D)


66. Dementia (老年痴呆) is a condition of declining ____ abilities, especially memory.

(A) mental (B) spirit (C) rational (D) physical

参考答案: (A)


67. Jack was found guilty of misusing public funds.

(A) ill-treating (B) abusing (C) misleading (D) misacting

参考答案: (B)


68. “Yours truly” is usually used as a formula for ending a letter.

(A) sincerely (B) really (C) indeed (D) happily

参考答案: (A)


69. The nutrients in whatever falls into the ocean will quickly become _____ other living things.

(A) convenient for (B) available to (C) eaten by (D) unfit for

参考答案: (B)


70. Finding a job can be _____ and disappointing, and therefore it is important that you are prepared.

(A) exploiting (B) frustrating (C) profiting (D) misleading

参考答案: (B)


71. They sat for hours debating the pros and cons of setting up their own firm.

(A) the problems

(B) the merits and demerits (C) the conflicts (D) the situations

参考答案: (B)


72. It’s impossible to ______ oneself from reality.

(A) attach (B) detach

(C) detachment (D) attachment

参考答案: (B)


73. The ups and downs of life seem _______.

(A) undesirable (B) abnormal

(C) unpredictable (D) variable

参考答案: (C)


74. It is no ____ to say that having a baby changes your life.

(A) exaggerate (B) exaggerating (C) exaggeration (D) exaggerated

参考答案: (C)

down the bus lanes, and do not have to pay to park the car. At the end of the day, though, taking the bus is just a necessary and tedious part of life: you board the bus, pay the driver and sit down (or find a place to stand). Very boring. In Latin America, however, bus trips can be very lively. For a start, intercity buses put on films so that you have entertainment for at least some of the journey. Naturally local transport does not show films but drivers usually switch on the radio and that can be a great way to hear new songs and new styles of music. (Disappointingly there is not much salsa music back home). Even better than films or music are the sights and sounds on the buses. Local buses always go to parts of town that you would not otherwise visit. There you see shops that you never knew existed. Visitors travelling on buses can see new aspects of a culture from the window seat of the bus. Passengers’ “luggage” is also interesting. It is not uncommon for a cheerful dog’s head to be poking out of somebody’s bag and for someone else to carry a chicken under their arm. Once on a bus in Peru, a farmer tied what looked like a dead sheep to the roof. I was quite shocked and even more so when the farmer got off the bus and, on taking the sheep off the roof, it trotted off very happily. On top of the same bus, another passenger had put his chainsaw. The sheep and power tool combination had me very nervous. There are really many things for visitors to do in Latin America. Taking the bus doesn’t sound like fun but it is much more exciting and unpredictable than any UK bus journey.

In the UK, taking the bus is fascinating.(A) T (B) F

In Latin America, when taking the bus, you can listen to music and see new aspects of a culture.(A) T (B) F

Public transport in the UK is convenient because a variety of means of public transportation are available.(A) T (B) F

As for bus trips in Latin America, passengers’ luggage can be interesting.(A) T (B) F

Bus journeys are unpredictable in Latin America.(A) T (B) F

参考答案: (FTFTT)


4. It’s the question that every college student must answer: should you live on campus or off campus? Both options have their advantages and disadvantages, so it is crucial for you to weigh your choices before you make a final decision. Here are some pros and cons of living off campus. First, living off campus provides more freedom. You will not have to follow as many rules as those the residence halls have for on-campus students to abide by. Living off campus will give you

freedom from those rules and allow you to set your own. Second, you can enjoy your own privacy. Living off campus means that you will be more likely to have your own bedroom so you can have a place to sneak off and have time alone away from your roommates. The extra space also means that you can probably find a quiet place to study in the convenience of your own home. Third, living off campus will help you be more responsible. If you live off campus, you will be in charge of paying bills, cleaning house, grocery shopping, and cooking. However, living off campus is more expensive than on-campus housing. Utilities and cable can be an added monthly expense, and you may have to pay for your own Internet access. When living off campus, it may not be convenient for you to walk to campus so you would have to find transportation. Whether you drive your car or use a form of public transportation, it is still going to cost you money. In addition, if you live off campus you may not be as involved with campus activities as you would if you lived on campus. This could cause you to feel a sense of detachment with your college and you may not make as many friends. When deciding whether to live on campus or off campus, think about what is important to you. You may even want to put together a list of your own pros and cons. Keep in mind that some colleges do not let first-year students live in an off-campus apartment; you would either have to live in a residence hall or at home with your family. Check with your chosen school for regulations.

