技论文写作整理系列(5) - Materials& method

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——Materials & method


此部分分为“内容-要点-写法-举例”四部分。 1.内容



在内容上,要把受试对象、实验或处理方法、实验器材、详细步骤等如实写出,并提供理论依据,以便读者以同样的方法可以重复。 注意几点:



对自创的新方法,则要详细介绍,以便他人重复。 1-2

(对象、资料、病例等)(研究、调查、实验、计算、编程等) ① 内容:简明、准确叙述研究工作是如何进行的


材料与方法:包含实验材料与材料选择标准,实验器材(型号、厂家等),实验方法(自我设计,若采用他人方法要注明),操作的环境、条件和程序等。 1-3

总的要求是:Readers must be able to reproduce your results, evaluate the validity of your results and the soundness of your methods, and follow the logic in the paper. 即:结果的可重演性、方法的可靠性以及前后的逻辑性。 具体内容包括:

? 简要说明研究设计(study design / protocol),如:回顾(retrospective / review),前瞻(prospective),临床(clinical),动物(animal),实验(experimental),活体内(in vivo)活体外(in vitro),原位(in situ)随访(follow-up),对照(controlled),随机(random / randomized),双盲交叉(double-blind crossover),人群(population / cohort / migrant),对比(comparative),流行病学(epidemiological)等研究性质;

? 详细说明研究对象(subject)情况,包括动物(animal)的性别(sex)、年龄(age)、物种(species)、品种(breed)、生理状态(physiological state); 微生物菌株(strain)、血清型(serotype)及其他区别特性(identity characteristics);随机分组方法(methods of any

random assignment of subjects to groups)和选择标准(criteria for admission to study groups);

? 详细说明所用的药物(drug),激素(hormone),试剂(reagent)和其他化学品(chemical)的名称、商标(trademark)、生产厂家(manufacturer)及所在地(location); ? 简要说明测定方法(method of measurement),包括名称,引文和偏差(variations); 简要说明统计学分析方法(method of statistic analysis) 2.要点 2-1

Methods部分一般可以按照实验对象、实验设备、实验材料、实验记录、实验分析方法等几个方面来进行组织。实验对象一般是人或者动物或者是一些组织等等,它们的基本信息要描述明确。此外需要注意的是国外的刊物大多对牵扯到人或者动物的实验都有一些特定的要求,有些是不允许在人或者动物身上进行的实验操作的,这需要认真阅读投稿刊物中关于实验的详细规定。如果违反这一规定的话,可能会不接受评审或者发表,这一点要特别注意。 实验设备的描述中,要对仪器的型号、生产厂家、实验过程中的用途等做详细的说明(牵扯到保密项目的可能有另外的写法,我不清楚)。对实验设备之间的链接要做到科学正确,不要给人混乱或者操作错误的感觉。设备使用的时候一些必要的步骤不可或缺,尤其是有可能对实验结果造成特定影响的操作更是要详细说明。这样做的好处,是为了在Discussion中能够进行对应的分析。比如,一些设备在使用之前要首先进行校正(calibration),有的要求每个阶段实验之后都要重新校正,以保证结果的正确性。这一点一定要详细说明你的操作步骤或者校正过程,便于评审人分析你的结果。


实验过程就是讲自己实验的整个操作流程描述清楚,一般都要附加以实验的流程图进行说明。流程图的画法很多,有的是文字式的,有的式文字和示意图结合的,根据不同的实验有不同的做法。一般来说,可能后者多一些(对一些实验性学科来说尤其如此),因为这样做能够使评审人对你的实验过程一目了然。如果示意图花的漂亮的话,还可以增强一些印象分。描述的时候,要有鲜明的层次感,对每个步骤之间的顺序和关联要描述清楚,不要造成实验过程混乱不堪的印象。因为最终评审人判断你的实验是否合理,是从这个过程的描述来的。 2-2

? Be precise

– “Room temperature” is not an accurate description Sufficient? detail so that work can be repeated

Describe new methods in detail- the? degree of replication and sensitivity Cite the accepted method briefly? using reference

If a published method is modified, such modifications must? be described in detail Statistical analysis of data if? appropriate. Use subheadings as needed for clarity?

ask a colleague? if he/she can follow the methodology


Since your procedures have been? completed, report them using past tense. Avoid being wordy or overly? detailed

Avoid using ambiguous terms to identify controls or? treatments 2-3

z Not methodology!

