南林大研一英语复习(下学期整理打印) - 图文

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Unit 7 12 modeling clay = plastic clay 橡皮泥 一 课后生词 13 I can give my ideas tangible form. 1 pundit : learned person;expert 博学者 tangible = clear 明确的 2 morph : change ;使(动植物)变体,变种 eg. 14 genuine = actual 真正的 morph sth into sth 15 momentary = for a moment only 瞬间的,3 wad : fold;compress 折,团起来eg.wad sth 暂时的 into lump 16 a blank look. blank = confused 困惑的 4 hypnotic : cause sb to feel sleepy 催眠的 17 tempers flare = become very angry hypnosis : 催眠术 18 hothead = quick temper 急性子 5 be apt to (do) 易于…的 eg.① She is apt 19 stalk off = walk off = march off 大踏步走 to get angry; ② Iron is apt to rust(生锈). 20 chores = household 家庭杂物 6 buddy : close friend 密友 21 flip a coin. flip = throw 7 one-liner : a short joke or funny remark 俏22 compromise = give-and-take 妥协 皮话 23 keep up = continue 8 zinger : a witty,often caustic remark 有力的24 peculiar = odd 奇特的 反驳,反击n. 25 vulnerability = weakness 弱点,攻击 9 caustic put-down 刻薄的贬低 26 insulting = offensive 侮辱的 10 zap : delete,clear,change 清除;改变v. 27 intimate = close 亲密的 11 void : vacancy空缺;空旷n. 28 alliance = union 结盟 12 form knit : become united 团结在一起 29 flame = attack =criticize 13 intimidate : threaten;frighten 恫吓;威胁 30 ally = friend 盟友 eg.intimidate sb into doing sth 31 block = hinder 阻挡 14 gadget : 小玩意 32 literally = actually 确实地,不加夸张地 15 hideous : terrible 骇人听闻的 33 acquaintance = familiarity 熟人 16 carnage : 大屠杀n. 34 void = blank 空白;空位 17 maim : to injure sb seriously;to disable sb 35 work at = care about 在乎 使残废vt. 36 come and go instantly = Eazy come,eazy go.来得快,去得也快。 二 课文中单词及短语 37 at my convenience 随我的心愿 1 in obsession with 沉迷,迷恋 38 loosely = freely 自由的 2 virtual friends on line = net friends 网友 39 when company arrives at the house. 3 Play is children?s work. work = nation company = people,vistor 天性 40 halt = pause;stop 暂停 4 outlook = opinion;view 世界观 41 courtesy = politeness 礼貌 5 coordination 协调能力 42 furious = very angry 愤怒的 6 solitary activities = do it alone 个体的,单43 persist in = insist on 坚持 独的 44 try to engage his attention. engage = 7 empathy = identification; understanding 认attract 同;理解 45 suck = absorb 吸收;吸引 8 amusing = interesting 46 crush = press 镇压 9 crudely = completely 完全地 47 devour = ruin 毁灭 10 desensitized = insensitive 麻木不仁(不敏48 awful = terrible 可怕的 感的) 11 make-believe = imaginary 想象中的


三 翻译

1 As amusing and ingenious as electronic entertainment can be, children—and the society they live in—are the losers when they rely on these forms of fun. Unlike traditional games and toys, “wired” entertainment encourages kids to be unimaginative, socially immature, and crudely desensitized to the world around them.电子游戏非常好玩而且设计得非常精巧,当孩子们依赖于这些娱乐形式时,他们以及他们赖以生存的社会都成了失败者。与传统的游戏和玩具不同的是,电子娱乐促使孩子们不去发挥想象力,社交不成熟,对周围世界麻木不仁。

2 The player is as much a tool of the game as the joystick. Her momentary fun is unsatisfying because it leads not to any genuine sense of achievement but only to the hypnotic experience of watching someone else?s creation unfold.玩家就像操纵杆一样,充其量就是个工具。他那瞬间的乐趣并不能令他满足,因为那样不能给他真正的成就感,只是糊里糊涂地看着别人的创造在一点点展现而已。 3 Yet we resist this truth and find it hard to imagine that our effect on the earth must now be measured by the same yardstick used to calculate the strength of the moon?s pull on the oceans or the force of the wind against the mountains.然而我们拒不接受这个事实,而且觉得很难想象如今必须用来衡量人类对地球影响的标准曾是人类来衡量月球引力对海洋的影响以及风力对山脉的作用。