What is the article mainly about?(A) The pros and cons of living on campus. (B) The problems of living off campus. (C) The pros and cons of living off campus. (D) The benefits of living on campus.

What is one of the benefits of living off campus?(A) It costs a lot more. (B) You can enjoy the freedom from the residence halls rules. (C) You will be more irresponsible. (D) You may be less involved with campus utilities.

According to the article, what are in one’s pay list when living off campus?(A) Utilities and cable. (B) Transportation and internet access. (C) Furniture and clothes. (D) A and B.

What is one of the problems of living off campus?(A) You may enjoy your privacy. (B) You may not make as many friends. (C) You may feel convenient studying in your own place. (D) You have a place to stay away from your roommates.

Why does the author suggest checking with the chosen school when deciding where to live?(A) Because some schools do not allow their freshmen to live off campus. (B) Because the chosen school usually offer some services for students living off campus. (C) Because you have no right to make your own decisions. (D) Because the school may have some dormitories off campus.

参考答案: (CBDBA)


5. Everybody has one, and yours will help determine the limits of success, happiness, and fulfillment in your life. We’re talking about personality; it is no exaggeration to state that your personality is one of your most important assets. It has already helped shape your life and will continue to do so in the future. All you have achieved thus far, all you expect to achieve in your career, whether you will be a good spouse or parent, and even your general state of health can be influenced by your personality and the personalities of the people with whom you interact. Your personality can limit or expand your options and choices in life. It can prevent you from sharing certain experiences with other people or enable you to make the most of them. It can restrict and constrain some people and open the world of experience to others. How often have you described someone as having a terrific personality? By that you typically mean the person is affable and pleasant. You might select this kind of person for a friend, roommate, or colleague at work. If you are a manager, you might choose to hire this person. If you are ready to make a commitment to a personal relationship, you might want to marry this person, basing your decision on your perception of his or her personality. You have also known people you would describe as having a terrible personality. Such persons may be aloof, hostile, aggressive, unfriendly, unpleasant, or difficult to get along with. You would not hire them or want to associate with them, and they may be similarly rejected, and isolated by others. While you are making judgments about the personalities of other people, they are making similar judgments about you. These mutual decisions that shape the lives of both the judged and the judges are made countless times, every time we encounter a social situation that requires us to interact with new people. Of course, the number and variety of social situations you willingly participate in are also determined by your personality, for example, your relative sociability or shyness.

is a very important quality to form your life.(A) Character (B) Emotion (C) Ability (D) Personality

Your personality may not decide .(A) whether you will be a good husband (B) whether you will be a good wife (C) whether you are intelligent (D) whether you are healthy

If a person has a terrific personality, he will be .(A) friendly, good-natured and easy to talk to (B) friendly, extroverted and good-natured (C) friendly, good-natured and talkative (D) extroverted, good-natured and easy to talk to

If a person has a terrible personality, he would be .(A) isolated (B) fired (C) hired (D) abused

What may influence the number and variety of social situations you willingly participate in?(A) Your wife. (B) Your husband. (C) Your sociability. (D) opposed

参考答案: (DCAAC)


6. What’s the secret to being confident? Some people believe it’s having a positive mental attitude, while others claim it’s being wealthy. But according to one researcher, the answer may in fact lie in what we’re wearing. Professor Karen Pine from the University of Hertfordshire said that specific clothing?including even superhero T-shirts?can make people more confident in all sorts of situations. The research is outlined in her new book Mind What You Wear. In the book she claims clothing affects a person's mental processes and perceptions. Putting on different clothes creates different thoughts and mental processes. “My book aims to make people more aware of this, to understand how their clothes can change their mood and their thoughts.” In the study, she gathered a group of students and asked some to wear a superman T-shirt. She wanted to know if heroic clothing would change how students thought. Surprisingly, she found that not only did it make them more confident, but it also made them actually think they were physically stronger. \superior to other students,\she explained. \asked to estimate how much they could physically lift, those in a Superman T-shirt thought they were stronger than students in a plain T-shirt, or in their own clothing.\person's state of mind, though. In another test, women were asked to do a maths test in a swimsuit or wearing a sweater, with the latter group performing better. Wearing a white coat, meanwhile, was found to improve a person's mental agility. And in the book she claims when women are stressed, they neglect 90 percent of their wardrobe, choosing to dress up only to feel confident. In addition to scientific research, Professor Pine said she also has \on how to feel happier and more confident with the right clothes, explaining not only that we are what we wear, but that we become what we wear.\

