高校网球运动的兴起在校园文化发展中的作用探析 - 图文

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2013 届 学 士 毕 业 论 文



专 业: 班 级: 学 生: 指导教师:


体育学院 二〇一三年6月


摘 要:随着社会的不断发展,从当前的社会调查显示,大学生的身体素质和心理健康令人担忧。大学生中近视眼、颈椎病、精神分裂等疾病发病有逐年升高趋势。经济发展的全球化,对当代大学生的学习和生活方式产生了深远影响。大学生身心不健康事件层出不穷,如马家爵杀人事件、刘海洋伤熊事件、大学生自杀事件等。当代大学生是未来国家栋梁、社会建设的主力军,他们的身心健康问题事关国家的命运和前途。高等院校学生如果能掌控网球运动方面的知识和文化,不仅能使他们身心终身受益,而且还有助于培养他们的社会交往能力,避免一些意外事故的发生。网球运动又是校园文化的重要组成部分,它可以提高学生的道德情操,促进人与人之间的感情,还可以发扬文明运动的新风。通过网球运动中的技能、心理、准则、礼仪等将网球文化所要求的思想模式、道德规范、行为准则有机地融为一体,以提高其综合素质,更好的促进学生身心的发展。


Analysis of the offect of the rise of college tennis on campus

culture development

Abstract: with the continuous development of society,from the current social survey,college students' physical and mental health is worrying.The incidence of college students myopia,cervical vertebra disease,schizophrenia and other diseases is increasing year by year.The globalization of economic development,had a profound impact on the contemporary college students learning and life style.College students unhealthy events emerge in an endless stream.As Ma Jiajue killings,Liu Haiyang bear injury incident,utch act events of College students.ontemporary college students are the main force of the future pillar of the state,society,mental and physical healthof their national destiny and future.ollege students if they can grasp tennis knowledge and culture,ot only can make their mental and physical life,but also help to develop their social skills.The tennis movement is an important part of campus culture,t can improve the students' morality,promote the feelings between

people,an also promote civilization movement of air.The tennis skills,psychological,riterion,iquette and so will require the tennis culture mode of thought,orality,ehavior standards of organic com,to improve their overall quality,o promote campus culture in a more diversified direction. Key words: colleges and universities; campus culture; tennis sports; development; role

目 录

1 前 言??????????????????????????????? 1 1.1 研究背景与现状??????????????????????? 1 1.2 研究目的??????????????????????????? 1 1.3 研究现状??????????????????????????? 1 2 研究对象与方法?????????????????????????? 3 2.1 研究对象??????????????????????????? 3 2.2 研究方法??????????????????????????? 3 2.2.1 文献资料法??????????????????????? 3 2.2.2 问卷调查法??????????????????????? 3 2.2.3 数理统计法??????????????????????? 4 3 研究结果与分析??????????????????????????? 4 3.1 网球运动在高校发展的现状及分析?????????????? 4 3.1.1 网球师资缺乏????????????????????? 4 3.1.2 相关器材和场地设施短缺????????????????? 4 3.1.3 大学生参加网球运动的动机???????????????? 5 3.1.4 网球课程及业余活动??????????????????? 6 3.2 校园文化的特点???????????????????????? 6 3.3 网球运动的文化内涵?????????????????????? 7 3.3.1 文明高雅、以人为本是运动之基?????????????? 7 3.3.2 诚实守信则是运动之本?????????????????? 7 3.3.3 谦虚自信是力量之源??????????????????? 7 3.3.4 团结协作是战斗力???????????????????? 7 3.3.5 运动美是魅力之色???????????????????? 7 3.4 网球运动在校园文化中的功能??????????????????8 3.4.1 导向、教育功能????????????????????? 8 3.4.2 凝聚、激励功能????????????????????? 8 3.4.3 约束、吸引功能????????????????????? 8 3.4.4 强化、娱乐功能????????????????????? 8 3.4.5 精神、物质、行为、制度的关系??????????????? 8

3.5 网球运动在和谐校园文化建设中的作用?????????????? 9 3.5.1 精神整合作用???????????????????? 9 3.5.2 素质培育作用???????????????????? 9 3.5.3 实践规范作用???????????????????? 10 3.6 从网球运动中挖掘我省高校校园文化建设的途径和方法??????? 10 3.6.1 在高校体育教学过程中树立学生典型进行高校校园文化建设? 10 3.6.2 结合具体的网球教学与训练内容进行高校校园文化建设??? 11 3.7 高校网球文化将成为全民网球运动普及与发展的先导???????? 11 4 结论与建议???????????????????????????? 11 4.1 结论????????????????????????????? 11 4.2 发现的问题及建议??????????????????????? 11 参考文献??????????????????????????????? 12 致 谢???????????????????????????????? 13 附 录???????????????????????????????? 14