Unit 8 14 account for = be responsible for 对…负有一 课后生词 责任 1 intercept = stop;seize 阻挡,拦截 15 contribute to = lead to 2 macrocosmic 宏观世界的;宇宙的 16 impact = influence 影响 3 insults = damage 破环 17 be akin to = be similar to 与…相似 4 urban sprawl 城市无限制的扩展 18 a wide divergence of oppinion. 5 die-off = die one by one 顺次死亡 divergence = difference 关于…意见分歧很大 6 machete = knife 19 adequately = enough 充分地 7 per-capita = of/for/by each person 人均adj. 20 decline = decrease 8 copious = opulent = plentiful 丰富的 21 abuse = bad use 滥用 9 undoing = the cause of ruin,failure 灭亡、失22 decent = adequate 适当的,足够的 败等的原因n. 23 necessitate = make … be necessary 使…10 frenzy = disturbance 狂乱 eg:① in the 成为必要 frenzy 在狂乱中 ② drive sb to frenzy 使24 oppress = crush 压迫 某人发狂 ③ be frenzied with joy 狂喜 ④ 25 conquest = victory 征服n. work oneself up into a frenzy 自己使自己26 plunder = rob 掠夺 忙得一团糟 27 a privileged layer of humanity. layer = 11 hubris = arrogance = pride 狂傲 part/section 28 generate = cause,lead to 二 课文中单词及短语 29 physiology = ecologic structure 生态结构 1 conceal = hide 掩盖 30 contamination = pollution 污染 2 exemplify = give an example 31 toxic = poison 有毒的 3 manifestation = expression 表现 32 turn out to be = give result of = end up with 4 merchandise = goods 结果证明 5 live out = die naturally 33 betray = trick 背叛,欺骗


6 biocide = pestcide 杀虫剂 7 lay people. lay = nonprofessional 非专业人士 8 lord = master 主人 9 turn back the clock = fight against natural selection 10 underlying = basic/fundamental 基本的,根本的 11 accompany = along with 伴随,陪同 12 stunning = surprising 令人吃惊的 13 sheer = only 三 翻译

34 barest = the most basic 35 pragmatic = practical 务实的 36 exact = carry out with force 强制实施 37 transformation = change 变革 38 solidarity = unity 团结一致 39 dimension = aspect 层面 40 accumulation = collection 物质积聚 41 inextricably = closely/tightly 42 what will become of sth = what will happen to sth 1 In a world where humans are the measure of all things, every unipue manifestation of life becomes merchandise and rare butterflies have little chance of living out their own evolutionary destiny.在人类决定一切的世界,每一个具有独特表现形式的生命都成了商品,稀有蝴蝶几乎没有机会完成他们的生命进化历程。

2 Sadly, such macrocosmic insults as dam construction, logging, the use of biocides, and urban sprawl function as a threat to butterflies and their habitat. And as a single moth goes, so may a flower, and other members of a small and complex community of life.令人悲哀的是诸如拦河筑坝,森林砍伐,使用生物杀虫剂,城市无限制地扩张,这些对宇宙大规模的破坏都对蝴蝶及其栖息地造成威胁,一只蝴蝶死了,一朵花也枯萎了,接着这种情况也会蔓延到这个小而复杂的生命群落中的其他成员。

3 To be sure, the ascending J-curve of rising human numbers, accompanying the destruction of countless other species, leaves a stunning impression.固然,人口数量的急剧攀升伴随着无数的其他物种灭绝,给人留下的是瞠目结舌的印象。

4 No thoughtful person could possibly doubt the disastrous effect such numbers will inevitably have on other species.一个深思熟虑的人可能毫不质疑如此众多的数量会不可避免地对其他物种所造成的灾难性影响。

5 This civilization?s arrogance is evident in our scientific tradition?s urge to expand what Francis Bacon called “the empire of man”.传统科学急于扩张培根提出的所谓“人类帝国”这是以说明人类文明的妄自尊大。

6 Our century has given a privileged layer of humanity an industrially organized life more opulent, more wasteful yet also more alienated and depressed than that of any ancient king.本世纪社会进入了工业组织化,特权阶层过上丰足而浪费的生活,然而这种生活使人感觉比古代帝王还要孤