According to Professor Karen Pine, specific clothing can make people more confident only in some situations.(A) T (B) F

According to Professor Karen Pine, putting on different clothes creates different thoughts and mental processes.(A) T (B) F

Professor Karen Pine’s new book Mind What You Wear aims to make people stronger.(A) T (B) F

In Professor Karen Pine’s study, she found that when wearing a Superman T-shirt the students rated themselves as more likable and superior to other students.(A) T (B) F

In another test, women were asked to do a maths test in a swimsuit or wearing a sweater, the group wearing sweaters performing better.(A) T (B) F

参考答案: (FTFTT)


7. For years, I’ve been fighting against what feels natural to me because I felt pressure to it. When I used to get dressed to go out I would put on a T-shirt and sneakers and feel great, but when I would walk into a bar and every girl around me was in heels and a mini dress, I often felt like the odd girl out. Anytime I was “dressed down” I would be told that I’d look better if I had makeup on, or was asked, “Is that really what you’re wearing?” So I learned to qualify it. “Oh, I didn’t bring anything nicer with me.” \The truth is that I feel comfortable in jeans and I don’t like to change before I go out. There's nothing wrong with that. Then why did I feel like there was? Part of it has to do with clothing options marketed to women and girls. What was available “for just us girls”? Usually it’s pink, frilly, or feminine. But I never felt those things were made for me or appealed to me. I decided to stop letting it get to me. In the past when I would get dressed for a date, I would try on multiple outfits. The first was what I wanted to wear on my date. The second was what my friends would tell me to wear. As I stood in front of the mirror, I would feel the frustration well up. I never want a guy that would want me in heels all the time. So I’d take off the dress that I had on ?the one I thought I should wear ? and put on what I was actually most comfortable wearing. And you know what? As soon as I did, I realized how great I looked. Girls who look unapologetically themselves are the best type of girls.

What message does the author mainly convey?(A) Girls should wear like girls in a bar or a party. (B) Jeans and sweaters will be the new fashion for girls. (C) Girls in any type of clothes with confidence are the best. (D) Wearing pink and frilly clothes is odd and out of fashion.

How did the author feel when she walked into a bar dressed down?(A) She felt herself quite different from other girls in the bar. (B) She felt at ease when other girls commented on her dress style. (C) She felt proud for not wearing high-heels like other girls. (D) She felt there was always discrimination around in the bar.

What did the author use to do for a date?(A) She used to put on what she liked quickly. (B) She used to buy some girls’ dress to put on. (C) She used to try on multiple outfits. (D) She used to dress what others suggest her dressing.

The followings are what the author qualifies for her casual dressing style EXCEPT .(A) I didn’t bring anything nicer with me. (B) I came straight from work. (C) Sorry, I’m not really

dressed. (D) I prefer jeans and sneakers.

Which of the following adjectives can best describe the author’s attitude towards clothes options marketed for girls?(A) Ironic. (B) Uninterested. (C) Approving. (D) Objective.

参考答案: (CACDB)


8. The 21st century has seen a new step forward in film technology: the 3-D revolution. Just five years ago it was very rare to see a 3-D film at a mainstream cinema, but in 2010, 50% of the ten highest grossing films of the year were 3-D. 3-D films are obviously very popular. The technology truly immerses you in the film and makes you feel like you’re part of the action. It can make you believe that you’re on Avatar’s planet Pandora when in fact you’re actually just sat in the cinema on a wet Tuesday afternoon. 3-D films reach out to the audience in a way that perhaps normal 2-D films do not. Audiences worldwide have shown they enjoy being more involved in a film and the popularity of 3-D films has helped improve box-office sales during the economic crisis, when people don’t usually spend extra money on entertainment. However, what’s good for film studios isn’t always good for audiences. 3-D film tickets do cost more than normal cinema tickets, and you must decide if seeing a film in 3-D is worth the extra money. Some people say that 3-D technology makes films more involving, and surely that’s the purpose of the script, acting and direction. If a film’s budget is being spent on 3-D then less is being spent on these three things, which used to be all a film needed to make it involving. What’s more, several films are being turned into 3-D after they have been made in 2-D, rather than being made in 3-D from the start. This produces a weaker effect and can be seen as a way of studios cashing in on the popularity of 3-D whilst actually creating an inferior product. For example, why did Disney need to re-release The Lion King in 3-D? How much new technology was added to a film that was already fantastic? Not only are some studios charging higher prices for lower quality films, but many people get headaches from wearing 3-D glasses. It’s possible that the new, popular technology is still not advanced enough to be more than a passing craze, and film-makers that misuse the technology and produce weak films will lessen the popularity of 3-D.