z Describe how research was conducted. z Replication 2-4


2.写试验方法要尽可能详细,能够保证别人看了你的materials and methods 后,能够比较轻松地参考你的方法进行相关的研究 2-5

可重复性,把整个工作每个环节、步骤、要点都叙述清楚; 具体性,细节描述要具体,使之具有可操作性;


③ 要求(需注意事项):信息交流与保密,忌记流水帐,非标准设备、自制设备等要特别说明其精度、纯度及检验情况。 2-6

应按逻辑顺序描述研究的设计 详述研究的步骤或给出有关文献 给出对所得资料进行分析的方法 研究设计应包括 对其进行简洁的描述


应注意“独立、平行、配对、自身对照” 等词语的使用 最好引用原始报道该设计和方法的论文 研究是如何进行的

应告知如何选择研究对象 给出剔除对象的原因

准确而详尽地描述所使用的材料 给出所用药物的精确剂量 告知确切的治疗方式

3.写法 3-1


2.6 key to practice

\this section,\\with,\\with\

Structure of the written report: the writers are telling you how their research will be presented in the following section, including the topic and the order in which information will appear. This is useful because it gives an overview of the methodology section and therefore makes what follows easier to understand. Without an overview it may not be evident why the author/s are presenting certain material or the relevance of certain sections. This first paragraph functions like an introduction to the following section. Usually every section of a piece of research writing has some form of introduction that gives the main points of what follows or outlines the structure of the research.

\intended to,\\constructed to\

Purpose: in this case, the purpose of the model. Very often in methodology sections the purpose is given first, or at least very early because knowing the aim of the research is obviously paramount to understanding how the researcher/s set out to achieve their objectives. Later, in the second paragraph, the more specific purpose (in this case to predict) is given. \model predicts\

What the model does: the model predicts energy flows. In this sentence we learn a more specific purpose than was given in the previous paragraph, and are given more information about how it works.

\rates of energy removal from the tank are related to parameters\

Functioning of the system: here the authors tell us which variables affect the rate of energy removal, i.e. how the system functions. In the following sentence we are told that the model is used to predict the effect of these parameters. \was used\

Application: how the model was used, in this case as a method of predicting how well the system would work. \of\

Description: a description of the model, in this case the physical equipment assumed in the model.

\chosen because\

Rationale: reasons why this method (in this case, this heat exchanger) were chosen for this model. It is often crucial to give an explanation in order to justify decisions. \simplify the model\

Assumptions: models necessarily involve simplifying reality. Here the authors specify their assumptions (no stratification in the water), and provide a rationale for why they can assume this to be true (a submerged pump in the tank is assumed to keep the water sufficiently well mixed). 3-2



根据实验内容通常可见到以下几类 一 材料的来源及合成制备

直接买到的药品一般需指明来源 Chemicals <小标题>

Amino acid (Bachem), 2-(2-amino-ethyl)pyridine (Fluka) and 2-hydroxypyridine (Acros) were

used as received.

ZnEt2 was purchased from Aldrich and was used as received. 直接购买的溶剂等辅助药品只需简单提及或略过

All other materials were commercially available and used as received unless otherwise noted.

All other chemicals were of analytical grade and were used as received. 经纯化处理的药品一般需说明纯化方法 Materials <小标题>

Cyclotrimethylene carbonate (Ingelheim, Germany) was purified by distillation in vacuo and

recrystallized from THF.

…was dried and distilled over CaH2 twice under reduced pressure. Ethylacetate was dried over K2CO3 and distilled. 8

All solvents were freshly distilled before use. 合成的产物要说明具体合成方法

-Benzylglutamate was prepared by the method of Gutmann and Boissinnas [10]. …was synthesized according to Ref. [4].

…were synthesized according to published procedures [1].

Trimethylene carbonate was synthesized following a procedure described elsewhere.25 The

product was recrystallized twice from diethyl ether. White crystal was obtained in 55% yield: mp

45°C). The 1H-NMR spectrum (4H, 4.50 ppm; 2H, 2.21 ppm) was consistent with that reported previously.25

Novozym-435 (2.0 g) was suspended in 25 mL of nanopure water in a 100 mL round-bottomed

flask fitted with a water cooled condenser. The lipase suspension was refluxed for 14 h. The

suspension was then allowed to cool to room temperature, and water was removed by freeze

drying…. The reaction vials were capped tightly and shaken vigorously for a few minutes. The


