
更新时间:2023-09-03 06:32:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载







第一幕朴 (擦着眼镜,看四周的家俱)这屋子的家俱 多半是你生母顶喜欢的东西。我从南边移到北边, 搬了多少次家,总是不肯丢下的。(戴上眼镜, 咳嗽一声)这屋子排的样子,我愿意总是三十年 前的老样子,这叫我的眼看着舒服一点。(踱到 桌前,看桌上的相片)你的生母永远喜欢夏天把 窗户关上的。 萍 (强笑着)不过,爸爸,纪念母亲也不必- -朴 (突然抬起头来)我听人说你现在做了一 件很对不起自己的事情。 萍 (惊)什--什么? 朴 (低声走到萍的面前)你知道你现在做的事 是对不起你的父亲么?并且--(停)--对不 起你的母亲么?


萍 (失措)爸爸。 朴 (仁慈地,拿着萍的手)你是我的长子,我 不愿意当着人谈这件事。(停,喘一口气严厉地) 我听说我在外边的时候,你这两年来在家里很不 规矩。 萍 (更惊恐)爸,没有的事,没有,没有。 朴 一个人敢做一件事就要当一件事。 萍 (失色)爸! 朴 公司的人说你总是在跳舞窝里鬼混,尤其是 这三个月,喝酒,赌钱,整夜地不回家。 萍 哦,(喘出一口气)您说的是-- 朴 这些事是真的么?(半晌)说实话!


萍 真的,爸爸。(红了脸) 朴 将近三十的人应当懂得“自爱”!--你还记得你的 将近三十的人应当懂得“自爱” 名为什么叫萍吗? 萍 记得。 朴 你自己说一遍。 萍 那是因为母亲叫侍萍,母亲临死,自己替我起的名字。 朴 那我请你为你的生母,你把现在的行为完全改过来。 萍 是,爸爸,那是我一时的荒唐。 [鲁贵有书房上。贵 老,老,老爷。客 --等,等,等了好半天啦。 朴 知道。 [鲁贵退。 朴 我的家庭是我人为最圆满,最有秩序的家庭,我的儿 子我也认为都还是健全的子弟,我教育出来的孩子,我绝 对不愿叫任何人说他们一点闲话的。


ThunderstormCao Yu Act one Chou Puyuan: (still wiping his spectacles, and looking all round at the furniture) Most of the things in this room were your own mother’s favourites. That’s why, when mother’ That’ we moved up here from the south, and all the times we’ we’ve moved house since then, I’ve never been able to I’ bring myself to part with any of it. (He puts on his spectacles and cough) I want the furniture in this room kept just the way it was arranged thirty years ago. It makes me feel better to see it like that. (He strolls across to the bureau and looks at the photograph on it) Your own mother always liked the windows closed in summer.


ThunderstormChou Ping: (with a forced smile) Though even if you do want to keep up Mother’s memory, I Mother’ still don’t see why you’ve got to— don’ you’ to— Chou Puyuan: (suddenly loo

king up) I hear you’ you’ve been behaving rather discreditably. Chou Ping: (alarmed) Wh—What! Wh— Chou Puyuan: (walking up to him) Do you realize that what you’re doing is a disgrace to you’ your father? And also (pause)—to your mother? (pause)— Chou Ping: (beginning to panic) Father!


ThunderstormChou Puyuan: (kindly) You’re my eldest son, and You’ I don’t think this need go any farther than the don’ two of us. (He pauses a moment, then his voice becomes stern) I hear your private life’s been life’ highly irregular while I’ve been away these last I’ two years. Chou Ping: (with growing alarm) Oh, no, Father, it just isn’t true! isn’ Chou Puyuan: If a man takes a risk, he must be prepared to accept the consequences. Chou Ping: (the colour draining from his cheeks) Father!


ThunderstormChou Puyuan: They told me at Head Office that you spend all your time hanging around the dancedance-halls, and that the last two or three months you’ve got worse: out all night drinking you’ and gambling. Chou Ping: Oh, that. (With obvious relief) You mean— mean— Chou Puyuan: Is all this true? (After a long pause) Come on, I want the truth! Chou Ping: It’s quite true, Father. (He blushes) It’ Chou Puyuan: A man approaching thirty should have learned a certain amount of self-respect!— self-respect!— Do you remember why you were named Ping?


ThunderstormChou Ping: Yes. Chou Puyuan: Tell me why, then. Chou Ping: It’s because Mother’s name was It’ Mother’ ShihShih-ping. She gave me the name “Ping” herself, Ping” on her death-bed. deathChou Puyuan: Then perhaps you’ll mend your you’ ways out of respect for your own mother. Chou Ping: I will, Father. It was only a momentary lapse. (Lu Kuei enters from the study) Lu Kuei: Excuse me, sir, but the visitor’s— visitor’ er—he’s been here some time now. er—he’


ThunderstormChou Puyuan: All right. (Lu Kuei withdraws) Chou Puyuan: I pride myself on having one of the most satisfactory and well-behaved families wellpossible, and I think my sons are both good, healthy lads. I’ve brought the two of you up, I’ and I won’t have you giving anybody an excuse won’ to gossip about you. (王佐良 巴恩斯 译)