In 2010, of the ten top-grossing movies of the year were 3-D.(A) less than 50% (B) more than 50% (C) 10% (D) half

According to paragraph 2, 3-D technology indeed the audience in the film.(A) involves (B) dips (C) submerses (D) puts

Which advantage could 3-D films bring to the studios?(A) The studios could charge the audience higher prices. (B) The studios could produce higher-quality films. (C) The studios could master

more perfect and advanced techniques. (D) Script, acting and direction of films could become better.

For the audience, which one is the disadvantage of 3-D films?(A) They feel like they are part of the action in the film. (B) They pay less money for 3-D film. (C) 3-D technology makes films less attractive. (D) 3-D glasses are uncomfortable for them.

What is the author’s attitude toward 3-D films?(A) Neutral. (B) Supportive. (C) Scornful. (D) opposed

参考答案: (DAADD)


9. No man is an island, but sometimes when you're traveling, it can feel like it. Mannerisms, timing and dress can set you apart from the local population, making it difficult to successfully immerse yourself in a new place. Yet with a bit of research and some strategic adjustments, you can easily find ways to blend in, rub shoulders with locals, and become a true piece of the continent you're exploring. Adjust your volume Americans tend to be loud talkers. Maybe it's all our wide-open spaces or our general exuberance; whatever the reason, our volume tends to distinguish us from the locals in many destinations. Turning it down a notch when you speak not only allows you to blend better but also limits the distance at which locals can identify that you're speaking a foreign language. Loud and proud but still yearning to blend in? Take heart?there are plenty of countries where loud talking is the norm. Find the right country and you can turn it up to 11 without drawing sidelong glances from locals. Read up on the customs Whatever you do, don't point with your index finger in the Philippines. Or give a thumbs-up in Greece. Or touch anyone on the head in Thailand. There's no faster way to call attention to yourself as a clueless foreigner than by stumbling into a cultural faux pas you could have easily avoided by reading up on local customs. Not only can a quick primer on body language, hand gestures and greetings keep you from unwittingly offending those around you, it's also a perfect window into your host culture. Go at the pace of your destination As a long-time fast walker who has spent time in some pretty relaxed destinations, I can attest that moving at a different speed than the population you're surrounded by can make you look not just out of place but downright crazy. As you get a feel for a new place, take time to notice the speed at which life is conducted. You may need to speed up or slow down, but the payoff is big. Because it's only when you're walking, talking and living at the speed of the culture that you can properly appreciate its unique rhythms.

Which of the following is NOT MENTIONED as the factor to distinguish travellers from locals?(A) mannerism (B) dress (C) timing (D) language

According to the writer, American travelers should .(A) speak loudly (B) adjust their volume according to the locals (C) lower their voice (D) speak local accent

Which of the following taboo is NOT MENTIONED?(A) Give a thumbs-up in Greece. (B) Touch anyone on the head in Thailand. (C) Be late for the appointment in Australia. (D) Point with your index finger in the Philippines.

In order to get to know the host culture, travellers should know . (A) body language (B) hand gestures (C) greetings (D) all of the above

What is the tone of the passage?(A) Instructive. (B) Skeptical. (C) Neutral. (D) Approval.

参考答案: (DBCDA)


(一) 单选题

1. I always ____ the smell of baking ____ my childhood.

(A) refer to… as (B) provide…for (C) improve…in (D) associate…with

参考答案: (D)


2. The Mortimer Hotel offers easy _______ to central London.

(A) opportunity (B) way (C) access

(D) transportation

参考答案: (C)


3. _______ your help, we accomplished the task ahead of schedule.