7 And nothing can be done, North or South, without social strategies that create institutions to provide practical alternatives and thus opportunities for people to change.如果没有一些社会策略提供可供选择的办法或改变,无论是南半球还是北半球都将一事无成

1. In 1870s, sugar-cane planters in Jamaica were losing about a fifth of their crops to rats, and a planter brought mongooses from India in hopes that they would prey on the rats. Within a few years the number of rats had drooped dramatically, the rats became harder to find. Then the mongooses began eating native mammals, ground-nesting birds, snakes, lizards, land crabs, and anything else they could find. They even took to eating sugar cane. Some of the creatures they wiped out had been usefulcontrols on insect numbers, and the insect damage to sugar cane increased. The mongooses themselves became pests in need of control.19世纪70年代,由于田鼠成灾,牙买加的甘蔗种植者损失了约五分之一的甘蔗。一位种植者从印度带来了猫釉,希望它们能够捕杀田鼠。几年之内,田鼠骤然减少,很难见到它们的踪影了,于是猫釉开始捕食其他的哺乳动物、栖居地面的鸟类、蛇、蜥蜴、陆地蟹和所能找到的任何东西,甚至开始吃甘蔗,他们所消灭的有些生物原来是有益于控制昆虫数量的,而现在那些昆虫对甘蔗所造成的损害却加剧了,这样猫釉本身就成了与要加以控制的有害动物。

2. People do learn from their mistakes, and experiences with mongoose and other introduced organisms led to the passage of strict laws controlling the importation of plants and animals to the United States. The idea of using parasites and predators to control pests has not been abandoned; it is just done with much greater care and advance study. This method of limiting the number of pests is called biological control, and there is hope that it will someday eliminate the need for many of the insect poisons used today.从自己的错误中吸收了教训,引进猫釉及其他有机生物的失败经历最终使严格控制动植物进口美国的法律得以通过。以寄生物和食肉动物来控制害虫的想法并没有被完全抛弃,只不过现在人们更加谨慎,而且要事先做好研究。这种控制害虫的方法被称为生物控制,希望有一天能够彻底解除对我们今天所使用的杀虫剂的要求。

3.Human beings are now altering the basic physiology of the planet, Industril smog can be found everywhere over the oceans, and weather patterns are so distorted that climatologists now disscuss ”climate death”. Industrial contamination is pervasive, even in the gat cells of Antarctic penguins. The rain is not only acid but toxic. Whether industrialism warms or cools the atmosphere its chemical experiment threatens to change life in ways barely imaginable, but undoubtedly for the worse. 人类正改变着我们这颗星球的基本生理系统。工业烟雾四处弥漫,远及大洋,天气样品无章可寻,以至于气候学家现在也探讨“气候的极度恶化”问题。工业污染无孔不入,甚至残留于南极洲企鹅的脂肪细胞中。雨不仅仅呈酸性而且有毒。无论工业主义使大气变暖还是



4.The worst of these unintended ye harmful consepuences arise when introduced exotic species put native species in jeopardy by preying on them. This can alter the natural habitat and can cause a greater competition for food. Species have been biologically introduced to environments all over the world, and the most destructive effects have occurred on islands. Introduced insects, rats, pigs, cats, and other foreign species have actually caused the endangerment and extinction of hundreds of species during the past five centuries. Exotic species are certainly a factor leading to endangerment.这种纯属无意但危害最大的结果是,引入的外来物种捕食本土物种,迫使后者陷入生存险境。此举改变了自然栖息地并引起更为严重的食物之争。出于生物学的原因,物种会被引入到世界各地并可能造成毁灭性打击,尤以岛屿环境为甚。在过去的500年中,引入的虫、鼠、猪、猫等其他外来生物已经危及甚至灭绝了上万物种。显然外来物种是导致物种濒危的因素。

