
更新时间:2023-03-08 04:58:19 阅读量: 外语学习 文档下载



1、各班级每天早自习将当天所需要背诵过的英文句子写在黑板上,有英语课代表负责领读,全班需要背诵。各位同学准备好本子抄写,做好笔记。 2、课间操做操结束后,有广播站成员领读,全校进行当天英文句子诵读。 3、英语老师协助学生会学习部定期对学生的记忆情况进行检查,并记入班级量化分数中。 1号(周三)

1、您好,这边请!Hello, this way, please. 2、您好,请您拿好!Hello, take care of it.

3、您好,有什么需要帮忙的吗? Hello, What can I do for you? 4、请您稍等下,我查一下。 Please wait a moment, I’ll check. 5、你好,所有的航班都已经满了。Sorry,all the flights are already full. 2号(周四)

1、很高兴为您服务。I’m happy to serve you. 2、您想要飞往哪里?Where do you want to fly?

3、您想要头等舱、公务舱、还是经济舱?Do you want a first class, business class or economy class ticket?

4、请告诉我您的姓名及护照号。Please tell me your name and passport number. 5、祝您旅途愉快。I hope you have a pleasant trip. 3号(周五)

1、请问,您乘坐的是几等舱?What class are you flying in? 2、我想更改航班日期。I want to change the dates of my flight.

3、抱歉,您不能更改航班日期,您买的是特价票。Sorry, you can’t change your flight date. Your ticket is a special fare.

4、您想排在候补名单上吗?Would you like to try the waiting list? 6号(周一)

1、我能看一下您的航班信息吗? May I see your flight information first? 2、您应该在国内航站楼24号登机口登机。You should board at Gate 24, domestic terminal.

3、向西走50米,然后左转,就到了。Go west for 50meters and then turn left,there it is.

4、沿着这条路直走,在路的尽头右转,您就能看到24号登机口的标志了。 Walk straight this way, turn right at the end,then you will see the sign of gate 24. 7号(周二)

1、我不太了解,您问一下那边的工作人员吧。I’ve no idea.please ask the clerk over there.

2、抱歉,我不能离岗,不过我可以指给你看。Sorry,I can’t leave here. But I can show you the way.

3、您误机了。You are late for your flight.

4、我想您可以改签到别的航班。You could change to another flight. 8号(周三)机场播音 女士们,先生们,早上好:

飞往纽约的国航CA981次航班现在开始办理登机手续,请旅客们拿好行李和机票,到国航14号值机柜台办理。谢谢。 Good morning,ladies and gentlemen:

Air china flight CA 981 to New York is now ready for check-in.Passengers on that flight please have your baggage and your ticket ready and proceed to the Air China counter14. Thank you. 9号(周四)

1、请您关注您的航班最新广播。Please listen to the latest announcement about your flight.

2、延误是由于大雨造成的。 The delay is due to the heavy rain. 3、我们很抱歉的通知您,由于出现机械故障,您的航班延误了。

We are sorry to inform you that due to technical reasons, your flight has been delayed.

4、我们正在等待天气好转。We are waiting for the weather to improve.


1、您旅行的目的是什么?What’s the purpose of your visit? 2、您携带违禁品了吗?Have you any contraband with you?

3、您携带任何酒类或香烟了吗?do you have any liquor or cigarettes? 4、请出示您的申报单。Please show me your declaration form. 5、您的座位是靠窗的。Your seat is by the window.


1. May I have your name, please? 能告诉我你的名字吗? 2. May I have your ticket and passport, please? 我能看看您的护照和机票么?

3. It’s my pleasure. Have a nice trip. 我的荣幸。旅途愉快! 4. Which flight are you taking? 你们乘坐的是哪个航班? 5. You are welcome. 不客气。 6.14

1. What can I do for you? 有什么可以为您效劳的呢? 2. I am sorry for the inconvenience. 对于给您带来的不便深表遗憾。

3. You may change to the next flight. 您可以改签下一趟航班。 4. That’s all settled. 好的,都弄好了。

5. Thanks for your understanding and cooperation. 谢谢您的理解与合作。 6.15

1. Here’s your boarding pass. 这是您的登记卡。

2. How many suitcases do you want to check in? 您要托运几个箱子?

3. Take care of your ticket and passport. 拿好您的机票和护照。

4. You need repacking your case, for it requires strict packing. 您需要重新打包,因为这种行李对打包要求很高。 5. Any checked baggage? 有什么行李要托运吗? 6.16

1. Please show me your boarding card and passport. 请出示您的登记卡和护照。

2. You should go through the passport control and security check.


3.The security check is carried out for the passenger’s own safety.


4. Anyone who refuses that will not be allowed to board the flight.


5. Please put your carry-on baggage on this belt. 请把您随身行李放在这个传送带上。 6.17

1. Please put your passport and boarding pass in this basket. 请把您的护照和登机牌放在这个筐子里。

2. Thanks for your cooperation. 谢谢您的合作。 3. Turn around, please. 请转身。

4. For your safety sake, we should have a check. 考虑到您的安全,我们必须检查。 6.20

1. Please go through the gate one by one. 请一个接一个地通过安检门。

2. Excuse me, sir. What’s in your pocket? Please take it out. 不好意思,先生。 您的口袋里有什么东西?请拿出来。 3. Please put down your luggage on the conveyor belt. 请把您的行李放在传送带上。

4. Please open your luggage, I will have a check. 请打开您的行李,我要检查。 6.21

1. Do you have knives, scissors, or any dangerous goods in the checked baggage?


2. Whether there is anything needing special treatment? 里面有没有东西需要特别处理的? 3. Wait a moment, I will check it. 请稍等,我查一下。 6.22

1. Take out all articles in your pockets, such as cigarettes, keys, lighters, cell phone. Then put them in the basket. 请把口袋里所有物品拿出来,比如香烟、钥匙、打火机、手机等。然后放入蓝子中。

2. Please line up in order and cooperate with us to have a check. Thank you. 请大家依次排好队,配合我们的检查工作,谢谢合作。 3. If you don’t have any forbidden articles, it will be very quick.

如果您没有携带什么违禁物品, 那就非常快。




2. Whether there is anything needing special treatment? 里面有没有东西需要特别处理的? 3. Wait a moment, I will check it. 请稍等,我查一下。 6.22

1. Take out all articles in your pockets, such as cigarettes, keys, lighters, cell phone. Then put them in the basket. 请把口袋里所有物品拿出来,比如香烟、钥匙、打火机、手机等。然后放入蓝子中。

2. Please line up in order and cooperate with us to have a check. Thank you. 请大家依次排好队,配合我们的检查工作,谢谢合作。 3. If you don’t have any forbidden articles, it will be very quick.

如果您没有携带什么违禁物品, 那就非常快。