(A) Thanks to (B) Due to (C) Because of (D) Owing to

参考答案: (A)


4. They sat down at the dinner table, as they always did, before the meal, for a conference.

(A) meeting (B) talk (C) fair (D) move

参考答案: (A)


5. Nobody is perfect, and everyone acts thoughtlessly .

(A) on occasion (B) on every occasion (C) on occasions (D) in occasion

参考答案: (A)


6. They watch all the ____ matches.

(A) lively (B) living (C) live (D) alive

参考答案: (C)


7. Can a wife have property independent____ her husband?

(A) on (B) of (C) upon

(D) beyond

参考答案: (B)


8. When the adverts came on I got up to put the kettle on.

(A) music (B) advertisements (C) paintings (D) graffiti

参考答案: (B)


9. The wildflowers will be after this rain.

(A) incredible (B) boring (C) creative (D) original

参考答案: (A)


10. My problems are similar______ yours.

(A) with (B) in

(C) among (D) to

参考答案: (D)


11. He was recently low in spirits because he failed in the test. _______ mentioning anything about it!

(A) Permit (B) Avoid (C) Volunteer (D) Eliminate

参考答案: (B)


12. If you something or someone, you know about them, but not in great detail.

(A) won’t hear of (B) have heard of (C) hear from (D) have heard

参考答案: (B)


13. I do ____ to have some time to myself in the evenings.

(A) expecting (B) expect (C) expected (D) to expect

参考答案: (B)


14. ____ knowledge isn't a problem,but applying it is really a problem.

(A) Learning (B) Using (C) Reading (D) Acquiring

参考答案: (D)


15. ____ will be given to those who apply early.

(A) Prior (B) Prioritize (C) Prioritization (D) Priority

参考答案: (D)


16. Affluent consumers usually prefer foreign brands.

(A) Rich (B) Wealth (C) Educated (D) Booming

参考答案: (A)


17. There are a lot of empty properties in the area.

(A) buildings (B) qualities (C) possessions (D) lands

参考答案: (A)


18. He ______ to having taken the money.

(A) acknowledged (B) denied (C) admitted (D) recognized

参考答案: (C)


19. ____, the northerners have a particular liking for dumplings while the southerners are fond of rice.

(A) In common (B) In total (C) In particular (D) In general

参考答案: (D)


20. If you are in any doubt, ____ a financial adviser.

(A) consultant (B) consultancy (C) consult (D) consultation

参考答案: (C)


21. This practice is as being wasteful.

(A) smiled upon (B) smiled at (C) frowned for (D) frowned upon

参考答案: (D)


22. Will you ____ the turkey and shove it in the oven for me?

(A) exhibit (B) host (C) spray (D) stuff

参考答案: (D)


23. This spectacular event, now in its 5th year, _____ a stunning catwalk show.

(A) reveals (B) features (C) innovates (D) entertains

参考答案: (B)


24. Our challenge is to motivate those people and ____ them to join our cause.

(A) allow (B) innovate (C) inspire (D) develop

参考答案: (C)


25. After their meeting, both men described the talks as frank, friendly and ____.

(A) construct (B) construction (C) constructive (D) contract

参考答案: (C)


26. His writings were deeply subjected to the ____ style.

(A) classical (B) class (C) classics (D) classicism

参考答案: (A)


27. These documents are not ____ to the public.

(A) allowed (B) accessible (C) renowned (D) popular

参考答案: (B)


28. They become incredibly selfish, unfeeling, and expert manipulators.

(A) increasingly (B) extremely (C) curiously (D) variously

参考答案: (B)


29. She always referred to Ben as “that nice man”.

(A) talked to…as (B) spoke of… as (C) associated…with (D) assured…of

参考答案: (B)


30. Mr. Black is very happy because the clothes made in his factory have never been ________.

(A) popular (B) more popular (C) most popular (D) the most popular

参考答案: (B)


31. If you take the shorter route, it will be two li closer.

(A) another way (B) shortcut (C) route named Shorter (D) other router

参考答案: (B)


32. The whole point about dancing is to stop thinking and lose all your inhibitions.

(A) The whole (B) What (C) The point (D) The key point

参考答案: (D)


33. He accepts he was the speed limit.

(A) given (B) going (C) exceeding (D) fined

参考答案: (C)


34. The money was donated by a local businessman who wishes to remain anonymous.

(A) famous (B) unnoticed (C) remarkable (D) important

参考答案: (B)


35. He kept a little notebook, in which ____ the names and addresses of his friends.

(A) wrote (B) was writing (C) was written (D) were written

58. Hong Kong’s rail system is good but skeletal (少的,基本的) in _____ to New York or Tokyo.

(A) contrast (B) comparison (C) terms (D) need

参考答案: (B)


59. 1939____the outbreak of the Second World War.