Unit 9 5 aspire to = desire to 渴望做某事 一 课后生词 6 depletion = waste 损耗 1 binding = must be obeyed 应遵守的 eg. sth 7 microscopic = very small/tiny 极微小的 is binding on sb 某事对某人有约束力 8 combustion = burning 2 tout = promote 兜售 9 downcycling 下降型循环 3 adamant = determined 下定决心的 10 over time = for a period of time 4 plainly put = briefly speaking 简而言之 11 retrieve = get back 取回 5 hybrid = mixture 混合物 12 regenerative = reborn 再生的 5 curtail = limit 限制 13 perspective = opinion 观点 6 lease = rent 租出 14 cradle-to-grave = lifelong 一生的 15 technical metabolism = zero-waste 二 课文中单词及短语 technology 无废技术 1 eco-efficiency 生态效能; eco-effectiveness 16 hold true for = suit 适用 生态效益 17 literally = actually/ totally/completely 完2 sustainable 可持续的 全 3 novel = new and attractive 新颖的 18 consist of = be composed of 由…组成 4 catchy = eazy to remember 容易记的 19 embed = fix firmly 使…嵌入 eg. be embedded in the memory 深留记忆中的 20 retain = keep 保留,保持 三 翻译

1. This paper reviews experimental economic research on the use of rebate rules in providing and valuing threshold public goods, which are goods that cannot be provided in part, but only in whole after a certain cost, called a provision point or threshold, is covered. If fundraising efforts meet or exceed the provision point, then the public good is provided; otherwise, it is not. Many public goods are of the threshold type, including bridges, lighthouses, and specific plots of land for conservation programs and public parks. It would not make much sense to provide 1/2 a bridge or 1/3 of a corridor needed to connect two conservation areas for the movement of wildlife


in a conservation reserve network. In the event total contributions collected exceed the provision point, rebate rules determine the fate of excess contributions. The paper argues that there are two general uses for rebate rules in natural resources management. One is in raising the funds to protect natural resources through the purchase of land or the purchase of development rights, while the other is in valuing natural resources. The paper briefly reviews the use of rebate rules in validity tests of the contingent valuation method, a survey method widely used to estimate the value of natural resources under realistic, but hypothetical, conditions.

Key words: contingent valuation, experimental economics, natural resources, public good, rebate rule

这篇文章回顾了有关退还规则在提供和评价基础公共产品中所发挥的作用的试验经济研究,基础公共产品不能部分提供,而只能超过某种供应点或基础成本之后全部提供。如果筹资的结果达到或超过提供点,那么就可以提供公共产品,否则就不提供,许多社会公共产品都属于基础型的,包括桥梁、灯塔、公园用地和专门用于建保护区的用地等。如果想让野生动物在连片的保护区中自由迁移、活动,而连接两个保护区的桥梁只建成一半或过道只建好三分之一,那种建设是没有多大意义的。如果捐款总额超过了供应点,那退还规则就决定了超过的那部分该如何使用。本文认为,在自然资源的管理上,退还规则主要起到两种作用。一是通过筹集资金以购买土地或购买发展权来保护自然资源,另外一个就是评价自然资源的价值。在真实条件下,同时也在理论假设的条件下,条件价值评估这种调查方法,广泛运用于评估自然资源的价值。本文主要探讨了在条件价值评估的有效性测试中退还规则所起的作用。 关键词:条件价值评估,试验经济学,自然资源,公益退还规则。

2. In this study, a paired—comparison method for which we designed an Internet questionnaire was applied to evaluate the relative monetary values for forest public goods and services which have no defined market value or no known monetary value. Through a series of interactive paierd comparisons for a given set of elements, which were mixtures forest public goods and services, private goods possessing market value, which were mixtures forest public goods and services, private goods possessing market value, and sums of money,the importance levels and preferences were ranked, and the relative monetary values were evaloated. The results indicated that the preferences for forest public goods and services from high to low were ranked as water resources resevoir, soil stabilization and land erosion control, biodiversity conservation, carbon sequestration, and ecotourism offerings. The relative nonetary values of water resources reservoir and soil stabilization and erosion cotrol were both higher than the compared private goods, but not higher than some sums of real money. The preferences appeared to be influenced by an individual?s age, educational level, and persona income.

Key words: paired comparison, preference rank, environmental public good, forest public goods and services, monetary value, nonmarket benefit.