(A) viewed (B) looked (C) watched (D) saw

参考答案: (D)


60. In medieval times plague_____ men by the thousands.

(A) damaged (B) injured (C) destroyed (D) hurt

参考答案: (C)


61. China is a large _______ country belonging to the third world.

(A) growing (B) developing (C) expanding (D) developed

参考答案: (B)


62. Delicate tools, such as those used by dentists or surgeons, are called _____.

(A) devices (B) apparatus (C) appliances (D) instruments

参考答案: (D)


63. I always wanted to ____ at football.

(A) get a kick (B) have a look (C) have a go (D) make a go

参考答案: (C)


64. In 1919, the May 4th movement ____in China.

(A) chanced (B) occurred (C) happen

(D) took place

参考答案: (D)


65. The concert will raise money for local ____.

(A) charity (B) charities (C) charity shops (D) charity cause

参考答案: (B)


66. I’ll leave the organization in your capable hands.

(A) available (B) complete (C) competent (D) efficient

参考答案: (C)


67. He saved my life_____the risk of his own.

(A) on (B) upon (C) at (D) for

参考答案: (C)


68. New goals are not always ____ with the existing policies.

(A) consist (B) consistent (C) insist (D) insistent

参考答案: (B)


69. Female sheep produce one or two lambs______.

(A) at no time (B) at a time (C) every time (D) in no time

参考答案: (B)


70. The weather _____ us from climbing the mountain.

(A) discouraged

(B) prevent (C) protect (D) suffered

参考答案: (A)


71. We have ____that firm for many years.

(A) dealt with (B) handled (C) treated

(D) coped with

参考答案: (A)


72. With millions of college graduates flooding into the job market, thousands of them are facing long-term _______.

(A) provision (B) unemployment (C) religion (D)

参考答案: (B)


73. ____ that you follow the instructions carefully.

(A) Make out (B) Make sure (C) Make off (D) Make up

参考答案: (B)


74. I’m perfectly ____ of doing it myself, thank you.

(A) needy (B) capable (C) aware (D) unsure

参考答案: (B)


75. I’ve ____ the important passages in yellow.

(A) highlighted (B) emphasized (C) eliminated (D) promoted

参考答案: (A)


(二) 完型填空

1. The Great Wall of China and the Grand Canal are on the list of top 10 wonders of China, all of which are the masterpieces of the ancient Chinese people. Nowadays we are still 1 how such great constructions were created in ancient times 2 any modern technology and machines. The Great Wall The Great Wall of China is one of the most famous human 3 . More precisely, the Great Wall is not only one wall; it consists of many walls constructed in different 4 over the past two millenniums. The “newest” and the best preserved part is the wall built in Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). Ming Great Wall is a large and complicated frontier defense of the Ming Imperial State, stretching 5 6,700 kilometers from east sea to west desert. It is one of the world’s 6 miracles in human history. The Grand Canal The Grand Canal (or Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal) is the longest 7 river in the world and also one of the oldest canals in the world. The canal shows 8 ancient China led the world in technologies of water conservancy and shipping. It goes 9 Beijing in the North to Hangzhou in the South, links five great rivers and has a total length of 1794 kilometers. The 10 was built in the Spring and Autumn Period more than two thousand years ago, completed in the Sui Dynasty (581?618), and prosperous in Tang and Song dynasties. It took a straightforward route in the Yuan Dynasty, and dredged during Ming and Qing Dynasties. The Grand Canal’s flourishing time lasted for over 1779 years. (1) (A)doubting (B)amazed (C)worried (D)happy

(2) (A)with (B)by (C)through (D)without

(3) (A)buildings (B)creativity (C)projects (D)imagination

(4) (A)ages (B)dynasties (C)times (D)years

(5) (A)approximately (B)generally (C)exactly (D)hopefully

(6) (A)great (B)greatly (C)greatest (D)largest