Unit 10 一 课后生词 三 翻译 1 respondent 问卷调查答复者 1. aerobacteriology 大气细菌学 2 compulsory = required 必须做的,有义务的 eg. compulsory course 必修课; 2. eco-tourism. 生态旅游 compulsory education 义务教育 3. semianaerobic incubation 半缺氧状态 3 privilege = have advantage over most others 4. CPU 中央处理器 (centrual processing unit) with sth 对…享有特权vt./n. 4 proponent = supporter/advocator 支持者;5. CDMA(code-division multiple access) 码分提倡者 5 appeal to = be attractive or interesting to sb 多址技术 对某人有吸引力;使某人感兴趣vi. 6. demophobia 惧拥挤症 6 contradict = be contrary to/ conflict with 7. random error 随机误差 与…相反;与…相矛盾 7 integrate = combine 合并vt. eg. ① 8. B.Eng.Bachelor of Engineering 工程学士 integrate all the children into society 把孩子与社会一体 ② integrate theory with 9. ad patres(Latin) 死亡(法律) practice 把理论与实践相结合 10. Morse code 摩尔斯式代码 8 per se = itself 本身 9 arena 舞台,活动场所 eg. political arena 非典 SARS 股东权益 shareholders? Equity政界 失业救济 unemployment benefit电子支票 二 课文中单词及短语 1 in the demostic context = at home 2 propose = suggest 推荐 3 overwhelmingly = mostly 4 with respect to = concerning 关于 5 interpersonal interaction 人际交往互动 electronic check 地球资料卫星 earth resources satellite生物经济 bioeconomy 太阳能 solar energy网络综合证 net synthesis阳光政策 sunshine policy载人航天 manned space flight 1. figure 1 shows that more men had access both at work than women. The gender gap is roughly 10%. 78% of men but only 67% of women had access at home, 38% of men and 27% of women had access at wok, and 26% of women and 16% of men had no access. The data therefore identifies


a situation of unequal access to ICT hardware.

图示1 显示,男性在家和工作单位使用计算机的途径比女性多,其性别差约为10%,有28%的男性,而女性只有67% 可以在家使用计算机;可以在工作单位使用计算机的男性为38%,女性仅为27%;无法使用计算机的分别是女性26%,男性16%。因此,这些数据表明,在使用信息通讯技术的硬件方面还存在不平等的情况。

2. More important, the number of people claiming incapacity benefits has risen since 1997 and, at 2.7m, now dwafs the total claiming unemployment benefit. The govemment reckons that around 1m of the incapacity claimants could work if they wanted to. Meanwhile the number of jobless lone parents has declined fairly modestly to 800,000.


3. There are political penalties, too, which worry Labor. A third of poor children are being brought up by workless lone parents. Unless more of them find jobs, the govemment will be hard-pressed to meet its much-trumpeted target to reduce child poverty. Ministers also fear a backlash from voters fed up with paying for the work-shy. John Hutton, the work and pensions secretary, has said that welfare reforms must “confront head-on the ?can work, won?t work culture? in our country” . 令工党头疼的还有政治方面的惩罚。1/3贫困孩子正生活在没有工作的单亲家庭。除非他们当中有更多人找到工作,否则政府就要被迫面临减少儿童贫困这样十分棘手的难题。大臣们同样担心,给那些懒得工作的人埋单会招致选民戳脊梁骨。就业与养老保障大臣约翰 休顿曾说,社会福利改革要“针对我国 ?能工作而不愿工作的社会文化?”。

As novel as eco-efficiency may have seemed at the Earth Summit in 1992, its roots go back to early industrialization. Henry Ford saved his company money by recycling, and reusing materials, reduced the use of natural resources, minimized packaging, and set new standards with his timesaving assembly line back in 1926. 生态效能这个概念在1992年的地球峰会上也许显得很新颖,但它的起源可以追溯到早期的工业化时期。亨利·福特早在1926年时就通过循环使用和再利用原材料、减少使用自然资源、包装最小化、对省时的流水线设定新标准等方法为他的公司节省金钱。

The data was analysed by gender and demonstrates some significant gender inequa?lities in access to, and use of, information and communication technologies (ICTs) both in the work and domestic context. These media are proposed as main delivery and support media for adult students. Gender inequality is therefore of serious concern. 这份以性别为基础来分析的数据表明了在工作和家庭环境中,在能够接触和使用信息通讯技术方面的性别不平等。信息通讯技术被建议作为成人学生获取学习信息的主要传播和支撑媒介,因此该方面的性别不平等应得到认真的关注。


